Representative Tlaib disgraces herself America

How do you know who APPLAUDED
what? watching video of trump rallies? By asking Trump supporters what they like about Trump? It's not a mystery.

I AGREE that the is an objectionable slob-----but do not have
any memory of his public accusation of anyone that the person
is a sexual pervert in gutter language
I am guessing hat is your way of saying you never heard trump call anyone a motherfucker. I invite you to watch the video I posted on page one. Note the applause which follows. Then please come back to revise your comments.
thank you
we all participate in it as we despise the outcome, but we sure won’t personally risk anything to challenge any of it, and on top of that we train our offspring to bow down and comply with concentrated wealth and power as well. Hardly the maneuverings of a free people. Oh please sir, a job. Oh please sir, a day off. Oh please sir, may I have some shitty access to health”care”. Oh please sir, may I have a raise. All the while Pavlovianly frothing at the mouth like caged dogs trying to get at the only possible allies we may have had in taking on the power structure to whom we are nothing but economic units. WE are the ones that enslave ourselves to the system so long as WE allow the system to define OUR perceptual reality.

SPOT ON. The most tuned in turned on post I've read here in a LONG while.
Any congressperson who calls a sitting president a motherfucker is human waste.
Any president who IS a mother fucker IS human waste.
So now you folks think that over a decade before he ran for president he wasn't allowed to swear????
Even when he was a private citizen and not a public servant?

This excuses this foul-mouthed, genocidal Bitch???
If calling someone a motherfucker makes one sick and disgusting then the forum is loaded with sick, disgusting people.
Last time I looked, I wasn't a public servant in Washington.
You folks on the left have been claiming Trump is acting horribly, but when someone on your side is caught doing worse you figure it's acceptable. Add to that the fact that this woman wants to murder Jews and you just make yourself out to be a total hypocrite.

It's the same old tiresome DOUBLE STANDARD of the Left.
Yup.....they don't care how many times Hillary called people the n word or swore at Secret Service agents.
The only thing that matters is what Trump said to a Shock Jock 11 years ago as a private citizen when he didn't know he was being recorded.
The only difference I can see here is Trump has an entire media conglomerate looking over his shoulder 24/7 where as Democrats don't have to worry about what they say behind closed doors. The problem now seems to be that they're saying it in public and being caught red-handed doing it.
You notice that huh. Rump uses the word "motherfuckers" and gets cheers from the audience, Rumpbots love it. Tlaib uses the word "motherfucker" and gets cheers from the audience, Rumpbots wet their pants talking about "unqualified". In a Congresswoman that isn't even in their district.
Trump never used the term "mother fucker."

Who's this? Alec Baldwin?

Hmmmm . . . . that's a speech I never saw.

There's quite a lot you don't see.

But you see everything, right, asshole?

Do snowflake morons like you ever miss an opportunity to take a cheap shot?

I don't even read these idots' posts unless they're cited in somebody's posts I do read. They're a waste of time and need to be deported, and have nothing worth reading and less than zero credibility, they're just annoying lil bots, nothing you can't find at their Hive outlets; read one you've read them all for the next week. They're actually proud of their stupidity and hate for this country.
Unfortunate in my mind but context is everything. One is a campaign address touting tough talk for the Chinese
generals and the other was a joyous obscene slur and threat against the President of the United States of America.
Well that seems like contrived nonsense. And, unfortunately, we can all probably stop wasting our time anyway. Trump lowered the bar for civility, intelligence, and education to the gutter, and he was rewarded for it with the presidency. So, welcome to the new reality.
The problem now seems to be that they're saying it in public and being caught red-handed doing it.

The same over-confidence after Obumma that led to Hillary's losing. The Dims tripped up and got so comfortable, they dared to be HONEST and show their real selves to the public for a change.

Trump, well, we know what he is, he knows what he is, and he hides it from no one.
If calling someone a motherfucker makes one sick and disgusting then the forum is loaded with sick, disgusting people.
Last time I looked, I wasn't a public servant in Washington.
You folks on the left have been claiming Trump is acting horribly, but when someone on your side is caught doing worse you figure it's acceptable. Add to that the fact that this woman wants to murder Jews and you just make yourself out to be a total hypocrite.
Snowflakes will always give Dims a free pass, no matter what they do.
All you partisanshitheads sound alike, something else you don't see.
And you believe you sound different from the rest of the leftwing morons in here? The first thing they all say is that they aren't partisan.

I believe you do not matter, and I believe partisanshitheads need for everyone to be partisanshitheads because all they can do is label others and have no other point to discuss or raise. I simply do not accept your perception of reality.
Let's see: You called me a "partisanshitheads," because all I can do is label people?

You don't accept reality period, let alone my perception of it. The reality is that you're a gigantic hypocrite.
Jesus Kryist With a Fucking Walking Cane to a local clinic to get a God Damned hep shot. POTUS has said and tweeted more nasty and ugly things than his. Where the Fuck have you been...

Please show me where Trump has called someone something even close to MFER either in office or out of office.

Democrats resort to offensive and obscene language when flustered.
Democrats resort to offensive and obscene language when flustered


Trump reportedly said 'f--k' several times during a meeting with Nancy Pelosi, and later apologized

Way to move those goalposts, dope.

Apply your standard evenly or not at all, loser.

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