Republican bill stops funding to states issuing DL's to illegals

What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?

Legal immigrants are provided the opportunity just like everyone else to obtain a drivers license.

The OP specifically called out illegal immigrants and drivers licenses. But you already knew that and simply chose to shift the topic to legal immigrants and driver’s licenses.

What does legal status have to do with driver's licenses that are supposed to be about safety?
What about a tourist who does not want citizenship, but just wants to be able to rent a car here and drive, for the years they are visiting?
Are you going to deny them a US driver's license while a legal resident because they are undocumented as far as citizenship?
Unless you’re here legally such as a travel visa, work visa, green card, etc. you do not have the right to get a drivers license. Period. End of story.

I am not sure I see how rights have anything to do with it, because the POINT is the can and will drive anyway, so issuing them a driver's license just allows us to ensure they are better and safer drivers.

We can say that about our law breakers as well. Why should a judge suspend somebody's license if they are going to drive anyway? Maybe when they get out of jail is six or seven years for killing somebody driving drunk, just give them their licenses back. They're going to drive anyway, right???
Commie Care was not sabotaged by anybody. The commies had complete control over it. They put out this BS that it didn't work because of the Republicans because even they knew it was a complete failure. Every Republican voted against it, and it still passed. So how in the world can you say that Republicans sabotaged it when they couldn't even stop it?

The problem was, even though the ACA was THEIR idea, they were the ones who threatened to filibuster it if it included a public option or a Medicare Buy in, either of which would have fixed most of the problems. The fact the Democrats were burdened with guys like Jim Webb and Joe Lieberjew (who only thinks the Zionist Entity should have health care paid for by Americans,not actual Americans), who kept these options off the table in the Senate version.

But this STILL could have been fixed in the conference, had not Ted Kennedy passed away.

Utter bull. It was never "our" idea. Just because some organization wrote about it, and some loser RINO governor instituted it in his state doesn't make it OUR idea. The Republicans knew they were going to lose on the Commie Care vote, so they tried to dilute it as much as possible. Had they not, it would have been even more destructive than it already is today.

No, ACA is mandated private health insurance, almost exactly the same as states mandating auto insurance.
It is an extremely conservative and right wing position.
And in fact it came from right wing sources.
ACA was put in place to force healthy people to pay for the sick. If you don’t want to drive and want to Uber everywhere you don’t have to have auto insurance. Your conflation is false.

All of society is about pooling risk.
Defense, fire fighting, crime prevention, etc.
All private insurance is risk pooling.
The problem with ACA is not risk pooling, but unregulated profiteering by the insurance company, that deliberately encourages high prices and low quality.

And madatory car insurance is wrong for the exact same reason,
Mahdatory profiteering that is unregulated, so unfair, over priced, and with poor quality.

If you are going to mandate something, then you are obligated to ensure it is done fairly.
What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?

Legal immigrants are provided the opportunity just like everyone else to obtain a drivers license.

The OP specifically called out illegal immigrants and drivers licenses. But you already knew that and simply chose to shift the topic to legal immigrants and driver’s licenses.

What does legal status have to do with driver's licenses that are supposed to be about safety?
What about a tourist who does not want citizenship, but just wants to be able to rent a car here and drive, for the years they are visiting?
Are you going to deny them a US driver's license while a legal resident because they are undocumented as far as citizenship?
Unless you’re here legally such as a travel visa, work visa, green card, etc. you do not have the right to get a drivers license. Period. End of story.

I am not sure I see how rights have anything to do with it, because the POINT is the can and will drive anyway, so issuing them a driver's license just allows us to ensure they are better and safer drivers.
If they have a driver's license, they have had some drivers education and they can buy auto insurance which benefits everyone. The GOP's attempt to keep driver's licenses out of the hands of illegal immigrants is just plain stupid.
What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?

Legal immigrants are provided the opportunity just like everyone else to obtain a drivers license.

The OP specifically called out illegal immigrants and drivers licenses. But you already knew that and simply chose to shift the topic to legal immigrants and driver’s licenses.

