Republican 'creeping authoritarianism' exposed

Are you saying companies are not allowed to set their own terms of employment? You know the question but refuse to answer. I wonder why?
I said companies are allowed to set terms of employment. Certain jobs require drug testing, understandable. However, I don't agree that an employer should tell employees that to either get the flu shot or be fired. Is that clear enough?
Again, 95% of the population weren't forced into ANYTHING. People having co- morbities, elderly etc is all the MORE reason to encourage them to get the vaccine. See the difference here versus the right's hysteria over the vaccine?

if Trump did a PSA encouraging citizens to get the "jab" his cult would have been lined up for blocks to get it. He refused because there was no money in it for him.
TRUMP! rushed the vaccine to market to get it out there as fast as possible. Did you forget that, or didn't your favorite hate site tell you? The government fed the hysteria that got people cancelled if they didn't need the vaccine and didn't get it. Again, COVID killed very few young, healthy people, so there was no real need for them to be vaccinated, especially as they would catch it, be sick for a little, then gain natural immunity. Those with co-morbidities did well to get even the small help that the vaccine provided, but as usual, the government and the left doesn't like individual autonomy or decision-making, so tried to enforce a one-size-fits-all on everyone.
Are you saying companies are not allowed to set their own terms of employment? You know the question but refuse to answer. I wonder why?

Do you understand that there are legal limits on that?

An employer cannot tell me what religion to practice, what opinions to hold or express, or dictate many other things about my personal life outside of my job.

There are, in fact, laws at both the federal level, and at the state level in most states, that specifically protect a worker's rights regarding medical privacy, and control over his medical care, and which protect us from being discriminated against on the basis of medical matters. Actual laws, passed by Congress and signed into law by Presidents; passed by state legislatures and signed into law by governors. How absurd and corrupt it is to support the premise that a governor, a President, or a bureaucratic organization can presume to override any such law, and violate the rights which these laws were enacted to establish and protect.

On that basis, the mandate to force employees to accept this dangerous experimental drug as a condition of keeping their jobs is flat-out illegal; as much so as it would be for an employer to dictate what religion an employee may practice.
How do you reconcile, get a vaccine or lose your job?
That would be authoritarian in the minds of the sane.
You? Probably not so much. :eusa_whistle:

Orwell called it Doublethink.

This thread started out as a false accusation that Republicans support authoritarianism, and quickly mutated into a thread where Democraps are openly defending authoritarianism on their own side, while still clinging to the lie that it is Republicans who are overly authoritarian.
Are you saying companies are not allowed to set their own terms of employment? You know the question but refuse to answer. I wonder why?
Are you saying that the government had no involvement with pushing companies to comply?


Biden did try and push his authoritarian rule, and did get shot down by the SC.
How do you reconcile, get a vaccine or lose your job?
That would be authoritarian in the minds of the sane.
You? Probably not so much. :eusa_whistle:

I took a job for 3 weeks. One worker left for that time period because she kept getting Covid 19. Meanwhile, I am 72 and cannot afford to be around anyone that carries Covid. We were transporting cars with up to 6 people for hours. I was the only one that was vaccinated. MAGAts can't be worked with. And due to the number of time and the association, they really should have been vaccinated. So at least twice I road next to a Covid Carrier.
Not voting for a bill that removes the rights of any group is not voting for. I liked you people better when you were lying about little donnie and his big lie.

Not voting to reinstate rights taken by another………

Fixed it for ya
I took a job for 3 weeks. One worker left for that time period because she kept getting Covid 19. Meanwhile, I am 72 and cannot afford to be around anyone that carries Covid. We were transporting cars with up to 6 people for hours. I was the only one that was vaccinated. MAGAts can't be worked with. And due to the number of time and the association, they really should have been vaccinated. So at least twice I road next to a Covid Carrier.

Be a coward. We don’t care. Or stay home and not force your cowardice on others.

Next excuse.

This is an imperfect vaccine. It likely gave you a false sense of security.
I took a job for 3 weeks. One worker left for that time period because she kept getting Covid 19. Meanwhile, I am 72 and cannot afford to be around anyone that carries Covid. We were transporting cars with up to 6 people for hours. I was the only one that was vaccinated. MAGAts can't be worked with. And due to the number of time and the association, they really should have been vaccinated. So at least twice I road next to a Covid Carrier.
But, the vaccine didn't keep a person from getting it, or spreading it, Vrenn....from what we know now.
I'm glad I didn't have to work during that time, and I too am 72. Too old to be around it at all.
Be a coward. We don’t care. Or stay home and not force your cowardice on others.

