Report: IRS Deliberately Chose Not to Fess Up to Scandal Before Election

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
Really makes you wonder how this could have changed the election. It may not have altered the presidential race per say, but down ballot races most certainly could have been impacted.

NBC's Lisa Myers reported this morning that the IRS deliberately chose not to reveal that it had wrongly targeted conservative groups until after the 2012 presidential election:

The IRS commissioner "has known for at least a year that this was going on," said Myers, "and that this had happened. And did he share any of that information with the White House? But even more importantly, Congress is going to ask him, why did you mislead us for an entire year? Members of Congress were saying conservatives are being targeted. What's going on here? The IRS denied it. Then when -- after these officials are briefed by the IG that this is going on, they don't disclose it. In fact, the commissioner sent a letter to Congress in September on this subject and did not reveal this. Imagine if we -- if you can -- what would have happened if this fact came out in September 2012, in the middle of a presidential election? The terrain would have looked very different."

Report: IRS Deliberately Chose Not to Fess Up to Scandal Before Election | The Weekly Standard
It is interesting that six months after the election all this is coming to light.

IRS, Benghazi, AP.. What else is sitting out there that would have, could have, affected the election if known beforehand?
Really makes you wonder how this could have changed the election. It may not have altered the presidential race per say, but down ballot races most certainly could have been impacted.

NBC's Lisa Myers reported this morning that the IRS deliberately chose not to reveal that it had wrongly targeted conservative groups until after the 2012 presidential election:

The IRS commissioner "has known for at least a year that this was going on," said Myers, "and that this had happened. And did he share any of that information with the White House? But even more importantly, Congress is going to ask him, why did you mislead us for an entire year? Members of Congress were saying conservatives are being targeted. What's going on here? The IRS denied it. Then when -- after these officials are briefed by the IG that this is going on, they don't disclose it. In fact, the commissioner sent a letter to Congress in September on this subject and did not reveal this. Imagine if we -- if you can -- what would have happened if this fact came out in September 2012, in the middle of a presidential election? The terrain would have looked very different."

Report: IRS Deliberately Chose Not to Fess Up to Scandal Before Election | The Weekly Standard

Benghazigate didn't make Mitt win, and the IRS "scandal" wouldn't have either. Get over it.

The GOP has lost twice in a row because they mismanaged the Iraq War, and not enough voters trust the GOP with executive power to put them back in the White House.

Conservatives refuse to admit this at their peril.
Really makes you wonder how this could have changed the election. It may not have altered the presidential race per say, but down ballot races most certainly could have been impacted.

NBC's Lisa Myers reported this morning that the IRS deliberately chose not to reveal that it had wrongly targeted conservative groups until after the 2012 presidential election:

The IRS commissioner "has known for at least a year that this was going on," said Myers, "and that this had happened. And did he share any of that information with the White House? But even more importantly, Congress is going to ask him, why did you mislead us for an entire year? Members of Congress were saying conservatives are being targeted. What's going on here? The IRS denied it. Then when -- after these officials are briefed by the IG that this is going on, they don't disclose it. In fact, the commissioner sent a letter to Congress in September on this subject and did not reveal this. Imagine if we -- if you can -- what would have happened if this fact came out in September 2012, in the middle of a presidential election? The terrain would have looked very different."

Report: IRS Deliberately Chose Not to Fess Up to Scandal Before Election | The Weekly Standard

Benghazigate didn't make Mitt win, and the IRS "scandal" wouldn't have either. Get over it.

The GOP has lost twice in a row because they mismanaged the Iraq War, and not enough voters trust the GOP with executive power to put them back in the White House.

Conservatives refuse to admit this at their peril.

apparently they thought about it, thats why they did what they could to submarine it....
Right now they're like untouchable Royalty. They snicker and talk down to us, while covering up their crimes. It's all just a big joke to this Administration. Someone needs to slap the cuffs on em and stick em in a prison cell. Give em their orange jumpsuits and we'll see how funny they think it all is. Present them with the prospect of living the next 20yrs in a cage, and i bet they begin to take things more seriously.
Right now they're like untouchable Royalty. They snicker and talk down to us, while covering up their crimes. It's all just a big joke to this Administration. Someone needs to slap the cuffs on em and stick em in a prison cell. Give em their orange jumpsuits and we'll see how funny they think it all is. Present them with the prospect of living the next 20yrs in a cage, and i bet they begin to take things more seriously.

Are you going to cry?
> Government workers lied, concealed and dissembled. - shocking news

Next we'll find out that rat bastard Obama is going to use the Chechnian terrorists as the basis for invading Turkistan or some other random nation, and that his VP and Secy Defense are working up a UN speech in support of the madness!

One has a vaguely... je ne sais quoi, sort of feeling.
Pay close attention to all of their responses. They all snicker and sneer. They really do think it's all a joke. They truly believe they're untouchable. Someone has to be brave and step up. These people have to be arrested and prosecuted. Eric Holder especially. After being arrested, i have a feeling things won't seem like such a joke to them anymore.
Right now they're like untouchable Royalty. They snicker and talk down to us, while covering up their crimes. It's all just a big joke to this Administration. Someone needs to slap the cuffs on em and stick em in a prison cell. Give em their orange jumpsuits and we'll see how funny they think it all is. Present them with the prospect of living the next 20yrs in a cage, and i bet they begin to take things more seriously.

Are you going to cry?

You're going to cry ahole when people start going to jail.
Right now they're like untouchable Royalty. They snicker and talk down to us, while covering up their crimes. It's all just a big joke to this Administration. Someone needs to slap the cuffs on em and stick em in a prison cell. Give em their orange jumpsuits and we'll see how funny they think it all is. Present them with the prospect of living the next 20yrs in a cage, and i bet they begin to take things more seriously.

Are you going to cry?

Sometimes i actually i do feel like weeping for my Nation.
Spoke with Boehner's office this morning. They said the phone lines are busy and people are rightly angry. They said this is just the beginning and there is much more that still has not yet come out. They said people will indeed be prosecuted. I suggest we keep his lines busy.
The one consistency i've noticed with all his henchmens' responses, is that they all have smiles on their faces and are actually chuckling about all this. They really do feel they're invincible and above the Law. Such awful arrogance. It's time for good People to step up and arrest these criminals. Cuff em and haul em all off to jail. Watch those despicable smirks disappear instantly. Time for justice.
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No one can attribute the success of one candidate or the loss of another to this situation. Those who wish to blame are shortchanging their party.
We get it, you endorse lying, cheating, privacy violations and murder as long as its Obama doing it.

Everyone must be SO proud of you.

I cant believe there are politics being played before an election

1) They all do it.
3) September was a long time ago.

Your post would seem to be in Category 1.

Politics are never played before an election
First time this has ever happened

You seem to fit 1 and 3. Welcome to politics Junior

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