What does legal status have to do with driver's licenses that are supposed to be about safety?
What about a tourist who does not want citizenship, but just wants to be able to rent a car here and drive, for the years they are visiting?
Are you going to deny them a US driver's license while a legal resident because they are undocumented as far as citizenship?
Unless you’re here legally such as a travel visa, work visa, green card, etc. you do not have the right to get a drivers license. Period. End of story.

I am not sure I see how rights have anything to do with it, because the POINT is the can and will drive anyway, so issuing them a driver's license just allows us to ensure they are better and safer drivers.

We can say that about our law breakers as well. Why should a judge suspend somebody's license if they are going to drive anyway? Maybe when they get out of jail is six or seven years for killing somebody driving drunk, just give them their licenses back. They're going to drive anyway, right???

If someone gets a license, they have to show they know how to drive safely and what the rules are. It's a beginning and at least adds a little bit to public safety. If people lose their licenses and drive anyway - that's another issue. If people are going to drive anyway without ever having gotten a license - they are more likely to be unsafe.
Commie Care was not sabotaged by anybody. The commies had complete control over it. They put out this BS that it didn't work because of the Republicans because even they knew it was a complete failure. Every Republican voted against it, and it still passed. So how in the world can you say that Republicans sabotaged it when they couldn't even stop it?

The problem was, even though the ACA was THEIR idea, they were the ones who threatened to filibuster it if it included a public option or a Medicare Buy in, either of which would have fixed most of the problems. The fact the Democrats were burdened with guys like Jim Webb and Joe Lieberjew (who only thinks the Zionist Entity should have health care paid for by Americans,not actual Americans), who kept these options off the table in the Senate version.

But this STILL could have been fixed in the conference, had not Ted Kennedy passed away.

Utter bull. It was never "our" idea. Just because some organization wrote about it, and some loser RINO governor instituted it in his state doesn't make it OUR idea. The Republicans knew they were going to lose on the Commie Care vote, so they tried to dilute it as much as possible. Had they not, it would have been even more destructive than it already is today.

No, ACA is mandated private health insurance, almost exactly the same as states mandating auto insurance.
It is an extremely conservative and right wing position.
And in fact it came from right wing sources.
ACA was put in place to force healthy people to pay for the sick. If you don’t want to drive and want to Uber everywhere you don’t have to have auto insurance. Your conflation is false.

All of society is about pooling risk.
Defense, fire fighting, crime prevention, etc.
All private insurance is risk pooling.
The problem with ACA is not risk pooling, but unregulated profiteering by the insurance company, that deliberately encourages high prices and low quality.

And madatory car insurance is wrong for the exact same reason,
Mahdatory profiteering that is unregulated, so unfair, over priced, and with poor quality.

If you are going to mandate something, then you are obligated to ensure it is done fairly.
Is that why the ACA allows Surprise Medical Billing?
Legal immigrants are provided the opportunity just like everyone else to obtain a drivers license.

The OP specifically called out illegal immigrants and drivers licenses. But you already knew that and simply chose to shift the topic to legal immigrants and driver’s licenses.

What does legal status have to do with driver's licenses that are supposed to be about safety?
What about a tourist who does not want citizenship, but just wants to be able to rent a car here and drive, for the years they are visiting?
Are you going to deny them a US driver's license while a legal resident because they are undocumented as far as citizenship?
Unless you’re here legally such as a travel visa, work visa, green card, etc. you do not have the right to get a drivers license. Period. End of story.

I am not sure I see how rights have anything to do with it, because the POINT is the can and will drive anyway, so issuing them a driver's license just allows us to ensure they are better and safer drivers.

We can say that about our law breakers as well. Why should a judge suspend somebody's license if they are going to drive anyway? Maybe when they get out of jail is six or seven years for killing somebody driving drunk, just give them their licenses back. They're going to drive anyway, right???

If someone gets a license, they have to show they know how to drive safely and what the rules are. It's a beginning and at least adds a little bit to public safety. If people lose their licenses and drive anyway - that's another issue. If people are going to drive anyway without ever having gotten a license - they are more likely to be unsafe.