Next excuse.

This is an imperfect vaccine. It likely gave you a false sense of security.

I experienced real life experience and pointed out the dangers. And THEY needed the job, I didn't so I left. When you find a job short 3 drivers (out of 9) then there must be something not quite right.
Not forced. Did anyone try to hold them down to get vaccinated? When did you start believing that employers are not allowed to set their own terms of employment?
Didn’t say forced in the post. It is authoritarian, the thread is about the Republicans being authoritative, they are no different than the Democrats as pointed out. Laws against freedom of choice. Disney was wronged by Republicans, those against taking a vaccine were wronged by the Democrats, laws against transvestites Is wronged by Republicans, IRS holding up 501C‘s was wrong by Democrats, all unnecessary by an authoritative overreach, it is all wrong. Both sides do it all voters should call them out on it. Wrong is wrong, politics don’t matter.
But, the vaccine didn't keep a person from getting it, or spreading it, Vrenn....from what we know now.
I'm glad I didn't have to work during that time, and I too am 72. Too old to be around it at all.

The entire crew refused to take the Vaccine. Before I hired on, there were 3 driver opening out of 9 drivers. I left and it went right back to 3 drivers plus whomever was going to be out with covid that week. Jobs where your workers are in such close quarters, the Vaccine is a very good idea. If they had lost the whole crew over covid refusal, I know of a whole bunch of Veterans that would be happy to take the job who are vaccinated and current.
I am 72 and cannot afford to be around anyone that carries Covid.
…I too am 72. Too old to be around it at all.

I'm 60, and diabetic. At at the time that the #CoronaHoax2020 was at its peak, I was suffering from the aftermath of a broken leg, which included a greatly-weakened immune system.

I never believed any of the lies, and I never allowed myself to be scared or intimidated by this absurd hoax; and I certainly would never have thought of demanding that others give up any of their essential rights, or especially to subject themselves to dangerous medical experiments, under the fraudulent guise of protecting me from this hyperbolized cold/flu.

If I was stupid enough to believe all the lies, hyperbole, and fearmongering, then it would be my responsibility to cower in fear at home, and risk the dangerous experimental mRNA drugs; not to demand that those who are not so stupid must do so.
I took a job for 3 weeks. One worker left for that time period because she kept getting Covid 19. Meanwhile, I am 72 and cannot afford to be around anyone that carries Covid. We were transporting cars with up to 6 people for hours. I was the only one that was vaccinated. MAGAts can't be worked with. And due to the number of time and the association, they really should have been vaccinated. So at least twice I road next to a Covid Carrier.
Vaccinated or unvaccinated can spread Covid. I had Covid once before there was a vaccine and twice after I got the vaccine, the Vaccine also screwed up my immune system and my doctor told me no boosters.
Didn’t say forced in the post. It is authoritarian, the thread is about the Republicans being authoritative, they are no different than the Democrats as pointed out. Laws against freedom of choice. Disney was wronged by Republicans, those against taking a vaccine were wronged by the Democrats, laws against transvestites Is wronged by Republicans, IRS holding up 501C‘s was wrong by Democrats, all unnecessary by an authoritative overreach, it is all wrong. Both sides do it all voters should call them out on it. Wrong is wrong, politics don’t matter.

Exactly who was forced to take the vax? And how do you blame Dims? Is every CEO and all board members Dims?
Quite the stretch there.
Murder is a legal term and is the unlawful killing of another. I'd abortions are legal then they are not unlawful and thus by definition, can't be murder.

Why would I start my win thread? I'm not stupid and ignorant enough to create a thread maligning an entire party because churches groom children.

That said, since you seem to have never addressed it, the only logical conclusion is you don't care about the kids but just use it as a political tool. Pretty obvious actually.

Glossing over churches again huh?
All I see is failure at reading comprehension & another red herring attempt.

I already said an unjust "law" is not really a law & doesn't negate the fact that it is murder to kill an innocent human being despite your strong emotions on the illegality/immorality of infanticide.
]You want to call it something else, knock yourself out but I'll always call it murder because that's what it is.

Why don't you go through every post I've made before you make assumptions not based in fact.
I have condemned church abuses so I guess the only logical conclusion is you are either ignorant or a liar.
Pretty obvious actually.

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