Reporting on the Rohingya: “The Tip of a Huge Iceberg of Misinformation”


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

As usual, the media conveniently avoids reporting how these Muslims started it last August by attacking the police.

Only a handful of the reports mention, and only briefly, as if in passing, that the current violence began when, in mid-August, Rohingya fighters attacked 30 different police stations and an army base, as part of their campaign to stake their claim to Rakhine State, in western Myanmar, and showing themselves able “to strike terror in the hearts” of the Infidels to get it. The attacks left more than 70 dead, Muslims and Buddhists.

This and much more of the truth @ Reporting on the Rohingya: “The Tip of a Huge Iceberg of Misinformation”

As usual, the media conveniently avoids reporting how these Muslims started it last August by attacking the police.

Only a handful of the reports mention, and only briefly, as if in passing, that the current violence began when, in mid-August, Rohingya fighters attacked 30 different police stations and an army base, as part of their campaign to stake their claim to Rakhine State, in western Myanmar, and showing themselves able “to strike terror in the hearts” of the Infidels to get it. The attacks left more than 70 dead, Muslims and Buddhists.

This and much more of the truth @ Reporting on the Rohingya: “The Tip of a Huge Iceberg of Misinformation”
They gave no options for the Buddhists there. They had to start defending themselves or submit to Islamist.

As usual, the media conveniently avoids reporting how these Muslims started it last August by attacking the police.

And before that, and before that, and before that ... it's who they are, nasty murdering cultists.

As usual, the media conveniently avoids reporting how these Muslims started it last August by attacking the police.

And before that, and before that, and before that ... it's who they are, nasty murdering cultists.
They do that crap and then whine because no one wants them but why would anyone want them if that is what they continue to do every generation? India tossed them years ago because they were violence oriented. China won't put up with their crap either.
The world’s fastest-developing refugee emergency...

Bangladesh carving out forest land to shelter desperate Rohingya
October 5, 2017 - Hard-pressed to find space for a massive influx of Rohingya Muslim refugees, Bangladesh plans to chop down forest trees to extend a tent city sheltering destitute families fleeing ethnic violence in neighboring Myanmar.
More than half a million Rohingya have arrived from Myanmar’s western state of Rakhine since the end of August in what the United Nations has called the world’s fastest-developing refugee emergency. The exodus began after Myanmar security forces responded to Rohingya militants’ attacks on Aug. 25 by launching a brutal crackdown that the United Nations has denounced as ethnic cleansing. Myanmar has rejected that accusation, insisting that the military action was needed to combat “terrorists” who had killed civilians and burnt villages. But it has left Bangladesh and international humanitarian organizations counting the cost as they race to provide life-saving food, water and medical care for the displaced Rohingya. Simply finding enough empty ground to accommodate the refugees is a huge problem. “The government allocated 2,000 acres when the number of refugees was nearly 400,000,” Mohammad Shah Kamal, Bangladesh’s secretary of disaster management and relief, told Reuters on Thursday. “Now that the numbers have gone up by more than 100,000 and people are still coming. So, the government has to allocate 1,000 acres (400 hectares) of forest land.”

Once all the trees are felled, aid workers plan to put up 150,000 tarpaulin shelters in their place. Swamped by refugees, poor Bangladeshi villagers are faced with mounting hardships and worries, including the trafficking of illegal drugs, particularly methamphetamines, from Myanmar. “The situation is very bad,” said Kazi Abdur Rahman, a senior official in the Bangladesh border district of Cox’s Bazar, where most of the Rohingya are settled. “People in Cox’s Bazar are concerned, we are also concerned, but there’s nothing we can do but accommodate them.” The pressure on the land is creating another conflict, this time environmental rather than ethnic. Last month, wild elephants trampled two refugees to death and Rahman said more such encounters appeared inevitable as more forest is destroyed.


U.N. agencies coordinating aid appealed on Wednesday for $434 million to help up to 1.2 million people, most of them children, for six months. Their figure includes the 515,000 who have arrived since August, more than 300,000 Rohingya who were already in Bangladesh, having fled earlier suppression, a contingency for another 91,000 and 300,000 Bangladesh villagers in so-called host communities who also need help.

The Save the Children aid group warned of a malnutrition crisis with some 281,000 people in need of urgent nutrition support, including 145,000 children under five and more than 50,000 pregnant and breastfeeding women. “In over 20 years as a humanitarian worker, I’ve never seen a situation like this, where people are so desperate for basic assistance and conditions so dire,” Unni Krishnan, director of Save the Children’s Emergency Health Unit, said in a statement.

