Report: Democrat-controlled Senate laziest in 20 years

You partisans are adorable. There's 53 democrats and 47 republicans in the senate and you can actually get on here and pretend this is a one party problem, and switching that number to say 53 republicans and 47 democrats will all of a sudden provide some significant change.

Aye yi yi
So what you're saying is that this Democrat-controlled Senate is to be blamed for not passing more legislation????

I thought you guys WANTED less government.

See when you try to gin up stupid complaints like this - you really look stupid.

Less govt sure. And I can even live with less laws and regulations whether that's there intent or not. But come on; they're too damn lazy to even pass a budget (something I had figured was Constitutionally mandated to even be appropriating money). That's where I definitely draw the line. What the hell are we even paying them for; if they can't pass a budget?

It's the job of the House of Representatives to produce a budget

And as he stated, it is the Senate's job to pass a budget with a budget resolution.

You seem to be attempting to use semantics in attempt to excuse Harry Reid for not honoring his legal requirement.

In her latest report, Secretary of the Senate Nancy Erickson revealed a slew of data that put the first session of the 112th Senate at the bottom of Senates since 1992 in legislative productivity, an especially damning finding considering that it wasn’t an election year when congressional action is usually lower.

For example, while the Democratically-controlled Senate was in session for 170 days, it spent an average of just 6.5 hours in session on those days, the second lowest since 1992. Only 2008 logged a lower average of 5.4 hours a day, and that’s when action was put off because several senators were running for president, among them Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John McCain.

On the passage of public laws, arguably its most important job, the Senate notched just 90, the second lowest in 20 years, and it passed a total of 402 measures, also the second lowest. And as the president has been complaining about, the chamber confirmed a 20-year low of 19,815 judicial and other nominations.

By comparison the number of Senate bills offered last year was down 30 percent, the number of amendments offered sank 55 percent, and the number of roll call votes dropped 40 percent.

Report: Democrat-controlled Senate laziest in 20 years | Washington Examiner

This is the year we really need a change in Congress as well as in the administration. This Democratic Leadership has to be history.

Thought that was the TP plan, make it as hard as possible to anything done at all. Now that they got what they want, they're trying to blame it on the Dems? :cuckoo:
Harry Reid: 'Foolish' for Democrats to offer budget plan

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said it would be "foolish" for Democrats to propose their own federal budget for 2012, despite continued attacks from Republicans that the party is ducking its responsibility to put forward a solution to the nation's deficit problems.
"There's no need to have a Democratic budget in my opinion," Reid said in an interview Thursday. "It would be foolish for us to do a budget at this stage."

Harry Reid: 'Foolish' for Democrats to offer budget plan, says Harry Reid - Los Angeles Times
If the Republicans were such obstructionists, how did Obamacare get passed?? Since this congress hasn't been able to accomplish anything, I vote we send them all home with no pay until a budget with spending cuts is passed.

We'll save about 8, million 700 thousand (8,700,000) dollars in Senate Salaries and 75 million 500 thousand (75,500,000) in Congressional salaries.

That's a savings of right around 84 million dollars. That will help, now we need to include those retired congressmen and we could save bunches more.
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Less govt sure. And I can even live with less laws and regulations whether that's there intent or not. But come on; they're too damn lazy to even pass a budget (something I had figured was Constitutionally mandated to even be appropriating money). That's where I definitely draw the line. What the hell are we even paying them for; if they can't pass a budget?

It's the job of the House of Representatives to produce a budget

And as he stated, it is the Senate's job to pass a budget with a budget resolution.

You seem to be attempting to use semantics in attempt to excuse Harry Reid for not honoring his legal requirement.


So it is your position that it is the Senate's legal duty to approve any budget the House can come up with?

You guys are just digging yourself deeper - let's see how it works out for you.
The leader is lazy so every subordinate group is lazy. The leader likes to party so subordinate groups pass on work to party.
It's the job of the House of Representatives to produce a budget

And as he stated, it is the Senate's job to pass a budget with a budget resolution.

You seem to be attempting to use semantics in attempt to excuse Harry Reid for not honoring his legal requirement.


So it is your position that it is the Senate's legal duty to approve any budget the House can come up with?

No, moron. They are to debate it, hash it out and come up with a resolution.

