Republican 2016 Presidential Candidate

It's like, you're so fucking stupid it just hurts knowing there is no chance of making you understand some basic ass shit. The Media, the fing media creates the candidate. When you have people talking on stage in debates for 15-26 min VS candidates the media gives 40 seconds of talk time, yeah, it has nothing to do with how conservative the base is.

So, you're saying that conservatives are either so stupid, or so easily manipulated, that they abandon their principles and their values because of the Boob Tube, and Evil Libruls making them vote against their wishes?

What power we have!
Good guy's though I'm not sure if they would be far enough to the left for the Obama Democrats.

They won't need to be. They're both excellent candidates and much better than the fodder offered by the republican party.

Republicans are thinking they can get a candidate elected the way that Obama was elected. By running on the embarrassing record of his predecessor. But the thing is Obama's record doesn't even come CLOSE to being as epically terrible as Bush's was.

So the GOP better get to work finding a good candidate soon or they'll be as big of losers in 2016 as they were in 2008 and 2012.
Yeah good luck trying to sell that Hillary lost in 2008 because Obama went farther left than she did in the primary and these guy's both have similar positions. Though the left will never admit you don't have a strong field out there Hillary is closely tied to Obama who does not have the sway with people he used to which will be a drag on her in a general election and beyond her you have no one who has any real star power or stands out.
Hillary lost because Democrats were pissed that she entrusted the Idiot Bush with the decision to invade Iraq.

That's what it came down to. The Democrats she lost because of that made the difference.
I don't need any luck on that front good or bad I'm not working for any candidate by the way I asked this before and never got a answer who do the Democrats have if Hillary decides to bow out?

Well I'd prefer Jim Webb. Mark Warner would be okay too.
Good guy's though I'm not sure if they would be far enough to the left for the Obama Democrats.
Obama is not on the Left, no matter how much you wish to believe so. He's a Center-Left moderate. Just like Hillary. Just like Bill.

Bernie Sanders is on the Left. Elizabeth Warren is on the Left. Alan Grayson is on the Left.

Fer fuck's sake. You Right-Wingers can't even classify politicians correctly.
Wow that took your usual stupid to a whole new level yeah those three are about as center left moderate as Ted Cruz is center right moderate thanks for the laugh that was one of your funnier responses unintentionally as it was.
Good guy's though I'm not sure if they would be far enough to the left for the Obama Democrats.

They won't need to be. They're both excellent candidates and much better than the fodder offered by the republican party.

Republicans are thinking they can get a candidate elected the way that Obama was elected. By running on the embarrassing record of his predecessor. But the thing is Obama's record doesn't even come CLOSE to being as epically terrible as Bush's was.

So the GOP better get to work finding a good candidate soon or they'll be as big of losers in 2016 as they were in 2008 and 2012.
Yeah good luck trying to sell that Hillary lost in 2008 because Obama went farther left than she did in the primary and these guy's both have similar positions. Though the left will never admit you don't have a strong field out there Hillary is closely tied to Obama who does not have the sway with people he used to which will be a drag on her in a general election and beyond her you have no one who has any real star power or stands out.
Hillary lost because Democrats were pissed that she entrusted the Idiot Bush with the decision to invade Iraq.

That's what it came down to. The Democrats she lost because of that made the difference.
Keep drinking that kool aid.
It's like, you're so fucking stupid it just hurts knowing there is no chance of making you understand some basic ass shit. The Media, the fing media creates the candidate. When you have people talking on stage in debates for 15-26 min VS candidates the media gives 40 seconds of talk time, yeah, it has nothing to do with how conservative the base is.

So, you're saying that conservatives are either so stupid, or so easily manipulated, that they abandon their principles and their values because of the Boob Tube, and Evil Libruls making them vote against their wishes?

What power we have!

For the most part yes, I agree with you... Hell look at you guys, supporting Obama after he started many new wars, re-entered Iraq, expanded Afghanistan and spends more than Bush on military and killing people. Obama has made the rich far more rich, Obama has helped make the middle class shrink and the poor more poor.... All by expanding Bush's progressive policies, and yet you love Obama to deff~

See how stupid people are? How easily you can be manipulated? Fuck, I bet you think NPR is neutral lol.
I don't need any luck on that front good or bad I'm not working for any candidate by the way I asked this before and never got a answer who do the Democrats have if Hillary decides to bow out?

