Republican bill stops funding to states issuing DL's to illegals

Utter bull. It was never "our" idea. Just because some organization wrote about it, and some loser RINO governor instituted it in his state doesn't make it OUR idea. The Republicans knew they were going to lose on the Commie Care vote, so they tried to dilute it as much as possible. Had they not, it would have been even more destructive than it already is today.

It makes it your idea if that's what you advocated for 20 years, and you were only against it when the Black Guy did it.

ou might like that little make believe world, but it's not reality. There is nothing government is in charge of that's a long term success. Can you name me one government entity that government is in charge of that doesn't have a world of problems?

If we allowed them to takeover our healthcare, we are slaves to them. They can tell us how much we can weigh, what we are not allowed to eat, what we can smoke if we can smoke, how much we have to exercise etc, etc. If you don't think that would ever happen, guess again.

Fat in Japan? You're breaking the law.

Yeah, you're going into hysterics, aren't you? Yes, the horrible punishment you have to undergo if you are too flabby. They GASP make you get counselling. It also states that there are a lot of cultural things (that Japanese women are under a lot of social pressure to stay thin).

As for the other one... Yes, there's no point doing knee surgery on someone who is massively overweight. Most insurance companies don't do it, either. I have a morbidly obese associate who is going through a dance with his insurance company about his knee right now.
You make the words "MAKE YOU" seem so innocent and docile, when in reality we all know better.
Utter bull. It was never "our" idea. Just because some organization wrote about it, and some loser RINO governor instituted it in his state doesn't make it OUR idea. The Republicans knew they were going to lose on the Commie Care vote, so they tried to dilute it as much as possible. Had they not, it would have been even more destructive than it already is today.

It makes it your idea if that's what you advocated for 20 years, and you were only against it when the Black Guy did it.

ou might like that little make believe world, but it's not reality. There is nothing government is in charge of that's a long term success. Can you name me one government entity that government is in charge of that doesn't have a world of problems?

If we allowed them to takeover our healthcare, we are slaves to them. They can tell us how much we can weigh, what we are not allowed to eat, what we can smoke if we can smoke, how much we have to exercise etc, etc. If you don't think that would ever happen, guess again.

Fat in Japan? You're breaking the law.

Yeah, you're going into hysterics, aren't you? Yes, the horrible punishment you have to undergo if you are too flabby. They GASP make you get counselling. It also states that there are a lot of cultural things (that Japanese women are under a lot of social pressure to stay thin).

As for the other one... Yes, there's no point doing knee surgery on someone who is massively overweight. Most insurance companies don't do it, either. I have a morbidly obese associate who is going through a dance with his insurance company about his knee right now.
You make the words "MAKE YOU" seem so innocent and docile, when in reality we all know better.

Whenever the words "government" and "force" are used in the same sentence, look out, because you're about to lose more freedom.
You moron. If you instituted UH there would be fewer people wanting to be doctors as you would limit their income. You may be the stupidest person on this board. Thank goodness you're old and didn't reproduce. The world is better without people like you in it. Asshole.

We realize that's why JEWS want to become doctors, but most people become doctors because they want to help the sick. So we get the greedy assholes out and replace them with people who just want to do good works.

This wasn't complicated at all.

Now be quiet, the grownups are talking.
Yeah they want to help the sick alright, but not for nothing when it doesn't have to be that way. We have or had safety nets set up for the poor forever now, and it's just when the demoncrats wanted to use the healthcare issue as a way to gain political power, did it all go straight bananas afterwards. It could be that the long term strategy to defeat the Republicans over the years, was to break the system, and then to roll up like cratzy heroes to save the day. Hmmmmm.

Follow the money, and the political motivations over the years to get the real truth people. Don't fall for anything these cratzies say. Don't do it. It's all smoke and mirrors playing upon the generations in hopes their memories are to short to get to deep into it all.

Once the commies get total control over our healthcare and energy, they will have total control over all Americans. In our system of governance and the Constitution, they can't just take over these things. They need for the people to beg them to take these liberties from us. So how can we do that they ask?

