Report: Democrat-controlled Senate laziest in 20 years

"...are so focused on destroying the heathen Obama and the rest of his devil-worshiping Democrats that they are willing to drag America down to oblivion if it means getting rid of him."

And anyone who doesn't join their jihad is "ignorant" and "needs to learn something" ???????????
You know when folks spend 99.99% of their time complaining about "too much" government

Who spends 99.99% of their time complaining about 'too much' government?

Are you using this strawman to apologize for Harry Reid ignoring his duty to pass a budget?

Nothing is stopping any of them from not only passing a budget but cutting spending. No one would complain if they did their job. Send them all home.
You know when folks spend 99.99% of their time complaining about "too much" government and then start whining about a legislative body not doing enough - they lose credibility.

They need to learn about the boy who cried wolf.

It explains the dwindling number of people who self identify as Republicans. And it explains why I am so happy to be among those who abandoned that party when they abandoned common sense.

If you want to get any of us back, you'd be better served in addressing real issues and discussing them in real terms.

Oh really.

The complaints I am aware of deal with fiscal issues and accountability.

Are you one of the drama queen repubs, the reason I left.
“All Legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”

(Article I, Section 1, of the United States Constitution)

(Article I, section 9, clause 7) states that "[n]o money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.

Section 7 - Revenue Bills, Legislative Process, Presidential Veto

All bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.

Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the President of the United States; If he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his Objections to that House in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the Objections at large on their Journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If after such Reconsideration two thirds of that House shall agree to pass the Bill, it shall be sent, together with the Objections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two thirds of that House, it shall become a Law. But in all such Cases the Votes of both Houses shall be determined by Yeas and Nays, and the Names of the Persons voting for and against the Bill shall be entered on the Journal of each House respectively. If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a Law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not be a Law.

It does appear the constitution makes it pretty clear what the process of a Budget for this nation should be, the only problem is our nation has not followed it.
"...are so focused on destroying the heathen Obama and the rest of his devil-worshiping Democrats that they are willing to drag America down to oblivion if it means getting rid of him."

And anyone who doesn't join their jihad is "ignorant" and "needs to learn something" ???????????

anyone who calls american politics a 'jihad' does.

just saying
You know when folks spend 99.99% of their time complaining about "too much" government and then start whining about a legislative body not doing enough - they lose credibility.

They need to learn about the boy who cried wolf.

It explains the dwindling number of people who self identify as Republicans. And it explains why I am so happy to be among those who abandoned that party when they abandoned common sense.

If you want to get any of us back, you'd be better served in addressing real issues and discussing them in real terms.

Oh really.

The complaints I am aware of deal with fiscal issues and accountability.

Are you one of the drama queen repubs, the reason I left.

Didn't have to leave on MY account - I was already gone - mostly over fiscal irresponsibility (guess you missed my post about the "contract with America. But don't worry - it's all-too-common on these boards to hone in on one phrase and create a whole imaginary persona around it.)
And when they wage their little jihads and kiss reason good-bye - they make me even more proud of my decision.

And I'm also pretty proud to frequently disagree with name-callers. It's been my experience that name-callers rarely put ANYTHING useful on the table.
You know when folks spend 99.99% of their time complaining about "too much" government and then start whining about a legislative body not doing enough - they lose credibility.

They need to learn about the boy who cried wolf.

It explains the dwindling number of people who self identify as Republicans. And it explains why I am so happy to be among those who abandoned that party when they abandoned common sense.

If you want to get any of us back, you'd be better served in addressing real issues and discussing them in real terms.

There are federal projects that are ineffective and need to be curtailed. There are duplicative programs that are wasting money. Congress doesn't need to expand government, they have the power to cut government waste. But do they do any of that?
"...are so focused on destroying the heathen Obama and the rest of his devil-worshiping Democrats that they are willing to drag America down to oblivion if it means getting rid of him."

And anyone who doesn't join their jihad is "ignorant" and "needs to learn something" ???????????

anyone who calls american politics a 'jihad' does.

just saying

Most don't - thank God.
But right-wing, "religious" terrorism is right wing "religious" terrorism - not matter which god they CLAIM to be serving

I'm a Christian - but I'm a Christian who pays attention to "give unto Caesar what is Caeser's."
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What do these people do all day in the Senate? I mean, what's the point? This is why i believe our Congress needs to meet less often. They're just in session too much at this point. All they do now is pass absurd over-reach travesties like the NDAA and banning lightbulbs. They no longer serve the Peoples' best interests. So the solution would be for them to be in session as little as possible.

When they're not there, they're not destroying the Nation. I mean, they can't even pass a Budget for God's sake. So what good are they? At least when they're in Recess, we know they can't do any harm. We all could have done without the NDAA and banning lightbulbs. Our Congress just doesn't represent the People anymore. Less Government is the only logical way forward for our Nation.
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What do these people do all the day in the Senate? I mean, what's the point? This is why i believe our Congress needs to meet less often. They're just in session too much at this point. All they do now is pass absurd over-reach travesties like the NDAA and banning lightbulbs. They no longer serve the Peoples' best interests. So the solution would be for them to be in session as little as possible.

Couldn't agree with you more.
What do these people do all the day in the Senate? I mean, what's the point? This is why i believe our Congress needs to meet less often. They're just in session too much at this point. All they do now is pass absurd over-reach travesties like the NDAA and banning lightbulbs. They no longer serve the Peoples' best interests. So the solution would be for them to be in session as little as possible.

Couldn't agree with you more.

They can't pass a Budget, but they can pass the NDAA and a lightbulb ban? I mean, these people have no shame at this point. They're completely useless. They should just do us a favor and go on another Recess. At least when they're away, we know they're not destroying the country more.
What do these people do all the day in the Senate? I mean, what's the point? This is why i believe our Congress needs to meet less often. They're just in session too much at this point. All they do now is pass absurd over-reach travesties like the NDAA and banning lightbulbs. They no longer serve the Peoples' best interests. So the solution would be for them to be in session as little as possible.

Couldn't agree with you more.

They can't pass a Budget, but they can pass the NDAA and a lightbulb ban? I mean, these people have no shame at this point. They're completely useless. They should just do us a favor and go on another Recess. At least when they're away, we know they're not destroying the country more.

Who ever suggested a part time Congress may have been right. But then that goes with the salary.
Does seem lazy when Republicans block everything and refused to negotiate.

That's what happens when the Dumbos ram a healthcare boondoggle through Congress and lock the GOP out of discussions.
Does seem lazy when Republicans block everything and refused to negotiate.

That's what happens when the Dumbos ram a healthcare boondoggle through Congress and lock the GOP out of discussions.

If the Republicans compromised any further, Dems would have parades where their politicians threw money on to the street. Then of course there'd be a resulting controversy about their staffers going to banks and switching Jacksons for Washingtons and pocketing 95 percent of the money.
Couldn't agree with you more.

They can't pass a Budget, but they can pass the NDAA and a lightbulb ban? I mean, these people have no shame at this point. They're completely useless. They should just do us a favor and go on another Recess. At least when they're away, we know they're not destroying the country more.

Who ever suggested a part time Congress may have been right. But then that goes with the salary.

A per diem + expenses should suffice.
Report: Democrat-controlled Senate laziest in 20 years

"Harry Reid as a majority leader operated in near impossible circumstances," Caro said. "The other side is intractable and it has the votes to stop legislation. That he has been able to get as much as he has -- as little as it is -- through the Senate is a tribute to him as majority leader. I think he's in near-impossible circumstances. I think he's done a terrific job."


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