Well I'd prefer Jim Webb. Mark Warner would be okay too.
Good guy's though I'm not sure if they would be far enough to the left for the Obama Democrats.
Obama is not on the Left, no matter how much you wish to believe so. He's a Center-Left moderate. Just like Hillary. Just like Bill.

Bernie Sanders is on the Left. Elizabeth Warren is on the Left. Alan Grayson is on the Left.

Fer fuck's sake. You Right-Wingers can't even classify politicians correctly.
Wow that took your usual stupid to a whole new level yeah those three are about as center left moderate as Ted Cruz is center right moderate thanks for the laugh that was one of your funnier responses unintentionally as it was.
That's the problem with extremists. Anyone who isn't as extreme as you is viewed as all the way to the other side.

Your view is ONLY shared by other extremists. Normal, intelligent people know that Obama is a Centrist/Moderate.
Good guy's though I'm not sure if they would be far enough to the left for the Obama Democrats.

They won't need to be. They're both excellent candidates and much better than the fodder offered by the republican party.

Republicans are thinking they can get a candidate elected the way that Obama was elected. By running on the embarrassing record of his predecessor. But the thing is Obama's record doesn't even come CLOSE to being as epically terrible as Bush's was.

So the GOP better get to work finding a good candidate soon or they'll be as big of losers in 2016 as they were in 2008 and 2012.
Yeah good luck trying to sell that Hillary lost in 2008 because Obama went farther left than she did in the primary and these guy's both have similar positions. Though the left will never admit you don't have a strong field out there Hillary is closely tied to Obama who does not have the sway with people he used to which will be a drag on her in a general election and beyond her you have no one who has any real star power or stands out.
Hillary lost because Democrats were pissed that she entrusted the Idiot Bush with the decision to invade Iraq.

That's what it came down to. The Democrats she lost because of that made the difference.
Keep drinking that kool aid.
What's going to be your excuse when you get your ass kicked again in 2016?
It's like, you're so fucking stupid it just hurts knowing there is no chance of making you understand some basic ass shit. The Media, the fing media creates the candidate. When you have people talking on stage in debates for 15-26 min VS candidates the media gives 40 seconds of talk time, yeah, it has nothing to do with how conservative the base is.

So, you're saying that conservatives are either so stupid, or so easily manipulated, that they abandon their principles and their values because of the Boob Tube, and Evil Libruls making them vote against their wishes?

What power we have!

For the most part yes, I agree with you... Hell look at you guys, supporting Obama after he started many new wars, re-entered Iraq, expanded Afghanistan and spends more than Bush on military and killing people. Obama has made the rich far more rich, Obama has helped make the middle class shrink and the poor more poor.... All by expanding Bush's progressive policies, and yet you love Obama to deff~

See how stupid people are? How easily you can be manipulated? Fuck, I bet you think NPR is neutral lol.

He campaigned in 2008 on expanding the war in Afghanistan, dumbass! That's one of the reasons Democrats voted for him - he was going to refocus on the people who actually attacked us.

Now list - since you're so fond of lists - one thing that Obama has done to make the middle class and poor poorer.

I won't hold my breath waiting.
It's like, you're so fucking stupid it just hurts knowing there is no chance of making you understand some basic ass shit. The Media, the fing media creates the candidate. When you have people talking on stage in debates for 15-26 min VS candidates the media gives 40 seconds of talk time, yeah, it has nothing to do with how conservative the base is.

So, you're saying that conservatives are either so stupid, or so easily manipulated, that they abandon their principles and their values because of the Boob Tube, and Evil Libruls making them vote against their wishes?

What power we have!

For the most part yes, I agree with you... Hell look at you guys, supporting Obama after he started many new wars, re-entered Iraq, expanded Afghanistan and spends more than Bush on military and killing people. Obama has made the rich far more rich, Obama has helped make the middle class shrink and the poor more poor.... All by expanding Bush's progressive policies, and yet you love Obama to deff~

See how stupid people are? How easily you can be manipulated? Fuck, I bet you think NPR is neutral lol.
Your foreign policy bs- no boots, Arabs on board, no chickenhawk Pubcrappe. Economically, nothing much will change until voodoo is repealed- defended to the death by Pubs and dupes...Booosh's progressive policies- you're nuts lol.
You said back in 2007.

There was no teabagger party in 2007.

Never said there was.

You said:

based on my correct description of Dems claiming McCain had the best shot back in 2007

Explain that.
Ok, they did... Just like they did about Mitt and now like you're saying about Chris.

