Republican 2016 Presidential Candidate

A stock market based solely on the FED pumping money into it which only helps the rich people you hate. Yes .5% growth per year is redic...I'm sorry it's pathetic. Alqida and ISIS who we are now going back to war with were defeated?

How the hell did you get your fingers in your ears with your head so far up your ass?

You're claiming that regular people's 401k accounts have not improved since 2009?

Sit down and shut up, dumbass.
He would fix America like he fixed the destined to be bankrupt SLC Olympics and made it profitable!

From the extreme Right-Wing:

Romney Olympic success required federal payout

Mitt Romney likes to remind voters that he saved the 2002 winter Olympics from the "shadows of scandal," but he rarely mentions that his success was made possible, at least in part, by $1 billion in funding from the federal government.

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee and self-described deficit hawk was hired in 1999 to run the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City after a bribery scandal threatened the games.

Romney, who is now visiting the opening of the London Olympics, subsequently registered as a lobbyist for the Salt Lake Organizing Committee and secured $342 million in direct funding from the federal government and another $1.1 billion in indirect financing from Washington.

From the Left:

Mitt Romney s Pork Barrel Olympics Mother Jones

From the news aggregator:

Mitt Romney Registered As Lobbyist For Salt Lake City Olympics

From the Democrats:

Mitt Romney and the Olympic bailout

You prove the adage "A little knowledge is dangerous".

lots of us have very little, if any use with the "Christian" right

Yeah, you couldn't get your passionate gun love with those guys, because Jesus like to shoot small animals, just like they do.

you really do come off as a hysterical fairy

you really come off a nut who uses guns to compensate for a tiny pecker.

you come off as a foaming fairy who obsesses over other men's penises while voiding in your panties out of fear your neighbors might not be afraid of guns.

Ryan and Romney lost the presidential election last year by failing to turn out the GOP base.

Paul Ryan Makes Pitch for Minority Voters for GOP After Failing to Turn Out Base in 2012

Dead Andy is full of shit. The Right was highly motivated to deny Obama a second term.

The Right who weren't scared off of Romney/Ryan due to the blatant lies told by Obama's team, that is.

Those who bought into the media demonization of Romney were unwitting accomplices in the Left's mugging of America.

And shame on them for being so lazy as not to do their due diligence about him.

It was plain to see who was capable and competent and qualified to rescue America and who was just bullshitting us like he always has. But some Conservatives chose Obama rather than Romney who couldn't measure up to their high standards (SARCASM)

It's like when you have a backed up septic tank and you COULD call Roto Rooter but, instead you phoned some slickster with a big smile and lots of fancy talk.

Romney could have fixed America instead of making things worse while lying to us and trying to transform America according to his exotic extremist vision.

Romney had the skills, the experience, the track record of having done similar things spectacularly, he was a success and what other top businessmen call a business "Superstar."

And he was willing to live on a POTUS salary and accept the criticisms and the heat and take responsibility for leading this country out of the danger we face domestically and abroad.

But no.

Too many stupid Conservatives stayed home rather than vote for a Mormon or a supposed RINO.

And those who consider him a RINO because he governed Massachusetts according to HOW THE LIBERAL PEOPLE OF THE STATE WANTED THEIR GOVERNMENT RUN!

He genuinely TRIED to go along with his constituent's wishes.

But after trying it and doing his best to honor his constituent's wishes his conscience could no longer be denied.

He said he no longer supported Abortion and the stupid critics called him a flip flopper.

Stupid assholes.

Then they try to hang him with the Health Care issue. He has always said that the Massachusetts model was NOT to be used as a template to design the national health care plan.

Yet, critics successfully hung him with that.

Then, the 47% he was referring to were the people getting government benefits who would never vote for him because they feared losing their sugar teat. He never meant he didn't care about the 47% just that he wasn't going to expend resources courting THEIR vote when it couldn't be won, no matter what he did.

And there are undoubtedly many stupid voters who didn't vote for him because they disagree with the Mormon concept of Jesus and the Joseph Smith story.

They think their vote is a suitable means for voting their feelings about the LDS religion.

If it was a vote for who would be elected Pope or something, then I could see not voting for a Mormon.

But this is ridiculous!

The people who consider themselves good Americans who did not vote for Romney have every right to be ashamed of themselves.

You kept from voting for Romney for the WRONG REASONS.

And you allowed teh Debil another chance to fuck America up the ass.

Thanks a lot!

You silly Ultra Conservative fux.
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He would fix America like he fixed the destined to be bankrupt SLC Olympics and made it profitable!

From the extreme Right-Wing:

Romney Olympic success required federal payout

Mitt Romney likes to remind voters that he saved the 2002 winter Olympics from the "shadows of scandal," but he rarely mentions that his success was made possible, at least in part, by $1 billion in funding from the federal government.

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee and self-described deficit hawk was hired in 1999 to run the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City after a bribery scandal threatened the games.

Romney, who is now visiting the opening of the London Olympics, subsequently registered as a lobbyist for the Salt Lake Organizing Committee and secured $342 million in direct funding from the federal government and another $1.1 billion in indirect financing from Washington.

From the Left:

Mitt Romney s Pork Barrel Olympics Mother Jones

From the news aggregator:

Mitt Romney Registered As Lobbyist For Salt Lake City Olympics

From the Democrats:

Mitt Romney and the Olympic bailout

You prove the adage "A little knowledge is dangerous".

You are a typical brain dead Liberal.

They expect that a state governor would have the resumes of potential candidates for staff hirings in his head rather than in binders, like any organization H.R. department would have them stored.

You stupid ninny, there is no special pride in having done what Romney did without using government funds.