U.N. agencies are wary of planning beyond six months for fear or creating a self-perpetuating crisis. Myanmar has promised to take back anyone verified as a refugee but there’s little hope for speedy repatriation. There is long-simmering communal tension and animosity toward the Rohingya in Myanmar, most of whom are stateless and derided as illegal immigrants. “This crisis isn’t going to end soon,” said a Bangladeshi interior ministry official who declined to be identified.

Bangladesh carving out forest land to shelter desperate Rohingya
They're the typical poster children for the UN and Sub-Human Rights Watch. People should be e-mailing American charities and the White House not to spend a red cent on the displaced terrorists.
Oh dear. 750,000 people driven from their homes for the crime of being a Muslim. Some of you knobs are getting a hard on over this.

As usual, the media conveniently avoids reporting how these Muslims started it last August by attacking the police.

Only a handful of the reports mention, and only briefly, as if in passing, that the current violence began when, in mid-August, Rohingya fighters attacked 30 different police stations and an army base, as part of their campaign to stake their claim to Rakhine State, in western Myanmar, and showing themselves able “to strike terror in the hearts” of the Infidels to get it. The attacks left more than 70 dead, Muslims and Buddhists.

This and much more of the truth @ Reporting on the Rohingya: “The Tip of a Huge Iceberg of Misinformation”

Speaking of leaving things contards conveniently leave out as Paul Harvey used to say- 'the rest of the story'

And your source "Creeping Sharia"- why not just quote Stormfront?

But hey- I guess for you 'Conservatives' the rape and murder of women and children is okay- if it is response to terrorists attacking troops.

Burmese colonel dismisses Rohingya Muslim atrocity claims saying 'would anyone want to rape them?'

HRW said members of the army and border guard police took part in rape, gang rape, invasive body searches and sexual assaults against women and girls in at least nine villages in the Rohingya-dominated Maungdaw district in the final months of 2016.

The attacks were reportedly often carried out in groups, with women being held down or threatened at gunpoint by some men while others raped them.

The government launched a military campaign in the country on 25 August, when Rohingya insurgents attacked dozens of Burmese police and paramilitary posts in what they said was an effort to protect their ethnic minority from persecution by security forces in the majority-Buddhist country.

In response, the military unleashed what it called “clearance operations” to root out Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army militants.

Almost 300,000 refugees have since fled over the border into Bangladesh’s border district of Cox’s Bazar, where they have given horrific accounts of the violence.

Survivors said the military was targeting civilians with shootings and burning of Rohingya villages in an apparent attempt to purge Rakhine state of Muslims.

Satellite images have supported their accounts, while the bodies of killed Rohingya have been pulled from rivers and others have allegedly been burned.

As usual, the media conveniently avoids reporting how these Muslims started it last August by attacking the police.

Only a handful of the reports mention, and only briefly, as if in passing, that the current violence began when, in mid-August, Rohingya fighters attacked 30 different police stations and an army base, as part of their campaign to stake their claim to Rakhine State, in western Myanmar, and showing themselves able “to strike terror in the hearts” of the Infidels to get it. The attacks left more than 70 dead, Muslims and Buddhists.

This and much more of the truth @ Reporting on the Rohingya: “The Tip of a Huge Iceberg of Misinformation”
They gave no options for the Buddhists there. They had to start defending themselves or submit to Islamist.

And by 'defending themselves' you mean raping and murdering women and children- and burning entire villages down.

In Myanmar's hidden region, media tour takes harrowing turn when soldiers aren't watching
What about the thousands of Buddhists they terrorized before the whole thing was turned on them?

Tell us all about how the actions of Rohinga terrorists justifies the murder and rape of Rohinga women and children by government troops.

Please tell us.
I just want to understand the Conservative mindset that thinks that the rape of women and children is justified- if you can blame Muslims for 'being violent first'?

As usual, the media conveniently avoids reporting how these Muslims started it last August by attacking the police.

Only a handful of the reports mention, and only briefly, as if in passing, that the current violence began when, in mid-August, Rohingya fighters attacked 30 different police stations and an army base, as part of their campaign to stake their claim to Rakhine State, in western Myanmar, and showing themselves able “to strike terror in the hearts” of the Infidels to get it. The attacks left more than 70 dead, Muslims and Buddhists.

This and much more of the truth @ Reporting on the Rohingya: “The Tip of a Huge Iceberg of Misinformation”
They gave no options for the Buddhists there. They had to start defending themselves or submit to Islamist.

The Commie UN and the Leftist Bedwetters wouldn't give a crap about the Rohingya if they were not Brown and Islamist, if they were White and Christian the Commie UN would be silent and the Leftist Bedwetters would be orgasmic.

As usual, the media conveniently avoids reporting how these Muslims started it last August by attacking the police.

