Representative Tlaib disgraces herself America

Any congressperson who calls a sitting president a motherfucker is human waste.
Jesus Kryist With a Fucking Walking Cane to a local clinic to get a God Damned hep shot. POTUS has said and tweeted more nasty and ugly things than his. Where the Fuck have you been...
Hey dingus - the POTUS is not a congresswoman calling the president a motherfucker.
If Paul Ryan called Obama a camelfucker, you worthless leftist traitor hacks would be burning down entire city blocks.
Oh really? You right wing stooges caled Obama every name in the book for 8 straight years! Apparently, your memory has conveniently failed you.
Give me an example of a sitting congressperson calling obama a motherfucker.
I'm waiting..
Calling Obama a traitor, a terrorist sympathizer, attacking his wife, & children,saying he's gay, etc., etc. etc. How's that for starters?
Again, did a sitting congressperson publically call Obama a motherfucker?
Jesus Kryist With a Fucking Walking Cane to a local clinic to get a God Damned hep shot. POTUS has said and tweeted more nasty and ugly things than his. Where the Fuck have you been...
Hey dingus - the POTUS is not a congresswoman calling the president a motherfucker.
If Paul Ryan called Obama a camelfucker, you worthless leftist traitor hacks would be burning down entire city blocks.
Oh really? You right wing stooges caled Obama every name in the book for 8 straight years! Apparently, your memory has conveniently failed you.
Give me an example of a sitting congressperson calling obama a motherfucker.
I'm waiting..
Calling Obama a traitor, a terrorist sympathizer, attacking his wife, & children,saying he's gay, etc., etc. etc. How's that for starters?
Again, did a sitting congressperson publically call Obama a motherfucker?
Not that i know of. So what's your point?

But Trump said, "Ivanka is a piece of ass"!
Hey dingus - the POTUS is not a congresswoman calling the president a motherfucker.
If Paul Ryan called Obama a camelfucker, you worthless leftist traitor hacks would be burning down entire city blocks.
Oh really? You right wing stooges caled Obama every name in the book for 8 straight years! Apparently, your memory has conveniently failed you.
Give me an example of a sitting congressperson calling obama a motherfucker.
I'm waiting..
Calling Obama a traitor, a terrorist sympathizer, attacking his wife, & children,saying he's gay, etc., etc. etc. How's that for starters?
Again, did a sitting congressperson publically call Obama a motherfucker?
Not that i know of. So what's your point?

But Trump said, "Ivanka is a piece of ass"!
What's my point?
Don't quite got all your groceries bagged, doya?
When I saw the thread title I thought it was about the Orange Moron in the White House.

Have you folks seen his rambling incoherent speeches and press conferences?

My Gawd! I visited my Aunt in a senior facility last week and the folks there made more sense and had a better understanding of what's going on that the Orange Fool

Jesus people...

And as far as this bullshit appeal to civility?

Have we forgotten how "shithole" became a thing in the about "horseface".
Thank you Mr President:

1. Lowest female unemployment in 18 years (06/06/18)
2. Unemployment at 3.8% equaling the lowest in 49 years (06/01/18)
3. Lowest youth unemployment in 52 years (08/16/18)
4. Lowest black unemployment ever at 5.9% (06/01/18)
5. Lowest Hispanic unemployment ever at 4.5% (08/03/18)
6. Over 3.4 million jobs saved or created
7. GDP at 4.2% (08/29/18)
She doesn’t represent democrats, she represents mooslums. Time to repatriate all of them.

Democrats and Muslims represent the same people.
Osama won, america has become just as jihadi as he was, which was the intent all along.

Yes indeed. But not so much America as the ruling class of America. America, the people, fought back but the deck is stacked.
As an aside I still blame Bill Clinton more than Barack Hussein. The media could never have selected and imposed a Kenyan on us without Bill Clinton's trailblazing attacks on our culture.
Everybody knows that the stupid whore in the White House has said, and done at lot worse. Same goes for his male buddies, so the faux outrage cracks me up. And I've read a lot worse right here on USMB.

