REPORTER: Do you trust the election process this time around?

Trump has never made any bones about his disdain for democratic goverment and our elections. He praises dictators and attacks democratically elected leaders. Back in 2015, his first wife said he kept copies of Hitler's speeches by his bed. At the time I thought it was bullshit. However, after hearing his numerous comments expressing hatred for democratic goverment, I think it could be true. Clearly the man is a fascist.

Yet Trump adhered the the Constitution closer than any president in the last 65 years.

So, that leaves two possible conclusions about your assertions. One, you have no clue what you are talking about because you have done no actual research.

Or you are simply flat out lying.

So, which is it?
From all I have read and seen of Trump, I believe he has always been a fascist. He certainly believes in an authoritarian goverment under a single ruler, free to make decisions without the burden of a parliamentary system. He seems to believe that he can fix American's problems if he is not burdened by a democratic goverment. What is most disturbing is so many of his followers agree.
Examples, please.
Trump is asked if he trusts the election process. He says he’ll tell you after it’s over, meaning it depends on if he wins. He doesn’t even pretend to support the democratic process. MAGA supporters are such liars because no honest person can defend this.

Translation: If I lose again, I'm crying fraud again. Only this time, it's civil war because I'll be facing a litany of felonies I can't get out of.
BULLSHIT. Just as in 2020, it really depends on how the election goes and is held and not just whether he wins or not. Why do you lie so much?
J6 wasn't about Trump losing, it was about how the election was held then all questions and doubts dismissed, swept under the table and everyone shadow-banned for asking, then all the media lying saying all doubts were baseless and disproven mere days after the election before any facts were even yet known!!!

TOTAL BULLSHIT. Quit lying that the 2020 election represented the "democratic process" when nothing about it was typical, and many states violated their own election laws counting many proven illegal ballots and votes to get to the results they wanted. I can only pray that 2024 goes better.

Liar. Trump planned all ongoing to cry fraud if he lost. He said so repeatedly and he's still saying so. He's the worst thing that's ever happened to free and fair elections in this country.


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