replaxing roibert e lee statute with slave statue

And you'll continue to sit there and do nothing. But I'm sure the FBI is already tracking you.

The FBI needs to be tracking all the goddamn Negroes that were looting, murdering, destroying and being insurrectionists in over 200 American cities for six months.

However, since the Democrat filth stole the election they won't won't be assigned to do that, will they?

isnt that a bit hyporcritical?
The Lee statue represents fear, ignorance, treason, racism, bigoty, and hate; it was replaced with a monument to freedom and liberation from slavery, a monument celebrating the defeat of the lawless Southern rebellion which sought to defend slavery and keep Americans of color in bondage.
When did I ever say I wanted that, you dumb piece of shit?
Hey jerk. You can pull down every statue on the planet if you want to help protect your delicate snowflake feelings about an event two centuries old but it won't change a thing. History is history, and you are flaming bunghole asshole. BORN that way and you'll die that way. You are too dull to even think up an interesting and original moniker! So you hide behind your pathetic jogn doe. :laughing0301:

Hey jerk. You can pull down every statue on the planet if you want to help protect your delicate snowflake feelings about an event two centuries old but it won't change a thing. History is history, and you are flaming bunghole asshole. BORN that way and you'll die that way. You are too dull to even think up an interesting and original moniker! So you hide behind your pathetic jogn doe. :laughing0301:

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You are right. History is history. Most people have enough common sense not to celebrate the abhorrent parts of their country's history. But not you animals. You want to wallow in it. Because you are morally bankrupt. And yes, we will pull down every statue celebrating the Confederacy. It's only just begun.

Oh wait you are the dumbass who thinks you can prove something that doesnt exist. Enough said.
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Most people have enough common sense not to celebrate the abhorrent parts of their country's history.
Who is celebrating anything? The problem is YOU and your poor, triggered snowflake feelings worrying about a 100 year old bronze statue sitting in a park collecting bird droppings.

But not you animals. You want to wallow in it.
I thought wallowing was more a family history for you.

And yes, we will pull down every statue celebrating the Confederacy. It's only just begun.
You can try. They will be re-erected in the future one day when you fascists are defeated and free society reigns again free of all you comedy college socialist moonbats. You actually think moving a statue from a park to some museum proves you are not racist, when you are more racist than anyone I know.

Oh wait you are the dumbass who thinks you can prove something that doesnt exist. Enough said.
What doesn't exist? The Great Lie? The debunking of the election fraud claims? Idiot, these have already been proven false. You can't produce a single shred of how, when or where any of the fraud claims were ever debunked! You were born a liar and you lie so much, you don't know your ass from a hole in the wall. The election was stolen, and it has ALREADY BEEN ADMITTED TO many times over as I just detailed again in another thread! YOU LOSE, BUTTCAKE! :laugh2:
Wrong. Statues are built to commemorate bad people doing bad things? What alternate reality do you live in? You're an absolute moron. You and I both know why these Confederate Statues were put up in the early 20th century and the mid 20th century. And stop pretending its to give people their history lesson for the day you dumb slob.

In regards to your 2nd point, like I said these statues that were put up mainly in the early 20th century had NOTHING to do with civil war history lessons. They were put up to remind blacks of their place in society at the time.
Statues, like Robert E. Lee were put up to commemorate influential individuals from the past. You know like this:


He was chosen as Time's "Person of the Year" in 1939. No one tore down his statues or burned all the Time magazines.

That you disagree and want to tear them down and virtually erase history tells volumes about your abject denial of history and your refusal to even see anything that might trigger your little brain.
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Who is celebrating anything? The problem is YOU and your poor, triggered snowflake feelings worrying about a 100 year old bronze statue sitting in a park collecting bird droppings.
In your opinion, why are statues erected? Who is celebrating? The racists that put the statues in the parks in the early and mid 20th century.