Safety is the most bogus argument to make in this case. Just because you have a drivers license doesn't mean you are going to drive safe. Do you suppose it's easier or harder for law enforcement to locate a driver that hit a pedestrian and took off if they are illegal? Of course not. They just pack their bags and get back to El Salvador and not worry about it.

I wish you people on the left were more honest. Just admit you want these illegals here and aim to make them being here illegally as comfortable as possible.
What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?

Legal immigrants are provided the opportunity just like everyone else to obtain a drivers license.

The OP specifically called out illegal immigrants and drivers licenses. But you already knew that and simply chose to shift the topic to legal immigrants and driver’s licenses.

What does legal status have to do with driver's licenses that are supposed to be about safety?
What about a tourist who does not want citizenship, but just wants to be able to rent a car here and drive, for the years they are visiting?
Are you going to deny them a US driver's license while a legal resident because they are undocumented as far as citizenship?

Your argument shit the bed when you went with the tourist example. I drive in the UK and Mexico yet I don’t require a state-issued drivers license from the country I am visiting. If you are a legal documented visitor or temporary long term visitor, there is still no need for a full driver’s license. You are so concerned about safety? At a minimum, you should be pushing “documented” “legal” status.

Your argument is totally and completely backwards.
Yes it is true you as a US citizen, do not need a Mexican driver's license to drive in Mexico.
Nor does a Mexican need a US driver's license to drive in the US.
But do YOU want people driving in the US with Mexican licenses?
I don't.
I would much prefer they learned US laws and passed a US driver's test.
It is to our advantage, not the immigrant's.
But I do not understand your last comment, because "documented" "legal" status has no effect on safety at all.
A legally documented immigrant is no safer than an illegal if they are using a foreign driver's license.
And in case that confuses you, all an immigrant has to do is go back to Mexico for a day every 6 months, and they do not legally have to get a local US driver's license in order to legally drive in the US.
What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?

Legal immigrants are provided the opportunity just like everyone else to obtain a drivers license.

The OP specifically called out illegal immigrants and drivers licenses. But you already knew that and simply chose to shift the topic to legal immigrants and driver’s licenses.

What does legal status have to do with driver's licenses that are supposed to be about safety?
What about a tourist who does not want citizenship, but just wants to be able to rent a car here and drive, for the years they are visiting?
Are you going to deny them a US driver's license while a legal resident because they are undocumented as far as citizenship?
Unless you’re here legally such as a travel visa, work visa, green card, etc. you do not have the right to get a drivers license. Period. End of story.

I am not sure I see how rights have anything to do with it, because the POINT is the can and will drive anyway, so issuing them a driver's license just allows us to ensure they are better and safer drivers.
If they have a driver's license, they have had some drivers education and they can buy auto insurance which benefits everyone. The GOP's attempt to keep driver's licenses out of the hands of illegal immigrants is just plain stupid.

No, stupid is rewarding people for coming here and breaking our laws. Complain about American businesses hiring them, and then do what you can to make it easier to get to these jobs they're not supposed to have.
What does legal status have to do with driver's licenses that are supposed to be about safety?
What about a tourist who does not want citizenship, but just wants to be able to rent a car here and drive, for the years they are visiting?
Are you going to deny them a US driver's license while a legal resident because they are undocumented as far as citizenship?
Unless you’re here legally such as a travel visa, work visa, green card, etc. you do not have the right to get a drivers license. Period. End of story.

I am not sure I see how rights have anything to do with it, because the POINT is the can and will drive anyway, so issuing them a driver's license just allows us to ensure they are better and safer drivers.

We can say that about our law breakers as well. Why should a judge suspend somebody's license if they are going to drive anyway? Maybe when they get out of jail is six or seven years for killing somebody driving drunk, just give them their licenses back. They're going to drive anyway, right???

