Representative Tlaib disgraces herself America

fat ugly etc--they hate life and people

I think she looks more Mexican than Muslim, but what do I know?

Again, "Muslim" isn't a race or an ethnicity. You can't "look" Muslim.
BUT, YOU can certainly look stupid!
Pretty sure the dictates of Islam, as with any religion, takes of dim view of calling those with whom you disagree any such thing.

The only religion of which I'm aware where it's acceptable to use that turn of a phrase is Greek Paganism...


You are correct. Also I Ibelieve there are those watching her angrily as she flaunts the muslim dress codes for women. I would be concerned for her safety if I was her husband.
Pelosi: Calling Trump ā€˜Mother-F**kerā€™ No ā€˜Big Deal;ā€™ Doesnā€™t ā€˜Have Impact on Peoplesā€™ Livesā€™

Itā€™s no big deal that her colleague, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) called President Donald Trump a ā€œmother-******,ā€ House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told an MSNBC town hall on Friday.

Thursday, on her first day on the job, Rep. Tlaib declared, ā€œWeā€™re gonna go in and impeach the mother******!ā€ Asked to comment on the vulgar remark, Pelosi invoked ā€œfreedom of speechā€ ā€” and said people shouldnā€™t make a big deal of it:

ā€œThatā€™s freedom of speech on an individual member. As I said, generationally, that would not be language that I would use. But, nonetheless, I donā€™t think we should make a big deal of it. I really donā€™t. I really donā€™t.ā€ [ā€¦]Speaker Pelosi said she has no intention of trying to limit the vulgarity of her party. ā€¦

Read more at ...

Pelosi twisted her reasoning into a pretzel to justify Rashidaā€™s vulgarity. And that is not just ā€œthe way people talk.ā€ Maybe in HER crowd. And why is this ā€œfree speechā€ when Rashida says it but hate speech if a conservative were to say it. I can smell the hypocrisy all the way from D.C.!!!
Those are funny. Motherfucker is much more vile and nasty.
According to who?

Calling someone a MF doesnā€™t cause ANYONE to believe that he fucks mothers.

Calling someone ā€˜crookedā€™ enough times makes many believe that person is a criminal. Even though decades of investigations has proven otherwise.

Which is more harmful?
If you call someone crooked that is crooked, you've spoken the truth. If you call someone a morherfucker that doesn't fuck their mother then you're a liar, and being a liar is much worse than saying the truth, you motherfucking liar.
But if you call someone crooked who isnā€™t crooked, you have slandered that person.

If you claim that Hillary is crooked then you damn well better show what crimes sheā€™s committed, along with the evidence to convict.

What a true modern Socialist democract; they're rude, crude, stupid and complete fucking psychopaths
You just described the majority US Senate. Interesting.

They're too nice to each other in the Senate. I'd prefer something like this

Hey dingus - the POTUS is not a congresswoman calling the president a motherfucker.
If Paul Ryan called Obama a camelfucker, you worthless leftist traitor hacks would be burning down entire city blocks.
Oh really? You right wing stooges caled Obama every name in the book for 8 straight years! Apparently, your memory has conveniently failed you.
Give me an example of a sitting congressperson calling obama a motherfucker.
I'm waiting..
Calling Obama a traitor, a terrorist sympathizer, attacking his wife, & children,saying he's gay, etc., etc. etc. How's that for starters?
Again, did a sitting congressperson publically call Obama a motherfucker?
Not that i know of. So what's your point?

But Trump said, "Ivanka is a piece of ass"!

Fake news, that was Howard Stern not Trump.
Those are funny. Motherfucker is much more vile and nasty.
According to who?

Calling someone a MF doesnā€™t cause ANYONE to believe that he fucks mothers.

Calling someone ā€˜crookedā€™ enough times makes many believe that person is a criminal. Even though decades of investigations has proven otherwise.

Which is more harmful?
If you call someone crooked that is crooked, you've spoken the truth. If you call someone a morherfucker that doesn't fuck their mother then you're a liar, and being a liar is much worse than saying the truth, you motherfucking liar.
But if you call someone crooked who isnā€™t crooked, you have slandered that person.

If you claim that Hillary is crooked then you damn well better show what crimes sheā€™s committed, along with the evidence to convict.
There's plenty of evidence to convict Hillary. Comey had it, but he rationalized it away right in front of the American people in July, 2016. Comey also admitted she lied to congress at her hearings. Obama's Justice Department wasn't going to convict a former First Lady and neither is Trump's. It's just something you don't do. If it was anyone else, they'd be reprimanded in some way.
This is a very sick culture. Talking this way in front of your kids and getting cheered for it is revealing of the ignorant nasty black culture in this country. If you're a conservative Christian black you're insulted and castigated by these jackals. Sad.
impeach the mother f - Bing video
Just because I kneecap anti-American fucktards like you I am a Democrat? This is the logic of a useless winger. You know most Americans detest you and your kind, right? Oh wait, I forgot. Wingers have no self-awareness, never mind. See, I'm not consumed by gender and sexual proclivity as you are. You just sound like an old fart screaming at the sky. Sorry life sucks so much for idiots like you.

