Report: Russia Investigation Could Last At Least Another Year


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Report: Russia Investigation Is Far From Over

'If you thought Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian election meddling was nearing its end, brace yourselves, because according to a new report in the Washington Post, it could last at least another year.'


Over a year of multiple investigations resulting in ZERO EVIDENCE.

7 Months of Mueller's 'Witch Hunt' - Results:
- ZERO evidence

- 3 'Scooter Libby' Indictments
*** 2 x Tax Evasion Charges Dating Back to 2006 - 1 of those will probably be dropped for illegal exercising or a Warrant
*** Charges Against Flynn For 'Lying To The FBI', which will probably be dropped due to the exposed Extreme Bias by the FIRED discredited FBI Agent behind the charge

- Several Discredited Media caught lying / pushing Mueller's lies

- Several FIRED team members, to include extreme Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary criminal FBI Agent Strzok

- Existing evidence of criminal activity by Mueller, Strzok, Holder, Comey, Lynch, Clapper, Brennan, Rice, Hillary, Abedin, Mills, and Obama...

- An Exposed, corrupt, seditious FBI, run by corrupt / criminal FBI Directors / Deputy Directors who created a culture of a corrupt / criminally biased FBI
*** FBI Director Mueller aided, abetted, hid, protected Russia and their crimes of Bribery, Extortion, Intimidation, etc; protected Hillary from Influence Peddling / Bribery investigation / charges; history of prosecutorial misconduct and blown cases die to ineptness / prosecutorial overreach; Comey's Mentor; potentially illegally collected privileged info and used it in the investigation; illegal exercising of a warrant led to collecting inadmissible evidence leading to criminal charges that will mort probably be dropped now

*** FBI Director Comey illegally leaking classified, hid criminal evidence of Hillary crimes, protected her from indictment / criminal charges, wrote her exoneration prior to the investigation being over; wife took money from Hillary, Mueller's protégé

*** FBI Deputy Director McCabe - took over Hillary investigation, hid evidence of criminal activity, wife took money from Hillary, 'insurance policy' against Trump Presidential win...

*** FBI Agent Strzok - hid criminal evidence against Hillary by changing final report language exposing Hillary's crimes; protected Hillary Aides Abedin and Mills from 'Lying to the FBI' charges - same charges he would help file against Flynn - charges against Flynn now will most probably be dropped, exposed extreme anti-Trump Pro-Hillary bias in FBI and on Mueller's team - which got him fired.

FBI: Exposed culture of corruption, political bias, and crime; led by criminals; protecting Strzok after his exposed partisan extremism and crimes of tampering with evidence / obstructing an investigation - re-assigning him instead of firing him.

Rosenstein: Exposed extreme Pro-Hillary supporter, seen at Hillary Campaign parties, withheld evidence that would have kept innocent people from going to jail in cases, caught creating false crimes to send innocent people to jail in the past, protecting Mueller after illegal . unethical acts

Mueller's Team, to include himself, is riddled with Conflict of Interests - criminals, DNC / Hillary donors, Hillary 'Clinton Foundation' Lawyers who handled the more than $100 million given to the Clintons by the KGB Bank.


All of this is just after 7 MONTHS of Mueller's exposed 'FUBAR Witch Hunt'. There is nothing. There never was nothing. There never will be anything...except more Liberal crimes exposed, more seditious attempts to over throw the current US govt.

It is PAST TIME to shut this BS down. If the 'best prosecuting attorney / team' can't find any TRACE of evidence against Trump after 7 months, it's time to shut it down....time to investigate the REAL criminals,
witch hunt.jpg
Report: Russia Investigation Is Far From Over

'If you thought Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian election meddling was nearing its end, brace yourselves, because according to a new report in the Washington Post, it could last at least another year.'


Over a year of multiple investigations resulting in ZERO EVIDENCE.

7 Months of Mueller's 'Witch Hunt' - Results:
- ZERO evidence

- 3 'Scooter Libby' Indictments
*** 2 x Tax Evasion Charges Dating Back to 2006 - 1 of those will probably be dropped for illegal exercising or a Warrant
*** Charges Against Flynn For 'Lying To The FBI', which will probably be dropped due to the exposed Extreme Bias by the FIRED discredited FBI Agent behind the charge

- Several Discredited Media caught lying / pushing Mueller's lies

- Several FIRED team members, to include extreme Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary criminal FBI Agent Strzok

- Existing evidence of criminal activity by Mueller, Strzok, Holder, Comey, Lynch, Clapper, Brennan, Rice, Hillary, Abedin, Mills, and Obama...