If someone gets a license, they have to show they know how to drive safely and what the rules are. It's a beginning and at least adds a little bit to public safety. If people lose their licenses and drive anyway - that's another issue. If people are going to drive anyway without ever having gotten a license - they are more likely to be unsafe.

Safety is the most bogus argument to make in this case. Just because you have a drivers license doesn't mean you are going to drive safe. Do you suppose it's easier or harder for law enforcement to locate a driver that hit a pedestrian and took off if they are illegal? Of course not. They just pack their bags and get back to El Salvador and not worry about it.

I wish you people on the left were more honest. Just admit you want these illegals here and aim to make them being here illegally as comfortable as possible.

No. It doesn't GUARANTEE you will drive safe. NOTHING does. But adds to the odds that you will be a safer driver.

I wish you on the right would be honest about the arguments....but you are not.
That is easy.
They are tested.
And to pass the test they have to read, study, and practice.
They also have to register an address so they can be contacted if suspected of something.
Read, but in their own language right ?

Is that why Mexican's struggle so bad on America's road's when driving, because they don't speaka-da-english ????? Next we'll have two languages on our road signs. LOL.

Whatever it takes eh ? Yeah I can see it now - We need more money in the state budget from those hard working American taxpayers, because we got to put up traffic signs in the Spanish language all over the state now. Good grief, as if the taxes aren't overly burdensome now in America.

The drivers test is in English, so anyone getting a license needs a reasonable amount of English.
And no, traffic signs never have to be read.
They follow the international standards of a diagram or sign shape.
At most you need to just read the numbers in speed limit signs.
How much English is required to read, "No Parking" or "Yield"?

If tests are conducted in English, why is New York offering drivers manuals in any language of your origin?
They always have been

Many non citizens obtain drivers licenses. Your car does not know what language you speak
Yes and that practice needs to stop. A licence should be a privilege not a right.

A license is neither a privilege nor a rights.
It is justified only in that it increases safety.
And citizenship has no bearing in that.
Legal immigrants are provided the opportunity just like everyone else to obtain a drivers license.

The OP specifically called out illegal immigrants and drivers licenses. But you already knew that and simply chose to shift the topic to legal immigrants and driver’s licenses.

What does legal status have to do with driver's licenses that are supposed to be about safety?
What about a tourist who does not want citizenship, but just wants to be able to rent a car here and drive, for the years they are visiting?
Are you going to deny them a US driver's license while a legal resident because they are undocumented as far as citizenship?
Unless you’re here legally such as a travel visa, work visa, green card, etc. you do not have the right to get a drivers license. Period. End of story.

I am not sure I see how rights have anything to do with it, because the POINT is the can and will drive anyway, so issuing them a driver's license just allows us to ensure they are better and safer drivers.
If they have a driver's license, they have had some drivers education and they can buy auto insurance which benefits everyone. The GOP's attempt to keep driver's licenses out of the hands of illegal immigrants is just plain stupid.

No, stupid is rewarding people for coming here and breaking our laws. Complain about American businesses hiring them, and then do what you can to make it easier to get to these jobs they're not supposed to have.

Drivers licenses aren't a reward. There is nothing rewarding about them.
Unless you’re here legally such as a travel visa, work visa, green card, etc. you do not have the right to get a drivers license. Period. End of story.

I am not sure I see how rights have anything to do with it, because the POINT is the can and will drive anyway, so issuing them a driver's license just allows us to ensure they are better and safer drivers.

We can say that about our law breakers as well. Why should a judge suspend somebody's license if they are going to drive anyway? Maybe when they get out of jail is six or seven years for killing somebody driving drunk, just give them their licenses back. They're going to drive anyway, right???

If someone gets a license, they have to show they know how to drive safely and what the rules are. It's a beginning and at least adds a little bit to public safety. If people lose their licenses and drive anyway - that's another issue. If people are going to drive anyway without ever having gotten a license - they are more likely to be unsafe.

Safety is the most bogus argument to make in this case. Just because you have a drivers license doesn't mean you are going to drive safe. Do you suppose it's easier or harder for law enforcement to locate a driver that hit a pedestrian and took off if they are illegal? Of course not. They just pack their bags and get back to El Salvador and not worry about it.

