Republican Congressman Urges U. S. Generals To Resign In Protest Of Obama

"A lot of us are talking to the generals behind the scenes, saying, 'Hey, if you disagree with the policy that the White House has given you, let's have a resignation,'" Lamborn said Tuesday, adding that if generals resigned en masse in protest of President Barack Obama's Middle East policy, they would "go out in a blaze of glory."

Is Colorado really that batshit crazy? Just imagine if all U.S. generals did resign. This is treasonous - whether it legally qualifies as treason or not.
No it isn't treason...but it will sure open up the selection boards. :D
Wow! Democraps confusing treason with freedom of speech. Just wow!
as a Rep he probably should have maybe said things differently Kidd.....just sayin....but thats what happens when the bottom of the barrel guys get in....

That's what makes freedom of speech gives muppet idiots an opportunity to voice their opinions.
it also makes him and his stupid party look bad......
"A lot of us are talking to the generals behind the scenes, saying, 'Hey, if you disagree with the policy that the White House has given you, let's have a resignation,'" Lamborn said Tuesday, adding that if generals resigned en masse in protest of President Barack Obama's Middle East policy, they would "go out in a blaze of glory."

Is Colorado really that fucking crazy? Just imagine if all U.S. generals did resign. This is treasonous - whether it legally qualifies as treason or not.

they'll all resign after they put in their 20, until then they like playing war, it's what they do. Idiot politicians like playing idiot politicians, it's what THEY do.


Nobody makes General in only 20 years.
"A lot of us are talking to the generals behind the scenes, saying, 'Hey, if you disagree with the policy that the White House has given you, let's have a resignation,'" Lamborn said Tuesday, adding that if generals resigned en masse in protest of President Barack Obama's Middle East policy, they would "go out in a blaze of glory."

Is Colorado really that batshit crazy? Just imagine if all U.S. generals did resign. This is treasonous - whether it legally qualifies as treason or not.
so one guy opens his mouth and all of Colorado must agree with him?.... have you been talking to Dean again?...

Then maybe Colorado should dump his treasonous ass.

There are seven Congressional districts in the state of Colorado. Four are filled by Republicans and three by Democrats. All the Democrats have to do is run a candidate that can beat Lamborn in his district this November.
Why didn't anyone on the left call it treason when Bush was in power?

To be sure, Gates cannot and should not abdicate his responsibility to exercise civilian control of the military. In a democratic political system, decisions about war and peace should be made not by soldiers but by voters through their elected leaders. At the same time, however, Gates should encourage, rather than stifle, candid advice from the senior military leadership, even if it does not support administration policy. The military has a right and a duty to be heard. After all, soldiers are the experts in fighting wars -- and it is their lives that are ultimately on the line. If senior officers feel that their advice is being ignored or that they are being asked to carry out immoral orders, they should resign. Indeed, had Shinseki or Newbold resigned in the run-up to the Iraq war, he would have sent a powerful message about the military's reservations about the war -- one far more effective than protests after the fact. Threats of resignations among the Joint Chiefs may be influencing the Bush administration's Iran policy (including derailing plans to use nuclear weapons against hardened Iranian nuclear installations). Barring such extremely serious reservations, after senior military officers have had their say, they should salute and obey.

Bush and the Generals Foreign Affairs

If there is a run-up to an Iranian war, what would the generals do? This is not an easy question. But here is my proposal (an easy proposal, some would charge, correctly, since I'm not in the military): If the top officers up and down the chain of command all agreed that an attack on Iran would be a disaster, on whatever grounds, they should do all they can to sway the president—and anyone who has influence over the president—against it. They should arrange to be called before congressional committees and to be asked awkward questions, which would elicit their critical replies. At the final hour, they should threaten to retire or resign en masse and, if that didn't work, they should follow through. (Even if they quietly retired, the fact that three or four or six or eight generals did so at once would have some impact.)

