Reports of shots fired after a vehicle mowed down pedestrians in Lower Manhattan

Another "soldier of Allah" bringing cultural enrichment to America.

and by the way.....

he ain't no lone wolf.

Exactly, but these retard leftists on our board, are incapable of understanding the difference between say the Vegas shooter, and this guy today.

I agree!

But these tragedies are complicated..... we've heard , in the beginning (and I trust early reports on a tragedy)there were ISIS and Antifa aka Deep State connections in Vegas.

Who are we to say there are not the same sort of connections here in Lower Manhattan?

Isis and Deep State again?

I am not saying one thing or another...just food for thought.
Step 1: Take away the Tax exempt status for this evil cult masquerading as a "Religion", (more revenue for the Fed).

Step 2: Ban public practice in USA, no Koran allowed in public.

Step 3: No muslim refugees, wherever possible.

maybe the others will self deport over time?

All religions are false Flim-Flam BS and they are the breeding grounds for evildoers.
So adjust to cover all religions would be the best thang for all wanting better, safer lives.

btw. If we can ban all religions, we must tax them all a 10,000%!
For all the stolen money from taxpayers.
Yep. All religions are equal. Only Atheism can make us better people.

Never fails with the libtard. They cannot criticize the cult of Islam UNLESS they can criticize Christianity. So predictable.

BOZO. I blame ALL religions as equals.

OOPS! Try Again!
Another "soldier of Allah" bringing cultural enrichment to America.

and by the way.....

he ain't no lone wolf.

Exactly, but these retard leftists on our board, are incapable of understanding the difference between say the Vegas shooter, and this guy today.

I agree!

But these tragedies are complicated..... we've heard , in the beginning (and I trust early reports on a tragedy)there were ISIS and Antifa aka Deep State connection s in Vegas.

Who are we to say there are not the same sort of connections here in Lower Manhattan?

So I take it we have ruled out the Amish this time?

Who is left?
Another "soldier of Allah" bringing cultural enrichment to America.

and by the way.....

he ain't no lone wolf.

Exactly, but these retard leftists on our board, are incapable of understanding the difference between say the Vegas shooter, and this guy today.

I agree!

But these tragedies are complicated..... we've heard , in the beginning (and I trust early reports on a tragedy)there were ISIS and Antifa aka Deep State connection s in Vegas.

Who are we to say there are not the same sort of connections here in Lower Manhattan?

So I take it we have ruled out the Amish this time?

Who is left?

Mickey Mouse.
Step 1: Take away the Tax exempt status for this evil cult masquerading as a "Religion", (more revenue for the Fed).

Step 2: Ban public practice in USA, no Koran allowed in public.

Step 3: No muslim refugees, wherever possible.

maybe the others will self deport over time?

All religions are false Flim-Flam BS and they are the breeding grounds for evildoers.
So adjust to cover all religions would be the best thang for all wanting better, safer lives.

btw. If we can ban all religions, we must tax them all a 10,000%!
For all the stolen money from taxpayers.
Only Atheism can make us better people.

The Las Vegas Shooter was supposedly an atheist.
As usual our board leftists run in to defend and deflect away from their precious Islamic religion.

But but but Christians, but but but white males..................................................

Go drive off a cliff, no one will miss you around here.
Another "soldier of Allah" bringing cultural enrichment to America.

and by the way.....

he ain't no lone wolf.

Exactly, but these retard leftists on our board, are incapable of understanding the difference between say the Vegas shooter, and this guy today.

I agree!

But these tragedies are complicated..... we've heard , in the beginning (and I trust early reports on a tragedy)there were ISIS and Antifa aka Deep State connection s in Vegas.

Who are we to say there are not the same sort of co

nnections here in Lower Manhattan?

So I take it we have ruled out the Amish this time?

Who is left?

Mickey Mouse.

I didn't know he was Jihadist?
Step 1: Take away the Tax exempt status for this evil cult masquerading as a "Religion", (more revenue for the Fed).

Step 2: Ban public practice in USA, no Koran allowed in public.

Step 3: No muslim refugees, wherever possible.

maybe the others will self deport over time?

All religions are false Flim-Flam BS and they are the breeding grounds for evildoers.
So adjust to cover all religions would be the best thang for all wanting better, safer lives.

btw. If we can ban all religions, we must tax them all a 10,000%!
For all the stolen money from taxpayers.
Only Atheism can make us better people.

The Las Vegas Shooter was supposedly an atheist.

And he wasn't part of an organization, thus why he is not viewed the same way this Islamic nut is viewed.
Without an identifiable, unifying ideology driving his actions, Paddock (the Vegas shooter) would be an example of a "lone wolf". This is precisely why the semantics between "terror attack" and random attack exists.
Another "soldier of Allah" bringing cultural enrichment to America.

and by the way.....

he ain't no lone wolf.

Exactly, but these retard leftists on our board, are incapable of understanding the difference between say the Vegas shooter, and this guy today.

Well, the guy today killed fewer people.
So the NRA did nothing to stop him.
As he could have still gotten semi-auto guns by them.
From now on I will question every tragedy that happens.

I will always question if these murders are what we think they are or if that "lone wolf Islamist" had little helpful hand from the Deep State.
Another "soldier of Allah" bringing cultural enrichment to America.

and by the way.....

he ain't no lone wolf.

Exactly, but these retard leftists on our board, are incapable of understanding the difference between say the Vegas shooter, and this guy today.

I agree!

But these tragedies are complicated..... we've heard , in the beginning (and I trust early reports on a tragedy)there were ISIS and Antifa aka Deep State connection s in Vegas.

Who are we to say there are not the same sort of co

nnections here in Lower Manhattan?

So I take it we have ruled out the Amish this time?

Who is left?

Mickey Mouse.

I didn't know he was Jihadist?

Mickey Mouse converted to Islam to stop Jihadi John beheading him :omg:


Mickey now has a beard and wears a towel on his head, Minnie Mouse also converted to Islam and now wears a Burkha.

We HAVE TO SERIOUSLY VET anyone coming from Middle East countries. How many people are senselessly gunned down, mowed down. It's time to write your reps and senators. Perhaps a Chief Justice or two. Let them know we can put up with this garbage any longer!

Liberal federal judges will strike down anything we try.

Question: do we really need liberal idiots as 'judges'?

The perp was a middle eastern man who shouted allah akbar upon exiting the truck and was shot a little later by a N.Y. cop ...survived the shooting and is in a hospital
And has the traditional Muslim beard

He should be dead in a morgue, not in a hospital


You betcha, liberals now collecting money for his lawyer.

I got the money for his bullet, and it's already paid for and everything!
BOZO. I blame ALL religions as equals.

Christian Clergy are not teaching to go kill any and all non-believers in the name of God. islam is (no pun intended) teaching to kill the infidel "allah is great". Death to America, Israel and "the infidel" is the goal and taught to the congregation.

The USA has enough "problems". This enemy can be profiled, isolated and removed. Or the Left is willing to live with these attacks. It will allow them to GROW GOVT to mop up killings.

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