Republican bill stops funding to states issuing DL's to illegals

What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?

Legal immigrants are provided the opportunity just like everyone else to obtain a drivers license.

The OP specifically called out illegal immigrants and drivers licenses. But you already knew that and simply chose to shift the topic to legal immigrants and driver’s licenses.

What does legal status have to do with driver's licenses that are supposed to be about safety?
What about a tourist who does not want citizenship, but just wants to be able to rent a car here and drive, for the years they are visiting?
Are you going to deny them a US driver's license while a legal resident because they are undocumented as far as citizenship?

If you are here legally by any means, driving is not a problem. If you snuck into this country and are not supposed to be here, you should not be allowed to obtain a drivers license.

Driving is a privilege and not a right, even for Americans. Therefore we should not extend that privilege to people that are not supposed to be here in the first place.
Republicans in the House and the Senate are introducing legislation that would block federal funds from states that allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses -- the latest move in an escalating fight over “sanctuary” laws.

The Stop Greenlighting Driver Licenses for Illegal Immigrants Act would block funds to sanctuary states -- which limit local cooperation with federal immigration authorities -- and those that give licenses to illegal immigrants. Specifically, it would halt Justice Department (DOJ) grants, in particular those awarded under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, which is a top source of federal criminal justice funding for states.

The bicameral legislation comes amid a growing fight over sanctuary legislation. The Trump administration has been attempting to highlight attention to the dangers of the policy and has been shining light on cases whereby illegal immigrants have killed Americans.

“The United States of America should be a sanctuary for law-abiding Americans, not criminal aliens,” Trump said at his State of the Union address last week. Read more:

Republicans introduce bill to pull funds from states that give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants

Of course this is common sense legislation, but as we all know, Democrats lack that gift. They would rather see American business people locked up behind bars because their claim is those employers attract illegals to our country, but making them comfortable by issuing drivers licenses so they can get drunk and kill Americans is not luring them in.

With the Democrat House, it stands no chance of passing. But if there is a turnover in leadership after next election, I do hope Republicans don't let this bill remain defeated as they did with Kate's Law never to bring it up again. We'll see.

and the big laugh here is......

BLUE STATES PAY MORE TAXES to the federal government!

so BLUE STATES PAY more but won't get any back while red states, who pay so little, will get MORE....

They do? N.H.S. Overwhelmed in Britain, Leaving Patients to Wait

f we change the 14th Amendment, improve our immigration laws and deport the majority of the illegals here, give doctors a 10% tax rate for their first 30 years of practice I would support UH. Otherwise it would never work here due to costs and likely doctor shortages.

Immigrants have an almost negligable effect on our medical costs, and it is easy to have many more doctors if we just lower tuition costs.
I presume you have taken all the hard science courses require of a medical doctor.

Those questions are in the fields of sociology and economic, not medicine.
Immigrants pay into taxes and medical costs, while taking out less than citizens do.
Illegal immigrants simply do not and can not get any medical access except the ER, which they still have to pay for.
Clearly the main obstacle to more doctors is how much it costs to become a doctor.
They lower wages which causes Americans to need social welfare.

While in theory large groups of immigrant could lower wages, but that has actually never happened.
Instead, immigrants have always increased wages because they produce more than they take, and they boost the economy in general, adding to all facets of the economy as consumers.
We sell them food, charge them rent, etc.
So why would insurance companies, who got in on this deal with Commie Care, want to sabotage their very own advantage?

I signed up for Commie Care when my employer (like so many others) dropped that benefit for their employees. My provider is the Cleveland Clinic. Commie Care only offered one company that would allow me to continue that care I've had for my entire life; one plan.

The deal was, they wanted slightly less than one third of my net pay. The plan had a 7K deductible, a 7K out of pocket, a $50.00 doctor copay, no dental and no prescription coverage. Basically yes, I could keep my doctor and facility, but I wouldn't have enough to live on when you include the cost of my medication they didn't cover.

