Report: IRS Deliberately Chose Not to Fess Up to Scandal Before Election

Treasury knew in June of 2012 and Obama knew nothing......He killed Bin Laden, saved GM, and Al Qaeda is on the run. But he knew nothing about ANYTHING else...

He's clean. Nothing to see here. Move along. By the way Obama's new budget will reduce the defiicit!!!

Parse. Dissemble. Distract.

It's a sad day for our country....

And it's just a coincidence that the IRS targeted the Tea Party after hearing Obama publicly vilify and cast suspicion upon them for a couple of years.

nothing to see here.....move along!!



Get away from my gravy train you bigots.
Distract, Dissemble, deny.......when that fails....

JUSTIFY!!! :clap2:

Too bad for you the justification is VALID.

Uh no. There is no valid reason for using the IRS to weaken your political enemies.

There's no reason to pretend to be a "social welfare" organization and not pay taxes and run political ads, and spend tens of millions of dollars on political operations, when honest political organizations are paying taxes. Enough of this scamming, and that goes for both sides.
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Too bad for you the justification is VALID.

Uh no. There is no valid reason for using the IRS to weaken your political enemies.

There's no reason to pretend to be a "social welfare" organization and not pay taxes and run political ads, and spend tens of millions of dollars on political operations, when honest political organizations are paying taxes. Enough of this scamming, and that goes for both sides.

The correct way for you to say what you are trying to say is that federal law requires people who want to do certain things to register their intention with the IRS in order to legally operate.
Uh no. There is no valid reason for using the IRS to weaken your political enemies.

There's no reason to pretend to be a "social welfare" organization and not pay taxes and run political ads, and spend tens of millions of dollars on political operations, when honest political organizations are paying taxes. Enough of this scamming, and that goes for both sides.

The correct way for you to say what you are trying to say is that federal law requires people who want to do certain things to register their intention with the IRS in order to legally operate.

Well duh, that is what I said! These Tea Party organizations and others, many others, were filing for tax exempt status under the guise that they were "social welfare" organizations - in other words "charities" - while at the same time broadcasting ads that were clearly political and partisan. There are political organizations who register as political organizations and pay taxes, and these scammers were doing the same thing but didn't want to pay taxes.

The IRS (the low-level employees) were just trying to do their job, obviously their "rules" or "laws" are not clear enough for them to distinguish a true "tax exempt" organization.
Really makes you wonder how this could have changed the election. It may not have altered the presidential race per say, but down ballot races most certainly could have been impacted.

NBC's Lisa Myers reported this morning that the IRS deliberately chose not to reveal that it had wrongly targeted conservative groups until after the 2012 presidential election:

The IRS commissioner "has known for at least a year that this was going on," said Myers, "and that this had happened. And did he share any of that information with the White House? But even more importantly, Congress is going to ask him, why did you mislead us for an entire year? Members of Congress were saying conservatives are being targeted. What's going on here? The IRS denied it. Then when -- after these officials are briefed by the IG that this is going on, they don't disclose it. In fact, the commissioner sent a letter to Congress in September on this subject and did not reveal this. Imagine if we -- if you can -- what would have happened if this fact came out in September 2012, in the middle of a presidential election? The terrain would have looked very different."

Report: IRS Deliberately Chose Not to Fess Up to Scandal Before Election | The Weekly Standard

They would be required to at least report this to the administration at the time. I am willing to bet they did and were advised to keep it under wraps till after the election.
There's no reason to pretend to be a "social welfare" organization and not pay taxes and run political ads, and spend tens of millions of dollars on political operations, when honest political organizations are paying taxes. Enough of this scamming, and that goes for both sides.

The correct way for you to say what you are trying to say is that federal law requires people who want to do certain things to register their intention with the IRS in order to legally operate.

Well duh, that is what I said! These Tea Party organizations and others, many others, were filing for tax exempt status under the guise that they were "social welfare" organizations - in other words "charities" - while at the same time broadcasting ads that were clearly political and partisan. There are political organizations who register as political organizations and pay taxes, and these scammers were doing the same thing but didn't want to pay taxes.

The IRS (the low-level employees) were just trying to do their job, obviously their "rules" or "laws" are not clear enough for them to distinguish a true "tax exempt" organization.

Link? Non-profit and charity are not equivalent.
There's no reason to pretend to be a "social welfare" organization and not pay taxes and run political ads, and spend tens of millions of dollars on political operations, when honest political organizations are paying taxes. Enough of this scamming, and that goes for both sides.

The correct way for you to say what you are trying to say is that federal law requires people who want to do certain things to register their intention with the IRS in order to legally operate.

Well duh, that is what I said! These Tea Party organizations and others, many others, were filing for tax exempt status under the guise that they were "social welfare" organizations - in other words "charities" - while at the same time broadcasting ads that were clearly political and partisan. There are political organizations who register as political organizations and pay taxes, and these scammers were doing the same thing but didn't want to pay taxes.

