Republican 2016 Presidential Candidate

Unless he is running as a Democrat I'm not really seeing how that takes him out of contention.

"their best candidate to win the election"
there is a difference between winning the nomination and winning the election, Christie had the appeal to win both but no longer. he is disliked by the far right republicans and now has lost the support he had among moderate democrats, support he will not be able to revive.

Christie is out of contention whether there appears to be a come back or not.

I think you underestimate him.
Exactly what is it you think I need luck with?

Getting one of your shitty candidates elected. Would you prefer I wish you bad luck?
I don't need any luck on that front good or bad I'm not working for any candidate by the way I asked this before and never got a answer who do the Democrats have if Hillary decides to bow out?
their best candidate to win the election, Christie is no longer in contention ... good luck with what's left.

Why is he no longer in contention?

Why is he no longer in contention?
his appeal to democrats has hit a road block ...

I'll agree with that.

As a non Republican who for the most part does not like any elected Republican or the general field that might run for president I can honestly say you are both still fucking idiots. As bad as the Republican party is at least they are not the party of stupid.
Republicans don't have even a single candidate. It makes me question the leadership of your party cons. What's going on? :dunno:
Actually they have several the previously mentioned Rubio, and Christie, Jindal, Paul, Walker to name a few you take Hillary out of the mix who do the Democrats have?
There's no reason to take Hillary out of the mix. She'll be in the mix.

Jindal is a non-starter. He doesn't have a prayer.

Rubio is an empty suit, rejected in the Senate by his own Party.

Cruz will run, but only to increase his speaking fees.

Paul is a shell of his former self, flip-flopping daily on his past positions - the positions that made him interesting to the Libertarian wing.

Jeb has his brother around his neck like an albatross - people just don't want another Bush.

Walker is an unknown as a national candidate, but his closet full of skeletons will be intensely scrutinized if he runs, and it's not pretty.

Romney will run again, I predict. And he may get the nomination again, since he's "severely conservative".

Christie will do well, and unless Romney runs again, will have the best shot. Everyone who now calls him a RINO will get behind him (and disappear!), just like they did with the RINO McCain and the RINO Romney.
Exactly what is it you think I need luck with?

Getting one of your shitty candidates elected. Would you prefer I wish you bad luck?
I don't need any luck on that front good or bad I'm not working for any candidate by the way I asked this before and never got a answer who do the Democrats have if Hillary decides to bow out?

They are mindless haters who focus of Republicans because it's sad pandas to look at their line up.... Hillary... then, Michelle???? LOL. Yeah, they want Michelle, they don't know her position on jack dick, she has 0 experience, she has pretty much never talked to anyone in public that does not introduce her and already just totally wub her... But she is a she, and has the right skin tone.... And that is the depth of the Democrats line up, Hillary who is loosing in polling to Rand Paul and someone that has never even mentioned they had an interest in even holding any public office of any kind ever.

Oh, then there is the crazy as Warren who would actually be funny to watch debate.
their best candidate to win the election, Christie is no longer in contention ... good luck with what's left.

Why is he no longer in contention?

Why is he no longer in contention?
his appeal to democrats has hit a road block ...

Unless he is running as a Democrat I'm not really seeing how that takes him out of contention.
Because his selling point is that he appeals to Democrats as well as Republicans. He got a lot of Democratic votes in Jersey.
Republicans don't have even a single candidate. It makes me question the leadership of your party cons. What's going on? :dunno:
Actually they have several the previously mentioned Rubio, and Christie, Jindal, Paul, Walker to name a few you take Hillary out of the mix who do the Democrats have?
There's no reason to take Hillary out of the mix. She'll be in the mix.

Jindal is a non-starter. He doesn't have a prayer.

Rubio is an empty suit, rejected in the Senate by his own Party.

Cruz will run, but only to increase his speaking fees.

Paul is a shell of his former self, flip-flopping daily on his past positions - the positions that made him interesting to the Libertarian wing.

Jeb has his brother around his neck like an albatross - people just don't want another Bush.

Walker is an unknown as a national candidate, but his closet full of skeletons will be intensely scrutinized if he runs, and it's not pretty.

Romney will run again, I predict. And he may get the nomination again, since he's "severely conservative".

Christie will do well, and unless Romney runs again, will have the best shot. Everyone who now calls him a RINO will get behind him (and disappear!), just like they did with the RINO McCain and the RINO Romney.

I always love it when hyper partisans make predictions on the "other sides" candidates. They all suck???? No shiiit? You guys liked McCain, till he got the nomination, then you hated him. You guys like Romney, till he got the nomination, then you hated him... You guys said McCain and Mitt had the best shot, they both lost... You're 0 for 2.... You suck at predicting.
I don't need any luck on that front good or bad I'm not working for any candidate by the way I asked this before and never got a answer who do the Democrats have if Hillary decides to bow out?

Well I'd prefer Jim Webb. Mark Warner would be okay too.
Good guy's though I'm not sure if they would be far enough to the left for the Obama Democrats.
Good guy's though I'm not sure if they would be far enough to the left for the Obama Democrats.

They won't need to be. They're both excellent candidates and much better than the fodder offered by the republican party.

Republicans are thinking they can get a candidate elected the way that Obama was elected. By running on the embarrassing record of his predecessor. But the thing is Obama's record doesn't even come CLOSE to being as epically terrible as Bush's was.

So the GOP better get to work finding a good candidate soon or they'll be as big of losers in 2016 as they were in 2008 and 2012.
Republicans don't have even a single candidate. It makes me question the leadership of your party cons. What's going on? :dunno:

You're an idiot.

