Reporting on Anderson Cooper: Rudy Giuliani said Trump has paid Cohen Stormy's 130 thousand

Trump was a Democrat back in those days. So it's alright.
When did this alleged affair happen?

It was 12 years ago or something.
Yea, 2016 was 12 years ago. Oh, these GOP, they not only have new science, they have new math.

Aba Incieni asked when this alleged affair with Stormy Daniels happened.

The Donald's happening or whatever it was with Stormy Daniels did not happen in 2016, it happened 12 years ago in 2006. And if he paid this 130,000 then he probably paid it from his own money, so how that would be illegal? How is it illegal to pay money from your own funds to a third party. It isn't.
Who actually believes this spoiled queer son of Gloria Vanderbilt?
Who cares? It's just another bullshit non-issue you snowflakes are trying to build into something that nobody gives a shit about.
It's called "Campaign Finance Laws".

You know, "LAWS".

Something Republicans know nothing about and couldn't care less.
Prove he paid the whore with campaign donations.
If it helped the campaign figure it out.

LOL All True! Rudy fucked up!

DOPers, was the Great Douche Lying?

Who cares? It's just another bullshit non-issue you snowflakes are trying to build into something that nobody gives a shit about.
It's called "Campaign Finance Laws".

You know, "LAWS".

Something Republicans know nothing about and couldn't care less.
Prove he paid the whore with campaign donations.
If it helped the campaign figure it out.
Yeah, you go with that, moron.
Anderson Cooper said this is breaking news:

Rudy Giuliani said Trump paid Michael Cohen the $130,000.00 Cohen originally paid to Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about the nasty unprotected sex the married father had with the tart.

What does that lead to?

Stay tuned.

Who gives a $hit. Bill Clinton was accused of rape by several women and cheated on Hillary the Oval office. I'm sure you excused that. lol
The Douche is spewing.


What will IT give away to get them home? To Change this news story.
Anderson Cooper said this is breaking news:

Rudy Giuliani said Trump paid Michael Cohen the $130,000.00 Cohen originally paid to Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about the nasty unprotected sex the married father had with the tart.

What does that lead to?

Stay tuned.
Oh my

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