The IRS (the low-level employees) were just trying to do their job, obviously their "rules" or "laws" are not clear enough for them to distinguish a true "tax exempt" organization.

When you start demanding that Obama break up Organizing for America we can discuss how stupid you are, until then I can safely ignore your lying bitch ass.
Too bad for you the justification is VALID.

Uh no. There is no valid reason for using the IRS to weaken your political enemies.

There's no reason to pretend to be a "social welfare" organization and not pay taxes and run political ads, and spend tens of millions of dollars on political operations, when honest political organizations are paying taxes. Enough of this scamming, and that goes for both sides.

Both sides? This is all about the Teaparty and their supporters in yet another attempt to get Obama out of office.

Now Boehner is sitting on his orange butt bringing yet another repeal Obamacare vote to the floor. Both sides? I think not.
Distract, Dissemble, deny.......when that fails....

JUSTIFY!!! :clap2:

Too bad for you the justification is VALID.

Care to explain why the president is pretending to be outraged by it then? Why did the interim IRS director resign the post early if everything was valid?

What planet were you hatched on?
Damage control to keep rightwing nutters from going batshit salivating crazy. Looks like it didn't work.

The only the mistake the IRS made was apologizing for it.
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Next Republican president should appoint James O'Keefe as IRS commissioner

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
It is interesting that six months after the election all this is coming to light.

IRS, Benghazi, AP.. What else is sitting out there that would have, could have, affected the election if known beforehand?

what makes this so "interesting" is that it was planned ahead of the elections, the deviousness.., not the exposing of it all.

another interesting fact..,
Piers Morgan: Now I see U.S. government tyranny

despite his avid criticism of guns, Morgan protects his own personal property with signs warning that it is guarded by “Armed Response Security Systems,”

the CNN host admitted to guest Penn Jillette that perhaps gun advocates were right about creeping tyranny after all...

Read more at Piers Morgan: Now I see U.S. government tyranny
amazing.., simply amazing that liarberals are beginning to see a little light in their totally blacked out minds.
Really makes you wonder how this could have changed the election. It may not have altered the presidential race per say, but down ballot races most certainly could have been impacted.

NBC's Lisa Myers reported this morning that the IRS deliberately chose not to reveal that it had wrongly targeted conservative groups until after the 2012 presidential election:

The IRS commissioner "has known for at least a year that this was going on," said Myers, "and that this had happened. And did he share any of that information with the White House? But even more importantly, Congress is going to ask him, why did you mislead us for an entire year? Members of Congress were saying conservatives are being targeted. What's going on here? The IRS denied it. Then when -- after these officials are briefed by the IG that this is going on, they don't disclose it. In fact, the commissioner sent a letter to Congress in September on this subject and did not reveal this. Imagine if we -- if you can -- what would have happened if this fact came out in September 2012, in the middle of a presidential election? The terrain would have looked very different."

Report: IRS Deliberately Chose Not to Fess Up to Scandal Before Election | The Weekly Standard

Benghazigate didn't make Mitt win, and the IRS "scandal" wouldn't have either. Get over it.

The GOP has lost twice in a row because they mismanaged the Iraq War, and not enough voters trust the GOP with executive power to put them back in the White House.

Conservatives refuse to admit this at their peril.

If that were REALLy true, then there would be no need for the Benghazi cover up and over zealous IRS actions. Nixon had such a command over McGovern in '72, there was no need for Watergate and definitely no need for the cover up. Power, arrogance, and blinded fury hatred for political enemies. History repeats itself.
Only arrests and prosecutions will lead to the truth. Give em their orange jumpsuits and stick em in a prison cell. They'll crack instantly. Then we'll get truth.
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Too bad for you the justification is VALID.

Care to explain why the president is pretending to be outraged by it then? Why did the interim IRS director resign the post early if everything was valid?

What planet were you hatched on?
Damage control to keep rightwing nutters from going batshit salivating crazy. Looks like it didn't work.

The only the mistake the IRS made was apologizing for it.

And McCaskill?

McCaskill Calls For Firing Of All Involved In IRS Targeting Scandal « CBS St. Louis
I find it amazing that some of the liberals here believe that IRS targeting of political opponents is justified. They must believe that Democrats will be in the White House forever.....They cannot imagine that abuse of power directed towards them.....dummies...
I find it amazing that some of the liberals here believe that IRS targeting of political opponents is justified. They must believe that Democrats will be in the White House forever.....They cannot imagine that abuse of power directed towards them.....dummies...

They think it's okay as long as conservatives are being targeted.

That's all that matters.
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I find it amazing that some of the liberals here believe that IRS targeting of political opponents is justified.

I don't. It's who those people are. It doesn't surprise me one bit they're cheering this on. So called "liberals" don't believe in liberty or freedom; they believe in control and coercion.

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