"Ladylike"??? What a hoot. When are the "gentlemen" in Washington going to get their shit together?

Once again, you leave no doubt you are a dumbass.

What's this I hear about the orange whore leading off his meeting yesterday with a "profanity-laced" tirade? And all you can do is call me a stupid name? He's been a whore, an adulterer, a sexual harasser at the least, possibly a traitor, and a bombastic, arrogant little shit.
You think that we women don't know what's going on? we've been the receiving end of this rubbish for hundreds of years.
Everybody knows that the stupid whore in the White House has said, and done at lot worse. Same goes for his male buddies, so the faux outrage cracks me up. And I've read a lot worse right here on USMB.

"Ladylike"??? What a hoot. When are the "gentlemen" in Washington going to get their shit together?

Once again, you leave no doubt you are a dumbass.

What's this I hear about the orange whore leading off his meeting yesterday with a "profanity-laced" tirade? And all you can do is call me a stupid name? He's been a whore, an adulterer, a sexual harasser at the least, possibly a traitor, and a bombastic, arrogant little shit.
You think that we women don't know what's going on? we've been the receiving end of this rubbish for hundreds of years.

Don't act like you speak for all women. You most certainly do not.
Everybody knows that the stupid whore in the White House has said, and done at lot worse. Same goes for his male buddies, so the faux outrage cracks me up. And I've read a lot worse right here on USMB.

"Ladylike"??? What a hoot. When are the "gentlemen" in Washington going to get their shit together?

Once again, you leave no doubt you are a dumbass.

What's this I hear about the orange whore leading off his meeting yesterday with a "profanity-laced" tirade? And all you can do is call me a stupid name? He's been a whore, an adulterer, a sexual harasser at the least, possibly a traitor, and a bombastic, arrogant little shit.
You think that we women don't know what's going on? we've been the receiving end of this rubbish for hundreds of years.

Don't act like you speak for all women. You most certainly do not.

And you don't, either. Just because you hate yourself and will support any guy who subjugates you and is willing to subject you to insults does not make you an adequate representative of anyone. You submissives are ridiculous.
So far, not a word from the House leadership.

When will the Democrat Party force this foul mouthed broad to apologize and then expel her from the body.

To call Tlaib's language "lady like" would be a miscarriage of justice.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib refuses to back down from explicit remarks
This is the Democrat party.
Nothing but a bunch of rude, foul-mouthed, bigots that hate white people.
The only thing they believe in is diversity.
Diversity of everything but thought.
Everyone has to think alike or they become a target of violence, thug tactics, and lawsuits.
They are the greatest threat to the United States in our history.
What a fine model for our young people. You first day on the job and your dropping MuthrF*kr. The new face of the Democrats :113:

I'm going to be watching the news over the next five to ten years to see if any of her boys show up in it. Her militaristic man is give them a green light to go ahead and become as radical as they choose to . Who knows maybe one of them will strap on a bomb vest.
As you will see in the arguments below Trumps speach has opened him up to this type of attack. That being said there was a time when people would be held accountable for this type of speech in the political spectrum. Neither zTrump nor Tiab should be using nthis type of speach in public.
So far, not a word from the House leadership.

When will the Democrat Party force this foul mouthed broad to apologize and then expel her from the body.

To call Tlaib's language "lady like" would be a miscarriage of justice.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib refuses to back down from explicit remarks
You must be deaf because House leadership set her straight on what the goals were to be this term of Congress.

Tlaib has not apologized so they really didn't "set her straight".

She should have been run out of Congress on a rail after being forced to apologize.
So far, not a word from the House leadership.

When will the Democrat Party force this foul mouthed broad to apologize and then expel her from the body.

To call Tlaib's language "lady like" would be a miscarriage of justice.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib refuses to back down from explicit remarks
You must be deaf because House leadership set her straight on what the goals were to be this term of Congress.

Tlaib has not apologized so they really didn't "set her straight".

She should have been run out of Congress on a rail after being forced to apologize.
You don't know shit from Shinola Bub. She doesn't have to apologize just like Trump never apologizes for his big mouth...

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