Republican 2016 Presidential Candidate

Good guy's though I'm not sure if they would be far enough to the left for the Obama Democrats.

They won't need to be. They're both excellent candidates and much better than the fodder offered by the republican party.

Republicans are thinking they can get a candidate elected the way that Obama was elected. By running on the embarrassing record of his predecessor. But the thing is Obama's record doesn't even come CLOSE to being as epically terrible as Bush's was.

So the GOP better get to work finding a good candidate soon or they'll be as big of losers in 2016 as they were in 2008 and 2012.
Yeah good luck trying to sell that Hillary lost in 2008 because Obama went farther left than she did in the primary and these guy's both have similar positions. Though the left will never admit you don't have a strong field out there Hillary is closely tied to Obama who does not have the sway with people he used to which will be a drag on her in a general election and beyond her you have no one who has any real star power or stands out.
Hillary lost because Democrats were pissed that she entrusted the Idiot Bush with the decision to invade Iraq.

That's what it came down to. The Democrats she lost because of that made the difference.
So how are you simpletons working your tiny little minds through voting in a president who is now attacking Iraq, Syria, Lybia, Afghanistan etc?
He's attacking ISIL and the Taliban, shyttehead lol.
Good guy's though I'm not sure if they would be far enough to the left for the Obama Democrats.

They won't need to be. They're both excellent candidates and much better than the fodder offered by the republican party.

Republicans are thinking they can get a candidate elected the way that Obama was elected. By running on the embarrassing record of his predecessor. But the thing is Obama's record doesn't even come CLOSE to being as epically terrible as Bush's was.

So the GOP better get to work finding a good candidate soon or they'll be as big of losers in 2016 as they were in 2008 and 2012.
Yeah good luck trying to sell that Hillary lost in 2008 because Obama went farther left than she did in the primary and these guy's both have similar positions. Though the left will never admit you don't have a strong field out there Hillary is closely tied to Obama who does not have the sway with people he used to which will be a drag on her in a general election and beyond her you have no one who has any real star power or stands out.
Hillary lost because Democrats were pissed that she entrusted the Idiot Bush with the decision to invade Iraq.

That's what it came down to. The Democrats she lost because of that made the difference.
So how are you simpletons working your tiny little minds through voting in a president who is now attacking Iraq, Syria, Lybia, Afghanistan etc?
He's attacking ISIL and the Taliban, shyttehead lol.
He told us they were on the run. Totally defeated and never going to be a problem again. Those that did pop up were JV and nothing to worry about. So if what he said was true why is it we're now entering a new conflict?
I like Marco Rubio.

I liked Rubio until he shared, "Obama wants to take all your guns"....

Of course following the idiot side of the Right. The people voted by 85% they wanted Assault Rifle Regulation. Democracy is when the President does what the people want. Maybe that is where he got his idea. Either way, it never mentioned gun grabbing.
their best candidate to win the election, Christie is no longer in contention ... good luck with what's left.

Why is he no longer in contention?

Why is he no longer in contention?
his appeal to democrats has hit a road block ...

Unless he is running as a Democrat I'm not really seeing how that takes him out of contention.

Let me elaborate....

The Left doesn't want the "Family Business" to get another term. But the Left has 1-3 serious candidates at this point. Also, many on the Left use to be on the Right but were driven Left by small brains.

Chris Christie seemed to be neutral for a long time, until he showed his big government colors. He closed bridges like banning marriages.
Right now they are Trial Ballooning Romney and Jeb Bush.



If Mitt were to be nominated I would enthusiastically vote for him.


He would fix America like he fixed the destined to be bankrupt SLC Olympics and made it profitable!

If you think he was a crook (he wasn't) if you think he was every bad evil money grubbing SOB in creation (he wasn't and isn't) you should ESPECIALLY want him on your team doing all that evil financial stuff ON OUR BEHALF!!!

No one better qualified to handle our nation's PARTICULAR SET OF NEEDS. No better man. No finer human has ever run in recent times.

But he has said he will not run.

With that as the case, I'm all for Ted Cruz!

He's the one.

Dr. Ben Carson is my #2 pick.
Right now they are Trial Ballooning Romney and Jeb Bush.


why do republicans insist that a candidate that can't win their primary is the type of candidate they need to win the general?
that would make sense if the primary system was pushing out radical right wing types that couldn't appeal to anyone but the radical right wing, but so far that hasn't been the case.
further, it's not like republican turnout has been an issue


Ryan and Romney lost the presidential election last year by failing to turn out the GOP base.

Paul Ryan Makes Pitch for Minority Voters for GOP After Failing to Turn Out Base in 2012
Right now they are Trial Ballooning Romney and Jeb Bush.



If Mitt were to be nominated I would enthusiastically vote for him.


He would fix America like he fixed the destined to be bankrupt SLC Olympics and made it profitable!

If you think he was a crook (he wasn't) if you think he was every bad evil money grubbing SOB in creation (he wasn't and isn't) you should ESPECIALLY want him on your team doing all that evil financial stuff ON OUR BEHALF!!!

No one better qualified to handle our nation's PARTICULAR SET OF NEEDS. No better man. No finer human has ever run in recent times.

But he has said he will not run.

With that as the case, I'm all for Ted Cruz!

He's the one.

He would sell out Americans for profit like he did with all the corporations he made his fortune on. You seem to be years behind on your information.

Dr. Ben Carson is my #2 pick.
Right now they are Trial Ballooning Romney and Jeb Bush.

Of course you will. And you will justify it by saying "at least he's better than Hillary".

And he would be correct.

So Ted Cruz and Mitt Romney? You are willing to sell out all of America for profits and Nihilism. Not very educated are you? I'll bet I can guess your state if you keep talking.
Right now they are Trial Ballooning Romney and Jeb Bush.

Of course you will. And you will justify it by saying "at least he's better than Hillary".

And he would be correct.

So Ted Cruz and Mitt Romney? You are willing to sell out all of America for profits and Nihilism. Not very educated are you? I'll bet I can guess your state if you keep talking.

You know, sometimes subversive types reveal exactly why they are reduced to hanging around the fringes of society being a pest to those who have a better sense of what works and what is just the enthusiastic new progressive idea du jour.

Romney is to business leaders what was said about legendary NFL coach, Vince Lombardi.

He could beat yours with his.

And he could beat his with yours.

Meaning he could coach his own team well enough to win. And if he was to turn around and coach the other team he would coach them so well that they would beat his own team coached by someone else.

Romney could win in business by being smarter and better prepared and harder working than the next guy. And he LOVES America.

The fact you are still peddling those lies means you are teh debil.
In this thread, someone has said something like "at least the Republican Party isn't the party of stupid" and "Democrats only care that Hillary is a woman and after that they want Michelle Obama only because she is a woman and her skin is black"

Someone else posted several sentences telling us how Mitt Romney is a great man.......his business acumen being the primary motivation behind supporting him. But...lamenting the fact that Mitt isn't likely to run, he landed on Ted Cruz. Businessman Ted Cruz!

Great stuff.
Robert Portman-(Senator Ohio)

bright (Dartmouth, Michigan Law) good looking, came out in favor of gay marriage (son, Will-at Yale is gay). expert on economics/budget pro gun, isn't a bible thumping brain dead social fascist

David border-(RIP) predicted Portman would be president in 22016 if Obama won in 2012

Portman came out in favor of gay marriage because his son is gay .

That will never fly with the Christian Right.

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