Report: IRS Deliberately Chose Not to Fess Up to Scandal Before Election

Damage control to keep rightwing nutters from going batshit salivating crazy. Looks like it didn't work.

The only the mistake the IRS made was apologizing for it.

Why is Lois Lerner invoking the Fifth Amendment?


Now you're wishing and hoping this turns into something bigger.

Given the rabid, quick-to-condemn nature of the Republicans, pleading the 5th is a sound tactic.

That's your defense? Pretty weak. You really should think about this a bit more.
Really makes you wonder how this could have changed the election. It may not have altered the presidential race per say, but down ballot races most certainly could have been impacted.

NBC's Lisa Myers reported this morning that the IRS deliberately chose not to reveal that it had wrongly targeted conservative groups until after the 2012 presidential election:

The IRS commissioner "has known for at least a year that this was going on," said Myers, "and that this had happened. And did he share any of that information with the White House? But even more importantly, Congress is going to ask him, why did you mislead us for an entire year? Members of Congress were saying conservatives are being targeted. What's going on here? The IRS denied it. Then when -- after these officials are briefed by the IG that this is going on, they don't disclose it. In fact, the commissioner sent a letter to Congress in September on this subject and did not reveal this. Imagine if we -- if you can -- what would have happened if this fact came out in September 2012, in the middle of a presidential election? The terrain would have looked very different."

Report: IRS Deliberately Chose Not to Fess Up to Scandal Before Election | The Weekly Standard
Steve Miller needs to be water boarded.

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