Republican 2016 Presidential Candidate


cops are civilians dumbs

and people like you might get into a position of power. then we will really need guns lest we get a repeat of "the killing fields" or the final solution

but thanks for admitting you want to ban guns for all citizens.

but again, the mindset of people like you is as good a reason as possible

Guy, they didn't have killing fields because civilians didn't have guns and the government did.

They had killing fields because an angry populace had guns and used them.

If you were a policeman or soldier who served Lon Nol's government, you probably ended up in those killing fields.

your point=we get it you want to ban guns

do you put a sign on your home proclaiming it is gun free?
He would fix America like he fixed the destined to be bankrupt SLC Olympics and made it profitable!

From the extreme Right-Wing:

Romney Olympic success required federal payout

Mitt Romney likes to remind voters that he saved the 2002 winter Olympics from the "shadows of scandal," but he rarely mentions that his success was made possible, at least in part, by $1 billion in funding from the federal government.

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee and self-described deficit hawk was hired in 1999 to run the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City after a bribery scandal threatened the games.

Romney, who is now visiting the opening of the London Olympics, subsequently registered as a lobbyist for the Salt Lake Organizing Committee and secured $342 million in direct funding from the federal government and another $1.1 billion in indirect financing from Washington.

From the Left:

Mitt Romney s Pork Barrel Olympics Mother Jones

From the news aggregator:

Mitt Romney Registered As Lobbyist For Salt Lake City Olympics

From the Democrats:

Mitt Romney and the Olympic bailout

You prove the adage "A little knowledge is dangerous".


Stop treating Americans like we are the enemy! A little irony for breakfast, anyone?
The Tea Party IS the enemy of America. They shut down the government, costing $24 Billion, they nearly defaulted on the nation's debt, in the process getting our credit rating lowered, they criticize the Commander in Chief during wartime, and they have done nothiong to help America escape the Bush Recession.

All of that is traitorous.

socialist haters hate dissent
There's no good reason for any civilian to own a gun.

Except that we have a dead Muslim in Oklahoma.

1) He isn't dead.
2) The guy who shot him was an auxillary Sheriff's deputy.
3) The "Good guy with a gun" theory didn't work because he managed to kill one woman and critically injure another before he could be stopped.

LOL, of course it worked :)

If he HADN'T been there the guy might have gotten to you ;)

I am going to try and be more understanding of you Joe, my mom died but not to get away from me.

You started a thread....yesterday.... in which you expressed a belief that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. It is you who requires understanding from others.
He would fix America like he fixed the destined to be bankrupt SLC Olympics and made it profitable!

From the extreme Right-Wing:

Romney Olympic success required federal payout

Mitt Romney likes to remind voters that he saved the 2002 winter Olympics from the "shadows of scandal," but he rarely mentions that his success was made possible, at least in part, by $1 billion in funding from the federal government.

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee and self-described deficit hawk was hired in 1999 to run the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City after a bribery scandal threatened the games.

Romney, who is now visiting the opening of the London Olympics, subsequently registered as a lobbyist for the Salt Lake Organizing Committee and secured $342 million in direct funding from the federal government and another $1.1 billion in indirect financing from Washington.

From the Left:

Mitt Romney s Pork Barrel Olympics Mother Jones

From the news aggregator:

Mitt Romney Registered As Lobbyist For Salt Lake City Olympics

From the Democrats:

Mitt Romney and the Olympic bailout

You prove the adage "A little knowledge is dangerous".


Stop treating Americans like we are the enemy! A little irony for breakfast, anyone?
The Tea Party IS the enemy of America. They shut down the government, costing $24 Billion, they nearly defaulted on the nation's debt, in the process getting our credit rating lowered, they criticize the Commander in Chief during wartime, and they have done nothiong to help America escape the Bush Recession.

All of that is traitorous.

Your sources are failing you and you can't even wake up and realize it.

You remind me of myself back in the day.

I used to go to my g/f's house and drink beer with her dad and I wanted to give him a special treat, so I brought over some six packs of Lowenbrau beer.

He never drank mine but always, instead, asked me to grab a Michelob from the fridge for the both of us.

Well, it took me several weeks to actually realize that Lowenbrau tastes like Lion's Piss. Or what I believe lion's piss would taste like. It was bitter as hell. My g/f's dad didn't like it either, but he was very tactful and he was offering me a better tasting alternative without actually criticizing my choice. However, I was too much influenced by their TV commercials to shake my allegiance to that beer.

It was all about good times, good friends and the good life.

But that was just the image.

The reality left much to be desired.

Fast forward to 2014.

You are steadily consuming news from your favorite sources but they are feeding you lion's piss and you can't even tell the difference.

Who Shut Down the Government - Thomas Sowell - Page full

If you want the straight, unvarnished truth you know you can always count on Thomas Sowell.

But remember, you are only as smart as your news sources.

And that is why you guys are usually on the losing end of things.

And why the rest of America will send you a message in November.
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He would fix America like he fixed the destined to be bankrupt SLC Olympics and made it profitable!

From the extreme Right-Wing:

Romney Olympic success required federal payout

Mitt Romney likes to remind voters that he saved the 2002 winter Olympics from the "shadows of scandal," but he rarely mentions that his success was made possible, at least in part, by $1 billion in funding from the federal government.