- An Exposed, corrupt, seditious FBI, run by corrupt / criminal FBI Directors / Deputy Directors who created a culture of a corrupt / criminally biased FBI
*** FBI Director Mueller aided, abetted, hid, protected Russia and their crimes of Bribery, Extortion, Intimidation, etc; protected Hillary from Influence Peddling / Bribery investigation / charges; history of prosecutorial misconduct and blown cases die to ineptness / prosecutorial overreach; Comey's Mentor; potentially illegally collected privileged info and used it in the investigation; illegal exercising of a warrant led to collecting inadmissible evidence leading to criminal charges that will mort probably be dropped now

*** FBI Director Comey illegally leaking classified, hid criminal evidence of Hillary crimes, protected her from indictment / criminal charges, wrote her exoneration prior to the investigation being over; wife took money from Hillary, Mueller's protégé

*** FBI Deputy Director McCabe - took over Hillary investigation, hid evidence of criminal activity, wife took money from Hillary, 'insurance policy' against Trump Presidential win...

*** FBI Agent Strzok - hid criminal evidence against Hillary by changing final report language exposing Hillary's crimes; protected Hillary Aides Abedin and Mills from 'Lying to the FBI' charges - same charges he would help file against Flynn - charges against Flynn now will most probably be dropped, exposed extreme anti-Trump Pro-Hillary bias in FBI and on Mueller's team - which got him fired.

FBI: Exposed culture of corruption, political bias, and crime; led by criminals; protecting Strzok after his exposed partisan extremism and crimes of tampering with evidence / obstructing an investigation - re-assigning him instead of firing him.

Rosenstein: Exposed extreme Pro-Hillary supporter, seen at Hillary Campaign parties, withheld evidence that would have kept innocent people from going to jail in cases, caught creating false crimes to send innocent people to jail in the past, protecting Mueller after illegal . unethical acts

Mueller's Team, to include himself, is riddled with Conflict of Interests - criminals, DNC / Hillary donors, Hillary 'Clinton Foundation' Lawyers who handled the more than $100 million given to the Clintons by the KGB Bank.


All of this is just after 7 MONTHS of Mueller's exposed 'FUBAR Witch Hunt'. There is nothing. There never was nothing. There never will be anything...except more Liberal crimes exposed, more seditious attempts to over throw the current US govt.

It is PAST TIME to shut this BS down. If the 'best prosecuting attorney / team' can't find any TRACE of evidence against Trump after 7 months, it's time to shut it down....time to investigate the REAL criminals,
Uh oh! Trump is in a heap of trouble!
Report: Russia Investigation Is Far From Over

'If you thought Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian election meddling was nearing its end, brace yourselves, because according to a new report in the Washington Post, it could last at least another year.'


Over a year of multiple investigations resulting in ZERO EVIDENCE.

7 Months of Mueller's 'Witch Hunt' - Results:
- ZERO evidence

- 3 'Scooter Libby' Indictments
*** 2 x Tax Evasion Charges Dating Back to 2006 - 1 of those will probably be dropped for illegal exercising or a Warrant
*** Charges Against Flynn For 'Lying To The FBI', which will probably be dropped due to the exposed Extreme Bias by the FIRED discredited FBI Agent behind the charge

- Several Discredited Media caught lying / pushing Mueller's lies

- Several FIRED team members, to include extreme Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary criminal FBI Agent Strzok

- Existing evidence of criminal activity by Mueller, Strzok, Holder, Comey, Lynch, Clapper, Brennan, Rice, Hillary, Abedin, Mills, and Obama...

- An Exposed, corrupt, seditious FBI, run by corrupt / criminal FBI Directors / Deputy Directors who created a culture of a corrupt / criminally biased FBI
*** FBI Director Mueller aided, abetted, hid, protected Russia and their crimes of Bribery, Extortion, Intimidation, etc; protected Hillary from Influence Peddling / Bribery investigation / charges; history of prosecutorial misconduct and blown cases die to ineptness / prosecutorial overreach; Comey's Mentor; potentially illegally collected privileged info and used it in the investigation; illegal exercising of a warrant led to collecting inadmissible evidence leading to criminal charges that will mort probably be dropped now

*** FBI Director Comey illegally leaking classified, hid criminal evidence of Hillary crimes, protected her from indictment / criminal charges, wrote her exoneration prior to the investigation being over; wife took money from Hillary, Mueller's protégé

*** FBI Deputy Director McCabe - took over Hillary investigation, hid evidence of criminal activity, wife took money from Hillary, 'insurance policy' against Trump Presidential win...

