Republican Congressman Urges U. S. Generals To Resign In Protest Of Obama

Rep Lamborn should douse himself with gasoline and light up in protest of Obama. That'll show him.
That is just as bad as the suggestion made by the Congressman.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
I realize that to you libs, that is a foreign concept

Hey, he's the one talking about "going out in a blaze of glory." I suppose he could just do as he suggests the Generals do, and just resign in protest.
"A lot of us are talking to the generals behind the scenes, saying, 'Hey, if you disagree with the policy that the White House has given you, let's have a resignation,'" Lamborn said Tuesday, adding that if generals resigned en masse in protest of President Barack Obama's Middle East policy, they would "go out in a blaze of glory."

Is Colorado really that fucking crazy? Just imagine if all U.S. generals did resign. This is treasonous - whether it legally qualifies as treason or not.

they'll all resign after they put in their 20, until then they like playing war, it's what they do. Idiot politicians like playing idiot politicians, it's what THEY do.
Generals are not going to resign over the fact that they don't like their CIC....Mature people understand that you have to deal with every situation with the best resources and tactics available..Did the generals resign when US troops were put into Iraq with deficient materials and weapons unsuited to the strategies and weapons of the opposition they encountered?
Luckily for us our generals understand what patriotism really means. This representative is nothing more than the slimy underbelly of the wingnut fringe.

Amen to that. I'm sure many NaziCons would love for that to happen - regardless of the consequences to the American people. This little cartoon sort of sums it up:

Generals/Admirals can and should resign their commission if they don't agree with the plan/orders given by the idiot POTUS.

This should be especially true of the 4-star Generals and Admirals that are the CJCS, CDR USCENTCOM, etc if they oppose the plan in Syria and Iraq.
SOMETHING WE WILL NEVER SEE FROM THE OBOMANTION.....although it would be interesting to see if THAT MOVE, or THREAT of that move, would make the SUPPOSED MODERATES take on the RADICALS, or would they simply JOIN the radicals.......

I fear we simple would see exactly what Ma'd Ma'n predicts.....
"A lot of us are talking to the generals behind the scenes, saying, 'Hey, if you disagree with the policy that the White House has given you, let's have a resignation,'" Lamborn said Tuesday, adding that if generals resigned en masse in protest of President Barack Obama's Middle East policy, they would "go out in a blaze of glory."

Is Colorado really that batshit crazy? Just imagine if all U.S. generals did resign. This is treasonous - whether it legally qualifies as treason or not.
so one guy opens his mouth and all of Colorado must agree with him?.... have you been talking to Dean again?...
"A lot of us are talking to the generals behind the scenes, saying, 'Hey, if you disagree with the policy that the White House has given you, let's have a resignation,'" Lamborn said Tuesday, adding that if generals resigned en masse in protest of President Barack Obama's Middle East policy, they would "go out in a blaze of glory."

Is Colorado really that batshit crazy? Just imagine if all U.S. generals did resign. This is treasonous - whether it legally qualifies as treason or not.
Yes, sounds treasonous to me. The Far Right has lost it.
"A lot of us are talking to the generals behind the scenes, saying, 'Hey, if you disagree with the policy that the White House has given you, let's have a resignation,'" Lamborn said Tuesday, adding that if generals resigned en masse in protest of President Barack Obama's Middle East policy, they would "go out in a blaze of glory."

Is Colorado really that batshit crazy? Just imagine if all U.S. generals did resign. This is treasonous - whether it legally qualifies as treason or not.
so one guy opens his mouth and all of Colorado must agree with him?.... have you been talking to Dean again?...

Then maybe Colorado should dump his treasonous ass.
Uh....if you are going to talk about treason......Obama and Holder are the guilty ones.
The larger issue here is that Liberals don't line the Military. The Military is more Conservative vs. Liberals. The Military is all about personal accountability and being Liberal is all about holding other people personally accountable. Hence, few, if any, Liberals exist in the Military.

Why do you think Democrats were so adamant on disenfranchising Florida Military member votes who voted absentee due their service overseas? Democrats and Liberals will tell you it was because they were committed to the Law (technicality on how ballots were received). However, Democrats knew damn well that if the Florida election came down to the troops' vote, it would be no contest. Why? Because troops don't support Liberals.
Why didn't the NaziCon Congressman ask the troops to resign?
See what kind of ideas you get from a state where pot is legal before some here get to high and might over his comments keep in mind you have an administration that apparently seeks the advice and opinions of Al Sharpton.
Wow! Democraps confusing treason with freedom of speech. Just wow!
as a Rep he probably should have maybe said things differently Kidd.....just sayin....but thats what happens when the bottom of the barrel guys get in....
Dear God, will these crazy Republicans EVER STOP trying to hurt our Nation, ever????? That's NOT ALL Republicans, but some of them are just despicable.

My father and husband served under both Republican Presidents and Democratic Presidents and never, ever, would they dream of doing what this treasonous Representative is calling for....

sheesh, talk about killing our Nation from's spelled R-E-P-U-B-L-I-C-A-N, as in that jerk off in the op....imo.
See what you get when a black president is elected?

"A lot of us are talking to the generals behind the scenes, saying, 'Hey, if you disagree with the policy that the White House has given you, let's have a resignation,'" Lamborn said Tuesday, adding that if generals resigned en masse in protest of President Barack Obama's Middle East policy, they would "go out in a blaze of glory."

Is Colorado really that batshit crazy? Just imagine if all U.S. generals did resign. This is treasonous - whether it legally qualifies as treason or not.
so one guy opens his mouth and all of Colorado must agree with him?.... have you been talking to Dean again?...

Then maybe Colorado should dump his treasonous ass.
well are you going to give them a chance too?...or should they have done it 5 minutes after he said it?...use your fucking head dont have to act the way Dean tells you to your own man.........
The larger issue here is that Liberals don't line the Military. The Military is more Conservative vs. Liberals. The Military is all about personal accountability and being Liberal is all about holding other people personally accountable. Hence, few, if any, Liberals exist in the Military.

Why do you think Democrats were so adamant on disenfranchising Florida Military member votes who voted absentee due their service overseas? Democrats and Liberals will tell you it was because they were committed to the Law (technicality on how ballots were received). However, Democrats knew damn well that if the Florida election came down to the troops' vote, it would be no contest. Why? Because troops don't support Liberals.
Just typical bull crud propaganda by the Right that you my dear are regurgitating.

My father, a liberal Military man, Lifer, volunteered for his Viet nam tour, receiver of the Bronze 'Star' among many other medals, thanks you for your regurgitation of lies...about him, a Liberal.

Put it where the sun don't shine, left of left.

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