REPORT: Limitless Immigration Creating Permanent Democrat Majority - See more at: https://www.conser


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Since the democrats are losing America their strategy is to import voters.


  • Over the past 18 years, the U.S. has admitted over roughly 700,000-800,000 citizens into our voting population every year, with a few years reaching 1 million.
  • Between 1989-2013, the U.S. has admitted 25.3 million legal permanent residents.
  • During a comparable 25-year period at the height of the Great Wave, from 1900-1924, only 16.8 million green cards were issued. The current wave has been 66% larger than the Great Wave in terms of green cards issued.
  • While the immigration wave of the modern era was 66% larger than the Great Wave, the “naturalization wave” underway is 329% greater.
  • 3.52 million immigrants have been naturalized in California since 1996, roughly one-fourth of the total naturalizations nationwide.
  • According to a 2012 survey, current immigrants favor Democrats over Republicans by almost 4-1.
  • A number of critical states have doubled or tripled their immigrant population over the past few decades, which in turn has helped Democrats create a “blue firewall” in the Electoral College.
- See more at: Conservative Review - REPORT: Limitless Immigration Creating Permanent Democrat Majority
That's the plan and it's being done behind our backs as we speak

how else did you think Obama was going to: transform our country?

and you still voted for it. sickening

and you sit and say nothing
The Dems plan has been known for some time now...............and the Chamber of Commerce as well............One wants the votes and the other wants cheap labor......................

The immigration deal will eventually make it virtually impossible to get a conservative elected President..............
Since the democrats are losing America their strategy is to import voters.


  • Over the past 18 years, the U.S. has admitted over roughly 700,000-800,000 citizens into our voting population every year, with a few years reaching 1 million.
  • Between 1989-2013, the U.S. has admitted 25.3 million legal permanent residents.
  • During a comparable 25-year period at the height of the Great Wave, from 1900-1924, only 16.8 million green cards were issued. The current wave has been 66% larger than the Great Wave in terms of green cards issued.
  • While the immigration wave of the modern era was 66% larger than the Great Wave, the “naturalization wave” underway is 329% greater.
  • 3.52 million immigrants have been naturalized in California since 1996, roughly one-fourth of the total naturalizations nationwide.
  • According to a 2012 survey, current immigrants favor Democrats over Republicans by almost 4-1.
  • A number of critical states have doubled or tripled their immigrant population over the past few decades, which in turn has helped Democrats create a “blue firewall” in the Electoral College.
- See more at: Conservative Review - REPORT: Limitless Immigration Creating Permanent Democrat Majority

Gee, it's almost like Republican policies on sex and reproduction aren't working huh.
The Dems plan has been known for some time now...............and the Chamber of Commerce as well............One wants the votes and the other wants cheap labor......................

The immigration deal will eventually make it virtually impossible to get a conservative elected President..............

or any other white person....and THAT'S the purpose..To dilute the white vote and skew elections. ...along with undermining the strong nation that white people built...

When the soviet union collapsed it broke up into 15 or 16 separate countries....america may not come up with that many but the ethnic and racial jealousy and resentment of whites is the ONE thing that DOES drive minorities and is the main reason this country is collapsing before our eyes....
They don't care about the best candidate, white or black..they care about displacing whites and electing people of "their" race. It can't be fixed by "voting"...the right to vote has been purposely co opted by making u.s. "citizenship" irrelevant...
Why would it create a permanent Democratic majority?

Have Republicans completely given up on ever convincing Hispanics why they should vote Republican?
Totally correct. They are importing beaners to dilute white Americans' votes and disenfranchise them. This is so shocking that it is almost unbelievable. That is exactly is what the left is counting on in its gradual takeover. Once we start taking it seriously it will be too late.
The Dems plan has been known for some time now...............and the Chamber of Commerce as well............One wants the votes and the other wants cheap labor......................

The immigration deal will eventually make it virtually impossible to get a conservative elected President..............

Yes and many citizens are cheering this because I guess they think they won't be coming after them. WE ARE BEING SOLD out right in front of our eyes. and not a shot needed to be fired. HOW damn sad is that and YOUR POLITICIANS are doing this to YOU
Totally correct. They are importing beaners to dilute white Americans' votes and disenfranchise them. This is so shocking that it is almost unbelievable. That is exactly is what the left is counting on in its gradual takeover. Once we start taking it seriously it will be too late.
It is posters like Ironhead who will ensure they will vote Democratic
Why would it create a permanent Democratic majority?

Have Republicans completely given up on ever convincing Hispanics why they should vote Republican?

Many Republicans won't stoop that low.

Democrats buy votes by giving things to people. The more you give them, the more of them will vote for you. It explains Obama's attempted amnesty and their vote to stop Kate's Law. Kate's law is designed to stop sanctuary cities by stopping money, and the law gives our authorities to right put illegals in jail if they come back here after being deported.

Republicans support the measure but Democrats could care less about illegals lurking about and killing our Americans. It's all about vote buying.
I think it's kind of funny that Republicans haven't come up with a plan that will draw immigrants into their camp taking Democrats thunder away. It's almost as if they don't want to get dirty mixing with the masses. Seriously, do you people want to be relevant going into the future or not?
I think it's kind of funny that Republicans haven't come up with a plan that will draw immigrants into their camp taking Democrats thunder away. It's almost as if they don't want to get dirty mixing with the masses. Seriously, do you people want to be relevant going into the future or not?

With the exception of giving them things, how do Republicans lure Hispanics away from the Democrats who are giving them things?
I think it's kind of funny that Republicans haven't come up with a plan that will draw immigrants into their camp taking Democrats thunder away. It's almost as if they don't want to get dirty mixing with the masses. Seriously, do you people want to be relevant going into the future or not?

With the exception of giving them things, how do Republicans lure Hispanics away from the Democrats who are giving them things?

DUH, better ideas.
Yet the GOP still wins!!!
What's up with that?
If the immigrants all vote democrat?

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