So it's a lie that Commie Care was going to let you keep your doctors and facility at a reasonable cost. One third of net pay every month is not reasonable, especially when you have to get run over by a bus to use the damn policy.

That is silly.
Before ACA, the average cost of health care insurance was about $1200/month for a family, the deductible was $10k, $10k out of pocket, and $100 copay. Almost no insurance ever covered dental or prescriptions.
So clearly ACA cut costs almost in half.
Which is why insurance companies do not like ACA.
They also dislike that they have to take pre-existing conditions.

ACA had nothing at all to do with the changes private insurance companies decided on their own to impose.
Insurance never covered prescriptions?!
Are you high or just stupid?

That is right.
Before ACA prescriptions were not covered by insurance.
That is why so many went to Canada to get prescriptions.
You could get prescription insurance, but it was prohibitively expensive.
ACA changed that.
Without my being sarcastic, you must be a very low wage earner to never have had a plan that includes prescription coverage.

No, traditionally dental and prescriptions just were never part of employer plans.
I have always been a very high wage earner, but most of the time I worked as an independent contractor, so got no employer benefits at all. Instead I often had my own employees and offered the benefits to them.
Every employer I ever had included prescriptions.
Republicans in the House and the Senate are introducing legislation that would block federal funds from states that allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses -- the latest move in an escalating fight over “sanctuary” laws.

The Stop Greenlighting Driver Licenses for Illegal Immigrants Act would block funds to sanctuary states -- which limit local cooperation with federal immigration authorities -- and those that give licenses to illegal immigrants. Specifically, it would halt Justice Department (DOJ) grants, in particular those awarded under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, which is a top source of federal criminal justice funding for states.

The bicameral legislation comes amid a growing fight over sanctuary legislation. The Trump administration has been attempting to highlight attention to the dangers of the policy and has been shining light on cases whereby illegal immigrants have killed Americans.

“The United States of America should be a sanctuary for law-abiding Americans, not criminal aliens,” Trump said at his State of the Union address last week. Read more:

Republicans introduce bill to pull funds from states that give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants

Of course this is common sense legislation, but as we all know, Democrats lack that gift. They would rather see American business people locked up behind bars because their claim is those employers attract illegals to our country, but making them comfortable by issuing drivers licenses so they can get drunk and kill Americans is not luring them in.

With the Democrat House, it stands no chance of passing. But if there is a turnover in leadership after next election, I do hope Republicans don't let this bill remain defeated as they did with Kate's Law never to bring it up again. We'll see.

and the big laugh here is......

BLUE STATES PAY MORE TAXES to the federal government!

so BLUE STATES PAY more but won't get any back while red states, who pay so little, will get MORE....

You are living an illusion.
NYC is the sole reason for giving more; the rest of NY gives nothing.
But you're fine with some foreigner who can't read our road signs driving next to him in his 75,000 lbs vehicle. Very few drivers come close to my driving record, especially when it comes to safety, violations, and points, which of course, I have none.

Awesome.. you still aren't physically capable of doing the job at this point...

Not legally, but realistically I can. I would have worked until 67.
Republican bill stops funding to states issuing DL's to illegals

And it has no chance of passing

With holding federal funding would be illegal because it is actually state money anyway, that the feds were not even legally justified in taking in the first place. The only way it has gotten through the courts is because the feds give most of the tax money they withhold back again to the states, equitably. If the feds start using it for extortion, the courts would never put up with that.
Clearly traffic is under state jurisdiction and the feds have none.


The Emergency Highway Energy Conservation Act was a bill in the U.S. Congress that enacted the National Maximum Speed Law.[14] States had to agree to the limit if they desired to receive federal funding for highway repair. The uniform speed limit was signed into law by Nixon on January 2, 1974, and became effective 60 days later,[15] by requiring the limit as a condition of each state receiving highway funds, a use of the Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution.[16]

National Maximum Speed Law - Wikipedia
What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?

You dumb confused Moon Bat. The commie states issue DLs to Illegals without any proof of citizenship so they can illegally vote to keep the asshole Democrats in office.

Trump ain't playing that game.

