Report: Palin abused power, broke no laws in trooper case

I already said I don't pay for those sorts of thing, your blinded by the fact "Omgz, I get to go nuts on him over this."

You made references to Democrats by policy and you know it. You believe they take money out of everyone's pocket and give it to the poor. Welfare isn't generally a Republican policy and you damn well know it.

Don't play ignorance.

I made reference specifically to YOU - you don't get to tell ME who I'm talking about.

If you don't pay for those "sorts of things", what exactly is your "real life experience" that's going to save your ass when you get slapped in the head by good old fashioned LIFE?

You're 17 and you don't even have a job NOW, and you go to school for a lousy 7.5 hours a day. You merely said you "had" a job once - didn't/couldn't keep it? Why? Because it got in the way of something else? Too bad. That's LIFE.
I know about "life" thanks. I just don't pay for any of the stuff you named yet or have responsibility for it.

And you laugh at me for being involved with Debate?


I have a girl like you working for me. Talked exactly the same as you do.. No worries.. Just school.. La de dah... No responsiblities whatsoever.

Know what? Shhe got into a car accident, and her life is currently fucked because she assumed everyone else would always take care of her.. She's $8k in debt to the insurance company who's suing her, shes over $5k in debt to the "FRIEND" she had in the car with her due to what he claims as "lost wages", she's $65k in debt to the owers of the other car for medical bills and lost wages, she's $4k in debt to the hospital and ambulance companies herself, then there's the $10k she still owed on her car.. Mommy and daddy can't save her ass on that one - she's 20 years old. They're coming after HER.

She changed her tune REAL quick...Doesn't talk too high & mighty anymore...

Just remember - Over night, your entire life can change...
I made reference specifically to YOU - you don't get to tell ME who I'm talking about.

If you don't pay for those "sorts of things", what exactly is your "real life experience" that's going to save your ass when you get slapped in the head by good old fashioned LIFE?

You're 17 and you don't even have a job NOW, a1nd you go to school for a lousy 7.5 hours a day. You merely said you "had" a job once - didn't/couldn't keep it? Why? Because it got in the way of something else? Too bad. That's LIFE.

Hello did I say Democrats in general? I said POLICY. Anyone home up there in that thing you call a brain?

For someone who likes to think they are superior because of my age, you certainly don't seem to have a 100% grasp on the English language.

No one is fully prepared for life when they go in. I never said I was fully prepared, I'm just saying I'm not fully ignorant either like most of you are saying.

I have a job currently as well, the same one that I kept. So your whole last paragraph really makes no sense. Since you don't know me personally, assuming isn't exactly the correct thing to do anyway.
I have a girl like you working for me. Talked exactly the same as you do.. No worries.. Just school.. La de dah... No responsiblities whatsoever.

Know what? Shhe got into a car accident, and her life is currently fucked because she assumed everyone else would always take care of her.. She's $8k in debt to the insurance company who's suing her, shes over $5k in debt to the "FRIEND" she had in the car with her due to what he claims as "lost wages", she's $65k in debt to the owers of the other car for medical bills and lost wages, she's $4k in debt to the hospital and ambulance companies herself, then there's the $10k she still owed on her car.. Mommy and daddy can't save her ass on that one - she's 20 years old. They're coming after HER.

She changed her tune REAL quick...Doesn't talk to high & mighty anymore...

Mmm, you believe I don't worry about the future. Once again you assume.

You don't think I've heard similar stories to this? You don't think I worry something like this could ever happen to me?

Life sucks some if not most of the time, that's a fact really. Well of course unless your rich and everything is handed to you your whole life by Mommy and Daddy.
I have a girl like you working for me. Talked exactly the same as you do.. No worries.. Just school.. La de dah... No responsiblities whatsoever.

Know what? Shhe got into a car accident, and her life is currently fucked because she assumed everyone else would always take care of her.. She's $8k in debt to the insurance company who's suing her, shes over $5k in debt to the "FRIEND" she had in the car with her due to what he claims as "lost wages", she's $65k in debt to the owers of the other car for medical bills and lost wages, she's $4k in debt to the hospital and ambulance companies herself, then there's the $10k she still owed on her car.. Mommy and daddy can't save her ass on that one - she's 20 years old. They're coming after HER.

She changed her tune REAL quick...Doesn't talk too high & mighty anymore...

Just remember - Over night, your entire life can change...
DAMN, thats a harsh way to have reality hit you
Hello did I say Democrats in general? I said POLICY. Anyone home up there in that thing you call a brain?

For someone who likes to think they are superior because of my age, you certainly don't seem to have a 100% grasp on the English language.

No one is fully prepared for life when they go in. I never said I was fully prepared, I'm just saying I'm not fully ignorant either like most of you are saying.

I have a job currently as well, the same one that I kept. So your whole last paragraph really makes no sense. Since you don't know me personally, assuming isn't exactly the correct thing to do anyway.

Actually, smartypants, you DID say Democrats - these are your words:
Well I know your refering to Democrats when you say this, I never seen you say one negative thing about Republicans on here.

You also said
I've had a job but I doubt you care about that.

Your words; not mine. Looks like you're chasing your own tail again...
DAMN, thats a harsh way to have reality hit you

Yeah.. She was the one with the "Bros before Hoes" Obama tshirt.. Couldn't tell her a damn thing either.. "Republicans are MEAN! You can't talk to them - all they do is yell!" and "Some people just can't handle working full time jobs with school - it doesn't mean...blah blah blah".
Actually, smartypants, you DID say Democrats - these are your words:

You also said

Your words; not mine. Looks like you're chasing your own tail again...

