REPORT: Clarence Thomas May Retire After 2016 Election

Justice Clarence Thomas, a reliable conservative vote on the Supreme Court, is mulling retirement after the presidential election, according to court watchers.

Thomas, appointed by former President George H.W. Bush and approved by the Senate after a bitter confirmation, has been considering retirement for a while and never planned to stay until he died, they said. He likes to spend summers in his RV with his wife.

His retirement would have a substantial impact on control of the court. The next president is expected to immediately replace the seat opened by the death of conservative Justice Antonin Scalia, providing a one-vote edge in the court that is currently divided 4-4.

Should Thomas leave, that slight majority would continue if Donald Trump becomes president. If it's Hillary Clinton, then she would get the chance to flip two Republican seats, giving the liberals a 6-3 majority.

And, conservatives fear, that could switch to a 7-2 majority if Republican Justice Anthony Kennedy, already a swing vote, retires. He will be 80 next year.

We recently reported that if Clinton wins the presidency, her majority liberal court could stay in power at least until 2050.

REPORT: Clarence Thomas May Retire After 2016 Election

Now it's even more important that Hillary becomes president. Hillary could possibly nominate THREE justices to the Supreme Court.

I hope Gary Johnson win in November...

Well, with something like 5%, wowee zowee, he's practically in the Oval Office.

As for Clarence Thomas - good riddance.

Some porch monkey not yielding to your lily white will? Can't happen, can it, Grand Wizard? You need darkies who know their place, doing your bidding. It's hilarious when you call anyone a racist, Archie Bunker, you're the worst
Justice Clarence Thomas, a reliable conservative vote on the Supreme Court, is mulling retirement after the presidential election, according to court watchers.

Thomas, appointed by former President George H.W. Bush and approved by the Senate after a bitter confirmation, has been considering retirement for a while and never planned to stay until he died, they said. He likes to spend summers in his RV with his wife.

His retirement would have a substantial impact on control of the court. The next president is expected to immediately replace the seat opened by the death of conservative Justice Antonin Scalia, providing a one-vote edge in the court that is currently divided 4-4.

Should Thomas leave, that slight majority would continue if Donald Trump becomes president. If it's Hillary Clinton, then she would get the chance to flip two Republican seats, giving the liberals a 6-3 majority.

And, conservatives fear, that could switch to a 7-2 majority if Republican Justice Anthony Kennedy, already a swing vote, retires. He will be 80 next year.

We recently reported that if Clinton wins the presidency, her majority liberal court could stay in power at least until 2050.

REPORT: Clarence Thomas May Retire After 2016 Election

Now it's even more important that Hillary becomes president. Hillary could possibly nominate THREE justices to the Supreme Court.

Why does a Lakota support government gun grab
Because the Washington redskin is a politically correct pussy whipped bitch...
Justice Clarence Thomas, a reliable conservative vote on the Supreme Court, is mulling retirement after the presidential election, according to court watchers.

Thomas, appointed by former President George H.W. Bush and approved by the Senate after a bitter confirmation, has been considering retirement for a while and never planned to stay until he died, they said. He likes to spend summers in his RV with his wife.

His retirement would have a substantial impact on control of the court. The next president is expected to immediately replace the seat opened by the death of conservative Justice Antonin Scalia, providing a one-vote edge in the court that is currently divided 4-4.

Should Thomas leave, that slight majority would continue if Donald Trump becomes president. If it's Hillary Clinton, then she would get the chance to flip two Republican seats, giving the liberals a 6-3 majority.

And, conservatives fear, that could switch to a 7-2 majority if Republican Justice Anthony Kennedy, already a swing vote, retires. He will be 80 next year.

We recently reported that if Clinton wins the presidency, her majority liberal court could stay in power at least until 2050.

REPORT: Clarence Thomas May Retire After 2016 Election

Now it's even more important that Hillary becomes president. Hillary could possibly nominate THREE justices to the Supreme Court.

Why do you care? No matter how many justices are nominated by Republicans, at one point 7 of 9 were Republicans, and no court has slowed the drive to absolute leftist government even a little
Yup, you are so right. Citizen's United, a commie move. Hobby Lobby, another commie move.
Justice Clarence Thomas, a reliable conservative vote on the Supreme Court, is mulling retirement after the presidential election, according to court watchers.

Thomas, appointed by former President George H.W. Bush and approved by the Senate after a bitter confirmation, has been considering retirement for a while and never planned to stay until he died, they said. He likes to spend summers in his RV with his wife.

His retirement would have a substantial impact on control of the court. The next president is expected to immediately replace the seat opened by the death of conservative Justice Antonin Scalia, providing a one-vote edge in the court that is currently divided 4-4.

Should Thomas leave, that slight majority would continue if Donald Trump becomes president. If it's Hillary Clinton, then she would get the chance to flip two Republican seats, giving the liberals a 6-3 majority.

And, conservatives fear, that could switch to a 7-2 majority if Republican Justice Anthony Kennedy, already a swing vote, retires. He will be 80 next year.

We recently reported that if Clinton wins the presidency, her majority liberal court could stay in power at least until 2050.

REPORT: Clarence Thomas May Retire After 2016 Election

Now it's even more important that Hillary becomes president. Hillary could possibly nominate THREE justices to the Supreme Court.

I hope Gary Johnson win in November...

Well, with something like 5%, wowee zowee, he's practically in the Oval Office.

As for Clarence Thomas - good riddance.