First, destroy healthcare so people have no choice but to surrender it. Make it so expensive that many won't be able to reasonably afford it. Create a myth called climate change. Tell people they only have 12 more years of survival if something isn't done immediately. Make them beg us to save their lives. By the time they come to the realization that God is in charge of the climate and not man, it will be too late. We will already have total control of them.

It's all happening as we live and breathe, it's just that many are too blind to understand it's happening.

Funny how most of the bills that are designed to combat what you are saying are sitting under Moscow Mitch's desk.
They do? N.H.S. Overwhelmed in Britain, Leaving Patients to Wait

f we change the 14th Amendment, improve our immigration laws and deport the majority of the illegals here, give doctors a 10% tax rate for their first 30 years of practice I would support UH. Otherwise it would never work here due to costs and likely doctor shortages.

Immigrants have an almost negligable effect on our medical costs, and it is easy to have many more doctors if we just lower tuition costs.
I presume you have taken all the hard science courses require of a medical doctor.

Those questions are in the fields of sociology and economic, not medicine.
Immigrants pay into taxes and medical costs, while taking out less than citizens do.
Illegal immigrants simply do not and can not get any medical access except the ER, which they still have to pay for.
Clearly the main obstacle to more doctors is how much it costs to become a doctor.
They lower wages which causes Americans to need social welfare.

While in theory large groups of immigrant could lower wages, but that has actually never happened.
Instead, immigrants have always increased wages because they produce more than they take, and they boost the economy in general, adding to all facets of the economy as consumers.
We sell them food, charge them rent, etc.
I agree. I love immigrants. Not illegals
Free markets work best for everything.

Free markets was some guy who never went to Medical School calling himself a doctor and selling cocaine laced snake oil.

View attachment 307073
Free markets do not mean anarchy. You still have to become a certified MD and when you do you should be able to charge what you want. With plastic surgery and lasik, insurance doesn’t cover it, free markets dictate price and it works great. You’re an absolute uneducated moron.

Yes, "free market" DOES mean "anarchy".
If there is any regulation at all, then it is NOT a free market, but a fair market.

If you have a free market and doctors are free to charge what they want, then there is no way to prevent a doctor from just lying and telling you that you are going to die unless you have an expensive operation that is totally made up.
As soon as you regulate at all what is fair and unfair, you have a fair market and not a free market.
No one should ever want a free market, and only crooks want one.
Wrong. LASIK is free markets. You see anarchy there?
You moron. If you instituted UH there would be fewer people wanting to be doctors as you would limit their income. You may be the stupidest person on this board. Thank goodness you're old and didn't reproduce. The world is better without people like you in it. Asshole.

We realize that's why JEWS want to become doctors, but most people become doctors because they want to help the sick. So we get the greedy assholes out and replace them with people who just want to do good works.

This wasn't complicated at all.

Now be quiet, the grownups are talking.
Yeah they want to help the sick alright, but not for nothing when it doesn't have to be that way. We have or had safety nets set up for the poor forever now, and it's just when the demoncrats wanted to use the healthcare issue as a way to gain political power, did it all go straight bananas afterwards. It could be that the long term strategy to defeat the Republicans over the years, was to break the system, and then to roll up like cratzy heroes to save the day. Hmmmmm.

Follow the money, and the political motivations over the years to get the real truth people. Don't fall for anything these cratzies say. Don't do it. It's all smoke and mirrors playing upon the generations in hopes their memories are to short to get to deep into it all.

Once the commies get total control over our healthcare and energy, they will have total control over all Americans. In our system of governance and the Constitution, they can't just take over these things. They need for the people to beg them to take these liberties from us. So how can we do that they ask?

First, destroy healthcare so people have no choice but to surrender it. Make it so expensive that many won't be able to reasonably afford it. Create a myth called climate change. Tell people they only have 12 more years of survival if something isn't done immediately. Make them beg us to save their lives. By the time they come to the realization that God is in charge of the climate and not man, it will be too late. We will already have total control of them.

It's all happening as we live and breathe, it's just that many are too blind to understand it's happening.

