Representative Tlaib disgraces herself America

Any congressperson who calls a sitting president a motherfucker is human waste.
Any president who IS a mother fucker IS human waste.

The greatest waste of all, the democratic party's assault on the American People.

STEP ONE: Dig up a FIFTEEN year old video recorded without Trump's knowledge or permission when he was not only not even married to Melania yet at that time, but hadn't even ever had a THOUGHT of ever someday being a president.

STEP TWO: Take all his comments out of context and air and print them as a smear campaign, even though all he was really doing was trying to boast to and impress some guy (with still to this day no evidence any of it was ever really TRUE) over the fact that he owned a beauty pageant and the real possibility that some of them actually threw themselves at you and would let you feel them up or whatever hoping to win the contest. And that most any red blooded guy in that position would probably JUMP at the chance!

STEP THREE: Keep bringing it up three years after the campaign is long over and no one cared then much less NOW because your ass is still throbbing over the beating you took for having a shithole crime-lord criminal thug like Hillary as the BEST thing your party could offer.

No need to get upset. Check it out:

Congresswoman Tlaib was elected to shake up Washington, not to continue the status quo.

She will do what's she told. Using a curse word or 17 is not shaking up Washington. She is the status quo. Don't listen to what she what she does.

That was at the 2012 GOP presidential convention broadcast not only nationally, but thanks to satellite coverage, also around the world. And it wasn't a "dirty joke" he was explaining to the GOP how to make a statement more effective, IOW, he was teaching HIS techniques to the GOP.

So you say. Link? And was Trump running for any office in 2012? Did he even HOLD any office then? Had he ever HELD any office? No, he was a fucking PRIVATE CITIZEN free to talk any damned way he pleases guaranteed him in the Bill of Rights, asshole, except in the fascist state you are now trying to create. No, he was just supporting that useless gasbag Mitt at the time. And Trump is an EXPERT on how to make statements more effective! His style won him billions of dollars in business and won him the national presidency OVERWHELMINGLY against that scumhole, shitbag, lousy, cheating, lying, evidence-destroying, crime evading crook you call HILLARY.

SO WHAT DOES THE DNC DO? Do they look to get a BETTER candidate for next time? No! Now they realize THEY CAN'T WIN fair and square. THEY CAN'T WIN without flooding the country with bought Latino votes. THEY CAN'T WIN on the issues. Now they must try to change the country and the system to SUIT THEM by trying to eliminate the Electoral College now as a necessary part of our election process!

DEMOCRATS: Their Dream: Being the Fascist, Hitlerian Ruling Mob Party of their banana republic, where they can take dissenters (conservatives, white, christian, pro-life, pro-gun) out to be shot behind the building and laugh gleefully at killing "another deplorable motherf*cker."
Man, you have lost it.

SO . . . . in other words, I'm SPOT ON.
In your words. Where you got that from I have no idea.

If you're dead set against, then we all know it must be true, for leftards always accuse the other side of what THEY are doing. And the closer to the facts we get, the greater your objection. If Trump were really so WRONG, you'd be happy to sit back and let him destroy himself! You hate him so much because you know he really Is winning and making America a better place that it was meant to be and WE'RE DOING IT ALL WITHOUT THE HELP OF A SINGLE LEFTIST ASS LIKE YOU.
She learned it from sick, disgusting POS Tramp!

You dumb jackass, Trump was just telling a story in private about no one in particular. This woman is an acting congresswoman specifically calling the president of the United States an MFer. You that stupid you can't tell the difference? Want me to play you some Obumma videos where he too told dirty jokes?

That's not "in private", simpleshit. It's a PODIUM. In front of an AUDIENCE. It's a POLITICAL SPEECH.

Glad you enjoyed it.

Funny, HB, how do you make a POLITICAL SPEECH when you weren't even a politician?!!! ;) Let the Pogostick squat on that.

Trump wasn't even a politician but he was already showing more LEADERSHIP then than the rest of the GOP combined.
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Maybe she's there to take the heat off of Ocasio Cortez
Maybe she is imitating Trump.

Thought y’all applauded that.

I missed it. Did Trump call Obama a "mother-fucker"? ----or was it
Hellcat he so disparaged?
Does it matter? Where do you draw lines? You have celebrated a president who who has made a career of belittling and insulting people in childish and disgusting ways You applauded a senator who who yelled you lie at the the president of the United States as he was talking.