Only a handful of the reports mention, and only briefly, as if in passing, that the current violence began when, in mid-August, Rohingya fighters attacked 30 different police stations and an army base, as part of their campaign to stake their claim to Rakhine State, in western Myanmar, and showing themselves able “to strike terror in the hearts” of the Infidels to get it. The attacks left more than 70 dead, Muslims and Buddhists.

This and much more of the truth @ Reporting on the Rohingya: “The Tip of a Huge Iceberg of Misinformation”

Rohingya persecution and mass exodus of 2017
Violence broke out in northern Rakhine state on 25 August 2017, when militants attacked government forces. In response, security forces supported by Buddhist militia launched a “clearance operation” that has killed at least 1,000 people and forced more than 500,000[115][116][117] to flee their homes. The UN’s top human rights official said on 11 September that the military’s response was “clearly disproportionate” to insurgent attacks and warned that Myanmar’s treatment of its Rohingya minority appears to be a “textbook example” of ethnic cleansing.[118] Refugees have spoken of massacres in villages, where they say soldiers raided and burned their homes.[119] Satellite analysis by Human Rights Watch has shown evidence of fire damage in urban areas populated by Rohingyas, as well as in isolated villages.[120]The UN estimated on 7 September that 1,000 had been killed. Bangladesh’s foreign minister, AH Mahmood Ali, said unofficial sources put the death toll at about 3,000. More than 310,000 people had fled to Bangladesh by 11 September. Those who have made it to the border have walked for days, hiding in jungles and crossing mountains and rivers. Many are sick and some have bullet wounds. Aid agencies have warned of a growing humanitarian crisis in overstretched border camps, where water, food rations and medical supplies are running out of stock. Most refugees are now living in established camps, makeshift settlements or sheltering in host communities. Nearly 50,000 are in new spontaneous settlements that have sprung up along the border, where access to services is especially limited.There are also fears for Rohingya people trapped in conflict zones. On 4 September, the UN said its aid agencies had been blocked from supplying life-saving supplies such as food, water and medicine to thousands of civilians in northern Rakhine state.

As usual, the media conveniently avoids reporting how these Muslims started it last August by attacking the police.

Only a handful of the reports mention, and only briefly, as if in passing, that the current violence began when, in mid-August, Rohingya fighters attacked 30 different police stations and an army base, as part of their campaign to stake their claim to Rakhine State, in western Myanmar, and showing themselves able “to strike terror in the hearts” of the Infidels to get it. The attacks left more than 70 dead, Muslims and Buddhists.

This and much more of the truth @ Reporting on the Rohingya: “The Tip of a Huge Iceberg of Misinformation”
They gave no options for the Buddhists there. They had to start defending themselves or submit to Islamist.

The Commie UN and the Leftist Bedwetters wouldn't give a crap about the Rohingya if they were not Brown and Islamist, if they were White and Christian the Commie UN would be silent and the Leftist Bedwetters would be orgasmic.
The Fascist Right applauds the rape and murder of the Rohinga because they are Brown and Muslim.

If they were white and Christian, the Fascist Right would be crying crocodile tears about the 'genocide against the Whites"
What about the thousands of Buddhists they terrorized before the whole thing was turned on them?

Tell us all about how the actions of Rohinga terrorists justifies the murder and rape of Rohinga women and children by government troops.

Please tell us.

They are potential terrorists, same with the Palestinian women and children, the children are already taught to hate the Infidels and are brainwashed in the 7th Century Death Cult.

The only way to deal with this type of situation is scorched earth which is what Aung San Suu Kyi is supporting, the Rohinga have been causing trouble and violence for Centuries, rattlesnakes should never be given mercy.

As usual, the media conveniently avoids reporting how these Muslims started it last August by attacking the police.

Only a handful of the reports mention, and only briefly, as if in passing, that the current violence began when, in mid-August, Rohingya fighters attacked 30 different police stations and an army base, as part of their campaign to stake their claim to Rakhine State, in western Myanmar, and showing themselves able “to strike terror in the hearts” of the Infidels to get it. The attacks left more than 70 dead, Muslims and Buddhists.

This and much more of the truth @ Reporting on the Rohingya: “The Tip of a Huge Iceberg of Misinformation”
They gave no options for the Buddhists there. They had to start defending themselves or submit to Islamist.

The Commie UN and the Leftist Bedwetters wouldn't give a crap about the Rohingya if they were not Brown and Islamist, if they were White and Christian the Commie UN would be silent and the Leftist Bedwetters would be orgasmic.

Well, Muslims are the only major cult that avidly supports and practices raping little boys, so they're the natural allies with the 'Left', so no surprise the pedo-friendlies never fail to jump in and defend them against all others. It's as predictable as sunrises.

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