Here's the thing, you will notice you guys take any candidate that the Republican base mostly hates, and claim only that candidate stands a chance.... History proves me right, it's just that simple. I fully understand that the Democratic party (voters) hated McCain, hated Mitt and hate Chris... You just say you like them until they get the nomination, then like you said Democrats let it all out how much they hate these people.

This ain't make believe land, it's not rocket science... You can't be this dense, can you?
Republicans don't have even a single candidate. It makes me question the leadership of your party cons. What's going on? :dunno:

You're an idiot.

Yea I bet you thought Romney had it locked up right?

No, I was 100% sure he would loose... And he did. I didn't vote for him. I think Mitt was a shitty candidate who the media and his money created.
So you voted for what we now have. Nice job. This is all your fault.
A soaring stock market that went from 6,000 to 17,000? 50 straight months, or some other ridiculous figure, of job growth? The killing of America's #1 enemy?

I could go on, but you have your fingers in your ears.
A stock market based solely on the FED pumping money into it which only helps the rich people you hate. Yes .5% growth per year is redic...I'm sorry it's pathetic. Alqida and ISIS who we are now going back to war with were defeated?

How the hell did you get your fingers in your ears with your head so far up your ass?
It's like, you're so fucking stupid it just hurts knowing there is no chance of making you understand some basic ass shit. The Media, the fing media creates the candidate. When you have people talking on stage in debates for 15-26 min VS candidates the media gives 40 seconds of talk time, yeah, it has nothing to do with how conservative the base is.

So, you're saying that conservatives are either so stupid, or so easily manipulated, that they abandon their principles and their values because of the Boob Tube, and Evil Libruls making them vote against their wishes?

What power we have!

For the most part yes, I agree with you... Hell look at you guys, supporting Obama after he started many new wars, re-entered Iraq, expanded Afghanistan and spends more than Bush on military and killing people. Obama has made the rich far more rich, Obama has helped make the middle class shrink and the poor more poor.... All by expanding Bush's progressive policies, and yet you love Obama to deff~

See how stupid people are? How easily you can be manipulated? Fuck, I bet you think NPR is neutral lol.

He campaigned in 2008 on expanding the war in Afghanistan, dumbass! That's one of the reasons Democrats voted for him - he was going to refocus on the people who actually attacked us.

Now list - since you're so fond of lists - one thing that Obama has done to make the middle class and poor poorer.

I won't hold my breath waiting.

Obamacare has helped create more poverty for one. Next the massive never ending stimulus given to the rich to lend to the middle class and create perpetual debt. The massive amount he added to the nations debt that will only help sink the nation. Incredible division between employers and employees. His obsession with trying to create a new bubble in housing that only drives up costs for homes, hurting the middles class disproportionately to the wealthy.

Fuck dude, the list goes on and on. You Obama-bots are worse than Bush-bots.
OK - I'm done toying with wingnut idiots. I'm going to go watch the Rachel Maddow re-broadcast. :)

Have fun watching Rush, I mean, Hannity, I mean Beck.... or just lil ol Rachel Madcow. And you call us wingnuts.... I love "journalists" that tell you how to interpret news, lol.
Good guy's though I'm not sure if they would be far enough to the left for the Obama Democrats.

They won't need to be. They're both excellent candidates and much better than the fodder offered by the republican party.

Republicans are thinking they can get a candidate elected the way that Obama was elected. By running on the embarrassing record of his predecessor. But the thing is Obama's record doesn't even come CLOSE to being as epically terrible as Bush's was.

So the GOP better get to work finding a good candidate soon or they'll be as big of losers in 2016 as they were in 2008 and 2012.
Yeah good luck trying to sell that Hillary lost in 2008 because Obama went farther left than she did in the primary and these guy's both have similar positions. Though the left will never admit you don't have a strong field out there Hillary is closely tied to Obama who does not have the sway with people he used to which will be a drag on her in a general election and beyond her you have no one who has any real star power or stands out.
Hillary lost because Democrats were pissed that she entrusted the Idiot Bush with the decision to invade Iraq.

That's what it came down to. The Democrats she lost because of that made the difference.
So how are you simpletons working your tiny little minds through voting in a president who is now attacking Iraq, Syria, Lybia, Afghanistan etc?
OK - I'm done toying with wingnut idiots. I'm going to go watch the Rachel Maddow re-broadcast. :)
You were confused by her stupidity the first time around? If you need to watch a complete moron twice to understand the message that may be a clue you aren't very bright.

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