Republican Congressman Urges U. S. Generals To Resign In Protest Of Obama

Bammy should resign, not our generals. We need them. Nobody needs that little shit in the White House. Isn't there a race riot somewhere you'd like to help incite, Mr. President? God knows you've been worthless at everything else. Go out and incite more hate. It's what the left is all about: hate. You're good at that, Bammy.
Bammy should resign, not our generals. We need them. Nobody needs that little shit in the White House. Isn't there a race riot somewhere you'd like to help incite, Mr. President? God knows you've been worthless at everything else. Go out and incite more hate. It's what the left is all about: hate. You're good at that, Bammy.

You got that dumb and racist in only 64 years?
Bammy should resign, not our generals. We need them. Nobody needs that little shit in the White House. Isn't there a race riot somewhere you'd like to help incite, Mr. President? God knows you've been worthless at everything else. Go out and incite more hate. It's what the left is all about: hate. You're good at that, Bammy.
You're pretty good at it too, as are most of your fellow travelers.
Bammy should resign, not our generals. We need them. Nobody needs that little shit in the White House. Isn't there a race riot somewhere you'd like to help incite, Mr. President? God knows you've been worthless at everything else. Go out and incite more hate. It's what the left is all about: hate. You're good at that, Bammy.

You got that dumb and racist in only 64 years?

The "Espresso Stalinist"? What the fuck does Stalin have to do with Native Americans? Native American genocide? Yea, it's called alcohol and crank.
Bammy should resign, not our generals. We need them. Nobody needs that little shit in the White House. Isn't there a race riot somewhere you'd like to help incite, Mr. President? God knows you've been worthless at everything else. Go out and incite more hate. It's what the left is all about: hate. You're good at that, Bammy.

You got that dumb and racist in only 64 years?

The "Espresso Stalinist"? What the fuck does Stalin have to do with Native Americans? Native American genocide? Yea, it's called alcohol and crank.

Wow, is that all you got out of the link?
"A lot of us are talking to the generals behind the scenes, saying, 'Hey, if you disagree with the policy that the White House has given you, let's have a resignation,'" Lamborn said Tuesday, adding that if generals resigned en masse in protest of President Barack Obama's Middle East policy, they would "go out in a blaze of glory."

Is Colorado really that fucking crazy? Just imagine if all U.S. generals did resign. This is treasonous - whether it legally qualifies as treason or not.
Colorado is purple....More red than blue though.
I think this guy is off his rocker.
These Generals swore to an Oath to protect and defend the United States and it's people from all enemies foreign and domestic.
To resign in protest is to show the Office of POTUS the utmost in disrespect.
The military brass may have a problem with Obama's policies, but all respect for the Office of POTUS MUST be maintained.
POTUS is the domestic enemy
The POTUS is a racist, marxist, America-hating, affirmative action, token. He's also a murderer. It was under his watch that 40 Vietnam vets were murdered in the Phoenix VA system through a carefully orchestrated system of neglect. It's payback for Swiftboat. The VA has been busy murdering Vietnam vets since we cost the democrats a presidential election.

This president and his entire pansy left gaggle hate America's veterans and they hate the military, and all you lefty whiners here say we owe this little bastard some measure of loyalty? Bullshit. You EARN loyalty. Let him go to Iraq or Liberia and risk his life. What has he ever done for America except skate through life as an affirmative action token? He's never done shit for this country. He's never made a sacrifice. He's a sad joke, and the entire planet knows it.

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