If they were eligible for the funds that was perfectly fine. In fact, it would have been a Liberal-like failure if he'd let some silly consideration like yours prevent him from achieving his goal.

Time for you to shut up, sit down and stop masquerading as a woman to get special consideration from male posters who are influenced by a pretty avatar face.

You are like a sneak who goes in the Women's restroom in drag to get off.
He would fix America like he fixed the destined to be bankrupt SLC Olympics and made it profitable!

From the extreme Right-Wing:

Romney Olympic success required federal payout

Mitt Romney likes to remind voters that he saved the 2002 winter Olympics from the "shadows of scandal," but he rarely mentions that his success was made possible, at least in part, by $1 billion in funding from the federal government.

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee and self-described deficit hawk was hired in 1999 to run the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City after a bribery scandal threatened the games.

Romney, who is now visiting the opening of the London Olympics, subsequently registered as a lobbyist for the Salt Lake Organizing Committee and secured $342 million in direct funding from the federal government and another $1.1 billion in indirect financing from Washington.

From the Left:

Mitt Romney s Pork Barrel Olympics Mother Jones

From the news aggregator:

Mitt Romney Registered As Lobbyist For Salt Lake City Olympics

From the Democrats:

Mitt Romney and the Olympic bailout

You prove the adage "A little knowledge is dangerous".


Stop treating Americans like we are the enemy! A little irony for breakfast, anyone?
He told us they were on the run. Totally defeated and never going to be a problem again. Those that did pop up were JV and nothing to worry about. So if what he said was true why is it we're now entering a new conflict?
You're a fucking liar. So I'm putting you ignore with the other fucking liars.

See ya, bitch.

I think what he said was accurate. How do you manage to miss out on info most everyone else gets or has heard of before but it's like you were on Mars until last month or some shit?

Even the most well known and accepted info is like headline news to you.

Someone so ignorant of current events has no business being subjected to the criticisms of your superior debate opponents who attack you for your ignorance.

Maybe USMB Jr. is a better fit for you.

Maybe there you'll feel less stupid.
I have no desire to redo 12, but one thing is consistent in that if the gop can nominate someone who is seen as 5% right of center, on a scale of 100, with 1 being the most liberal and 100 as most conservative, they'll win. Jeb again floated his trial balloon on the campaign stump, and had the guy he was stumping for literally trying to distance himself when Jeb brought up immigration reform and common core, two of his signature issues. If the party continues on the no compromise platform, the best we can hope for is another guy like Mitt, who probably would fit a bit right of center, but who has to promise stuff to the very right that poisons him with voters who are in the 45-55% range of ideology.

The dems have problems too, but imo they are more surmountable.

you come off as a foaming fairy who obsesses over other men's penises while voiding in your panties out of fear your neighbors might not be afraid of guns.

again, had a neighbor shoot himself not 30 feet from where i am right now. Someone who never should have had a gun to start with.

and what law would have prevented that without harassing millions of other gun owners

you come off as a foaming fairy who obsesses over other men's penises while voiding in your panties out of fear your neighbors might not be afraid of guns.

again, had a neighbor shoot himself not 30 feet from where i am right now. Someone who never should have had a gun to start with.

and what law would have prevented that without harassing millions of other gun owners

why should that be a pre-condition? There's no good reason for any civilian to own a gun.

you come off as a foaming fairy who obsesses over other men's penises while voiding in your panties out of fear your neighbors might not be afraid of guns.

again, had a neighbor shoot himself not 30 feet from where i am right now. Someone who never should have had a gun to start with.

and what law would have prevented that without harassing millions of other gun owners

why should that be a pre-condition? There's no good reason for any civilian to own a gun.

cops are civilians dumbs

and people like you might get into a position of power. then we will really need guns lest we get a repeat of "the killing fields" or the final solution

but thanks for admitting you want to ban guns for all citizens.

but again, the mindset of people like you is as good a reason as possible
He would fix America like he fixed the destined to be bankrupt SLC Olympics and made it profitable!

From the extreme Right-Wing:

Romney Olympic success required federal payout

Mitt Romney likes to remind voters that he saved the 2002 winter Olympics from the "shadows of scandal," but he rarely mentions that his success was made possible, at least in part, by $1 billion in funding from the federal government.

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee and self-described deficit hawk was hired in 1999 to run the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City after a bribery scandal threatened the games.

Romney, who is now visiting the opening of the London Olympics, subsequently registered as a lobbyist for the Salt Lake Organizing Committee and secured $342 million in direct funding from the federal government and another $1.1 billion in indirect financing from Washington.

From the Left:

Mitt Romney s Pork Barrel Olympics Mother Jones

From the news aggregator:

Mitt Romney Registered As Lobbyist For Salt Lake City Olympics

From the Democrats:

Mitt Romney and the Olympic bailout

You prove the adage "A little knowledge is dangerous".


Stop treating Americans like we are the enemy! A little irony for breakfast, anyone?
The Tea Party IS the enemy of America. They shut down the government, costing $24 Billion, they nearly defaulted on the nation's debt, in the process getting our credit rating lowered, they criticize the Commander in Chief during wartime, and they have done nothiong to help America escape the Bush Recession.

All of that is traitorous.
What a useless thread. At this point in the 2008 election cycle most people were certain it would be Hillary against McCain or Giuliani.
No telling what will happen.

cops are civilians dumbs

and people like you might get into a position of power. then we will really need guns lest we get a repeat of "the killing fields" or the final solution

but thanks for admitting you want to ban guns for all citizens.

but again, the mindset of people like you is as good a reason as possible

Guy, they didn't have killing fields because civilians didn't have guns and the government did.

They had killing fields because an angry populace had guns and used them.

If you were a policeman or soldier who served Lon Nol's government, you probably ended up in those killing fields.

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