Report: IRS Deliberately Chose Not to Fess Up to Scandal Before Election

I find it amazing that some of the liberals here believe that IRS targeting of political opponents is justified.

I don't. It's who those people are. It doesn't surprise me one bit they're cheering this on. So called "liberals" don't believe in liberty or freedom; they believe in control and coercion.

No, they believe in power. Specifically theirs. This is why libs went into meltdown when Bush signed the Patriot Act but say nothing when Obama uses the very same provisions.
Turns out Darrell Issa also knew about this before the election and chose not to go public with it.

Only the real threat of prosecution and jail-time will bring us the truth. Anything less, we're just spinning our wheels.
Turns out Darrell Issa also knew about this before the election and chose not to go public with it.


Turns out you are full of shit

Seems he was waiting for the Inspector General to finish his report before going off half-cocked. You know, like a Democrat would do in a similar situation.

Not to mention that he had actually directly asked the IRS about it on multiple occasions, and actually instigated the IG investigation. All he actually had was complaints from different groups, and a list of questions that were highly inappropriate. Strangely enough, the same people that were telling him it wasn't happening were the ones that publicly admitted it had happened before the IG report came out, and they tried to make it seem like it was less of a problem than it was.
Turns out Darrell Issa also knew about this before the election and chose not to go public with it.


Turns out you are full of shit


Republicans Informed of IRS Investigation Last Year

Republicans Informed of IRS Investigation Last Year - ABC News

In a letter dated July 11, 2012, the man who conducted the investigation — IRS inspector general J. Russell George — wrote to Rep. Darrell Issa, the chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, telling him that he was investigating the issue and offering to keep him updated as the investigation progressed.

“The Oversight Committee knew about the audit because it requested it,” an Issa aide told ABC News. Issa released the letter, along with his own letter dated June 28, 2012 requesting the investigation, last week.

Enjoying the bliss of ignorance???
Turns out Darrell Issa also knew about this before the election and chose not to go public with it.


Turns out you are full of shit


Republicans Informed of IRS Investigation Last Year

Republicans Informed of IRS Investigation Last Year - ABC News

In a letter dated July 11, 2012, the man who conducted the investigation — IRS inspector general J. Russell George — wrote to Rep. Darrell Issa, the chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, telling him that he was investigating the issue and offering to keep him updated as the investigation progressed.

“The Oversight Committee knew about the audit because it requested it,” an Issa aide told ABC News. Issa released the letter, along with his own letter dated June 28, 2012 requesting the investigation, last week.

Enjoying the bliss of ignorance???

Did you read my post to The Rabbi? It turns out that I actually described exactly what your post just said, without once having read your link.

Still full of shit.
Turns out you are full of shit


Republicans Informed of IRS Investigation Last Year

Republicans Informed of IRS Investigation Last Year - ABC News

In a letter dated July 11, 2012, the man who conducted the investigation — IRS inspector general J. Russell George — wrote to Rep. Darrell Issa, the chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, telling him that he was investigating the issue and offering to keep him updated as the investigation progressed.

“The Oversight Committee knew about the audit because it requested it,” an Issa aide told ABC News. Issa released the letter, along with his own letter dated June 28, 2012 requesting the investigation, last week.

Enjoying the bliss of ignorance???

Did you read my post to The Rabbi? It turns out that I actually described exactly what your post just said, without once having read your link.

Still full of shit.

You're hallucinating, as usual. I'm not going to have a hundred post debate on whether or not Issa knew about this. It's an irefutable fact.

He knew about this. Case closed.
Right now they're like untouchable Royalty. They snicker and talk down to us, while covering up their crimes. It's all just a big joke to this Administration. Someone needs to slap the cuffs on em and stick em in a prison cell. Give em their orange jumpsuits and we'll see how funny they think it all is. Present them with the prospect of living the next 20yrs in a cage, and i bet they begin to take things more seriously.

Are you going to cry?

Sometimes i actually i do feel like weeping for my Nation.
You should have been weeping when my people were. When you invaded and occupied an occupied country. I don't shed any tears and never will. Cannot wait until the Brown people take back that which belongs to them. You screwed it up. "MY nation?" :confused:

Republicans Informed of IRS Investigation Last Year

Republicans Informed of IRS Investigation Last Year - ABC News

In a letter dated July 11, 2012, the man who conducted the investigation — IRS inspector general J. Russell George — wrote to Rep. Darrell Issa, the chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, telling him that he was investigating the issue and offering to keep him updated as the investigation progressed.

“The Oversight Committee knew about the audit because it requested it,” an Issa aide told ABC News. Issa released the letter, along with his own letter dated June 28, 2012 requesting the investigation, last week.

Enjoying the bliss of ignorance???

Did you read my post to The Rabbi? It turns out that I actually described exactly what your post just said, without once having read your link.

Still full of shit.

You're hallucinating, as usual. I'm not going to have a hundred post debate on whether or not Issa knew about this. It's an irefutable fact.

He knew about this. Case closed.

By that standard, so did Obama because it was reported in the nightly news, and he was even asked about it once, yet you have no problem with his claim that he didn't know about it until he got it from the news last week.

Are you going to cry?