Funny how most of the bills that are designed to combat what you are saying are sitting under Moscow Mitch's desk.
You’re an idiot. Honestly. You and your partisan drivel is a snooze fest.
What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?

Legal immigrants are provided the opportunity just like everyone else to obtain a drivers license.

The OP specifically called out illegal immigrants and drivers licenses. But you already knew that and simply chose to shift the topic to legal immigrants and driver’s licenses.

What does legal status have to do with driver's licenses that are supposed to be about safety?
What about a tourist who does not want citizenship, but just wants to be able to rent a car here and drive, for the years they are visiting?
Are you going to deny them a US driver's license while a legal resident because they are undocumented as far as citizenship?

If you are here legally by any means, driving is not a problem. If you snuck into this country and are not supposed to be here, you should not be allowed to obtain a drivers license.

Driving is a privilege and not a right, even for Americans. Therefore we should not extend that privilege to people that are not supposed to be here in the first place.
All we are doing is certifying their driving skills and allowing them to drive and have insurance.

Makes it safer for the rest of us
You moron. If you instituted UH there would be fewer people wanting to be doctors as you would limit their income. You may be the stupidest person on this board. Thank goodness you're old and didn't reproduce. The world is better without people like you in it. Asshole.

We realize that's why JEWS want to become doctors, but most people become doctors because they want to help the sick. So we get the greedy assholes out and replace them with people who just want to do good works.

This wasn't complicated at all.

Now be quiet, the grownups are talking.
Yeah they want to help the sick alright, but not for nothing when it doesn't have to be that way. We have or had safety nets set up for the poor forever now, and it's just when the demoncrats wanted to use the healthcare issue as a way to gain political power, did it all go straight bananas afterwards. It could be that the long term strategy to defeat the Republicans over the years, was to break the system, and then to roll up like cratzy heroes to save the day. Hmmmmm.

Follow the money, and the political motivations over the years to get the real truth people. Don't fall for anything these cratzies say. Don't do it. It's all smoke and mirrors playing upon the generations in hopes their memories are to short to get to deep into it all.

Once the commies get total control over our healthcare and energy, they will have total control over all Americans. In our system of governance and the Constitution, they can't just take over these things. They need for the people to beg them to take these liberties from us. So how can we do that they ask?

First, destroy healthcare so people have no choice but to surrender it. Make it so expensive that many won't be able to reasonably afford it. Create a myth called climate change. Tell people they only have 12 more years of survival if something isn't done immediately. Make them beg us to save their lives. By the time they come to the realization that God is in charge of the climate and not man, it will be too late. We will already have total control of them.

It's all happening as we live and breathe, it's just that many are too blind to understand it's happening.

Funny how most of the bills that are designed to combat what you are saying are sitting under Moscow Mitch's desk.
Hunt put me on ignore. Yes, I broke another one!
That makes no sense.
What a state accomplishes by issuing driver's licenses to illegals is to ensure they are safer on the roads.
Nothing else.
They are not supposed to be any more legitimized because a state issued driver's license is not supposed to be used as an ID by anyone.
Lots of people do not even have driver's licenses.
How does issuing a license to someone who hasn’t taken a driver’s course make them a better driver?

That is easy.
They are tested.
And to pass the test they have to read, study, and practice.
They also have to register an address so they can be contacted if suspected of something.
Read, but in their own language right ?

Is that why Mexican's struggle so bad on America's road's when driving, because they don't speaka-da-english ????? Next we'll have two languages on our road signs. LOL.

Whatever it takes eh ? Yeah I can see it now - We need more money in the state budget from those hard working American taxpayers, because we got to put up traffic signs in the Spanish language all over the state now. Good grief, as if the taxes aren't overly burdensome now in America.

The drivers test is in English, so anyone getting a license needs a reasonable amount of English.
And no, traffic signs never have to be read.
They follow the international standards of a diagram or sign shape.
At most you need to just read the numbers in speed limit signs.
How much English is required to read, "No Parking" or "Yield"?

If tests are conducted in English, why is New York offering drivers manuals in any language of your origin?
They always have been

Many non citizens obtain drivers licenses. Your car does not know what language you speak
What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?

