Republican 2016 Presidential Candidate


If Mitt were to be nominated I would enthusiastically vote for him.


He would fix America like he fixed the destined to be bankrupt SLC Olympics and made it profitable!

the SLC Olympics didn't make a profit. And the only reason they were in trouble to start with is Mitt's fellow Mormon Cultists bribed IOC officials into overlooking the inadequacy of the venue. So because he didn't want Mormon-land to get a big black eye, he broke out his rolodex and got a lot of business and government types to subsidize it.

Can you say, "Corporate Welfare". Sure. I knew you could.

If you think he was a crook (he wasn't) if you think he was every bad evil money grubbing SOB in creation (he wasn't and isn't) you should ESPECIALLY want him on your team doing all that evil financial stuff ON OUR BEHALF!!!

No one better qualified to handle our nation's PARTICULAR SET OF NEEDS. No better man. No finer human has ever run in recent times.

Mitt Romney is very good at making things work well for the rich.

And, no, he's not a fine human being. He's a weird Mormon Cultist who has shown his disdain for working people time and again.

But he has said he will not run.

With that as the case, I'm all for Ted Cruz!

He's the one.

Dr. Ben Carson is my #2 pick.

So your choices are Crazy Guy and Uncle Tom?
Right now they are Trial Ballooning Romney and Jeb Bush.



Uh, guy, the powers that be will impose Jeb Bush on you, and you will be here in October 2016 posting in his favor.

75% of you didn't want the Mormon in 2012. But you got him anyway.

Sure Joe, just like I voted for McCain right?

Poor irrelevant Joe.
Right now they are Trial Ballooning Romney and Jeb Bush.


Of course you will. And you will justify it by saying "at least he's better than Hillary".

It's funny how you Lefty's think everyone is just like would Vote Dem Prez no matter who was put up.

I refused to Vote for McCain, it's called integrity, the Left has none.
Robert Portman-(Senator Ohio)

bright (Dartmouth, Michigan Law) good looking, came out in favor of gay marriage (son, Will-at Yale is gay). expert on economics/budget pro gun, isn't a bible thumping brain dead social fascist

David border-(RIP) predicted Portman would be president in 22016 if Obama won in 2012

Portman came out in favor of gay marriage because his son is gay .

That will never fly with the Christian Right.

lots of us have very little, if any use with the "Christian" right
Looks like Putin is the Republicans best available candidate

Republicans said they wouldn't vote for Romney in 2012 either. They will vote for whoever wins the nomination, like the good partisan hacks that they are. :lol:
Sure Joe, just like I voted for McCain right?

Poor irrelevant Joe.

Oh, I'm sorry, were you talking?

You seem to be in need of attention Joey?

Um, no, I'm just wondering why you are trying to claim that you weren't supporting McCain in 2008. Since you didn't join this board until 2012, we have to take your word for it, I guess, but somehow I don't think a guy with as severe a case of Obama Derangement Syndrome as you have would have stayed home in 2008.
Sure Joe, just like I voted for McCain right?

Poor irrelevant Joe.

Oh, I'm sorry, were you talking?

You seem to be in need of attention Joey?

Um, no, I'm just wondering why you are trying to claim that you weren't supporting McCain in 2008. Since you didn't join this board until 2012, we have to take your word for it, I guess, but somehow I don't think a guy with as severe a case of Obama Derangement Syndrome as you have would have stayed home in 2008.

Poor Joe,I did not vote for Prez in 2008.

It's called integrity....I don't really care what you think about anything.
So let's rate them.

Jeb Bush- Probably will get the nomination because the GOP is risk adverse, and he's been vetted. But the entire country would have to get Amnesia to vote in another Bush against a Clinton.

Mitt Romney- He's had his shot. While I'm sure his fellow Mormon Cultists are keeping the dream alive, the rank and file never wanted this guy to start with.

Rick Perry- Did too much damage to himself in '12. The press is just waiting for him to say something stupid.

Rick Santorum- He was the last "Not Romney" standing. I don't think he has a life of his own.

Mike Huckabee - Could potentially do well, if the GOP wasn't so in love with Corporate Power. He's a guy who could probably reach out to working folks the GOP has spent years alienating. But the movers and shakers won't have it. They nominated McCain because Huckabee scared them so much.

Paul Ryan- Sorry, you don't get credit for being the LOSING runningmate.

So even though the GOP hasn't nominated anyone who hasn't run before or was related to someone who ran before since 1964, the retreads are running a bit thin.

SO let's look at the "Fresh Blood".

Chris Christie- Sorry, he didn't get away from Bridgegate unscathed. And the Conservatives don't like or trust him.

Piyush Jindal - that guy had his chance. Too wishy-washy, always trying to play the room.

Rand Paul- Unacceptable to the Zionist Occupied Territory of the GOP. Oh, yeah, and he's batshit crazy.

Ted Cruz- The man has no Friends in Congress. I think that says it all.

Ben Carson- He'll be the designated "See, A Black Guy, we're not racist!" one on the stage, and he's less crazy than Herman Cain or Alan Keyes. We hope.
So let's rate them.

Jeb Bush- Probably will get the nomination because the GOP is risk adverse, and he's been vetted. But the entire country would have to get Amnesia to vote in another Bush against a Clinton.

Mitt Romney- He's had his shot. While I'm sure his fellow Mormon Cultists are keeping the dream alive, the rank and file never wanted this guy to start with.

Rick Perry- Did too much damage to himself in '12. The press is just waiting for him to say something stupid.

Rick Santorum- He was the last "Not Romney" standing. I don't think he has a life of his own.

Mike Huckabee - Could potentially do well, if the GOP wasn't so in love with Corporate Power. He's a guy who could probably reach out to working folks the GOP has spent years alienating. But the movers and shakers won't have it. They nominated McCain because Huckabee scared them so much.

Paul Ryan- Sorry, you don't get credit for being the LOSING runningmate.

So even though the GOP hasn't nominated anyone who hasn't run before or was related to someone who ran before since 1964, the retreads are running a bit thin.

SO let's look at the "Fresh Blood".

Chris Christie- Sorry, he didn't get away from Bridgegate unscathed. And the Conservatives don't like or trust him.

Piyush Jindal - that guy had his chance. Too wishy-washy, always trying to play the room.

Rand Paul- Unacceptable to the Zionist Occupied Territory of the GOP. Oh, yeah, and he's batshit crazy.

Ted Cruz- The man has no Friends in Congress. I think that says it all.

Ben Carson- He'll be the designated "See, A Black Guy, we're not racist!" one on the stage, and he's less crazy than Herman Cain or Alan Keyes. We hope.
Oh my. The far left retard has rated our candidates! Guess we have to start over.
I would love to see Rand or Ron Paul but they have a fatal flaw. They don't believe Washington has the budget, competence or moral authority to rebuild the Middle East. They believe that for every Al Qaeda cell you crush, an Isis cell will spring up somewhere else.

And we all know that no Republican candidate can assume power without promising to give Washington more money and power to save the world from evil doers.

Even worse. Moronic republican voters have been conditioned by the elite Washington establishment to believe that Washington Bureaucrats, which lack the competence to run a laundromat, can somehow bomb the Middle East into the smiling shape of happy Western Democracy. Meaning: candidates like Ron Paul can't survive the primary process because the Republican Elite and its Talk Radio mouthpiece exercises too much control over the voters aka useful idiots.

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