*** FBI Agent Strzok - hid criminal evidence against Hillary by changing final report language exposing Hillary's crimes; protected Hillary Aides Abedin and Mills from 'Lying to the FBI' charges - same charges he would help file against Flynn - charges against Flynn now will most probably be dropped, exposed extreme anti-Trump Pro-Hillary bias in FBI and on Mueller's team - which got him fired.

FBI: Exposed culture of corruption, political bias, and crime; led by criminals; protecting Strzok after his exposed partisan extremism and crimes of tampering with evidence / obstructing an investigation - re-assigning him instead of firing him.

Rosenstein: Exposed extreme Pro-Hillary supporter, seen at Hillary Campaign parties, withheld evidence that would have kept innocent people from going to jail in cases, caught creating false crimes to send innocent people to jail in the past, protecting Mueller after illegal . unethical acts

Mueller's Team, to include himself, is riddled with Conflict of Interests - criminals, DNC / Hillary donors, Hillary 'Clinton Foundation' Lawyers who handled the more than $100 million given to the Clintons by the KGB Bank.


All of this is just after 7 MONTHS of Mueller's exposed 'FUBAR Witch Hunt'. There is nothing. There never was nothing. There never will be anything...except more Liberal crimes exposed, more seditious attempts to over throw the current US govt.

It is PAST TIME to shut this BS down. If the 'best prosecuting attorney / team' can't find any TRACE of evidence against Trump after 7 months, it's time to shut it down....time to investigate the REAL criminals,

Yes, those are all claims and accusations that fox and right wingers have made. How silly of you to believe them.
I think the Deutch Bank information and finding out Mueller had the staffers transition emails before he "interviewed them" under oath upped the angst. Back when Mueller was brought in, people were saying at least a year. Personally, I thought a year was about all the public would really support. Most of us know the coppers can find something on anyone if they have the time and resources ... but if Team Trump got something from Putin, let's know what it was ... and what Trump gave up to get it.

If what Mueller turns up is just dirty money going back decades, and perjury to cover it up ... imo people will see that as a witch hunt.
Report: Russia Investigation Is Far From Over

'If you thought Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian election meddling was nearing its end, brace yourselves, because according to a new report in the Washington Post, it could last at least another year.'


Over a year of multiple investigations resulting in ZERO EVIDENCE.

7 Months of Mueller's 'Witch Hunt' - Results:
- ZERO evidence

- 3 'Scooter Libby' Indictments
*** 2 x Tax Evasion Charges Dating Back to 2006 - 1 of those will probably be dropped for illegal exercising or a Warrant
*** Charges Against Flynn For 'Lying To The FBI', which will probably be dropped due to the exposed Extreme Bias by the FIRED discredited FBI Agent behind the charge

- Several Discredited Media caught lying / pushing Mueller's lies

- Several FIRED team members, to include extreme Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary criminal FBI Agent Strzok

- Existing evidence of criminal activity by Mueller, Strzok, Holder, Comey, Lynch, Clapper, Brennan, Rice, Hillary, Abedin, Mills, and Obama...

- An Exposed, corrupt, seditious FBI, run by corrupt / criminal FBI Directors / Deputy Directors who created a culture of a corrupt / criminally biased FBI
*** FBI Director Mueller aided, abetted, hid, protected Russia and their crimes of Bribery, Extortion, Intimidation, etc; protected Hillary from Influence Peddling / Bribery investigation / charges; history of prosecutorial misconduct and blown cases die to ineptness / prosecutorial overreach; Comey's Mentor; potentially illegally collected privileged info and used it in the investigation; illegal exercising of a warrant led to collecting inadmissible evidence leading to criminal charges that will mort probably be dropped now

*** FBI Director Comey illegally leaking classified, hid criminal evidence of Hillary crimes, protected her from indictment / criminal charges, wrote her exoneration prior to the investigation being over; wife took money from Hillary, Mueller's protégé

*** FBI Deputy Director McCabe - took over Hillary investigation, hid evidence of criminal activity, wife took money from Hillary, 'insurance policy' against Trump Presidential win...

*** FBI Agent Strzok - hid criminal evidence against Hillary by changing final report language exposing Hillary's crimes; protected Hillary Aides Abedin and Mills from 'Lying to the FBI' charges - same charges he would help file against Flynn - charges against Flynn now will most probably be dropped, exposed extreme anti-Trump Pro-Hillary bias in FBI and on Mueller's team - which got him fired.

FBI: Exposed culture of corruption, political bias, and crime; led by criminals; protecting Strzok after his exposed partisan extremism and crimes of tampering with evidence / obstructing an investigation - re-assigning him instead of firing him.

