Republican activists to start court case to keep Trump off the ballot in 2024.

Trump took one dump on the Constitution already and last December he called for the termination of the Constitution.
Trump got you mixed up in the head as to what's right and what's wrong. You adopted Trump's definition, namely everything that's good for Trump is right and everything that isn't good for Trump is wrong. And now you can't tell shit from shinola anymore.
That's what Mitch McConnell said after the First Impeachment, and the voters decided, overwhelmingly, that they want Trump out of the White House. Trump refused to leave, and continues to falsely claim the election was stolen.

Trump continues to promote attacks against his "enemies", which includes the prosecutors, judges, and witnesses who testify against him. Nearly everybody involved in the cases has security protecting them.

Republicans are now going to use the courts to keep Trump off the ballot - permanently.
Canada said what? Oh wait, it doesn't even matter.
Funny how the idiot OP, nor any of the other clowns cheering this dumbassery, can explain how these morons have standing to bring this suit.
Trump took one dump on the Constitution already and last December he called for the termination of the Constitution.
Trump got you mixed up in the head as to what's right and what's wrong. You adopted Trump's definition, namely everything that's good for Trump is right and everything that isn't good for Trump is wrong. And now you can't tell shit from shinola anymore.
The Gaslight is strong with you.
Trump took one dump on the Constitution already and last December he called for the termination of the Constitution.
Trump got you mixed up in the head as to what's right and what's wrong. You adopted Trump's definition, namely everything that's good for Trump is right and everything that isn't good for Trump is wrong. And now you can't tell shit from shinola anymore.
Let's elaborate: "Trump got you mixed up in the head as to what's right and what's wrong."
That's the very definition of GASLIGHTING.
What's really SICK about that is that they believe this crap.
Or, bots are GIGO anyways....
Strange times...
Except the wording of the 14th Amendment doesn't REQUIRE a trial.

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

Now, in some ways, this is kind of dubious, and even at the time, it wasn't enforced.

The only non-Civil War application of this clause was when a German-American Socialist congressman from Wisconsin was tried for "espionage" for opposing war against Germany in WWI. The Supreme Court struck it down and he was returned to his seat in 1922.

All that said, I'm all for filing these actions in every state possible. Not only to make Trump burn up his resources fighting them, but to remind everyone what this guy did.
You need to seek mental health help tonight, it’s amazing how President Trump lives rent free in your head…
Here's the thing, He wasn't part of any "insurrection", and a trial will prove that out.
No SC will fall for that.

He wasn't at the Capitol, but he most definitely but he organized the insurrection, promoted it and incited it. Donald Trump issued the invitation to the whole World. Come to Washington January 6th. Will be wild. He also sent them a tweet that Pence had let them down, and now it was up to them to save the country.

But Trump isn't being prosecuted for the violence at the Capitol. Trump is being prosecuted for the Planning the attempt to overturn the 2020 election and prevent the certification of Joe Biden's election. He's been indicted for fraud and forgery with the Fake Electors Scheme. and defrauding the American people using the lie of a Stolen Election.
You need to seek mental health help tonight, it’s amazing how President Trump lives rent free in your head…

It's amazing how many members of the Trump Cult parrot that line every time they get their asses handed to them on a plate defending the Orange Menace.
It's amazing how many members of the Trump Cult parrot that line every time they get their asses handed to them on a plate defending the Orange Menace.
First you would have to get off your ass, I doubt you can do that very often…
I can comprehend that you are furious that Republicans are trying to keep Trump off the ballot. I understand that hurts your feeeeelings. They must be the "fuck your feelings" kind of Republicans.
I could care less if Trump is on or off the ballot.

I won't vote for him anyway.

but this BS about the 14th is getting ridiculous.
He wasn't at the Capitol, but he most definitely but he organized the insurrection, promoted it and incited it. Donald Trump issued the invitation to the whole World. Come to Washington January 6th. Will be wild. He also sent them a tweet that Pence had let them down, and now it was up to them to save the country.

But Trump isn't being prosecuted for the violence at the Capitol. Trump is being prosecuted for the Planning the attempt to overturn the 2020 election and prevent the certification of Joe Biden's election. He's been indicted for fraud and forgery with the Fake Electors Scheme. and defrauding the American people using the lie of a Stolen Election.
but he most definitely but he organized the insurrection, promoted it and incited it.

trump promoted a protest.

nothing more.
I can comprehend that you are furious that Republicans are trying to keep Trump off the ballot. I understand that hurts your feeeeelings. They must be the "fuck your feelings" kind of Republicans.
Standing? What is the standing for these clowns?

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