Representative Tlaib disgraces herself America

How do you know who APPLAUDED
what? watching video of trump rallies? By asking Trump supporters what they like about Trump? It's not a mystery.

I AGREE that the donald is an objectionable slob-----but do not have
any memory of his public accusation of anyone that the person
is a sexual pervert in gutter language
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Or you could stick to the issues instead of allowing the tail to wag the dog...................
Ok, let me say again- I am conservative but not Republican. Now I see republicans attacking the vulgarity of a democrat, but during the campaign, they either were mute or defending the vulgarity of Trump. Drop your party affiliation and join the enlightened.

You notice that huh. Rump uses the word "motherfuckers" and gets cheers from the audience, Rumpbots love it. Tlaib uses the word "motherfucker" and gets cheers from the audience, Rumpbots wet their pants talking about "unqualified". In a Congresswoman that isn't even in their district.
Trump never used the term "mother fucker."

Who's this? Alec Baldwin?

Hmmmm . . . . that's a speech I never saw.

There's quite a lot you don't see.

But you see everything, right, asshole?

Do snowflake morons like you ever miss an opportunity to take a cheap shot?
How do you know who APPLAUDED
what? watching video of trump rallies? By asking Trump supporters what they like about Trump? It's not a mystery.

I AGREE that the is an objectionable slob-----but do not have
any memory of his public accusation of anyone that the person
is a sexual pervert in gutter language
I am guessing hat is your way of saying you never heard trump call anyone a motherfucker. I invite you to watch the video I posted on page one. Note the applause which follows. Then please come back to revise your comments.
If calling someone a motherfucker makes one sick and disgusting then the forum is loaded with sick, disgusting people.
Last time I looked, I wasn't a public servant in Washington.
You folks on the left have been claiming Trump is acting horribly, but when someone on your side is caught doing worse you figure it's acceptable. Add to that the fact that this woman wants to murder Jews and you just make yourself out to be a total hypocrite.
Snowflakes will always give Dims a free pass, no matter what they do.
Everybody knows that the stupid whore in the White House has said, and done at lot worse. Same goes for his male buddies, so the faux outrage cracks me up. And I've read a lot worse right here on USMB.

"Ladylike"??? What a hoot. When are the "gentlemen" in Washington going to get their shit together?

Once again, you leave no doubt you are a dumbass.

What's this I hear about the orange whore leading off his meeting yesterday with a "profanity-laced" tirade? And all you can do is call me a stupid name? He's been a whore, an adulterer, a sexual harasser at the least, possibly a traitor, and a bombastic, arrogant little shit.
You think that we women don't know what's going on? we've been the receiving end of this rubbish for hundreds of years.

Don't act like you speak for all women. You most certainly do not.

And you don't, either. Just because you hate yourself and will support any guy who subjugates you and is willing to subject you to insults does not make you an adequate representative of anyone. You submissives are ridiculous.

lol Nice partisan hack talking points. If you knew the slightest thing about me you'd know that every single word you just typed about me is the exact opposite of the truth.
You notice that huh. Rump uses the word "motherfuckers" and gets cheers from the audience, Rumpbots love it. Tlaib uses the word "motherfucker" and gets cheers from the audience, Rumpbots wet their pants talking about "unqualified". In a Congresswoman that isn't even in their district.
Trump never used the term "mother fucker."

Who's this? Alec Baldwin?

Hmmmm . . . . that's a speech I never saw.

There's quite a lot you don't see.

But you see everything, right, asshole?

Do snowflake morons like you ever miss an opportunity to take a cheap shot?

Triggered hon? Don let you down again?
If calling someone a motherfucker makes one sick and disgusting then the forum is loaded with sick, disgusting people.
Last time I looked, I wasn't a public servant in Washington.
You folks on the left have been claiming Trump is acting horribly, but when someone on your side is caught doing worse you figure it's acceptable. Add to that the fact that this woman wants to murder Jews and you just make yourself out to be a total hypocrite.
Snowflakes will always give Dims a free pass, no matter what they do.
All you partisanshitheads sound alike, something else you don't see.
If calling someone a motherfucker makes one sick and disgusting then the forum is loaded with sick, disgusting people.
Last time I looked, I wasn't a public servant in Washington.
You folks on the left have been claiming Trump is acting horribly, but when someone on your side is caught doing worse you figure it's acceptable. Add to that the fact that this woman wants to murder Jews and you just make yourself out to be a total hypocrite.
Snowflakes will always give Dims a free pass, no matter what they do.
All you partisanshitheads sound alike, something else you don't see.
And you believe you sound different from the rest of the leftwing morons in here? The first thing they all say is that they aren't partisan.
I AGREE that the is an objectionable slob-----but do not have
any memory of his public accusation of anyone that the person
is a sexual pervert in gutter language
Your memory serves you well. The left would have flooded all it's media friends with proof if you were not correct.
as far as I can tell-----none of the TRUMP ALPHA MALE bs was meant for
PUBLIC CONSUMPTION -----he was talking to DA BOYS. It happens
that lots of that private conversation was either taped or witnessed
That kind of shit is what young men and a-holes talk like. No men I know would be comfortable with another man of 59 or so years old speaking like that about women .. because we all have women in our families and circles of friends that we respect (hopefully)