I wish you people on the left were more honest. Just admit you want these illegals here and aim to make them being here illegally as comfortable as possible.

No. It doesn't GUARANTEE you will drive safe. NOTHING does. But adds to the odds that you will be a safer driver.

I wish you on the right would be honest about the arguments....but you are not.
I have to drive to work every morning through 2 areas where illegals drive through stop signs.
Do you drive anywhere?
Commie Care was not sabotaged by anybody. The commies had complete control over it. They put out this BS that it didn't work because of the Republicans because even they knew it was a complete failure. Every Republican voted against it, and it still passed. So how in the world can you say that Republicans sabotaged it when they couldn't even stop it?

The problem was, even though the ACA was THEIR idea, they were the ones who threatened to filibuster it if it included a public option or a Medicare Buy in, either of which would have fixed most of the problems. The fact the Democrats were burdened with guys like Jim Webb and Joe Lieberjew (who only thinks the Zionist Entity should have health care paid for by Americans,not actual Americans), who kept these options off the table in the Senate version.

But this STILL could have been fixed in the conference, had not Ted Kennedy passed away.

Utter bull. It was never "our" idea. Just because some organization wrote about it, and some loser RINO governor instituted it in his state doesn't make it OUR idea. The Republicans knew they were going to lose on the Commie Care vote, so they tried to dilute it as much as possible. Had they not, it would have been even more destructive than it already is today.

No, ACA is mandated private health insurance, almost exactly the same as states mandating auto insurance.
It is an extremely conservative and right wing position.
And in fact it came from right wing sources.
ACA was put in place to force healthy people to pay for the sick. If you don’t want to drive and want to Uber everywhere you don’t have to have auto insurance. Your conflation is false.

All of society is about pooling risk.
Defense, fire fighting, crime prevention, etc.
All private insurance is risk pooling.
The problem with ACA is not risk pooling, but unregulated profiteering by the insurance company, that deliberately encourages high prices and low quality.

And madatory car insurance is wrong for the exact same reason,
Mahdatory profiteering that is unregulated, so unfair, over priced, and with poor quality.

If you are going to mandate something, then you are obligated to ensure it is done fairly.

Was that English. Since you're dumb, I'll type slowly. ACA forced insurance so that more healthy people had to sign up and pay for the sick. Insurance company profits reached an all time high.
I am not sure I see how rights have anything to do with it, because the POINT is the can and will drive anyway, so issuing them a driver's license just allows us to ensure they are better and safer drivers.

We can say that about our law breakers as well. Why should a judge suspend somebody's license if they are going to drive anyway? Maybe when they get out of jail is six or seven years for killing somebody driving drunk, just give them their licenses back. They're going to drive anyway, right???

If someone gets a license, they have to show they know how to drive safely and what the rules are. It's a beginning and at least adds a little bit to public safety. If people lose their licenses and drive anyway - that's another issue. If people are going to drive anyway without ever having gotten a license - they are more likely to be unsafe.

Safety is the most bogus argument to make in this case. Just because you have a drivers license doesn't mean you are going to drive safe. Do you suppose it's easier or harder for law enforcement to locate a driver that hit a pedestrian and took off if they are illegal? Of course not. They just pack their bags and get back to El Salvador and not worry about it.

I wish you people on the left were more honest. Just admit you want these illegals here and aim to make them being here illegally as comfortable as possible.

No. It doesn't GUARANTEE you will drive safe. NOTHING does. But adds to the odds that you will be a safer driver.

I wish you on the right would be honest about the arguments....but you are not.
I have to drive to work every morning through 2 areas where illegals drive through stop signs.
Do you drive anywhere?

Do you always lie?

How on earth do would you know they were illegals?
What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?

Legal immigrants are provided the opportunity just like everyone else to obtain a drivers license.

The OP specifically called out illegal immigrants and drivers licenses. But you already knew that and simply chose to shift the topic to legal immigrants and driver’s licenses.

