Republican Attack Dog Was Arrested For Larceny

Well I guess her losing job and apologizing just isn't enough to satisfy you people of the Demcorat party. now here comes the smears so they can keep you riled up like rabid dogs. they play you all for fools. so jump on it.

and the op has no shame or pride in being a tool for the Democrat party. Gruber was right when he tagged the people in this country as STUPID, especially the one's in the Democrat base. shallow and petty sheep
The poor poor woman. Right Steph?
Well I guess her losing job and apologizing just isn't enough to satisfy you people of the Demcorat party. now here comes the smears so they can keep you riled up like rabid dogs. they play you all for fools. so jump on it.

So smearing a republican aide for doing something highly unethical is wrong. But smearing Michael Brown and his life is totally okay right? Hypocrisy abound.
Well I guess her losing job and apologizing just isn't enough to satisfy you people of the Demcorat party. now here comes the smears so they can keep you riled up like rabid dogs. they play you all for fools. so jump on it.

So smearing a republican aide for doing something highly unethical is wrong. But smearing Michael Brown and his life is totally okay right? Hypocrisy abound.

highly unethical? writing on her OWN FACEBOOK PAGE is now considered highly unethical ??? You frikken people are a joke when you have to scour someone Facebook to come up with your Faux outrage. you should be ashamed you got the woman FIRED. but that is the commie progresssives goals. to stir up as much on us as they can

sickening people
Well I guess her losing job and apologizing just isn't enough to satisfy you people of the Demcorat party. now here comes the smears so they can keep you riled up like rabid dogs. they play you all for fools. so jump on it.

So smearing a republican aide for doing something highly unethical is wrong. But smearing Michael Brown and his life is totally okay right? Hypocrisy abound.

Your frikken all over the place. I'm done
Wow, after all the garbage that spewed out of the Palin hit machine this is what libs are foaming over? That's insane.

the lowest forms of people are in the Democrat/progressive/commie party of the United states. just read the post the above from them
and notice the title folks:

Republican ATTACK DOG. do any of you know the website politisusa is run by Progessives/commies?

You want to led by the nose from that site all it shows is you have no honor or shame when it comes to YOUR PARTY

party over country. you go

Like you have any right to act so haughty about people being led around by the nose by partisans sites and blogs. The overwhelming majority of your threads are nothing more the cut and paste articles from PJ Media and other similar sites. You seem to be very good at giving advice that you yourself never take. There is a word for that...

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