At this point you are making yourself look quite foolish to the informed posters on the board.
The leader is lazy so every subordinate group is lazy. The leader likes to party so subordinate groups pass on work to party.

Like the GSA?? I heard that was quite a party. The Secret Service had a blast in Columbia, too.

What a great leader, everyone is following his example!!! :D
Personally, i'm all for 'Do-Nothing' Congresses though. The less they do, the better off the country is. I mean, how many more Laws do we really need? However, not passing a Budget in years really is a new low in Congressional ineptitude. This Democrat-controlled Senate very well could be the worst in U.S. History. They deserve to get the boot in November.
And as he stated, it is the Senate's job to pass a budget with a budget resolution.

You seem to be attempting to use semantics in attempt to excuse Harry Reid for not honoring his legal requirement.


So it is your position that it is the Senate's legal duty to approve any budget the House can come up with?

No, moron. They are to debate it, hash it out and come up with a resolution.

At this point you are making yourself look quite foolish to the informed posters on the board.

Glad to hear I haven't harmed my reputation with you
So it is your position that it is the Senate's legal duty to approve any budget the House can come up with?

No, moron. They are to debate it, hash it out and come up with a resolution.

At this point you are making yourself look quite foolish to the informed posters on the board.

Glad to hear I haven't harmed my reputation with you

When you have no idea of that which you speak, best to just read and learn.
So what you're saying is that this Democrat-controlled Senate is to be blamed for not passing more legislation????

I thought you guys WANTED less government.

See when you try to gin up stupid complaints like this - you really look stupid.

Less govt sure. And I can even live with less laws and regulations whether that's there intent or not. But come on; they're too damn lazy to even pass a budget (something I had figured was Constitutionally mandated to even be appropriating money). That's where I definitely draw the line. What the hell are we even paying them for; if they can't pass a budget?

It's the job of the House of Representatives to produce a budget

That's just not true. The requirement is from the 1921 Budget and Accounting Act. The duty lies within Congress; that means that the House and Senate share the responsibility. Either one of them can pass a budget first and then have them subsequently ratified by the other.

Budget and Accounting Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The House has passed their budgets. The Senators, who have nice lofty six year terms pretty much just say f you I pretty much got my lifetime appointment.
Personally, i'm all for 'Do-Nothing' Congresses though. The less they do, the better off the country is. I mean, how many more Laws do we really need? However, not passing a Budget in years really is a new low in Congressional ineptitude. This Democrat-controlled Senate very well could be the worst in U.S. History. They deserve to get the boot in November.

You are right. This is a new low. Instead of making laws that tie the hands of small businesses and spend money, this Congress could focus on the needs of this country and start making fiscally responsible decisions.

We need to change this in November. You are right!
You know when folks spend 99.99% of their time complaining about "too much" government and then start whining about a legislative body not doing enough - they lose credibility.

They need to learn about the boy who cried wolf.

It explains the dwindling number of people who self identify as Republicans. And it explains why I am so happy to be among those who abandoned that party when they abandoned common sense.

If you want to get any of us back, you'd be better served in addressing real issues and discussing them in real terms.
Report: Democrat-controlled Senate laziest in 20 years
Yeah....let's HEAR IT!! for......

"Their mission was more than accomplished. The Teabaggers created a gridlock in Washington that hasn’t been seen since the days of Newt Gingrich. Let’s review our summer quickly: The Teabaggers start a war between Republicans and Democrats over what the federal budget should look like, then they disagree with both sides. In discussing the budgets for 2012, the Teabaggers manage to drive our government to the brink of a shutdown, avoided at the last minute when Republican leadership finally gets some sense knocked into them, ignores the Teabaggers and accepts Obama’s more than generous offer. Then, they engineer even more gridlock, again pitting Republicans and Democrats against each other in a debt battle so stupid that S&P spanked us over the ass with an economic downgrade.

Now, are we saying this is 100% their fault. No, that’s not true. But do we have back-to-back crises if the Tea Party doesn’t exist? We sure don’t. Rationality and compromise would have broken out. But the Teabaggers are so focused on destroying the heathen Obama and the rest of his devil-worshiping Democrats that they are willing to drag America down to oblivion if it means getting rid of him."

You know when folks spend 99.99% of their time complaining about "too much" government

Who spends 99.99% of their time complaining about 'too much' government?

Are you using this strawman to apologize for Harry Reid ignoring his duty to pass a budget?

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