Report: Flynn's Flipping on Trump

You're kidding me right. You mopes have nothing but excuses for every trump blunder

Hillarys recall of events from 6 years previously resulted in saying :"I don't recall" about 6 times per hour.

Sessions recall of events from 1 year previously resulted in saying "I don't recall" about 20 times per hour. And we know how slow Sessions speaks.
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Whenever I educate this pisshead Bripat on things he doesn't know he calls it a lie.

I've posted about 6 links in this thread of how 9 Trumpies met with Russians and lied about it... but hysterical he doesn't know this after it after being constantly in the news.
bripatty is simply hysterical, that's all.
i havent met one intelligent trump supporter but when you figure them all as a whole, Bripat is on the lower third of the scale.
First, you have to have that quality in order to recognize it. Second, considering the Democratic and progressive party and their ideology got beaten so badly you should not call anyone dumb.
They picked up seats in the House and the Senate. This month they cleaned up again.

Trump very barely won, Lasta, stay in reality, please
Go look at the red on the map. The urban areas that voted for him are almost all welfare votes, not to mention the guaranteed illegal votes. The are going to be less people on welfare by 2020. You do not stand a chance.
Whenever I educate this pisshead Bripat on things he doesn't know he calls it a lie.

I've posted about 6 links in this thread of how 9 Trumpies met with Russians and lied about it... but hysterical he doesn't know this after it after being constantly in the news.
bripatty is simply hysterical, that's all.
i havent met one intelligent trump supporter but when you figure them all as a whole, Bripat is on the lower third of the scale.
First, you have to have that quality in order to recognize it. Second, considering the Democratic and progressive party and their ideology got beaten so badly you should not call anyone dumb.
They picked up seats in the House and the Senate. This month they cleaned up again.

Trump very barely won, Lasta, stay in reality, please
Go look at the red on the map. The urban areas that voted for him are almost all welfare votes, not to mention the guaranteed illegal votes. The are going to be less people on welfare by 2020. You do not stand a chance.

that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
...I negotiated a cooperation deal for a target with Mueller's office when he was US Atty and lemme tell ya, he's not gonna give one to Flynn unless he implicates someone up the ladder. That means Kushner, Don Jr., or Big Daddy. They are all having indigestion tonight. ...

Norm Eisen's yamica is on way too tight and will be needed an extra helping of Prep H like other crazy nutcases who are attacking our democracy!

Tucker pwns that sick, radical religious shyster!

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bripatty is simply hysterical, that's all.
i havent met one intelligent trump supporter but when you figure them all as a whole, Bripat is on the lower third of the scale.
First, you have to have that quality in order to recognize it. Second, considering the Democratic and progressive party and their ideology got beaten so badly you should not call anyone dumb.
They picked up seats in the House and the Senate. This month they cleaned up again.

Trump very barely won, Lasta, stay in reality, please
Go look at the red on the map. The urban areas that voted for him are almost all welfare votes, not to mention the guaranteed illegal votes. The are going to be less people on welfare by 2020. You do not stand a chance.

that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
Go back and look at your posts.
i havent met one intelligent trump supporter but when you figure them all as a whole, Bripat is on the lower third of the scale.
First, you have to have that quality in order to recognize it. Second, considering the Democratic and progressive party and their ideology got beaten so badly you should not call anyone dumb.
They picked up seats in the House and the Senate. This month they cleaned up again.

Trump very barely won, Lasta, stay in reality, please
Go look at the red on the map. The urban areas that voted for him are almost all welfare votes, not to mention the guaranteed illegal votes. The are going to be less people on welfare by 2020. You do not stand a chance.

that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
Go back and look at your posts.

trumptards always resort to "I know you are, but what am I". :lol:
First, you have to have that quality in order to recognize it. Second, considering the Democratic and progressive party and their ideology got beaten so badly you should not call anyone dumb.
They picked up seats in the House and the Senate. This month they cleaned up again.

Trump very barely won, Lasta, stay in reality, please
Go look at the red on the map. The urban areas that voted for him are almost all welfare votes, not to mention the guaranteed illegal votes. The are going to be less people on welfare by 2020. You do not stand a chance.

that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
Go back and look at your posts.

trumptards always resort to "I know you are, but what am I". :lol:
I have not had to resort to anything. Nothing is more than speculation. So far speculation has yielded 0 results. All talk, no substance. Next!
They doesn't have nothing on Pres.Trump. They are playing games as if they has something. Only thing that they have is on Matafor. Something that he has done way before pres.Trump became a candidate. They are trying to make Pres.Trump sweat. But there is nothing for him to sweat about.
They doesn't have nothing on Pres.Trump. They are playing games as if they has something.
Dude your head must be about to burst for all the shit pressure packed in it have a GIF of Hillary Clinton being imprisoned, as your tag line BUT there is not so much as an Investigation much less an indictment much much less a conviction for even Jay walking ...

In Light of that do you realize how STUPID and WHINNY your post is ?....sad....seriously
Michael Flynn isn't going to go to jail for Donald Trump.
He's now cooperating with BobMueller.

Michael Flynn May Be Cooperating With Robert Mueller's Russia Probe: Report | HuffPost
Huffington post? Lol

Yes, sparky, but the source is The New York Times - as linked in the OP link. Huffington Post is primarily a clearinghouse for outside articles. When will you NaziCons ever understand that fact?

Like The New York Times is still a reputable news source, Lakhota! They've been caught peddling propaganda so many times at this point that HuffPo and they have about equal journalistic credibility!
You just stick with Breitbart. LOL
They're going to have a rude awakening, then start screaming about how all this evidence suddenly "appeared".
Flynn has been a Russian asset since 2012, and Trump started planning with Putin in 2013 at the Miss Universe padgeant in Moscow. Trump told him he was running for president and that he wanted Trump Tower Moscow built.

‘Jared will flip like a pancake’ on Trump after Flynn gives him up, predicts Obama’s ethics czar
Mike Flynn looks to be cooperating with special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation — and that spells big trouble for President Donald Trump, his son and son-in-law.
"Obama" and "ethics" do not belong in the same sentence.
Obama was the most ethical president since Jimmy Carter.
Your political correctness will believe anything won’t it? Lol
Do you eat shit sandwiches daily?

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