Should generals resign if Bush orders an attack on Iran

Will Generals Resign In Protest If Bush Attacks Iran Brent Budowsky

Afghanistan fell in late 2001, and as it became increasingly apparent that a war with Iraq, based on what he considered to be manipulated and cherry-picked evidence, was in the offing, Newbold took the step General Harold Johnson never had: he offered his resignation, to General Jones, the commandant. And it came with a message: Jones should feel free to tell everyone he was resigning in protest. Jones was noncommittal, and Newbold stayed: the president, at least, was still saying war was not inevitable.

But by June 2002, Newbold had given up. He again offered his resignation, even though, by leaving ahead of schedule, he could have lost two stars. This time, Jones accepted. Before departing, Newbold says, he reiterated his objections to the impending war to the chairman, vice-chairman, and key generals and admirals in the Pentagon hierarchy. Such a war was justified, he argued, only if Iraq threatened its neighbors, harbored terrorists, or had weapons of mass destruction. None of those, he believed, was true.

The Night of the Generals Vanity Fair
The larger issue here is that Liberals don't line the Military. The Military is more Conservative vs. Liberals. The Military is all about personal accountability and being Liberal is all about holding other people personally accountable. Hence, few, if any, Liberals exist in the Military.

Why do you think Democrats were so adamant on disenfranchising Florida Military member votes who voted absentee due their service overseas? Democrats and Liberals will tell you it was because they were committed to the Law (technicality on how ballots were received). However, Democrats knew damn well that if the Florida election came down to the troops' vote, it would be no contest. Why? Because troops don't support Liberals.
Just typical bull crud propaganda by the Right that you my dear are regurgitating.

My father, a liberal Military man, Lifer, volunteered for his Viet nam tour, receiver of the Bronze 'Star' among many other medals, thanks you for your regurgitation of lies...about him, a Liberal.

Put it where the sun don't shine, left of left.

Ask your father how he would feel if he marked his ballot from Vietnam and Nixon sued to have it thrown out because it was not postmarked?
Generals are not going to resign over the fact that they don't like their CIC....Mature people understand that you have to deal with every situation with the best resources and tactics available..Did the generals resign when US troops were put into Iraq with deficient materials and weapons unsuited to the strategies and weapons of the opposition they encountered?

The answer is no, they did not, because Generals know you go to war with the weapons you have, not the ones you wish you had.
Rep. Lamborn urging generals who disagree with Obama to resign

Colorado U.S. Rep. Doug Lamborn said that “behind the scenes” he and other Republican members of Congress were encouraging military officers to resign in protest over President Obama’s foreign policy.

“[L]et me reassure you on this,” Lamborn told a small gathering of so-called liberty voters in Colorado Springs on Tuesday. “A lot of us are talking to the generals behind the scenes, saying, ‘Hey, if you disagree with the policy that the White House has given you, let’s have a resignation.’

“You know, let’s have a pubic resignation, and state your protest, and go out in a blaze of glory. I haven’t seen that very much. In fact, I haven’t seen that at all in years.”

The comments were first published by reporter Corey Hutchins at Medium today.

Hutchins played the tape he made at the event over the phone for the Independent.

The Colorado Independent also confirmed the quotes with at least one other person who was in attendance. But Hutchins taped the remarks and he told the Independent that among the rough 50 people that night at the bar-basement event, at least a few were videotaping the speakers.