Legal immigrants are provided the opportunity just like everyone else to obtain a drivers license.

The OP specifically called out illegal immigrants and drivers licenses. But you already knew that and simply chose to shift the topic to legal immigrants and driver’s licenses.

What does legal status have to do with driver's licenses that are supposed to be about safety?
What about a tourist who does not want citizenship, but just wants to be able to rent a car here and drive, for the years they are visiting?
Are you going to deny them a US driver's license while a legal resident because they are undocumented as far as citizenship?

If you are here legally by any means, driving is not a problem. If you snuck into this country and are not supposed to be here, you should not be allowed to obtain a drivers license.

Driving is a privilege and not a right, even for Americans. Therefore we should not extend that privilege to people that are not supposed to be here in the first place.
All we are doing is certifying their driving skills and allowing them to drive and have insurance.

Makes it safer for the rest of us

If they want to drive, they can get documented. If not, then we need to keep them out and US safe.
How does issuing a license to someone who hasn’t taken a driver’s course make them a better driver?

That is easy.
They are tested.
And to pass the test they have to read, study, and practice.
They also have to register an address so they can be contacted if suspected of something.
Read, but in their own language right ?

Is that why Mexican's struggle so bad on America's road's when driving, because they don't speaka-da-english ????? Next we'll have two languages on our road signs. LOL.

Whatever it takes eh ? Yeah I can see it now - We need more money in the state budget from those hard working American taxpayers, because we got to put up traffic signs in the Spanish language all over the state now. Good grief, as if the taxes aren't overly burdensome now in America.

The drivers test is in English, so anyone getting a license needs a reasonable amount of English.
And no, traffic signs never have to be read.
They follow the international standards of a diagram or sign shape.
At most you need to just read the numbers in speed limit signs.
How much English is required to read, "No Parking" or "Yield"?

If tests are conducted in English, why is New York offering drivers manuals in any language of your origin?
They always have been

Many non citizens obtain drivers licenses. Your car does not know what language you speak

However the signs tell you what a driver should be aware of, and they are all written in English.
Republicans in the House and the Senate are introducing legislation that would block federal funds from states that allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses -- the latest move in an escalating fight over “sanctuary” laws.

The Stop Greenlighting Driver Licenses for Illegal Immigrants Act would block funds to sanctuary states -- which limit local cooperation with federal immigration authorities -- and those that give licenses to illegal immigrants. Specifically, it would halt Justice Department (DOJ) grants, in particular those awarded under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, which is a top source of federal criminal justice funding for states.

The bicameral legislation comes amid a growing fight over sanctuary legislation. The Trump administration has been attempting to highlight attention to the dangers of the policy and has been shining light on cases whereby illegal immigrants have killed Americans.

“The United States of America should be a sanctuary for law-abiding Americans, not criminal aliens,” Trump said at his State of the Union address last week. Read more:

Republicans introduce bill to pull funds from states that give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants

Of course this is common sense legislation, but as we all know, Democrats lack that gift. They would rather see American business people locked up behind bars because their claim is those employers attract illegals to our country, but making them comfortable by issuing drivers licenses so they can get drunk and kill Americans is not luring them in.

With the Democrat House, it stands no chance of passing. But if there is a turnover in leadership after next election, I do hope Republicans don't let this bill remain defeated as they did with Kate's Law never to bring it up again. We'll see.
And it has about zero chance of passing the House. Just more political pandering by republicans.
What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?

Legal immigrants are provided the opportunity just like everyone else to obtain a drivers license.

The OP specifically called out illegal immigrants and drivers licenses. But you already knew that and simply chose to shift the topic to legal immigrants and driver’s licenses.

What does legal status have to do with driver's licenses that are supposed to be about safety?
What about a tourist who does not want citizenship, but just wants to be able to rent a car here and drive, for the years they are visiting?
Are you going to deny them a US driver's license while a legal resident because they are undocumented as far as citizenship?

If you are here legally by any means, driving is not a problem. If you snuck into this country and are not supposed to be here, you should not be allowed to obtain a drivers license.