Rosenstein: Exposed extreme Pro-Hillary supporter, seen at Hillary Campaign parties, withheld evidence that would have kept innocent people from going to jail in cases, caught creating false crimes to send innocent people to jail in the past, protecting Mueller after illegal . unethical acts

Mueller's Team, to include himself, is riddled with Conflict of Interests - criminals, DNC / Hillary donors, Hillary 'Clinton Foundation' Lawyers who handled the more than $100 million given to the Clintons by the KGB Bank.


All of this is just after 7 MONTHS of Mueller's exposed 'FUBAR Witch Hunt'. There is nothing. There never was nothing. There never will be anything...except more Liberal crimes exposed, more seditious attempts to over throw the current US govt.

It is PAST TIME to shut this BS down. If the 'best prosecuting attorney / team' can't find any TRACE of evidence against Trump after 7 months, it's time to shut it down....time to investigate the REAL criminals,

Yes, those are all claims and accusations that fox and right wingers have made. How silly of you to believe them.

1 year ... Zero evidence of crimes regarding collusion with Russians ... committed by anyone else other than Democrats.
Report: Russia Investigation Is Far From Over

'If you thought Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian election meddling was nearing its end, brace yourselves, because according to a new report in the Washington Post, it could last at least another year.'


Over a year of multiple investigations resulting in ZERO EVIDENCE.

7 Months of Mueller's 'Witch Hunt' - Results:
- ZERO evidence

- 3 'Scooter Libby' Indictments
*** 2 x Tax Evasion Charges Dating Back to 2006 - 1 of those will probably be dropped for illegal exercising or a Warrant
*** Charges Against Flynn For 'Lying To The FBI', which will probably be dropped due to the exposed Extreme Bias by the FIRED discredited FBI Agent behind the charge

- Several Discredited Media caught lying / pushing Mueller's lies

- Several FIRED team members, to include extreme Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary criminal FBI Agent Strzok

- Existing evidence of criminal activity by Mueller, Strzok, Holder, Comey, Lynch, Clapper, Brennan, Rice, Hillary, Abedin, Mills, and Obama...

- An Exposed, corrupt, seditious FBI, run by corrupt / criminal FBI Directors / Deputy Directors who created a culture of a corrupt / criminally biased FBI
*** FBI Director Mueller aided, abetted, hid, protected Russia and their crimes of Bribery, Extortion, Intimidation, etc; protected Hillary from Influence Peddling / Bribery investigation / charges; history of prosecutorial misconduct and blown cases die to ineptness / prosecutorial overreach; Comey's Mentor; potentially illegally collected privileged info and used it in the investigation; illegal exercising of a warrant led to collecting inadmissible evidence leading to criminal charges that will mort probably be dropped now

*** FBI Director Comey illegally leaking classified, hid criminal evidence of Hillary crimes, protected her from indictment / criminal charges, wrote her exoneration prior to the investigation being over; wife took money from Hillary, Mueller's protégé

*** FBI Deputy Director McCabe - took over Hillary investigation, hid evidence of criminal activity, wife took money from Hillary, 'insurance policy' against Trump Presidential win...

*** FBI Agent Strzok - hid criminal evidence against Hillary by changing final report language exposing Hillary's crimes; protected Hillary Aides Abedin and Mills from 'Lying to the FBI' charges - same charges he would help file against Flynn - charges against Flynn now will most probably be dropped, exposed extreme anti-Trump Pro-Hillary bias in FBI and on Mueller's team - which got him fired.

FBI: Exposed culture of corruption, political bias, and crime; led by criminals; protecting Strzok after his exposed partisan extremism and crimes of tampering with evidence / obstructing an investigation - re-assigning him instead of firing him.

Rosenstein: Exposed extreme Pro-Hillary supporter, seen at Hillary Campaign parties, withheld evidence that would have kept innocent people from going to jail in cases, caught creating false crimes to send innocent people to jail in the past, protecting Mueller after illegal . unethical acts

Mueller's Team, to include himself, is riddled with Conflict of Interests - criminals, DNC / Hillary donors, Hillary 'Clinton Foundation' Lawyers who handled the more than $100 million given to the Clintons by the KGB Bank.


All of this is just after 7 MONTHS of Mueller's exposed 'FUBAR Witch Hunt'. There is nothing. There never was nothing. There never will be anything...except more Liberal crimes exposed, more seditious attempts to over throw the current US govt.

It is PAST TIME to shut this BS down. If the 'best prosecuting attorney / team' can't find any TRACE of evidence against Trump after 7 months, it's time to shut it down....time to investigate the REAL criminals,

Yes, those are all claims and accusations that fox and right wingers have made. How silly of you to believe them.

1 year ... Zero evidence of crimes regarding collusion with Russians ... committed by anyone else other than Democrats.