Driver's licenses in no way have anything to do with voter registration, except that they verify an address.
A driver's license does not qualify you to vote.
For example, you can get a driver's license at 16 but can't vote until 18.

If that's what you really believe, then what's the purpose of Motor Voter, especially in places that are known for harboring a lot of illegals?

If Democrats thought that they didn't vote illegally, they wouldn't be kissing their ass so much. But the reason they do is because legal or not, those are Democrat voters.
Republicans in the House and the Senate are introducing legislation that would block federal funds from states that allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses -- the latest move in an escalating fight over “sanctuary” laws.

The Stop Greenlighting Driver Licenses for Illegal Immigrants Act would block funds to sanctuary states -- which limit local cooperation with federal immigration authorities -- and those that give licenses to illegal immigrants. Specifically, it would halt Justice Department (DOJ) grants, in particular those awarded under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, which is a top source of federal criminal justice funding for states.

The bicameral legislation comes amid a growing fight over sanctuary legislation. The Trump administration has been attempting to highlight attention to the dangers of the policy and has been shining light on cases whereby illegal immigrants have killed Americans.

“The United States of America should be a sanctuary for law-abiding Americans, not criminal aliens,” Trump said at his State of the Union address last week. Read more:

Republicans introduce bill to pull funds from states that give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants

Of course this is common sense legislation, but as we all know, Democrats lack that gift. They would rather see American business people locked up behind bars because their claim is those employers attract illegals to our country, but making them comfortable by issuing drivers licenses so they can get drunk and kill Americans is not luring them in.

With the Democrat House, it stands no chance of passing. But if there is a turnover in leadership after next election, I do hope Republicans don't let this bill remain defeated as they did with Kate's Law never to bring it up again. We'll see.

More short sighted, ignorant, xenophobic horseshit from the Republicans. The undocumented will drive anyway!! But when they drive without driving skills and insurance, YOUR dumb as is at greater risk. Anyway, good luck getting it through the house
Shouldn't the Democrats face something for this like aiding and abetting a criminal
Isn't it amazing that the commie states that went the most for Crooked Hillary had the most lax voter registration laws?

3-5 million Illegals voted for that shithead Crooked Hillary. The Democrats need the Illegals to do the job that real Americans find disgusting: voting for Democrats.

This thingy about the commie states handing out DLs to everybody and their little brown dog to use as an ID card is just another Democrat Dirty Tricks.
What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?
In California and New York it automatically registers them to vote.

Applying for a driver's license will also automatically start a voter registration application process, but it will NOT add people to the voter registration rolls if they are not qualified or eligible. For example, they have to be over 18, be citizens, not be felons, etc.

Oh please. How many California DMV workers do you suppose there are that came from another country? The worker gets an application from somebody that's from their former country, registers them as a legal resident which is on their license, and they can get registered. If he or she is ever caught, they claim it was an accident, and the supervisor advises him or her to be more careful in the future, wink-wink, nod-nod.
You moron. If you instituted UH there would be fewer people wanting to be doctors as you would limit their income. You may be the stupidest person on this board. Thank goodness you're old and didn't reproduce. The world is better without people like you in it. Asshole.

We realize that's why JEWS want to become doctors, but most people become doctors because they want to help the sick. So we get the greedy assholes out and replace them with people who just want to do good works.

This wasn't complicated at all.

Now be quiet, the grownups are talking.
Yeah they want to help the sick alright, but not for nothing when it doesn't have to be that way. We have or had safety nets set up for the poor forever now, and it's just when the demoncrats wanted to use the healthcare issue as a way to gain political power, did it all go straight bananas afterwards. It could be that the long term strategy to defeat the Republicans over the years, was to break the system, and then to roll up like cratzy heroes to save the day. Hmmmmm.

Follow the money, and the political motivations over the years to get the real truth people. Don't fall for anything these cratzies say. Don't do it. It's all smoke and mirrors playing upon the generations in hopes their memories are to short to get to deep into it all.