What does legal status have to do with driver's licenses that are supposed to be about safety?
What about a tourist who does not want citizenship, but just wants to be able to rent a car here and drive, for the years they are visiting?
Are you going to deny them a US driver's license while a legal resident because they are undocumented as far as citizenship?
Unless you’re here legally such as a travel visa, work visa, green card, etc. you do not have the right to get a drivers license. Period. End of story.

I am not sure I see how rights have anything to do with it, because the POINT is the can and will drive anyway, so issuing them a driver's license just allows us to ensure they are better and safer drivers.
If they have a driver's license, they have had some drivers education and they can buy auto insurance which benefits everyone. The GOP's attempt to keep driver's licenses out of the hands of illegal immigrants is just plain stupid.

Nope. A license is a privilege not a right. Illegals should not be here period. Why would you give them something that is a privilege to have?
Republicans in the House and the Senate are introducing legislation that would block federal funds from states that allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses -- the latest move in an escalating fight over “sanctuary” laws.

The Stop Greenlighting Driver Licenses for Illegal Immigrants Act would block funds to sanctuary states -- which limit local cooperation with federal immigration authorities -- and those that give licenses to illegal immigrants. Specifically, it would halt Justice Department (DOJ) grants, in particular those awarded under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, which is a top source of federal criminal justice funding for states.

The bicameral legislation comes amid a growing fight over sanctuary legislation. The Trump administration has been attempting to highlight attention to the dangers of the policy and has been shining light on cases whereby illegal immigrants have killed Americans.

“The United States of America should be a sanctuary for law-abiding Americans, not criminal aliens,” Trump said at his State of the Union address last week. Read more:

Republicans introduce bill to pull funds from states that give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants

Of course this is common sense legislation, but as we all know, Democrats lack that gift. They would rather see American business people locked up behind bars because their claim is those employers attract illegals to our country, but making them comfortable by issuing drivers licenses so they can get drunk and kill Americans is not luring them in.

With the Democrat House, it stands no chance of passing. But if there is a turnover in leadership after next election, I do hope Republicans don't let this bill remain defeated as they did with Kate's Law never to bring it up again. We'll see.
And it has about zero chance of passing the House. Just more political pandering by republicans.

Maybe so, maybe not. What it will do is expose the people that are against Americans and for foreign invaders.

A minor point, but you do realize that who we call "illegal immigrants" generally are actually natives, while most of the US citizens are the descendants of illegal immigrants.
They did not come from the south but from the north, across the Bearing Straits.
They arrived over 30,000 years ago.
We did not arrive until Plymoth Rock and British colonies around 1700 or so.
Unless you’re here legally such as a travel visa, work visa, green card, etc. you do not have the right to get a drivers license. Period. End of story.

I am not sure I see how rights have anything to do with it, because the POINT is the can and will drive anyway, so issuing them a driver's license just allows us to ensure they are better and safer drivers.

We can say that about our law breakers as well. Why should a judge suspend somebody's license if they are going to drive anyway? Maybe when they get out of jail is six or seven years for killing somebody driving drunk, just give them their licenses back. They're going to drive anyway, right???

If someone gets a license, they have to show they know how to drive safely and what the rules are. It's a beginning and at least adds a little bit to public safety. If people lose their licenses and drive anyway - that's another issue. If people are going to drive anyway without ever having gotten a license - they are more likely to be unsafe.

Safety is the most bogus argument to make in this case. Just because you have a drivers license doesn't mean you are going to drive safe. Do you suppose it's easier or harder for law enforcement to locate a driver that hit a pedestrian and took off if they are illegal? Of course not. They just pack their bags and get back to El Salvador and not worry about it.

I wish you people on the left were more honest. Just admit you want these illegals here and aim to make them being here illegally as comfortable as possible.

No. It doesn't GUARANTEE you will drive safe. NOTHING does. But adds to the odds that you will be a safer driver.

I wish you on the right would be honest about the arguments....but you are not.