How do you know there is zero evidence? Are you privy to the unpublished findings of the investigation? You're used to investigations that were run for purely political purposes, like the Benghazi investigation that lasted several years, and leaked misleading information a couple of times per week to discredit the left.
Report: Russia Investigation Is Far From Over

'If you thought Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian election meddling was nearing its end, brace yourselves, because according to a new report in the Washington Post, it could last at least another year.'


Over a year of multiple investigations resulting in ZERO EVIDENCE.

7 Months of Mueller's 'Witch Hunt' - Results:
- ZERO evidence

- 3 'Scooter Libby' Indictments
*** 2 x Tax Evasion Charges Dating Back to 2006 - 1 of those will probably be dropped for illegal exercising or a Warrant
*** Charges Against Flynn For 'Lying To The FBI', which will probably be dropped due to the exposed Extreme Bias by the FIRED discredited FBI Agent behind the charge

- Several Discredited Media caught lying / pushing Mueller's lies

- Several FIRED team members, to include extreme Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary criminal FBI Agent Strzok

- Existing evidence of criminal activity by Mueller, Strzok, Holder, Comey, Lynch, Clapper, Brennan, Rice, Hillary, Abedin, Mills, and Obama...

- An Exposed, corrupt, seditious FBI, run by corrupt / criminal FBI Directors / Deputy Directors who created a culture of a corrupt / criminally biased FBI
*** FBI Director Mueller aided, abetted, hid, protected Russia and their crimes of Bribery, Extortion, Intimidation, etc; protected Hillary from Influence Peddling / Bribery investigation / charges; history of prosecutorial misconduct and blown cases die to ineptness / prosecutorial overreach; Comey's Mentor; potentially illegally collected privileged info and used it in the investigation; illegal exercising of a warrant led to collecting inadmissible evidence leading to criminal charges that will mort probably be dropped now

*** FBI Director Comey illegally leaking classified, hid criminal evidence of Hillary crimes, protected her from indictment / criminal charges, wrote her exoneration prior to the investigation being over; wife took money from Hillary, Mueller's protégé

*** FBI Deputy Director McCabe - took over Hillary investigation, hid evidence of criminal activity, wife took money from Hillary, 'insurance policy' against Trump Presidential win...

*** FBI Agent Strzok - hid criminal evidence against Hillary by changing final report language exposing Hillary's crimes; protected Hillary Aides Abedin and Mills from 'Lying to the FBI' charges - same charges he would help file against Flynn - charges against Flynn now will most probably be dropped, exposed extreme anti-Trump Pro-Hillary bias in FBI and on Mueller's team - which got him fired.

FBI: Exposed culture of corruption, political bias, and crime; led by criminals; protecting Strzok after his exposed partisan extremism and crimes of tampering with evidence / obstructing an investigation - re-assigning him instead of firing him.

Rosenstein: Exposed extreme Pro-Hillary supporter, seen at Hillary Campaign parties, withheld evidence that would have kept innocent people from going to jail in cases, caught creating false crimes to send innocent people to jail in the past, protecting Mueller after illegal . unethical acts

Mueller's Team, to include himself, is riddled with Conflict of Interests - criminals, DNC / Hillary donors, Hillary 'Clinton Foundation' Lawyers who handled the more than $100 million given to the Clintons by the KGB Bank.


All of this is just after 7 MONTHS of Mueller's exposed 'FUBAR Witch Hunt'. There is nothing. There never was nothing. There never will be anything...except more Liberal crimes exposed, more seditious attempts to over throw the current US govt.

It is PAST TIME to shut this BS down. If the 'best prosecuting attorney / team' can't find any TRACE of evidence against Trump after 7 months, it's time to shut it down....time to investigate the REAL criminals,
Take as long as you need, Mr. Mueller.
Report: Russia Investigation Is Far From Over

'If you thought Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian election meddling was nearing its end, brace yourselves, because according to a new report in the Washington Post, it could last at least another year.'


Over a year of multiple investigations resulting in ZERO EVIDENCE.

7 Months of Mueller's 'Witch Hunt' - Results:
- ZERO evidence

- 3 'Scooter Libby' Indictments
*** 2 x Tax Evasion Charges Dating Back to 2006 - 1 of those will probably be dropped for illegal exercising or a Warrant
*** Charges Against Flynn For 'Lying To The FBI', which will probably be dropped due to the exposed Extreme Bias by the FIRED discredited FBI Agent behind the charge

- Several Discredited Media caught lying / pushing Mueller's lies

- Several FIRED team members, to include extreme Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary criminal FBI Agent Strzok

- Existing evidence of criminal activity by Mueller, Strzok, Holder, Comey, Lynch, Clapper, Brennan, Rice, Hillary, Abedin, Mills, and Obama...