Driving is a privilege and not a right, even for Americans. Therefore we should not extend that privilege to people that are not supposed to be here in the first place.
All we are doing is certifying their driving skills and allowing them to drive and have insurance.

Makes it safer for the rest of us

Like I said, if you fear your safety because of illegals, then get on board with us to support the people that want to get rid of them. When you reward people for breaking our laws, expect them to break more and call their friends to join in on the fun.
How does issuing a license to someone who hasn’t taken a driver’s course make them a better driver?

That is easy.
They are tested.
And to pass the test they have to read, study, and practice.
They also have to register an address so they can be contacted if suspected of something.
Read, but in their own language right ?

Is that why Mexican's struggle so bad on America's road's when driving, because they don't speaka-da-english ????? Next we'll have two languages on our road signs. LOL.

Whatever it takes eh ? Yeah I can see it now - We need more money in the state budget from those hard working American taxpayers, because we got to put up traffic signs in the Spanish language all over the state now. Good grief, as if the taxes aren't overly burdensome now in America.

The drivers test is in English, so anyone getting a license needs a reasonable amount of English.
And no, traffic signs never have to be read.
They follow the international standards of a diagram or sign shape.
At most you need to just read the numbers in speed limit signs.
How much English is required to read, "No Parking" or "Yield"?

If tests are conducted in English, why is New York offering drivers manuals in any language of your origin?
They always have been

Many non citizens obtain drivers licenses. Your car does not know what language you speak
Yes and that practice needs to stop. A licence should be a privilege not a right.
Republicans in the House and the Senate are introducing legislation that would block federal funds from states that allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses -- the latest move in an escalating fight over “sanctuary” laws.

The Stop Greenlighting Driver Licenses for Illegal Immigrants Act would block funds to sanctuary states -- which limit local cooperation with federal immigration authorities -- and those that give licenses to illegal immigrants. Specifically, it would halt Justice Department (DOJ) grants, in particular those awarded under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, which is a top source of federal criminal justice funding for states.

The bicameral legislation comes amid a growing fight over sanctuary legislation. The Trump administration has been attempting to highlight attention to the dangers of the policy and has been shining light on cases whereby illegal immigrants have killed Americans.

“The United States of America should be a sanctuary for law-abiding Americans, not criminal aliens,” Trump said at his State of the Union address last week. Read more:

Republicans introduce bill to pull funds from states that give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants

Of course this is common sense legislation, but as we all know, Democrats lack that gift. They would rather see American business people locked up behind bars because their claim is those employers attract illegals to our country, but making them comfortable by issuing drivers licenses so they can get drunk and kill Americans is not luring them in.

With the Democrat House, it stands no chance of passing. But if there is a turnover in leadership after next election, I do hope Republicans don't let this bill remain defeated as they did with Kate's Law never to bring it up again. We'll see.
And it has about zero chance of passing the House. Just more political pandering by republicans.

Maybe so, maybe not. What it will do is expose the people that are against Americans and for foreign invaders.
What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?

Legal immigrants are provided the opportunity just like everyone else to obtain a drivers license.

The OP specifically called out illegal immigrants and drivers licenses. But you already knew that and simply chose to shift the topic to legal immigrants and driver’s licenses.

What does legal status have to do with driver's licenses that are supposed to be about safety?
What about a tourist who does not want citizenship, but just wants to be able to rent a car here and drive, for the years they are visiting?
Are you going to deny them a US driver's license while a legal resident because they are undocumented as far as citizenship?
Unless you’re here legally such as a travel visa, work visa, green card, etc. you do not have the right to get a drivers license. Period. End of story.

I am not sure I see how rights have anything to do with it, because the POINT is the can and will drive anyway, so issuing them a driver's license just allows us to ensure they are better and safer drivers.
You moron. If you instituted UH there would be fewer people wanting to be doctors as you would limit their income. You may be the stupidest person on this board. Thank goodness you're old and didn't reproduce. The world is better without people like you in it. Asshole.

We realize that's why JEWS want to become doctors, but most people become doctors because they want to help the sick. So we get the greedy assholes out and replace them with people who just want to do good works.