Apparently another Dipshit Dunce of Dichotomy. Posters with minds so childishly simplistic they can't discern anything but "Democrat" or "Republican" out of anyone who challenges their little bubble. If it's not one, it's gotta be the other because thinking is hard.

Lotta that going around. Right BlueGin ?
Yes. Kind of like you getting your knickers in a knot because I said Democrats have no standing until they reign in their own. LMAO

Ah, so you're a liar too. Finding out so much about you today.

You said "YOU" and "YOUR". To me. Now you're trying to weasel your way out of it.

Want me to post the original, liar?
Just because I kneecap anti-American fucktards like you I am a Democrat? This is the logic of a useless winger. You know most Americans detest you and your kind, right? Oh wait, I forgot. Wingers have no self-awareness, never mind. See, I'm not consumed by gender and sexual proclivity as you are. You just sound like an old fart screaming at the sky. Sorry life sucks so much for idiots like you.

Apparently another Dipshit Dunce of Dichotomy. Posters with minds so childishly simplistic they can't discern anything but "Democrat" or "Republican" out of anyone who challenges their little bubble. If it's not one, it's gotta be the other because thinking is hard.

Lotta that going around. Right BlueGin ?
Yes. Kind of like you getting your knickers in a knot because I said Democrats have no standing until they reign in their own. LMAO

Ah, so you're a liar too. Finding out so much about you today.

You said "YOU" and "YOUR". To me. Now you're trying to weasel your way out of it.

Want me to post the original, liar?


I said Democrats have a habit of using vulgar names for conservative women and until you learn to reign yourselves in you can learn to deal with it in the other party.

Meaning the Democratic Party.

You going to lie some more Pogo?

Shame because I used to think better of you.

Misplaced obviously.

Whelp ------ I warned you I would quote you. You got one warning, and you blew it.

Roll tape.

Democrats have no problem calling the First Lady a ā€œwhoreā€. Or Sarah Palin and her kids...or the Bush twins etc. Until you reign yourselves have no room to be demanding things of others. Deal with it.

Is that what your English teacher calls "third person"?


You cannot weasel out of this. It's ON THE RECORD.

I have no room in my life for liars. NONE. Out you go with the trash. I gave you multiple chances, you chose to swim in your own swill. Now you gotta own it. LIAR.
Havenā€™t you realized yet that BlueGin is a classless piece of shit wingnut? You wonā€™t get an apology or concession from a classless piece of shit wingnut, Pogo. They arenā€™t capable. Mostly because theyā€™re classless. But partly because theyā€™re piece of shit wingnuts.
Those are funny. Motherfucker is much more vile and nasty.
According to who?

Calling someone a MF doesnā€™t cause ANYONE to believe that he fucks mothers.

Calling someone ā€˜crookedā€™ enough times makes many believe that person is a criminal. Even though decades of investigations has proven otherwise.

Which is more harmful?
If you call someone crooked that is crooked, you've spoken the truth. If you call someone a morherfucker that doesn't fuck their mother then you're a liar, and being a liar is much worse than saying the truth, you motherfucking liar.
But if you call someone crooked who isnā€™t crooked, you have slandered that person.

If you claim that Hillary is crooked then you damn well better show what crimes sheā€™s committed, along with the evidence to convict.
There's plenty of evidence to convict Hillary. Comey had it, but he rationalized it away right in front of the American people in July, 2016. Comey also admitted she lied to congress at her hearings. Obama's Justice Department wasn't going to convict a former First Lady and neither is Trump's. It's just something you don't do. If it was anyone else, they'd be reprimanded in some way.
She sat in front of trey gowdyā€™s committee for, what, 11 hours? In the end there were no indictments.

If you want to claim that every Republican in Washington covered up for Hillary, be my guest.
Those are funny. Motherfucker is much more vile and nasty.
According to who?

Calling someone a MF doesnā€™t cause ANYONE to believe that he fucks mothers.

Calling someone ā€˜crookedā€™ enough times makes many believe that person is a criminal. Even though decades of investigations has proven otherwise.

Which is more harmful?
If you call someone crooked that is crooked, you've spoken the truth. If you call someone a morherfucker that doesn't fuck their mother then you're a liar, and being a liar is much worse than saying the truth, you motherfucking liar.
But if you call someone crooked who isnā€™t crooked, you have slandered that person.