- An Exposed, corrupt, seditious FBI, run by corrupt / criminal FBI Directors / Deputy Directors who created a culture of a corrupt / criminally biased FBI
*** FBI Director Mueller aided, abetted, hid, protected Russia and their crimes of Bribery, Extortion, Intimidation, etc; protected Hillary from Influence Peddling / Bribery investigation / charges; history of prosecutorial misconduct and blown cases die to ineptness / prosecutorial overreach; Comey's Mentor; potentially illegally collected privileged info and used it in the investigation; illegal exercising of a warrant led to collecting inadmissible evidence leading to criminal charges that will mort probably be dropped now

*** FBI Director Comey illegally leaking classified, hid criminal evidence of Hillary crimes, protected her from indictment / criminal charges, wrote her exoneration prior to the investigation being over; wife took money from Hillary, Mueller's protégé

*** FBI Deputy Director McCabe - took over Hillary investigation, hid evidence of criminal activity, wife took money from Hillary, 'insurance policy' against Trump Presidential win...

*** FBI Agent Strzok - hid criminal evidence against Hillary by changing final report language exposing Hillary's crimes; protected Hillary Aides Abedin and Mills from 'Lying to the FBI' charges - same charges he would help file against Flynn - charges against Flynn now will most probably be dropped, exposed extreme anti-Trump Pro-Hillary bias in FBI and on Mueller's team - which got him fired.

FBI: Exposed culture of corruption, political bias, and crime; led by criminals; protecting Strzok after his exposed partisan extremism and crimes of tampering with evidence / obstructing an investigation - re-assigning him instead of firing him.

Rosenstein: Exposed extreme Pro-Hillary supporter, seen at Hillary Campaign parties, withheld evidence that would have kept innocent people from going to jail in cases, caught creating false crimes to send innocent people to jail in the past, protecting Mueller after illegal . unethical acts

Mueller's Team, to include himself, is riddled with Conflict of Interests - criminals, DNC / Hillary donors, Hillary 'Clinton Foundation' Lawyers who handled the more than $100 million given to the Clintons by the KGB Bank.


All of this is just after 7 MONTHS of Mueller's exposed 'FUBAR Witch Hunt'. There is nothing. There never was nothing. There never will be anything...except more Liberal crimes exposed, more seditious attempts to over throw the current US govt.

It is PAST TIME to shut this BS down. If the 'best prosecuting attorney / team' can't find any TRACE of evidence against Trump after 7 months, it's time to shut it down....time to investigate the REAL criminals,

Yes, those are all claims and accusations that fox and right wingers have made. How silly of you to believe them.

1 year ... Zero evidence of crimes regarding collusion with Russians ... committed by anyone else other than Democrats.
2 indictments , 2 guilty pleas..many more to come. So sucks to be you.
Last edited:
Mueller's investigation will wrap up just AFTER next year's elections. This will allow him to leak disparaging information about Trump BEFORE the elections and then drop the whole matter afterwards. Another Special Counsel needs to be appointed to counter this political witch hunt.
Report: Russia Investigation Is Far From Over

'If you thought Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian election meddling was nearing its end, brace yourselves, because according to a new report in the Washington Post, it could last at least another year.'


Over a year of multiple investigations resulting in ZERO EVIDENCE.

7 Months of Mueller's 'Witch Hunt' - Results:
- ZERO evidence

- 3 'Scooter Libby' Indictments
*** 2 x Tax Evasion Charges Dating Back to 2006 - 1 of those will probably be dropped for illegal exercising or a Warrant
*** Charges Against Flynn For 'Lying To The FBI', which will probably be dropped due to the exposed Extreme Bias by the FIRED discredited FBI Agent behind the charge

- Several Discredited Media caught lying / pushing Mueller's lies

- Several FIRED team members, to include extreme Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary criminal FBI Agent Strzok

- Existing evidence of criminal activity by Mueller, Strzok, Holder, Comey, Lynch, Clapper, Brennan, Rice, Hillary, Abedin, Mills, and Obama...

- An Exposed, corrupt, seditious FBI, run by corrupt / criminal FBI Directors / Deputy Directors who created a culture of a corrupt / criminally biased FBI
*** FBI Director Mueller aided, abetted, hid, protected Russia and their crimes of Bribery, Extortion, Intimidation, etc; protected Hillary from Influence Peddling / Bribery investigation / charges; history of prosecutorial misconduct and blown cases die to ineptness / prosecutorial overreach; Comey's Mentor; potentially illegally collected privileged info and used it in the investigation; illegal exercising of a warrant led to collecting inadmissible evidence leading to criminal charges that will mort probably be dropped now

*** FBI Director Comey illegally leaking classified, hid criminal evidence of Hillary crimes, protected her from indictment / criminal charges, wrote her exoneration prior to the investigation being over; wife took money from Hillary, Mueller's protégé

*** FBI Deputy Director McCabe - took over Hillary investigation, hid evidence of criminal activity, wife took money from Hillary, 'insurance policy' against Trump Presidential win...