Sometimes i actually i do feel like weeping for my Nation.
You should have been weeping when my people were. When you invaded and occupied an occupied country. I don't shed any tears and never will. Cannot wait until the Brown people take back that which belongs to them. You screwed it up. "MY nation?" :confused:

Should he have been weeping when the Apaches attacked the Comanches? How about when my ancestors, the Nez Perce, pushed the ancestors of the Bannocks into Shoshone territory?

The entire history of the Americas involves one group of people invading the lands of others and either wiping them out or pushing them south. In all that time only one tribe was never displaced, and they survived by settling in an area no one else wanted. Don't whine about about your ancestors losing unless you are willing to admit they are just as guilty.
Did you read my post to The Rabbi? It turns out that I actually described exactly what your post just said, without once having read your link.

Still full of shit.

You're hallucinating, as usual. I'm not going to have a hundred post debate on whether or not Issa knew about this. It's an irefutable fact.

He knew about this. Case closed.

By that standard, so did Obama because it was reported in the nightly news, and he was even asked about it once, yet you have no problem with his claim that he didn't know about it until he got it from the news last week.


You should have read the link I posted.
Seems that liberal groups were targeted too:

Nonconservative Groups Say IRS Scrutinized Them, Too : NPR

The IRS has admitted it flagged applications from groups with "Tea Party" or "Patriot" in their names. But applications from other groups were closely scrutinized as well.
An Austin, Texas-based progressive group, Progress Texas, was one of them. Its executive director, Ed Espinoza, says it took almost a year and a half for the IRS to review the application from his organization. The process included answering a detailed questionnaire.
"It was nine pages and 21 questions, and inside those 21 questions, there were additional questions," Espinoza says. "So it was fairly extensive, and it was fairly thorough."
Really makes you wonder how this could have changed the election. It may not have altered the presidential race per say, but down ballot races most certainly could have been impacted.

NBC's Lisa Myers reported this morning that the IRS deliberately chose not to reveal that it had wrongly targeted conservative groups until after the 2012 presidential election:

The IRS commissioner "has known for at least a year that this was going on," said Myers, "and that this had happened. And did he share any of that information with the White House? But even more importantly, Congress is going to ask him, why did you mislead us for an entire year? Members of Congress were saying conservatives are being targeted. What's going on here? The IRS denied it. Then when -- after these officials are briefed by the IG that this is going on, they don't disclose it. In fact, the commissioner sent a letter to Congress in September on this subject and did not reveal this. Imagine if we -- if you can -- what would have happened if this fact came out in September 2012, in the middle of a presidential election? The terrain would have looked very different."

Report: IRS Deliberately Chose Not to Fess Up to Scandal Before Election | The Weekly Standard

You all know I am a big Obama fan so my thoughts on this are that he knew nothing of what was going on. This sounds like a Holder deal, maybe. But let's say that Obama didn't know, would it be fair for the election to turn on something he had nothing to do with nor had time to defend himself? Of course it really wouldn't have mattered. With the economy as it is, with the debt as it is, and with unemployment weakly improving Obama got elected because he is black, and nothing can change that.
Seems that liberal groups were targeted too:

Nonconservative Groups Say IRS Scrutinized Them, Too : NPR

The IRS has admitted it flagged applications from groups with "Tea Party" or "Patriot" in their names. But applications from other groups were closely scrutinized as well.
An Austin, Texas-based progressive group, Progress Texas, was one of them. Its executive director, Ed Espinoza, says it took almost a year and a half for the IRS to review the application from his organization. The process included answering a detailed questionnaire.
"It was nine pages and 21 questions, and inside those 21 questions, there were additional questions," Espinoza says. "So it was fairly extensive, and it was fairly thorough."

I am sure we'll see and I am not sure how that helps? ......did they ask then the same question? for the same information?


In 2010, some 1,700 applications for 501(c)(4) tax-exempt status came into the Cincinnati office. That number nearly doubled by 2012.

and doubled? IF I recall correctly, the number grew to 2500? I am pretty sure wapo had that breakdown...
It's pretty clear that the IRS saw the Tea Party as a threat to their unionized jobs with pensions gravy train...and they took their Palovian cues from their masters to attack the threat.
It's pretty clear that the IRS saw the Tea Party as a threat to their unionized jobs with pensions gravy train...and they took their Palovian cues from their masters to attack the threat.

And that's actually the most charitable explanation for what happened. There are alternatives that are even scarier.
Too bad for you the justification is VALID.

Care to explain why the president is pretending to be outraged by it then? Why did the interim IRS director resign the post early if everything was valid?

What planet were you hatched on?
Damage control to keep rightwing nutters from going batshit salivating crazy. Looks like it didn't work.

The only the mistake the IRS made was apologizing for it.

Why is Lois Lerner invoking the Fifth Amendment?
Care to explain why the president is pretending to be outraged by it then? Why did the interim IRS director resign the post early if everything was valid?

What planet were you hatched on?
Damage control to keep rightwing nutters from going batshit salivating crazy. Looks like it didn't work.

The only the mistake the IRS made was apologizing for it.

Why is Lois Lerner invoking the Fifth Amendment?


Now you're wishing and hoping this turns into something bigger.

Given the rabid, quick-to-condemn nature of the Republicans, pleading the 5th is a sound tactic.
Handcuffs and Orange Jumpsuits. That's the only way we'll get truth. Anything less is just folly.

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