Representative Tlaib disgraces herself America

So, it appears the general consensus is that in the near future the mudder fucker should be impeached but no one should say it out loud.
OK so.... your first video is a montage of hot mics, which is nothing related to anything we have here, and the other two are clones of each other, creative editing, ZERO of which relate to anything we have here at all.

Hot mics don't have anything to do with this?
Audio clips don't have anything to do with this?


They all show that ALL politicians, including your Uncle Barack (how Hillary's not in there I'll never know, as she is famous for her violent cussing fits throwing things around the room--- --- people must be in fear of their lives of committing "suicide" by the Clintons if they leak anything out!) say stuff in public and private that is less than fresh language---- which I'm totally fine with, that is, after all, just being HUMAN.

What I'm NOT OK with is this effort by you and others to make Trump out as if he is some sort of bestial, ogreish exception to that like no one else uses salty language, while at the same time glazing over the fact that this c*nt of an insult to the Congress publicly, directly, viciously referring to a sitting president as an MRer is not only AOK with you, but you CONDONE it. You jackasses will burn all your bridges with the voting public yet.

Such behavior has only ONE intent:

NOT to make a joke.
NOT to entertain.
NOT a slip of the tongue.

It is meant to send a message out to the leftist goon-squad that such boorish behavior is not only condoned as acceptable, but now ENCOURAGED by the masses. You watch now, obscene deliberate references will start popping up all over the place. But that is OK. If you're pissed about Trump NOW, just wait until over the next 6 years and AFTER once a democrat is back in office. The Left is creating a social, cultural and legal war that they cannot win that will eventually swallow them whole.
So, it appears the general consensus is that in the near future the mudder fucker should be impeached but no one should say it out loud.
Do you think that was appropriate in front of her kids at a press conference and then people cheering? What kind of example is that for her kids?
But if you call someone crooked who isn’t crooked, you have slandered that person.

If you claim that Hillary is crooked then you damn well better show what crimes she’s committed, along with the evidence to convict.
There's plenty of evidence to convict Hillary. Comey had it, but he rationalized it away right in front of the American people in July, 2016. Comey also admitted she lied to congress at her hearings. Obama's Justice Department wasn't going to convict a former First Lady and neither is Trump's. It's just something you don't do. If it was anyone else, they'd be reprimanded in some way.
She sat in front of trey gowdy’s committee for, what, 11 hours? In the end there were no indictments.

If you want to claim that every Republican in Washington covered up for Hillary, be my guest.
Everyone knows she's a liar. However, no one is going to indict a former first lady. The elites protect their own in both parties.
So really, you’ve got nothing except talking out your ass about conspiracies,

I knew it.
But if you call someone crooked who isn’t crooked, you have slandered that person.

If you claim that Hillary is crooked then you damn well better show what crimes she’s committed, along with the evidence to convict.
There's plenty of evidence to convict Hillary. Comey had it, but he rationalized it away right in front of the American people in July, 2016. Comey also admitted she lied to congress at her hearings. Obama's Justice Department wasn't going to convict a former First Lady and neither is Trump's. It's just something you don't do. If it was anyone else, they'd be reprimanded in some way.
She sat in front of trey gowdy’s committee for, what, 11 hours? In the end there were no indictments.

If you want to claim that every Republican in Washington covered up for Hillary, be my guest.
Everyone knows she's a liar. However, no one is going to indict a former first lady. The elites protect their own in both parties.
So really, you’ve got nothing except talking out your ass about conspiracies,

I knew it.

And......................NO INDICTMENT!

Because Republicans are protecting Hillary. :icon_rolleyes:
So, it appears the general consensus is that in the near future the mudder fucker should be impeached but no one should say it out loud.
Do you think that was appropriate in front of her kids at a press conference and then people cheering? What kind of example is that for her kids?
How she raises her kids is none of your fucking business. How she addresses her constituents is none of your fucking business. Her language was used to indicate her fight with Trump would be under street fighting rules.
So, it appears the general consensus is that in the near future the mudder fucker should be impeached but no one should say it out loud.
Do you think that was appropriate in front of her kids at a press conference and then people cheering? What kind of example is that for her kids?
You don’t give a fuck about her kids or this incident.

What a true modern Socialist democract; they're rude, crude, stupid and complete fucking psychopaths
You just described the majority US Senate. Interesting.

They're too nice to each other in the Senate. I'd prefer something like this

Bummer my brower
OK so.... your first video is a montage of hot mics, which is nothing related to anything we have here, and the other two are clones of each other, creative editing, ZERO of which relate to anything we have here at all.

Hot mics don't have anything to do with this?
Audio clips don't have anything to do with this?

View attachment 238549

They all show that ALL politicians, including your Uncle Barack (how Hillary's not in there I'll never know, as she is famous for her violent cussing fits throwing things around the room--- --- people must be in fear of their lives of committing "suicide" by the Clintons if they leak anything out!) say stuff in public and private that is less than fresh language---- which I'm totally fine with, that is, after all, just being HUMAN.

What I'm NOT OK with is this effort by you and others to make Trump out as if he is some sort of bestial, ogreish exception to that like no one else uses salty language, while at the same time glazing over the fact that this c*nt of an insult to the Congress publicly, directly, viciously referring to a sitting president as an MRer is not only AOK with you, but you CONDONE it. You jackasses will burn all your bridges with the voting public yet.

Such behavior has only ONE intent:

NOT to make a joke.
NOT to entertain.
NOT a slip of the tongue.