*** FBI Agent Strzok - hid criminal evidence against Hillary by changing final report language exposing Hillary's crimes; protected Hillary Aides Abedin and Mills from 'Lying to the FBI' charges - same charges he would help file against Flynn - charges against Flynn now will most probably be dropped, exposed extreme anti-Trump Pro-Hillary bias in FBI and on Mueller's team - which got him fired.

FBI: Exposed culture of corruption, political bias, and crime; led by criminals; protecting Strzok after his exposed partisan extremism and crimes of tampering with evidence / obstructing an investigation - re-assigning him instead of firing him.

Rosenstein: Exposed extreme Pro-Hillary supporter, seen at Hillary Campaign parties, withheld evidence that would have kept innocent people from going to jail in cases, caught creating false crimes to send innocent people to jail in the past, protecting Mueller after illegal . unethical acts

Mueller's Team, to include himself, is riddled with Conflict of Interests - criminals, DNC / Hillary donors, Hillary 'Clinton Foundation' Lawyers who handled the more than $100 million given to the Clintons by the KGB Bank.


All of this is just after 7 MONTHS of Mueller's exposed 'FUBAR Witch Hunt'. There is nothing. There never was nothing. There never will be anything...except more Liberal crimes exposed, more seditious attempts to over throw the current US govt.

It is PAST TIME to shut this BS down. If the 'best prosecuting attorney / team' can't find any TRACE of evidence against Trump after 7 months, it's time to shut it down....time to investigate the REAL criminals,

Was there ever any question? I predicted this from the start. The ONLY purpose of this witch hunt is to gather mud to throw at republicans for 2018.
Mueller's investigation will wrap up just AFTER next year's elections. This will allow him to leak disparaging information about Trump BEFORE the elections and then drop the whole matter afterwards. Another Special Counsel needs to be appointed to counter this political witch hunt.

So you think it will follow the Benghazi investigation pattern?
How do you know there is zero evidence?

Over 1 year - NO evidence presented that a crime was even committed.

Over 1 year - NO evidence presented Trump was involved with a crime.

Over 1 Year - Only Indictments Mueller has are completely unrelated to Trump, and 2 of his 3 look like they will be thrown out

Over 1 Year - Evidence of crimes committed by Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Holder, Hillary, Obama revealed.

Over 1 Year - Evidence of corruption, crime sedition within the FBI ('Insurance Plan')

Over 1 Year - No evidence against Trump but evidence of evidence of investigative / prosecutorial misconduct has been revealed - just like his 'resume' from the past,

Over 1 Year - Mueller abandoned the Russian angle to investigate 'ISRAEL' & 'TURKEY'

Aside from Mueller and the corrupt fake-news media playing 'Lucy-Charlie Brown and the Football' with the snowflakes (claiming to have evidence then pulling it away from you ate the last second), there is NOTHING against Trump and TO this fake BS accusation / investigation.

The reputation of Mueller, his team, the FBI, the DOJ, and to the Obama administration resulting from evidence of corruption, crimes, collusion, sedition, etc... is so damaged that if Mueller had ANYTHING he would report it or at least let some leak out.

He and his team have refused to provide anything to Congress - even a shred of evidence when asked for any reason to keep it going.....Mueller can't produce it.

It does not exist.
How do you know there is zero evidence?

Over 1 year - NO evidence presented that a crime was even committed.

Over 1 year - NO evidence presented Trump was involved with a crime.

Over 1 Year - Only Indictments Mueller has are completely unrelated to Trump, and 2 of his 3 look like they will be thrown out

Over 1 Year - Evidence of crimes committed by Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Holder, Hillary, Obama revealed.

Over 1 Year - Evidence of corruption, crime sedition within the FBI ('Insurance Plan')

Over 1 Year - No evidence against Trump but evidence of evidence of investigative / prosecutorial misconduct has been revealed - just like his 'resume' from the past,

Over 1 Year - Mueller abandoned the Russian angle to investigate 'ISRAEL' & 'TURKEY'

Aside from Mueller and the corrupt fake-news media playing 'Lucy-Charlie Brown and the Football' with the snowflakes (claiming to have evidence then pulling it away from you ate the last second), there is NOTHING against Trump and TO this fake BS accusation / investigation.