Some porch monkey not yielding to your lily white will? Can't happen, can it, Grand Wizard? You need darkies who know their place, doing your bidding. It's hilarious when you call anyone a racist, Archie Bunker, you're the worst
The majority of white men and women, Hispanics, blacks, millennials, veterans, and so forth ~ all think your thinking is nothing but shit drizzles.
kaz, your type of thinking is rejected by the great majority of whites, as well as millennials, Hispanics, blacks, Asians, Jews, and veterans.
An ultra civil libertarian court that is left to center corporatist?

Can that even work? This may be the death of conservatism!!!

The stakes on this election has grown by a factor of 10!
If Hillary could get two or three justices on the Supreme Court, then America could start moving forward again.

Move further towards communism? Because that is the goal of the globalists and Hitlery is definitely one of them.
Well, check under your bed every night, never know where those pinko Commies may hide, and keep wearing that tinfoil hat so that 'they' won't control your brain.
Yep. Full radical liberalism is imminent.

America as we know it won't exist in 15 years.
The America we knew 15 years ago, does not exist today. And the America that we knew 30 years ago, did not exist 15 years ago. And the America that I grew up in, '40's and 50's, is only a fading memory.

Our nation is in constant flux. We have a 'revolution' just about every generation. And there are always those that feel left out or endangered. However, we are still the leader of the free nations. And will remain so as long as we are willing to look at ourselves objectively and make the necessary changes in our nation and culture.
Slappy Thomas, aka Pubic Hair, should never have been confirmed to the Supreme Court. I watched all his confirmation hearings live. Anita Hill exposed him for the pervert he is. There were even more women to testify against Thomas, but after he made his "high-tech lynching" comment, Biden and Kennedy were too chicken shit to let them testify. Hence, that lowlife piece of shit became a Supreme Court justice.

Frankly, I'd just as soon there be no "predictable" jurists on the Court.
Jurists are expected – and have an obligation – to acknowledge precedent and rule accordingly, including Supreme Court justices, regardless one’s personal, subjective beliefs, feelings, or perceptions, where doing so is not to be ‘predictable’; something Thomas has consistently failed to do.
Clarence Thomas, a truly dreadful Supreme Court justice – a partisan rightwing ideologue who exhibits nothing but contempt for settled, accepted Constitutional jurisprudence and the rule of law.

Coming from a guy who never read one of Thomas's decisions -- well, that means a lot to me
Frankly, I'd just as soon there be no "predictable" jurists on the Court.
Jurists are expected – and have an obligation – to acknowledge precedent and rule accordingly, including Supreme Court justices, regardless one’s personal, subjective beliefs, feelings, or perceptions, where doing so is not to be ‘predictable’; something Thomas has consistently failed to do.

Dred Scott? Plessy? Korematsu?

Justice Clarence Thomas, a reliable conservative vote on the Supreme Court, is mulling retirement after the presidential election, according to court watchers.

Thomas, appointed by former President George H.W. Bush and approved by the Senate after a bitter confirmation, has been considering retirement for a while and never planned to stay until he died, they said. He likes to spend summers in his RV with his wife.

His retirement would have a substantial impact on control of the court. The next president is expected to immediately replace the seat opened by the death of conservative Justice Antonin Scalia, providing a one-vote edge in the court that is currently divided 4-4.

Should Thomas leave, that slight majority would continue if Donald Trump becomes president. If it's Hillary Clinton, then she would get the chance to flip two Republican seats, giving the liberals a 6-3 majority.

And, conservatives fear, that could switch to a 7-2 majority if Republican Justice Anthony Kennedy, already a swing vote, retires. He will be 80 next year.

We recently reported that if Clinton wins the presidency, her majority liberal court could stay in power at least until 2050.

REPORT: Clarence Thomas May Retire After 2016 Election

Now it's even more important that Hillary becomes president. Hillary could possibly nominate THREE justices to the Supreme Court.

Those on the Right have no one to blame but themselves. Their crass arrogance and utter stupidity has led them out of power and out of relevance. Fodder for late-night television show jokes.

They've lost on virtually every social issue they care about .. and yes, guns are next.

Donald Trump is their last hope .. and a glaring demonstration of the ignorance that has brought them to their knees.

Good riddance.
Justice Clarence Thomas, a reliable conservative vote on the Supreme Court, is mulling retirement after the presidential election, according to court watchers.

Thomas, appointed by former President George H.W. Bush and approved by the Senate after a bitter confirmation, has been considering retirement for a while and never planned to stay until he died, they said. He likes to spend summers in his RV with his wife.

His retirement would have a substantial impact on control of the court. The next president is expected to immediately replace the seat opened by the death of conservative Justice Antonin Scalia, providing a one-vote edge in the court that is currently divided 4-4.

Should Thomas leave, that slight majority would continue if Donald Trump becomes president. If it's Hillary Clinton, then she would get the chance to flip two Republican seats, giving the liberals a 6-3 majority.

And, conservatives fear, that could switch to a 7-2 majority if Republican Justice Anthony Kennedy, already a swing vote, retires. He will be 80 next year.

We recently reported that if Clinton wins the presidency, her majority liberal court could stay in power at least until 2050.

REPORT: Clarence Thomas May Retire After 2016 Election

Now it's even more important that Hillary becomes president. Hillary could possibly nominate THREE justices to the Supreme Court.

Why do you care? No matter how many justices are nominated by Republicans, at one point 7 of 9 were Republicans, and no court has slowed the drive to absolute leftist government even a little
Yup, you are so right. Citizen's United, a commie move. Hobby Lobby, another commie move.

Two minor, anecdotal examples. Your typical brain power Jake, almost none ...

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