your disgusting insinuation that this is how most grown men speak is a reflection on your own sick mind, and hopefully not from experience with males in your circles
How do you know who APPLAUDED
what? watching video of trump rallies? By asking Trump supporters what they like about Trump? It's not a mystery.

I AGREE that the is an objectionable slob-----but do not have
any memory of his public accusation of anyone that the person
is a sexual pervert in gutter language
I am guessing hat is your way of saying you never heard trump call anyone a motherfucker. I invite you to watch the video I posted on page one. Note the applause which follows. Then please come back to revise your comments.

that's it? not impressive
How do you know who APPLAUDED
what? watching video of trump rallies? By asking Trump supporters what they like about Trump? It's not a mystery.

I AGREE that the is an objectionable slob-----but do not have
any memory of his public accusation of anyone that the person
is a sexual pervert in gutter language
I am guessing hat is your way of saying you never heard trump call anyone a motherfucker. I invite you to watch the video I posted on page one. Note the applause which follows. Then please come back to revise your comments.

that's it? not impressive
"That's it" that what you said about her saying it at a party? No. Did you note the applause? You know, the applause you were so surprised anyone would suggest exists.
as far as I can tell-----none of the TRUMP ALPHA MALE bs was meant for
PUBLIC CONSUMPTION -----he was talking to DA BOYS. It happens
that lots of that private conversation was either taped or witnessed
That kind of shit is what young men and a-holes talk like. No men I know would be comfortable with another man of 59 or so years old speaking like that about women .. because we all have women in our families and circles of friends that we respect (hopefully)

your disgusting insinuation that this is how most grown men speak is a reflection on your own sick mind, and hopefully not from experience with males in your circles

"MY CIRCLES"?? I have a very wide experience with males in
all kinds of situations------from formal and courtly to STONED OUT
OF THE MIND . Mostly not "my circle"
If calling someone a motherfucker makes one sick and disgusting then the forum is loaded with sick, disgusting people.
Last time I looked, I wasn't a public servant in Washington.
You folks on the left have been claiming Trump is acting horribly, but when someone on your side is caught doing worse you figure it's acceptable. Add to that the fact that this woman wants to murder Jews and you just make yourself out to be a total hypocrite.
Snowflakes will always give Dims a free pass, no matter what they do.
All you partisanshitheads sound alike, something else you don't see.
And you believe you sound different from the rest of the leftwing morons in here? The first thing they all say is that they aren't partisan.

I believe you do not matter, and I believe partisanshitheads need for everyone to be partisanshitheads because all they can do is label others and have no other point to discuss or raise. I simply do not accept your perception of reality.
I AGREE that the donald is an objectionable slob-----but do not have
any memory of his public accusation of anyone that the person
is a sexual pervert in gutter language

"of his public accusation of anyone that the person is a sexual pervert?"

can I get a universal translator over here?
as far as I can tell-----none of the TRUMP ALPHA MALE bs was meant for
PUBLIC CONSUMPTION -----he was talking to DA BOYS. It happens
that lots of that private conversation was either taped or witnessed

That kind of shit is what young men and a-holes talk like. No men I know would be comfortable with another man of 59 or so years old speaking like that about women .. because we all have women in our families and circles of friends that we respect (hopefully)

your disgusting insinuation that this is how most grown men speak is a reflection on your own sick mind, and hopefully not from experience with males in your circles

"MY CIRCLES"?? I have a very wide experience with males in
all kinds of situations------from formal and courtly to STONED OUT
OF THE MIND . Mostly not "my circle"
hopefully not from experience with males in your circles?

So you fear answering that? although it was not a question being asked -- it was rhetorical.

How pathetically odd for you to telegraph such things. I almost feel pity for you, but you have been far too nasty to deserve pity. Contempt? yes

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