The reputation of Mueller, his team, the FBI, the DOJ, and to the Obama administration resulting from evidence of corruption, crimes, collusion, sedition, etc... is so damaged that if Mueller had ANYTHING he would report it or at least let some leak out.

He and his team have refused to provide anything to Congress - even a shred of evidence when asked for any reason to keep it going.....Mueller can't produce it.

It does not exist.

No. Unethical political hacks like Goudy use an investigation to sway public opinion, and regularly put out leaks like you seem to think are expected.. Mueller is professional. Those unethical stunts won't be used.
So you think it will follow the Benghazi investigation pattern?


1. The Benghazi Investigations were never CRIMINAL Investigations. They were 'Fact Finding' investigations designed to determine why what happened actually happened to make sure it never happened again. The BS 'Russian-Trump Collusion' False Accusation IS a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

2. The Benghazi Investigation produced a TON of evidence of incompetence, stupidity, irresponsibility, and piss-poor decision-making ability of both Hillary and Obama.
- Ignoring the admittedly known threat of terrorist attack on 9/11/12 and the call for the assassination of Ambassador Stephens
- Ignoring the 2 previous terrorist attacks on the US Compound
- More than 50 rejections for additional security and warnings that it a 3rd terrorist attack happened Stephens would die
- Refusal to order Americans out after EVERY OTHER NATION PULLED THEIR PEOPLE OUT due to the increased violence, terrorist attacks, terrorist presence, and pending attacks
- Not ensuring there was a response team ready to rescue Americans if need be on 9/11/12 when THEY KNEW an attack was coming

There has been no evidence of a crime, no evidence against Trump, and those who have been indicted have been indicted for things that have no connection to non-existent Russian 'collusion' (not only because it did not happen but because 'COLLUSION' ISN'T EVEN A F*ING CRIME!)

I could go on, but why bother.

No. Unethical political hacks like Goudy use an investigation to sway public opinion, and regularly put out leaks like you seem to think are expected.. Mueller is professional. Those unethical stunts won't be used.

Gowdy, UNLIKE MUELLER / ROSENSTEIN, has never withheld evidence that could have prevented innocent Americans from going to jail and / or created fake crimes to send innocent Americans to jail.

Gowdy has never engaged in nor had a reputation for engaging in investigative / prosecutorial misconduct, as is the case with Mueller and Rosenstein.

Gowdy has never leaked information, especially classified information, like has Mueller, Comey, and / or their teams.

But you keep lying your ass off in defense of the real criminals...
So you think it will follow the Benghazi investigation pattern?


1. The Benghazi Investigations were never CRIMINAL Investigations. They were 'Fact Finding' investigations designed to determine why what happened actually happened to make sure it never happened again. The BS 'Russian-Trump Collusion' False Accusation IS a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

2. The Benghazi Investigation produced a TON of evidence of incompetence, stupidity, irresponsibility, and piss-poor decision-making ability of both Hillary and Obama.
- Ignoring the admittedly known threat of terrorist attack on 9/11/12 and the call for the assassination of Ambassador Stephens
- Ignoring the 2 previous terrorist attacks on the US Compound
- More than 50 rejections for additional security and warnings that it a 3rd terrorist attack happened Stephens would die
- Refusal to order Americans out after EVERY OTHER NATION PULLED THEIR PEOPLE OUT due to the increased violence, terrorist attacks, terrorist presence, and pending attacks
- Not ensuring there was a response team ready to rescue Americans if need be on 9/11/12 when THEY KNEW an attack was coming

There has been no evidence of a crime, no evidence against Trump, and those who have been indicted have been indicted for things that have no connection to non-existent Russian 'collusion' (not only because it did not happen but because 'COLLUSION' ISN'T EVEN A F*ING CRIME!)

I could go on, but why bother.


The Benghazi witch hunt didn't come up with any intentional wrong doing by anybody. Quit whining, It's far from over.
No. Unethical political hacks like Goudy use an investigation to sway public opinion, and regularly put out leaks like you seem to think are expected.. Mueller is professional. Those unethical stunts won't be used.

Gowdy, UNLIKE MUELLER / ROSENSTEIN, has never withheld evidence that could have prevented innocent Americans from going to jail and / or created fake crimes to send innocent Americans to jail.

Gowdy has never engaged in nor had a reputation for engaging in investigative / prosecutorial misconduct, as is the case with Mueller and Rosenstein.

Gowdy has never leaked information, especially classified information, like has Mueller, Comey, and / or their teams.

But you keep lying your ass off in defense of the real criminals...

Then why don't you marry him? Muller is running this investigation professionally. That seems to scare Trump-o pretty bad.

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