You can try. They will be re-erected in the future one day when you fascists are defeated and free society reigns again free of all you comedy college socialist moonbats.
You're delusional. Racists like you are dying off. Oh and I guess now would be a good time to ask you why you have a second username on here where you are pretending to be a female.

Actually you lost. Biden is President, not Trump. You sure do talk about butts a lot though.
Statues, like Robert E. Lee were put up to commemorate influential individuals from the past. You know like this:

View attachment 543804
He was chosen as Time's "Person of the Year" in 1939. No one tore down his statues or burned all the Time magazines.

That you disagree and want to tear them down and virtually erase history tells volumes about your abject denial of history and your refusal to even see anything that might trigger your little brain.
LOL you comparing a permanent fixture in a public park to a magazine article by a privately run company. I never suggested burning magazines or books. Quite the opposite in fact.

Take a look where Stalin statues are, dummy.

Look up the meaning of "commemorate" in the Oxford dictionary you dumb piece of shit. Guess what word is used in the definition of "commemorate". It's the word CELEBRATE. God, you dumb pieces of shit just wallow in your stupidity.
LOL you comparing a permanent fixture in a public park to a magazine article by a privately run company. I never suggested burning magazines or books. Quite the opposite in fact.

Take a look where Stalin statues are, dummy.

Look up the meaning of "commemorate" in the Oxford dictionary you dumb piece of shit. Guess what word is used in the definition of "commemorate". It's the word CELEBRATE. God, you dumb pieces of shit just wallow in your stupidity.
Nevertheless an American magazine 'celebrated' (to use your term) Stalin. No one advocated burning all the Time magazines. Burning magazines and books is no different philosophically.

You need to take some American English lessons. We just 'commemorated' 9/11 and we 'commemorate' 9/11 with the twin beams. I don't know your native language but it must not be American English....According to Merriam-Webster, the word commemorate means 'call to remembrance' or 'observe' or serve as a memorial. It doesn't give 'celebrate' as the only definition, you are applying that definition yourself and ignoring all the others. BTW I have no problem with a statue of freed slaves, but why do you silly, brainwashed American hating fuckwads insist on tearing down statues? Real Americans can live with both. However, you just keep wallowing in YOUR stupidity you 'dumb piece of shit.'

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Statues, like Robert E. Lee were put up to commemorate influential individuals from the past.

People erect statues to commemorate notable events and figures in history, not to celebrate them saying they were right or good. The sad fact is that the other 95% of General Lee's life made him an outstanding American and patriot. The sad fact is that it was the democrats who created the KKK and fueled slavery and they are still at it today trying to keep the black man dependent on them and their programs. The sad fact is that had the North allowed the South to secede, they probably would have moved to abolish slavery naturally on their own in another 20-50 years anyway.

The North went to war with the south to stop succession for one reason only: TO KEEP THE LAND AND RESOURCES. It wasn't about slaves. Having won the war, they continued their own form of slavery for another hundred years anyway! Even to this day. The Left still tries to enslave minds AND bodies. Now they use technology like FB and the news media and government incentives instead of guns and whips.