Was that English? Again, a license is a privilege not a right. A privilege for US citizens and those with green cards not for illegals.
We can say that about our law breakers as well. Why should a judge suspend somebody's license if they are going to drive anyway? Maybe when they get out of jail is six or seven years for killing somebody driving drunk, just give them their licenses back. They're going to drive anyway, right???

If someone gets a license, they have to show they know how to drive safely and what the rules are. It's a beginning and at least adds a little bit to public safety. If people lose their licenses and drive anyway - that's another issue. If people are going to drive anyway without ever having gotten a license - they are more likely to be unsafe.

Safety is the most bogus argument to make in this case. Just because you have a drivers license doesn't mean you are going to drive safe. Do you suppose it's easier or harder for law enforcement to locate a driver that hit a pedestrian and took off if they are illegal? Of course not. They just pack their bags and get back to El Salvador and not worry about it.

I wish you people on the left were more honest. Just admit you want these illegals here and aim to make them being here illegally as comfortable as possible.

No. It doesn't GUARANTEE you will drive safe. NOTHING does. But adds to the odds that you will be a safer driver.

I wish you on the right would be honest about the arguments....but you are not.
I have to drive to work every morning through 2 areas where illegals drive through stop signs.
Do you drive anywhere?

Do you always lie?

How on earth do would you know they were illegals?
Because there’s 3-4 of them in the front seat of the truck which is illegal.
No legal Mexicans will break the law so overtly.
Read, but in their own language right ?

Is that why Mexican's struggle so bad on America's road's when driving, because they don't speaka-da-english ????? Next we'll have two languages on our road signs. LOL.

Whatever it takes eh ? Yeah I can see it now - We need more money in the state budget from those hard working American taxpayers, because we got to put up traffic signs in the Spanish language all over the state now. Good grief, as if the taxes aren't overly burdensome now in America.

The drivers test is in English, so anyone getting a license needs a reasonable amount of English.
And no, traffic signs never have to be read.
They follow the international standards of a diagram or sign shape.
At most you need to just read the numbers in speed limit signs.
How much English is required to read, "No Parking" or "Yield"?

If tests are conducted in English, why is New York offering drivers manuals in any language of your origin?
They always have been

Many non citizens obtain drivers licenses. Your car does not know what language you speak
Yes and that practice needs to stop. A licence should be a privilege not a right.

A license is neither a privilege nor a rights.
It is justified only in that it increases safety.
And citizenship has no bearing in that.

Wrong. It is a privilege. It allows you to drive on our roads that taxpayer dollars paid for. Giving it illegals is illogical since illegals should not be in this country in the first place.
I am not sure I see how rights have anything to do with it, because the POINT is the can and will drive anyway, so issuing them a driver's license just allows us to ensure they are better and safer drivers.

We can say that about our law breakers as well. Why should a judge suspend somebody's license if they are going to drive anyway? Maybe when they get out of jail is six or seven years for killing somebody driving drunk, just give them their licenses back. They're going to drive anyway, right???

If someone gets a license, they have to show they know how to drive safely and what the rules are. It's a beginning and at least adds a little bit to public safety. If people lose their licenses and drive anyway - that's another issue. If people are going to drive anyway without ever having gotten a license - they are more likely to be unsafe.

Safety is the most bogus argument to make in this case. Just because you have a drivers license doesn't mean you are going to drive safe. Do you suppose it's easier or harder for law enforcement to locate a driver that hit a pedestrian and took off if they are illegal? Of course not. They just pack their bags and get back to El Salvador and not worry about it.

I wish you people on the left were more honest. Just admit you want these illegals here and aim to make them being here illegally as comfortable as possible.

No. It doesn't GUARANTEE you will drive safe. NOTHING does. But adds to the odds that you will be a safer driver.

I wish you on the right would be honest about the arguments....but you are not.

Was that English? Again, a license is a privilege not a right. A privilege for US citizens and those with green cards not for illegals.

Sure you can argue that, but you completely overlook the issue of public safety. As a driver - I would rather people be licensed to drive regardless of their citizenship status.

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