Now you all are outraged? Seriously?

to whom are you speaking Coyote? How do you know who APPLAUDED
If calling someone a motherfucker makes one sick and disgusting then the forum is loaded with sick, disgusting people.
Last time I looked, I wasn't a public servant in Washington.
You folks on the left have been claiming Trump is acting horribly, but when someone on your side is caught doing worse you figure it's acceptable. Add to that the fact that this woman wants to murder Jews and you just make yourself out to be a total hypocrite.
If calling someone a motherfucker makes one sick and disgusting then the forum is loaded with sick, disgusting people.
Last time I looked, I wasn't a public servant in Washington.
You folks on the left have been claiming Trump is acting horribly, but when someone on your side is caught doing worse you figure it's acceptable. Add to that the fact that this woman wants to murder Jews and you just make yourself out to be a total hypocrite.

It's the same old tiresome DOUBLE STANDARD of the Left.
She learned it from sick, disgusting POS Tramp!

You dumb jackass, Trump was just telling a story in private about no one in particular. This woman is an acting congresswoman specifically calling the president of the United States an MFer. You that stupid you can't tell the difference? Want me to play you some Obumma videos where he too told dirty jokes?

That's not "in private", simpleshit. It's a PODIUM. In front of an AUDIENCE. It's a POLITICAL SPEECH.

Glad you enjoyed it.

Funny, HB, how do you make a POLITICAL SPEECH when you weren't even a politician?!!! ;) Let the Pogostick squat on that.

Trump wasn't even a politician but he was already showing more LEADERSHIP than the rest of the GOP combined.

The real fear for the media hacks is how little money he spent compared to the GOP/DNC's massive waves of money spent on media, and how he made all of it irrelevant to winning, a shock to them and the absolute necessity of getting him out by any means before he proves again how little they're actually worth; they stand to lose billions.
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If calling someone a motherfucker makes one sick and disgusting then the forum is loaded with sick, disgusting people.
Last time I looked, I wasn't a public servant in Washington.
You folks on the left have been claiming Trump is acting horribly, but when someone on your side is caught doing worse you figure it's acceptable. Add to that the fact that this woman wants to murder Jews and you just make yourself out to be a total hypocrite.

The Democrats want to murder Americans as well; the election of that woman is just more proof of that. Holder and Obama made it clear they wanted that, too.
I do not consider Trump to be a disgusting degenerate----simply a man with
hoof in mouth disease. I see no problem with Melania

Hoof in mouth disease is saying something stupid.

Bragging about force kissing women, and claiming they will let you grab their pussies because you are rich and famous does not equal - hoof and mouth disease. You are in serious need of a lobotomy, as it might help improve your excuses for being such a dimwitted dullard

and Melania and her staff said she is proud of her raunchy nude photos. Yet I post them and am warned about being banned on almost every single social media site

I am not being prudish here, I am being exact with facts that equal truths

thank you for your accuracy and honesty. You have a link to Trump's Public Declaration in which shouted out in sum and substance
the tapes

Transcript: Donald Trump’s Taped Comments About Women

Opinion | Billy Bush: Yes, Donald Trump, You Said That

Billy Bush says there were 8 witnesses to Trump's 'Access Hollywood' comments
Billy Bush says there were 8 witnesses to Trump's 'Access Hollywood' comments

Billy Bush Confirms It Was Trump on 'Access Hollywood' Tape


as far as I can tell-----none of the TRUMP ALPHA MALE bs was meant for
PUBLIC CONSUMPTION -----he was talking to DA BOYS. It happens
that lots of that private conversation was either taped or witnessed
She learned it from sick, disgusting POS Tramp!

You dumb jackass, Trump was just telling a story in private about no one in particular. This woman is an acting congresswoman specifically calling the president of the United States an MFer. You that stupid you can't tell the difference? Want me to play you some Obumma videos where he too told dirty jokes?

That's not "in private", simpleshit. It's a PODIUM. In front of an AUDIENCE. It's a POLITICAL SPEECH.

Glad you enjoyed it.

Funny, HB, how do you make a POLITICAL SPEECH when you weren't even a politician?!!! ;) Let the Pogostick squat on that.