Once the commies get total control over our healthcare and energy, they will have total control over all Americans. In our system of governance and the Constitution, they can't just take over these things. They need for the people to beg them to take these liberties from us. So how can we do that they ask?

First, destroy healthcare so people have no choice but to surrender it. Make it so expensive that many won't be able to reasonably afford it. Create a myth called climate change. Tell people they only have 12 more years of survival if something isn't done immediately. Make them beg us to save their lives. By the time they come to the realization that God is in charge of the climate and not man, it will be too late. We will already have total control of them.

It's all happening as we live and breathe, it's just that many are too blind to understand it's happening.

You have this backwards,
In the early 1950s and before, health care was mostly public.
When you needed stitches to when to a county run hospital, who would bill you based on ability to pay.
The poor paid nothing.

Health care did not get taken over by insurance companies until after 1957, when the IRS stupidly make a tax exemption for employer provided benefits.
That is when people started getting and later needing health insurance.
And health insurance companies, as a 3rd party payer, is what totally and completely screwed everything up.
Employer paid health insurance is what caused medical costs to double, quality to drop, and leave poor people without access to health care.
Essentially it forced poor people to subsidize the health care of the more wealthy.

You are also wrong about climate change.
Not only can we see the melt off at places like Greenland and Antarctica, but the loss of glacies means lack of water reserves, with more flooding now in spring, and more drought later in summer. Coastal places like Miami clearly are in trouble. And clearly the projected 250' possible total rise would be devastating.
Nor is there any sense in using up limited fossil fuel quickly. The slower we consume them the better for all, in all ways.

Clearly man has always worked on changing his environment. That is what farming is. We have calculated what it would take to terraform whole planets. We know it is possible. So then why would anyone doubt that our current 5 trillion additional tons of carbon we add to the atmosphere every year, would not have consequences.?

Not any that would change the planet. The climate has been changing since God made the place, and he specifically made this planet for human beings. The climate does change, and has been for millions of years.

What made healthcare so expensive is partly due to the unions. People who turned nuts onto bolts making nearly the same money as a doctor, and certainly more money than a nurse. When shortages started to happen in the medical field, they had to increase pay to attract people to the profession. Then of course trial lawyers got involved, and malpractice insurance became another contributing factor. And let's not forget the never ending college tuition increases.
What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?
In California and New York it automatically registers them to vote.

Applying for a driver's license will also automatically start a voter registration application process, but it will NOT add people to the voter registration rolls if they are not qualified or eligible. For example, they have to be over 18, be citizens, not be felons, etc.

The Democrat controlled commie states have no significant qualifications or eligibility for voter registration. That is why 3-5 million Illegals were allowed to vote for that shithead Crooked Hillary.

DLs become the "eligibility". That is why the filthy Democrats are handing them out to Illegals.
A "Drivers License" has nothing to do with "immigration" per say; but it has a great deal to do with illegal immigration.

Allowing illegal aliens to legally obtain Drivers Licenses not only legitimizes their crime, it diminishes its seriousness; which results in further escalating the crime.

I heard an interesting quote not long ago;
"When a crime is ignored it becomes rampant"
"When a crime is rewarded it becomes epidemic"

I'm pretty sure the US has reached the epidemic stage.
So thank God for Donald Trump!

That makes no sense.
What a state accomplishes by issuing driver's licenses to illegals is to ensure they are safer on the roads.
Nothing else.
They are not supposed to be any more legitimized because a state issued driver's license is not supposed to be used as an ID by anyone.
Lots of people do not even have driver's licenses.
How does issuing a license to someone who hasn’t taken a driver’s course make them a better driver?

That is easy.
They are tested.
And to pass the test they have to read, study, and practice.
They also have to register an address so they can be contacted if suspected of something.
Read, but in their own language right ?

Is that why Mexican's struggle so bad on America's road's when driving, because they don't speaka-da-english ????? Next we'll have two languages on our road signs. LOL.

Whatever it takes eh ? Yeah I can see it now - We need more money in the state budget from those hard working American taxpayers, because we got to put up traffic signs in the Spanish language all over the state now. Good grief, as if the taxes aren't overly burdensome now in America.