Lamborn sits on the House Armed Services Committee.
Why didn't the NaziCon Congressman ask the troops to resign?
Why did Democrats undermine and demonize Bush for five years? You expect us to shut up and tag along?
The difference is, Democrats didn't wish for the failure of the US or praise Putin, as the Right constantly does.
You tell me which conservative wished the USA would fail. You can't because no one did.
How about Lamborn. Urging generals to quit could prove harmful to the US.
Why didn't the NaziCon Congressman ask the troops to resign?
Why did Democrats undermine and demonize Bush for five years? You expect us to shut up and tag along?
The difference is, Democrats didn't wish for the failure of the US or praise Putin, as the Right constantly does.
You tell me which conservative wished the USA would fail. You can't because no one did.
How about Lamborn. Urging generals to quit could prove harmful to the US.
Nope. It would hurt Obama.
Why didn't the NaziCon Congressman ask the troops to resign?
Why did Democrats undermine and demonize Bush for five years? You expect us to shut up and tag along?
The difference is, Democrats didn't wish for the failure of the US or praise Putin, as the Right constantly does.
You are correct. The Democrats spent 8 years wishing for the failure of George Bush.

Nope. That's not accurate.

As U.S.-led airstrikes continue Friday near the Syrian border with Iraq, it's hard to imagine what would make the situation worse than the military suddenly losing all its generals.

But that is exactly what Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.) told a group of voters he wants to see happen, the Colorado Independent reported.

"A lot of us are talking to the generals behind the scenes, saying, 'Hey, if you disagree with the policy that the White House has given you, let's have a resignation,'" Lamborn said Tuesday, adding that if generals resigned en masse in protest of President Barack Obama's Middle East policy, they would "go out in a blaze of glory."

Since Obama launched military operations against the Islamic State in mid-September, several reports have suggested that he may have a less than perfect relationship with his generals. Several high-ranking military officers and Pentagon officials have publicly voiced their disagreement with Obama's airstrikes-only approach in Syria. Former defense secretary Robert Gates said, "There will be boots on the ground if there's to be any hope of success."

Lamborn, who sits on the House Armed Services Committee, has been an outspoken critic of Obama's military actions and his foreign policy as a whole. "After watching President Obama's rudderless foreign policy for the past five years, I have lost confidence in the president's ability to lead," Lamborn said in a statement earlier this month.

But military generals are unlikely to heed Lamborn's call to resign. When Gen. David Petraeus, then the commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, openly criticized the administration's policies there, the White House reacted strongly, and some suggested Petraeus should resign. Petraeus decided against it, saying a resignation would hurt American interests. "Our troopers don't get to quit, and I don't think commanders should contemplate that, again, as any kind of idle action," Petraeus said.

More: GOP Congressman Urges U.S. Generals To Resign In Protest Of Obama s Foreign Policy

I am somewhat speechless after reading this article. Personally, I think Lamborn should be removed from office. Is he really reflecting the feelings of his constituents in Colorado?

Looks like quotes with no context. Not unusual.

Let's take the one quote ..."A lot of us are talking to the generals behind the scenes, saying, 'Hey, if you disagree with the policy that the White House has given you, let's have a resignation,' "

Seems like a reasonable proposition. If you can't follow orders, resign...your choice. That is an age old standard in the military.

It wasn't too long ago when the ratio of officers to enlisted was 1 to 15. Now it is 1 to 6. We have an overabundance of officers including generals. Losing a dozen or two wouldn't bother the country a bit. But that isn't the issue here. The issue is what this rep said.
Cheney with his lawyer, David Addington did so much sneaky stuff that the entire Justice Department including the FBI director were a day away from resigning and W.bush didn't know it. Finally, when he heard about the reasons, he cancelled Cheney and Addington's illegal commands and prevented the exodus. In that case it would have caused national turmoil because these were legal experts far more difficult to replace than generals.
Colin Powell said that the U.S. should never again go to war unilaterally. We must always have allies willing to share the burden and the sorrow. The countries with the most to lose are the Middle eastern countries with "royalty" Kings, sultans, and others who would surely lose their heads to ISIS should ISIS prevail. But they won't do anything if we are doing the fighting for them. And that is probably Obama's plan.
I'm not surprised that a Republican Congressman has uttered anything as stupid as this because they have dozens of brethren who do the same. What's astonishing is the people who elect them and reelect them after hearing this type of idiocy. Doesn't say much for their IQ.

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