Trump wasn't even a politician but he was already showing more LEADERSHIP then than the rest of the GOP combined.

Jesus. You do it all the time on USMB.
She learned it from sick, disgusting POS Tramp!

You dumb jackass, Trump was just telling a story in private about no one in particular. This woman is an acting congresswoman specifically calling the president of the United States an MFer. You that stupid you can't tell the difference? Want me to play you some Obumma videos where he too told dirty jokes?

That's not "in private", simpleshit. It's a PODIUM. In front of an AUDIENCE. It's a POLITICAL SPEECH.

Glad you enjoyed it.

Funny, HB, how do you make a POLITICAL SPEECH when you weren't even a politician?!!! ;) Let the Pogostick squat on that.

Trump wasn't even a politician but he was already showing more LEADERSHIP than the rest of the GOP combined.

The real fear for the media hacks is how little money he spent compared to the GOP/DNC's massive waves of money spent on media, and how he made all of it irrelevant to winning, a shock to them and the absolute necessity of getting out by any means before he proves again how little they're actually worth; they stand to lose billions.

Trump proved once and for all time that he can win without a mechanism they neither understand nor can control. That was very dangerous----- it removed big money interests and allowed an election to occur freely based on allowing the public to THINK AND CHOOSE FREELY.
If calling someone a motherfucker makes one sick and disgusting then the forum is loaded with sick, disgusting people.
Last time I looked, I wasn't a public servant in Washington.
You folks on the left have been claiming Trump is acting horribly, but when someone on your side is caught doing worse you figure it's acceptable. Add to that the fact that this woman wants to murder Jews and you just make yourself out to be a total hypocrite.

The Democrats want to murder Americans as well; the election of that woman is just more proof of that. Holder and Obama made it clear they wanted that, too.

The fact of the matter is that the american people themselves are responsible for all the shyte they piss, moan and wail about via their own inaction and endemic refusal to take responsibility; and by all measures of prediction, we will continue to do such. That’s why all you will ever see and/or hear from them/us is blame. Blame is for escaping responsibility. That is very much different than identifying a problem to attack as a people united against a common issue or threat. You can blame your version of “the bad guys” all you want, but “the bad guys” only get away with what they get away with because we allow it. We will continue to do nothing but vote for whomever the power structure vomits up as candidates while howling like banshees if anyone not coroneted by the Wall Street/donor/”job creator” slips through occasionally. This is the stuff of an utterly cucked and subjugated population. Hard to imagine we are the descendants of anyone who ever overthrew anything at all. And really now, we didn’t. One ruling aristocracy had a spat with another ruling aristocracy and once again the unsubstantial people did the bleeding and dying for The Lords. Our political system is the same shtick, there are no oppositional political parties in america, there are bickering factions of a single ruling aristocracy who may squabble like brothers do at times, but none of that has anything to do with you or representing you, never did; they work in tandem to divide the unsubstantial people. Their common goal is what it has always been; wealth extraction, concentration and redistribution out of society and away from the natural world.

Your politicians come out of american homes, churches and schools, this is the best we can do folks, and we all participate in it as we despise the outcome, but we sure won’t personally risk anything to challenge any of it, and on top of that we train our offspring to bow down and comply with concentrated wealth and power as well. Hardly the maneuverings of a free people. Oh please sir, a job. Oh please sir, a day off. Oh please sir, may I have some shitty access to health”care”. Oh please sir, may I have a raise. All the while Pavlovianly frothing at the mouth like caged dogs trying to get at the only possible allies we may have had in taking on the power structure to whom we are nothing but economic units

WE are the ones that enslave ourselves to the system so long as WE allow the system to define OUR perceptual reality.

Or ya can just continue voting, sending your kids off to be indoctrinated, and heading back in to your mass consumption jobs while hoping for a different outcome and blaming everyone else so we don’t have to deal with ourselves.
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So far, not a word from the House leadership.

When will the Democrat Party force this foul mouthed broad to apologize and then expel her from the body.

To call Tlaib's language "lady like" would be a miscarriage of justice.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib refuses to back down from explicit remarks
Women's locker room talk. What's the problem?

it was not in a locker room or directed JUST at companions----
it was a public declaration. Can you cite anything from Trump
like that--------he did not call hellcat a sexual pervert ----obnoxious
as he is

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