The drivers test is in English, so anyone getting a license needs a reasonable amount of English.
And no, traffic signs never have to be read.
They follow the international standards of a diagram or sign shape.
At most you need to just read the numbers in speed limit signs.
How much English is required to read, "No Parking" or "Yield"?

If tests are conducted in English, why is New York offering drivers manuals in any language of your origin?
Republicans in the House and the Senate are introducing legislation that would block federal funds from states that allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses -- the latest move in an escalating fight over “sanctuary” laws.

The Stop Greenlighting Driver Licenses for Illegal Immigrants Act would block funds to sanctuary states -- which limit local cooperation with federal immigration authorities -- and those that give licenses to illegal immigrants. Specifically, it would halt Justice Department (DOJ) grants, in particular those awarded under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, which is a top source of federal criminal justice funding for states.

The bicameral legislation comes amid a growing fight over sanctuary legislation. The Trump administration has been attempting to highlight attention to the dangers of the policy and has been shining light on cases whereby illegal immigrants have killed Americans.

“The United States of America should be a sanctuary for law-abiding Americans, not criminal aliens,” Trump said at his State of the Union address last week. Read more:

Republicans introduce bill to pull funds from states that give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants

Of course this is common sense legislation, but as we all know, Democrats lack that gift. They would rather see American business people locked up behind bars because their claim is those employers attract illegals to our country, but making them comfortable by issuing drivers licenses so they can get drunk and kill Americans is not luring them in.

With the Democrat House, it stands no chance of passing. But if there is a turnover in leadership after next election, I do hope Republicans don't let this bill remain defeated as they did with Kate's Law never to bring it up again. We'll see.

More short sighted, ignorant, xenophobic horseshit from the Republicans. The undocumented will drive anyway!! But when they drive without driving skills and insurance, YOUR dumb as is at greater risk. Anyway, good luck getting it through the house

If they are caught driving illegally, then they get arrested and have their car towed away. Now if they get stopped, no problem, go to that job you're not supposed to be legally allowed to work at.

Yeah, let's give them a license making it safe for all of us. You really want to make it safe? Deport all the MF's.

ICE arrested more than 80,000 illegal immigrants in 2018 with DUI charges, convictions
Republicans in the House and the Senate are introducing legislation that would block federal funds from states that allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses -- the latest move in an escalating fight over “sanctuary” laws.

The Stop Greenlighting Driver Licenses for Illegal Immigrants Act would block funds to sanctuary states -- which limit local cooperation with federal immigration authorities -- and those that give licenses to illegal immigrants. Specifically, it would halt Justice Department (DOJ) grants, in particular those awarded under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, which is a top source of federal criminal justice funding for states.

The bicameral legislation comes amid a growing fight over sanctuary legislation. The Trump administration has been attempting to highlight attention to the dangers of the policy and has been shining light on cases whereby illegal immigrants have killed Americans.

“The United States of America should be a sanctuary for law-abiding Americans, not criminal aliens,” Trump said at his State of the Union address last week. Read more:

Republicans introduce bill to pull funds from states that give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants

Of course this is common sense legislation, but as we all know, Democrats lack that gift. They would rather see American business people locked up behind bars because their claim is those employers attract illegals to our country, but making them comfortable by issuing drivers licenses so they can get drunk and kill Americans is not luring them in.

With the Democrat House, it stands no chance of passing. But if there is a turnover in leadership after next election, I do hope Republicans don't let this bill remain defeated as they did with Kate's Law never to bring it up again. We'll see.

and the big laugh here is......

BLUE STATES PAY MORE TAXES to the federal government!

so BLUE STATES PAY more but won't get any back while red states, who pay so little, will get MORE....


More BS. States don't pay taxes, the people in the states do. If the Democrats didn't allow their cost of living to get so high, they wouldn't' be paying all those taxes, now would they?

A 800K home in a blue state is about 300K in my state. The less you make, the less taxes you pay.

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