If you claim that Hillary is crooked then you damn well better show what crimes sheā€™s committed, along with the evidence to convict.
There's plenty of evidence to convict Hillary. Comey had it, but he rationalized it away right in front of the American people in July, 2016. Comey also admitted she lied to congress at her hearings. Obama's Justice Department wasn't going to convict a former First Lady and neither is Trump's. It's just something you don't do. If it was anyone else, they'd be reprimanded in some way.
She sat in front of trey gowdyā€™s committee for, what, 11 hours? In the end there were no indictments.

If you want to claim that every Republican in Washington covered up for Hillary, be my guest.
Everyone knows she's a liar. However, no one is going to indict a former first lady. The elites protect their own in both parties. If you don't know that, then you're dumber than Moochelle's nut cup.
This is a very sick culture. Talking this way in front of your kids and getting cheered for it is revealing of the ignorant nasty black culture in this country. If you're a conservative Christian black you're insulted and castigated by these jackals. Sad.
impeach the mother f - Bing video
Nobody's surprised anymore that this sort of very public language is acceptable among our "leaders." You would hope they'd show a little respect for the people they represent, but the people she represents are these kind of amoral creatures.
According to who?

Calling someone a MF doesnā€™t cause ANYONE to believe that he fucks mothers.

Calling someone ā€˜crookedā€™ enough times makes many believe that person is a criminal. Even though decades of investigations has proven otherwise.

Which is more harmful?
If you call someone crooked that is crooked, you've spoken the truth. If you call someone a morherfucker that doesn't fuck their mother then you're a liar, and being a liar is much worse than saying the truth, you motherfucking liar.
But if you call someone crooked who isnā€™t crooked, you have slandered that person.

If you claim that Hillary is crooked then you damn well better show what crimes sheā€™s committed, along with the evidence to convict.
There's plenty of evidence to convict Hillary. Comey had it, but he rationalized it away right in front of the American people in July, 2016. Comey also admitted she lied to congress at her hearings. Obama's Justice Department wasn't going to convict a former First Lady and neither is Trump's. It's just something you don't do. If it was anyone else, they'd be reprimanded in some way.
She sat in front of trey gowdyā€™s committee for, what, 11 hours? In the end there were no indictments.

If you want to claim that every Republican in Washington covered up for Hillary, be my guest.
Everyone knows she's a liar. However, no one is going to indict a former first lady. The elites protect their own in both parties.
So really, youā€™ve got nothing except talking out your ass about conspiracies,

I knew it.
This is a very sick culture. Talking this way in front of your kids and getting cheered for it is revealing of the ignorant nasty black culture in this country. If you're a conservative Christian black you're insulted and castigated by these jackals. Sad.
impeach the mother f - Bing video
Nobody's surprised anymore that this sort of very public language is acceptable among our "leaders." You would hope they'd show a little respect for the people they represent, but the people she represents are these kind of amoral creatures.
They're degenerate ignorant trash. No wonder black kids are shooting each other.
If you call someone crooked that is crooked, you've spoken the truth. If you call someone a morherfucker that doesn't fuck their mother then you're a liar, and being a liar is much worse than saying the truth, you motherfucking liar.
But if you call someone crooked who isnā€™t crooked, you have slandered that person.

If you claim that Hillary is crooked then you damn well better show what crimes sheā€™s committed, along with the evidence to convict.
There's plenty of evidence to convict Hillary. Comey had it, but he rationalized it away right in front of the American people in July, 2016. Comey also admitted she lied to congress at her hearings. Obama's Justice Department wasn't going to convict a former First Lady and neither is Trump's. It's just something you don't do. If it was anyone else, they'd be reprimanded in some way.
She sat in front of trey gowdyā€™s committee for, what, 11 hours? In the end there were no indictments.

If you want to claim that every Republican in Washington covered up for Hillary, be my guest.
Everyone knows she's a liar. However, no one is going to indict a former first lady. The elites protect their own in both parties.
So really, youā€™ve got nothing except talking out your ass about conspiracies,

I knew it.
If you call someone crooked that is crooked, you've spoken the truth. If you call someone a morherfucker that doesn't fuck their mother then you're a liar, and being a liar is much worse than saying the truth, you motherfucking liar.
But if you call someone crooked who isnā€™t crooked, you have slandered that person.

If you claim that Hillary is crooked then you damn well better show what crimes sheā€™s committed, along with the evidence to convict.
There's plenty of evidence to convict Hillary. Comey had it, but he rationalized it away right in front of the American people in July, 2016. Comey also admitted she lied to congress at her hearings. Obama's Justice Department wasn't going to convict a former First Lady and neither is Trump's. It's just something you don't do. If it was anyone else, they'd be reprimanded in some way.
She sat in front of trey gowdyā€™s committee for, what, 11 hours? In the end there were no indictments.

If you want to claim that every Republican in Washington covered up for Hillary, be my guest.
Everyone knows she's a liar. However, no one is going to indict a former first lady. The elites protect their own in both parties.
So really, youā€™ve got nothing except talking out your ass about conspiracies,

I knew it.

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