Yea I bet you thought Romney had it locked up right?

No, I was 100% sure he would loose... And he did. I didn't vote for him. I think Mitt was a shitty candidate who the media and his money created.
So you voted for what we now have. Nice job. This is all your fault.
Good guy's though I'm not sure if they would be far enough to the left for the Obama Democrats.

They won't need to be. They're both excellent candidates and much better than the fodder offered by the republican party.

Republicans are thinking they can get a candidate elected the way that Obama was elected. By running on the embarrassing record of his predecessor. But the thing is Obama's record doesn't even come CLOSE to being as epically terrible as Bush's was.

So the GOP better get to work finding a good candidate soon or they'll be as big of losers in 2016 as they were in 2008 and 2012.

List me the repeals of the Bush era polices under Obama. Stop everything your not doing in life and get on it for us.

Obama runs massive deficits
Obama spends over 150 billion more than Bush/Reps on wars
Obama starts new wars and expands old wars
Bush had to end the Iraq war on his set timetable despite Obama trying to keep us there
Obama spies on our allies and all US citizens.
Obama got the country downgraded
Obama divided the country
Obama has more people on food stamps than ever before
Obama has historic welfare usage
Obama has historic black un-employment
Obama managed to be a worse public speaker than mother fucking Bush when he's not reading a script someone else wrote for his ignorant ass
Obama expanded homeland security
Obama expanded the patriot act
Obama failed to close Guantanamo
Obama passed the NDA after claiming he would't
Obama assassinated a US citizen, historic!
Obama plays golf, a lot... LOLz
Obama says "ya'll"
Obama lies so much that most the nation no longer trusts him
Obama is losing the youth
Obama lost 1 million voters in 2012 VS 2008, historic! As no time has either party lost voters outside of Perot. Obama is forcing people to buy a product - can't wait to see where that goes in the future! Obama bailed out the rich Obama blew a near 1 trillion dollar stimulus and then laffed about it "I guess these shovel ready jobs went so shovel ready." Obama got the Government shut down only to days later after it re-opened try and the very thing Republicans were asking to be done due to Obamacare failing, a extension to implement Obamacare..

Obama spies on our allies, destroying our reputation as well… being an ally.

Obama spies on hundreds of millions of Americans despite it being unconstitutional, then lies and tries to cover it up after being caught.
Republicans don't have even a single candidate. It makes me question the leadership of your party cons. What's going on? :dunno:

You're an idiot.

Yea I bet you thought Romney had it locked up right?

No, I was 100% sure he would loose... And he did. I didn't vote for him. I think Mitt was a shitty candidate who the media and his money created.
So you voted for what we now have. Nice job. This is all your fault.

What? I didn't vote for Obama....
I always love it when hyper partisans make predictions on the "other sides" candidates. They all suck???? No shiiit? You guys liked McCain, till he got the nomination, then you hated him. You guys like Romney, till he got the nomination, then you hated him... You guys said McCain and Mitt had the best shot, they both lost... You're 0 for 2.... You suck at predicting.

As usual, you are full of shit.

McCain had a shot in 2000, when he was 'the maverick'. By 2008, he was McSame, McBush...a cranky "get off my lawn" warmonger, ready to send Americans to die at the drop of a hat. And then he picked Caribou Barbie, and everyone knew he had bad judgement.

THAT'S why he was rejected by Democrats.

Romney used to sound just like a Democrat: pro-choice, pro-taxes, etc.

Then he flip-flopped on every issue.

THAT'S why he was rejected by Democrats.
Good guy's though I'm not sure if they would be far enough to the left for the Obama Democrats.

They won't need to be. They're both excellent candidates and much better than the fodder offered by the republican party.

Republicans are thinking they can get a candidate elected the way that Obama was elected. By running on the embarrassing record of his predecessor. But the thing is Obama's record doesn't even come CLOSE to being as epically terrible as Bush's was.

So the GOP better get to work finding a good candidate soon or they'll be as big of losers in 2016 as they were in 2008 and 2012.

List me the repeals of the Bush era polices under Obama. Stop everything your not doing in life and get on it for us.

Obama runs massive deficits
Obama spends over 150 billion more than Bush/Reps on wars
Obama starts new wars and expands old wars
Bush had to end the Iraq war on his set timetable despite Obama trying to keep us there
Obama spies on our allies and all US citizens.
Obama got the country downgraded
Obama divided the country
Obama has more people on food stamps than ever before
Obama has historic welfare usage
Obama has historic black un-employment
Obama managed to be a worse public speaker than mother fucking Bush when he's not reading a script someone else wrote for his ignorant ass
Obama expanded homeland security
Obama expanded the patriot act
Obama failed to close Guantanamo
Obama passed the NDA after claiming he would't
Obama assassinated a US citizen, historic!
Obama plays golf, a lot... LOLz
Obama says "ya'll"
Obama lies so much that most the nation no longer trusts him
Obama is losing the youth
Obama lost 1 million voters in 2012 VS 2008, historic! As no time has either party lost voters outside of Perot. Obama is forcing people to buy a product - can't wait to see where that goes in the future! Obama bailed out the rich Obama blew a near 1 trillion dollar stimulus and then laffed about it "I guess these shovel ready jobs went so shovel ready." Obama got the Government shut down only to days later after it re-opened try and the very thing Republicans were asking to be done due to Obamacare failing, a extension to implement Obamacare..

Obama spies on our allies, destroying our reputation as well… being an ally.

Obama spies on hundreds of millions of Americans despite it being unconstitutional, then lies and tries to cover it up after being caught.

Nice job cut and pasting partisan bullshit instead of addressing anything :thup:


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