Representative Tlaib disgraces herself America

The Demoskag has done far more damage than I might have imagined.

Our local liberal dared show its face in the coffee shop today. To apologize to everyone there for what the foul-mouth had done. It admitted that even he/she/it (he/she/it allows others to decide which on any given day) would vote for even (with a great gasp) President Trump if she/he/it ran against him.

T'was the opinion of Local Lib that the "foul creature" had turned many Americans against the party, some of whom might never vote leftist again.

Hype, OK, it was coming from a liberal.

But in a strange way.....a slimmer of light in a dark, dark place.
Dems livid after Tlaib vows to ‘impeach the motherf—er’

Wow! Makes you want to laugh the next time you see a Democrat wag their finger about “civility”. This is one of the most vulgar terms I’ve ever heard; typically in a locker room or bar. Not offended,but, technically, it’s vulgar.
LOL you weren't brought up in Brooklyn evidently

One side of the family Bronx, the other, Queens. The key word in the post: ‘technically’. Remember the side the brought us “political correctness” “I’m offended” “safe space”..... not exactly Brooklyn, right?

Ok, let me say again- I am conservative but not Republican. Now I see republicans attacking the vulgarity of a democrat, but during the campaign, they either were mute or defending the vulgarity of Trump. Drop your party affiliation and join the enlightened.

What vulgarity from Trump?

He called someone a mother fucker?

I didn't support the guy until after he won and actually started doing what he promised. So I'm not just another zealot.
Wouldn't you like to see a link to Trump actually calling someone a mother fucker?

Is it really necessary? I reckon if he would say “grab em by the pussy”, calling someone an MFer is not a stretch.
Dems livid after Tlaib vows to ‘impeach the motherf—er’

Wow! Makes you want to laugh the next time you see a Democrat wag their finger about “civility”. This is one of the most vulgar terms I’ve ever heard; typically in a locker room or bar. Not offended,but, technically, it’s vulgar.
Civility from the side that supports babies in concentration camps
I can hardly wait for the media and her party to call her out for her hateful rhetoric......but will NOT hold my breath waiting....and they complain about Trump....have to love these Muslim radical ABNORMALS!

The radicals took control of the House today. Far left anti-Trumpers and open Socialists are now in charge of the US House of Representatives.

Michigan Democrat Rashida Tlaib, an open Israel-hater, was sworn in on a Koran today.

And after her swearing in she immediately called on President Trump’s impeachment — the “mother f*cker”!!

The far left crowd LOVED IT and Cheered with delight!....What was that Nancy about DECORUM?

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Give this freak a camera, and let her talk.

You can't buy advertising this good. Those suburban women are in for a rude awakening about the results of allowing themselves to be shamed into virtue signalling in the ballot box.

Rashida, celebrating a Boycott, Divestiture, Sanctions resolution against Israel:


What happened? Did Trump move on her like a bitch? Did he grab her by the pussy? She isn't a SOB football player is she? Maybe she's from a shit hole country? If she disgraced America, that ship sailed a long time ago with Trump.
Pelosi’s response ”I don’t think we should be making a big deal of it”

I agree with Pelosi. Good for her to not fall for the faux outrage of the white christer males.

See, this is precisely what I find to be so despicable from the Left as of late.

If anyone on the Right were to claim re: Obama or Eric Holder that they need not heed the words of “the Black males” they would be rightfully vilified.

But when someone on the left criticizes Republicans/Conservatives under the reverse, no one bats an eyelid.
It would be Billy Clinton all over again. He left office over 60% approval even with his jizz all over Monica.
Would somebody just toss a burqa on this muslim cocksucking whore so nobody has to look at that THING any longer? Muslim woman-like things are so unbelievably vile, such sell-out whores, such pathological liars, such death on two legs, maybe muslim males were right all along to abuse and oppress them. I've never seen a muslim femoid waste of fallopian tubes with a single redeeming human quality of any kind.

It's like that "fake hero" Malalala-lalala-la-ha-land what's-her-name, the skank that survived getting her face shot off at age 11. Well, that bitch is still promoting and praising her Pisslam, the hate ideology which almost killed her and still brutalizes/rapes women all over the world constantly, even as I am typing this sentence. That Malala-la-la-land is so fake, I wish her muslim male had finished the job on that fake, pathologically lying, slutty little whore so she couldn't continue to infect the West with her muslim taqiyya. See, this is why I have zero qualms about the genocide of muslim women-like things & children along with the men; they're just as much part of the muslim society-destroying malice and need to be destroyed.

Even taking Pisslam out of the equation, I believe a woman is only a "victim" the FIRST time a man hits her; if she goes back to her abuser after that then she is nothing but the masochistic half of a very sick game. That's the reason I have no sympathy for chronically abused women whatsoever.

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