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee and self-described deficit hawk was hired in 1999 to run the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City after a bribery scandal threatened the games.

Romney, who is now visiting the opening of the London Olympics, subsequently registered as a lobbyist for the Salt Lake Organizing Committee and secured $342 million in direct funding from the federal government and another $1.1 billion in indirect financing from Washington.

From the Left:

Mitt Romney s Pork Barrel Olympics Mother Jones

From the news aggregator:

Mitt Romney Registered As Lobbyist For Salt Lake City Olympics

From the Democrats:

Mitt Romney and the Olympic bailout

You prove the adage "A little knowledge is dangerous".


Stop treating Americans like we are the enemy! A little irony for breakfast, anyone?
The Tea Party IS the enemy of America. They shut down the government, costing $24 Billion, they nearly defaulted on the nation's debt, in the process getting our credit rating lowered, they criticize the Commander in Chief during wartime, and they have done nothiong to help America escape the Bush Recession.

All of that is traitorous.

Your fore fathers would be ashamed of how stupid you are.

you come off as a foaming fairy who obsesses over other men's penises while voiding in your panties out of fear your neighbors might not be afraid of guns.

again, had a neighbor shoot himself not 30 feet from where i am right now. Someone who never should have had a gun to start with.

and what law would have prevented that without harassing millions of other gun owners

why should that be a pre-condition? There's no good reason for any civilian to own a gun.

You are a Muslim mole. Admit it.
What a useless thread. At this point in the 2008 election cycle most people were certain it would be Hillary against McCain or Giuliani.
No telling what will happen.

But at this point in the 2000 cycle, people were sure it would be Bush vs. Gore, which it was.
Al Gore didnt face any serious opposition for the nomination. That was an easy call.
Nothing like today where both parties lack an obvious leader.
Mojo is flailing and failing, posting Thomas Sowell. Kind of makes my Sunday a little brighter. I'll drink a good beer and enjoy it.
What a useless thread. At this point in the 2008 election cycle most people were certain it would be Hillary against McCain or Giuliani.
No telling what will happen.

But at this point in the 2000 cycle, people were sure it would be Bush vs. Gore, which it was.
Al Gore didnt face any serious opposition for the nomination. That was an easy call.
Nothing like today where both parties lack an obvious leader.

Bush didn't face any serious opposition, either.

Clinton is leading all other contenders by 50%. The only thing that can really stop her is her.

And I'm not a Hillary fan. I'd like to have someone who has a much better record of being a friend to the middle class.

But all the other candidates on both sides are jokes.
What a useless thread. At this point in the 2008 election cycle most people were certain it would be Hillary against McCain or Giuliani.
No telling what will happen.

But at this point in the 2000 cycle, people were sure it would be Bush vs. Gore, which it was.
Al Gore didnt face any serious opposition for the nomination. That was an easy call.
Nothing like today where both parties lack an obvious leader.

Bush didn't face any serious opposition, either.

Clinton is leading all other contenders by 50%. The only thing that can really stop her is her.

And I'm not a Hillary fan. I'd like to have someone who has a much better record of being a friend to the middle class.

But all the other candidates on both sides are jokes.
So this election is nothing like 2000. Thanks for admitting it.
It is more like 2008, where Hillary was the presumptive nominee. Right up until she lost to a guy whose only recommendation was the amount of melanin in his skin.

Liz Warren wil strip the "first female president" bullshit from her like nothing. Bernie Sanders will play up the far left base. In the end look for Sanders/Warren: We'll Turn THis Country Into Venezuala In No Time.
I like Marco Rubio.
Which is fine if you want to lose again in 2016.

You need a candidate whom democrats and independents will vote for, as they elect presidents – and it isn't Rubio.
The opinion of who the Republican nominee should be from someone who I suspect never has and never will vote Republican means very little. Both McCain and Romney tried to be the moderate centrist candidate and the results speak for themselves.
So this election is nothing like 2000. Thanks for admitting it.
It is more like 2008, where Hillary was the presumptive nominee. Right up until she lost to a guy whose only recommendation was the amount of melanin in his skin.

Liz Warren wil strip the "first female president" bullshit from her like nothing. Bernie Sanders will play up the far left base. In the end look for Sanders/Warren: We'll Turn THis Country Into Venezuala In No Time.

Even Sanders and Warren can beat the clown car you guys have.

It's not really like 2008 at all. 2008 you had three very strong Democratic Candidates. Hillary, Obama and Edwards. Hillary was only in the lead because there was no agreement on an alternative.

She also made a lot of tactical errors she won't repeat this time.
The opinion of who the Republican nominee should be from someone who I suspect never has and never will vote Republican means very little. Both McCain and Romney tried to be the moderate centrist candidate and the results speak for themselves.

No, they lost because they were pushing the same Supply Side, I've got mine, screw you snake oil you guys have been pushing since the 1980's.
The opinion of who the Republican nominee should be from someone who I suspect never has and never will vote Republican means very little. Both McCain and Romney tried to be the moderate centrist candidate and the results speak for themselves.

No, they lost because they were pushing the same Supply Side, I've got mine, screw you snake oil you guys have been pushing since the 1980's.
As opposed to what pushing the same tax the rich more so I can have it because they dared to be more successful than me that you guys have been pushing since before the 80's?

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