This wasn't complicated at all.

Now be quiet, the grownups are talking.
Yeah they want to help the sick alright, but not for nothing when it doesn't have to be that way. We have or had safety nets set up for the poor forever now, and it's just when the demoncrats wanted to use the healthcare issue as a way to gain political power, did it all go straight bananas afterwards. It could be that the long term strategy to defeat the Republicans over the years, was to break the system, and then to roll up like cratzy heroes to save the day. Hmmmmm.

Follow the money, and the political motivations over the years to get the real truth people. Don't fall for anything these cratzies say. Don't do it. It's all smoke and mirrors playing upon the generations in hopes their memories are to short to get to deep into it all.

Once the commies get total control over our healthcare and energy, they will have total control over all Americans. In our system of governance and the Constitution, they can't just take over these things. They need for the people to beg them to take these liberties from us. So how can we do that they ask?

First, destroy healthcare so people have no choice but to surrender it. Make it so expensive that many won't be able to reasonably afford it. Create a myth called climate change. Tell people they only have 12 more years of survival if something isn't done immediately. Make them beg us to save their lives. By the time they come to the realization that God is in charge of the climate and not man, it will be too late. We will already have total control of them.

It's all happening as we live and breathe, it's just that many are too blind to understand it's happening.

Funny how most of the bills that are designed to combat what you are saying are sitting under Moscow Mitch's desk.
Hunt put me on ignore. Yes, I broke another one!
Daryl ****?
You moron. If you instituted UH there would be fewer people wanting to be doctors as you would limit their income. You may be the stupidest person on this board. Thank goodness you're old and didn't reproduce. The world is better without people like you in it. Asshole.

We realize that's why JEWS want to become doctors, but most people become doctors because they want to help the sick. So we get the greedy assholes out and replace them with people who just want to do good works.

This wasn't complicated at all.

Now be quiet, the grownups are talking.
Yeah they want to help the sick alright, but not for nothing when it doesn't have to be that way. We have or had safety nets set up for the poor forever now, and it's just when the demoncrats wanted to use the healthcare issue as a way to gain political power, did it all go straight bananas afterwards. It could be that the long term strategy to defeat the Republicans over the years, was to break the system, and then to roll up like cratzy heroes to save the day. Hmmmmm.

Follow the money, and the political motivations over the years to get the real truth people. Don't fall for anything these cratzies say. Don't do it. It's all smoke and mirrors playing upon the generations in hopes their memories are to short to get to deep into it all.

Once the commies get total control over our healthcare and energy, they will have total control over all Americans. In our system of governance and the Constitution, they can't just take over these things. They need for the people to beg them to take these liberties from us. So how can we do that they ask?

First, destroy healthcare so people have no choice but to surrender it. Make it so expensive that many won't be able to reasonably afford it. Create a myth called climate change. Tell people they only have 12 more years of survival if something isn't done immediately. Make them beg us to save their lives. By the time they come to the realization that God is in charge of the climate and not man, it will be too late. We will already have total control of them.

It's all happening as we live and breathe, it's just that many are too blind to understand it's happening.

Funny how most of the bills that are designed to combat what you are saying are sitting under Moscow Mitch's desk.

They are.......such as????
What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?

Legal immigrants are provided the opportunity just like everyone else to obtain a drivers license.

The OP specifically called out illegal immigrants and drivers licenses. But you already knew that and simply chose to shift the topic to legal immigrants and driver’s licenses.

What does legal status have to do with driver's licenses that are supposed to be about safety?
What about a tourist who does not want citizenship, but just wants to be able to rent a car here and drive, for the years they are visiting?
Are you going to deny them a US driver's license while a legal resident because they are undocumented as far as citizenship?
Unless you’re here legally such as a travel visa, work visa, green card, etc. you do not have the right to get a drivers license. Period. End of story.

I am not sure I see how rights have anything to do with it, because the POINT is the can and will drive anyway, so issuing them a driver's license just allows us to ensure they are better and safer drivers.
They should be arrested and ICEd out of America.

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