It is meant to send a message out to the leftist goon-squad that such boorish behavior is not only condoned as acceptable, but now ENCOURAGED by the masses. You watch now, obscene deliberate references will start popping up all over the place. But that is OK. If you're pissed about Trump NOW, just wait until over the next 6 years and AFTER once a democrat is back in office. The Left is creating a social, cultural and legal war that they cannot win that will eventually swallow them whole.
Man, you have lost it.
There's plenty of evidence to convict Hillary. Comey had it, but he rationalized it away right in front of the American people in July, 2016. Comey also admitted she lied to congress at her hearings. Obama's Justice Department wasn't going to convict a former First Lady and neither is Trump's. It's just something you don't do. If it was anyone else, they'd be reprimanded in some way.
She sat in front of trey gowdy’s committee for, what, 11 hours? In the end there were no indictments.

If you want to claim that every Republican in Washington covered up for Hillary, be my guest.
Everyone knows she's a liar. However, no one is going to indict a former first lady. The elites protect their own in both parties.
So really, you’ve got nothing except talking out your ass about conspiracies,

I knew it.
There's plenty of evidence to convict Hillary. Comey had it, but he rationalized it away right in front of the American people in July, 2016. Comey also admitted she lied to congress at her hearings. Obama's Justice Department wasn't going to convict a former First Lady and neither is Trump's. It's just something you don't do. If it was anyone else, they'd be reprimanded in some way.
She sat in front of trey gowdy’s committee for, what, 11 hours? In the end there were no indictments.

If you want to claim that every Republican in Washington covered up for Hillary, be my guest.
Everyone knows she's a liar. However, no one is going to indict a former first lady. The elites protect their own in both parties.
So really, you’ve got nothing except talking out your ass about conspiracies,

I knew it.

And......................NO INDICTMENT!

Because Republicans are protecting Hillary. :icon_rolleyes:

Republican elites and democrat elites protect their own. That's the reason Trump was elected. Both parties took their best shot at defeating him and they lost because the people won. Why do you side with and support the political elites instead of the people?
She sat in front of trey gowdy’s committee for, what, 11 hours? In the end there were no indictments.

If you want to claim that every Republican in Washington covered up for Hillary, be my guest.
Everyone knows she's a liar. However, no one is going to indict a former first lady. The elites protect their own in both parties.
So really, you’ve got nothing except talking out your ass about conspiracies,

I knew it.
She sat in front of trey gowdy’s committee for, what, 11 hours? In the end there were no indictments.

If you want to claim that every Republican in Washington covered up for Hillary, be my guest.
Everyone knows she's a liar. However, no one is going to indict a former first lady. The elites protect their own in both parties.
So really, you’ve got nothing except talking out your ass about conspiracies,

I knew it.

And......................NO INDICTMENT!

Because Republicans are protecting Hillary. :icon_rolleyes:

Republican elites and democrat elites protect their own. That's the reason Trump was elected. Both parties took their best shot at defeating him and they lost because the people won. Why do you side with and support the political elites instead of the people?

People did not win. People won by 3 million votes but Electoral College won the final say.
Any congressperson who calls a sitting president a motherfucker is human waste.
Jesus Kryist With a Fucking Walking Cane to a local clinic to get a God Damned hep shot. POTUS has said and tweeted more nasty and ugly things than his. Where the Fuck have you been...
Hey dingus - the POTUS is not a congresswoman calling the president a motherfucker.
If Paul Ryan called Obama a camelfucker, you worthless leftist traitor hacks would be burning down entire city blocks.
Oh really? You right wing stooges caled Obama every name in the book for 8 straight years! Apparently, your memory has conveniently failed you.
We're not members of Congress, you fucking dumbass.
Everyone knows she's a liar. However, no one is going to indict a former first lady. The elites protect their own in both parties.
So really, you’ve got nothing except talking out your ass about conspiracies,

I knew it.
Everyone knows she's a liar. However, no one is going to indict a former first lady. The elites protect their own in both parties.
So really, you’ve got nothing except talking out your ass about conspiracies,

I knew it.

And......................NO INDICTMENT!

Because Republicans are protecting Hillary. :icon_rolleyes:

Republican elites and democrat elites protect their own. That's the reason Trump was elected. Both parties took their best shot at defeating him and they lost because the people won. Why do you side with and support the political elites instead of the people?

People did not win. People won by 3 million votes but Electoral College won the final say.

Why do you hate your Constitution?
This is a very sick culture. Talking this way in front of your kids and getting cheered for it is revealing of the ignorant nasty black culture in this country. If you're a conservative Christian black you're insulted and castigated by these jackals. Sad.
impeach the mother f - Bing video
Nobody's surprised anymore that this sort of very public language is acceptable among our "leaders." You would hope they'd show a little respect for the people they represent, but the people she represents are these kind of amoral creatures.
They're degenerate ignorant trash. No wonder black kids are shooting each other.
This is John Conyers district. Although I didn't like that liberal democrat dinosaur, he had more class than this vile woman. These are degenerate times (sounds like a great name for an online newspaper).
She learned it from sick, disgusting POS Tramp!

And that makes it OK. ?

Got it.
It makes you wing-nuts HYPOCRITICAL mother-fuckers!

Thanks Ed.

I expect you call your grandmother the same thing......given that you've shown yourself to be so high class.

I'm as "high class" as the president of the US, thank you.

Ok, let me say again- I am conservative but not Republican. Now I see republicans attacking the vulgarity of a democrat, but during the campaign, they either were mute or defending the vulgarity of Trump. Drop your party affiliation and join the enlightened.

What vulgarity from Trump?

He called someone a mother fucker?

I didn't support the guy until after he won and actually started doing what he promised. So I'm not just another zealot.
Wouldn't you like to see a link to Trump actually calling someone a mother fucker?

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