Those are my words. Because as I stated, your saying Democrats because those are their policies. I haven't met a Republican yet who believes in Welfare in life or on this board.

I've had a job. I have had a job.

Example sentence: I've had a job for a year now.

Doesn't mean I lost it. Looks like your just trying to come off as superior to me again.
20 years old, $90k in debt OVER NIGHT. Plus school loans - in her second year of college.. worked only part time cuz she went to school 3 days a week.. Now scratching, trying to fight wage garnishments, work 2 jobs, and still go to school, because if she misses any more, they'll take away her loans..
I have a girl like you working for me. Talked exactly the same as you do.. No worries.. Just school.. La de dah... No responsiblities whatsoever.

Know what? Shhe got into a car accident, and her life is currently fucked because she assumed everyone else would always take care of her.. She's $8k in debt to the insurance company who's suing her, shes over $5k in debt to the "FRIEND" she had in the car with her due to what he claims as "lost wages", she's $65k in debt to the owers of the other car for medical bills and lost wages, she's $4k in debt to the hospital and ambulance companies herself, then there's the $10k she still owed on her car.. Mommy and daddy can't save her ass on that one - she's 20 years old. They're coming after HER.

She changed her tune REAL quick...Doesn't talk too high & mighty anymore...

Just remember - Over night, your entire life can change...

Sounds like a good reason to have a single payer healthcare system.
20 years old, $90k in debt OVER NIGHT. Plus school loans - in her second year of college.. worked only part time cuz she went to school 3 days a week.. Now scratching, trying to fight wage garnishments, work 2 jobs, and still go to school, because if she misses any more, they'll take away her loans..

And I feel sorry for her because she'll be working a long time to get that paid off. I never said Life didn't suck and that the things that go on in it didn't suck.

It's a shame that such things can occur in this country and do occur on a daily basis.

And I'm willing to bet she has credit cards and will be paying those off too for forever and a day? Or she is only one of those types who don't believe in Credit Cards.
Those are my words. Because as I stated, your saying Democrats because those are their policies. I haven't met a Republican yet who believes in Welfare in life or on this board.

I've had a job. I have had a job.

Example sentence: I've had a job for a year now.

Doesn't mean I lost it. Looks like your just trying to come off as superior to me again.

Looks like you're scratching to save face again. I didn't use the word Democrats ONCE - You did.. Then when I said I don't paint with a brush that large, you suddenly said you didn't say Democrats, you said POLICY...

Nice spin on the job thing as well.. IF you have one, it entails you sitting at your computer getting paid by your parents to keep your room clean and do your homework, because you're never NOT here...and I don't think that any REAL job you have is condusive to sitting on the internet all day and night...

But, you clearly didn't say you HAVE A JOB - You specifically yold RGS you HAD a job. Biiiiiig difference in this conversation, and you know it.

can someone point out the evidence against know evidence, not opinion

can someone point out the evidence against know evidence, not opinion

There's this thing called google.

Maybe you should try it sometime.

[ame=]YouTube - KTVA, Local CBS Affiliate, Reports On Palin Trooper-Gate Sca[/ame]
Looks like you're scratching to save face again. I didn't use the word Democrats ONCE - You did.. Then when I said I don't paint with a brush that large, you suddenly said you didn't say Democrats, you said POLICY...

Nice spin on the job thing as well.. IF you have one, it entails you sitting at your computer getting paid by your parents to keep your room clean and do your homework, because you're never NOT here...and I don't think that any REAL job you have is condusive to sitting on the internet all day and night...

But, you clearly didn't say you HAVE A JOB - You specifically yold RGS you HAD a job. Biiiiiig difference in this conversation, and you know it.

What do you think I've means? I HAVE

I have a job, and I am not here plenty of the time. Just because it's not a full time job doesn't mean it's not a job.

But once again, your assuming which is something you tend to do often.

Well you were refering to Democrats BECAUSE of the Policy. You ignore the fact you specifically brought up Welfare for example. I'm willing to bet that Welfare is not a Republican policy. So therefore, you were refering to Democrats AND their policy.

Does that clear it up for you?
What do you think I've means? I HAVE

I have a job, and I am not here plenty of the time. Just because it's not a full time job doesn't mean it's not a job.

But once again, your assuming which is something you tend to do often.

Well you were refering to Democrats BECAUSE of the Policy. You ignore the fact you specifically brought up Welfare for example. I'm willing to bet that Welfare is not a Republican policy. So therefore, you were refering to Democrats AND their policy.

Does that clear it up for you?

I've means "I have". Put that with the rest of your sentenced, and you have "I have had a job." which is exactly what you said. Have had being past tense.

Your real life experience doesn't even measure up to that of a 20-year old still living at home.. The only thing yours comes even remotely close to is other high school kids, which is bunk.

Does THAT clear it up for YOU?
20 years old, $90k in debt OVER NIGHT. Plus school loans - in her second year of college.. worked only part time cuz she went to school 3 days a week.. Now scratching, trying to fight wage garnishments, work 2 jobs, and still go to school, because if she misses any more, they'll take away her loans..
didnt she have car insurance?
or was that something she "forgot" to pay for

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