Just who was Robert E Lee, so reviled by the woke Left now?
  1. A son of a Revolutionary War officer.
  2. Top graduate of the United States Military Academy and an exceptional officer and military engineer in the United States Army for 32 years.
  3. Lee served as an assistant in the chief engineer's office in Washington, D.C. from 1834 to 1837.
  4. As a first lieutenant of engineers in 1837, he supervised the engineering work for St. Louis harbor and for the upper Mississippi and Missouri rivers.
  5. Distinguished himself during the Mexican–American War and served as Superintendent of the United States Military Academy.
  6. Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant met and worked with each other during the Mexican–American War.
  7. Lee married the adopted great-granddaughter of George Washington.
  8. Lee surveyed and updated maps of Florida.
  9. Lee in his well-known analysis of slavery from an 1856 letter called it a moral and political evil.
  10. Lee was against the succession and the war, his desire was for the country to remain intact. Lee correctly predicted the war to be protracted and devastating.
  11. He privately opposed the new Confederate States of America in letters in early 1861, denouncing secession as "nothing but revolution" and an unconstitutional betrayal of the efforts of the Founding Fathers.
  12. Lee became president of Washington College.
  13. Lee supported reconciliation between North and South. His military service and position forced him into the war he did not want.
  14. As commander of the Army of Northern Virginia, he fought most of his battles against armies of significantly larger size, and managed to win many of them.
  15. In 1866 Lee counseled southerners not to resume fighting.
  16. Robert E. Lee has been commemorated on U.S. postage stamps at least five times.
  17. Lee opposed the construction of public memorials to Confederate rebellion on the grounds that they would prevent the healing of wounds inflicted during the war.
  18. Many colleges, institutions and other affairs to this day have been named after Lee.
Robert E Lee was a great American, patriot and military man, far greater than our president of today is now. His only failing in life was when succession came about against his wishes and the war forced upon him by the North, he let his loyalty sway him to side with his home state, forever labeling him with the ignorant, uneducated Left of today as a traitor 200 years in the future so that they could tear down statues he was was against ever being built in their futile attempt to convince themselves they are good, non-racist people.

General Lee, a great man and patriot, who was dragged into a war he didn't want, started by the North.
Actually you lost. Biden is President, not Trump.

Pig Dropping, We all lost. When elections are stolen to promote radical ideological change, no one wins. Especially with a piece of shit like Joe Biddum. You most of all for not having even the brains to understand it.
It wasn't about slaves.
You've obviously never read a single Articles of Secession from any state.

His only failing in life was when succession came about against his wishes and the war forced upon him by the North
The North didnt secede, you dumb piece of shit. You try so hard to fit everything into your warped view of the world. I'll give you one other failing in his life....he was a slave owner. Who treated his slaves poorly.

We (meaning sane people) just have to realize you are human garbage that nobody should interact with on here. So long sir. Or is it ma'am? I cant keep track of which one you are trying to be.
Pig Dropping, We all lost. When elections are stolen to promote radical ideological change, no one wins. Especially with a piece of shit like Joe Biddum. You most of all for not having even the brains to understand it.
One last thing.....Dont EVER group me in with yourself in ANYTHING. You are a vile piece of human shit.
You've obviously never read a single Articles of Secession from any state.
Hey shitferbrains, learn to read then shaddap.

The North didnt secede, you dumb piece of shit.
I never said the north did, you idiot moron, LEARN TO FUCKING READ then shaddap.

You try so hard to fit everything into your warped view of the world.
You are so stupid you think a ruler is warped. LEARN TO READ IMBECILE THEN SHADDAP.

I'll give you one other failing in his life....he was a slave owner.
And he routinely denounced it and was against slavery. Things were changing already and had the North just kept their stupid hands out of it, slavery would have resolved itself on its own, instead, the North forced the Civil War on the country killing hundreds of thousands of good American boys.

We (meaning sane people)
Do you have a document certifying your "sanity?" I want to know so I know which institution to close for abject incompetence.

just have to realize you are human garbage
Better to be garbage than an idiot garbage eater and garbage spewer like you!

that nobody should interact with on here.
Eat ass and die.

So long sir. Or is it ma'am?
Figures a clueless lying twisted fuck like you can't even tell the masculine from the feminine. Good luck living in your closed bubble universe of leftwing bullshit! Bye!
You've obviously never read a single Articles of Secession from any state.

The North didnt secede, you dumb piece of shit. You try so hard to fit everything into your warped view of the world. I'll give you one other failing in his life....he was a slave owner. Who treated his slaves poorly.

We (meaning sane people) just have to realize you are human garbage that nobody should interact with on here. So long sir. Or is it ma'am? I cant keep track of which one you are trying to be.
toobfreak never said the North seceded you fuckwad, shitforbrains, shitstain. And now you've been educated on the meaning of commemorate, yet here you are blabbering the same verbal excrement.

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