Republican 'creeping authoritarianism' exposed

The real evidence of authoritarianism is coming from the right.

Republicans are not passing bills to better people’s lives, they are focused on abortion and transgender issues, book banning, anti-woke crap (whatever that is, and they can't even define it) all this 'agenda' stuff and it isn't about improving our lives or making it better, nothing about the economy or inflation, or infrastructure, we Democrats are the ones for those issues, Republicans are focused on just a few things, it seems, stuff they fear. They are driven by fear issues, it seems.

The authoritarian right continues its agenda intended to establish and maintain the tyranny of Republican minority rule.

Translation: "I'm scared to talk about my obsession with Trump's ass, or the actual subject of the thread, so I must throw out some bullshit to distract everybody".

Translation: "I'm a retard too scared to talk about a vaccine that's proven to save lives so I spew empty headed trash talk being that I'm a confirmed halfwit and all".
So in your now new belief companies are NOT allowed to set their own terms of employment. Cool then exactly who should?
I never said companies can't set terms of employment. I said companies shouldn't be permitted to fire employees who refuse to get a flu shot. Two different things.
If you're going to go down that road, you're not worth arguing with. Tell me if you can see the difference here:

1. Polio primarily attacked people under 5 years of age, and the vaccination was highly effective against people getting sick.
2. COVID primarily killed people who were elderly or who had co-morbidities such as diabetes, were grossly overweight, or had cardiovascular diseases and the vaccine not only didn't prevent people from getting the disease, but MAYBE made it less severe.

Please, take you time and think over it carefully. I'm sure you can do it. Don't let me down, but be careful, you already have a big strike against you.

The government allowed and encouraged the hysteria surrounding COVID and vaccination. There was little reason for society to freak out and try to cancel people for not getting vaccinated if they were otherwise healthy. The government fed that hysteria.
Again, 95% of the population weren't forced into ANYTHING. People having co- morbities, elderly etc is all the MORE reason to encourage them to get the vaccine. See the difference here versus the right's hysteria over the vaccine?

if Trump did a PSA encouraging citizens to get the "jab" his cult would have been lined up for blocks to get it. He refused because there was no money in it for him.
Translation: "I'm a retard too scared to talk about a vaccine that's proven to save lives so I spew empty headed trash talk being that I'm a confirmed halfwit and all".

I'm alive.

Your big mean so-called "virus" didn't get me.

All of the members of my family, none of whom took your "life saving vaccine" are all still alive.

All of the people I've met in the new town where I moved to escape the vax tyranny of Washington State a year and a half ago have said no to the so-called "vaccine", and they are all alive and kicking.


By your hyperbolic screed, we're all goners. Or should be.

What happened?

PS -- Please remember to get this weeks "booster". We wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you.

Don't let us down.


I'm alive.

Your big mean so-called "virus" didn't get me.

All of the members of my family, none of whom took your "life saving vaccine" are all still alive.

All of the people I've met in the new town where I moved to escape the vax tyranny of Washington State a year and a half ago have said no to the so-called "vaccine", and they are all alive and kicking.


By your hyperbolic screed, we're all goners. Or should be.

What happened?

PS -- Please remember to get this weeks "booster". We wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you.

Don't let us down.

You moved to another town simply to escape "vax tyranny"?

Your first mistake was getting off your meds.
I did get the vaccine because I am 74 with heart disease, diabetic, no spleen and one kidney. If I was in my previous state of health when I was younger I wouldn't have got it.
In the video below (transcript provided) TV Host Alex Wagner points to a lot of bills being passed by Republican legislatures across America, which, in my view, is conclusive evidence of the premise she is forwarding, the notion of Republican 'creeping authoritarianism'. I think this is interesting because there isn't hardly a day that passes where I read some post about someone on the right accusing Democrats of authoritarianism (mandates is their evidence, which isn't really authoritarianism, because a mandate gives a choice, and it's not a law) yet their evidence is scant. The real evidence of authoritarianism is coming from the right.

Republicans are not passing bills to better people’s lives, they are focused on abortion and transgender issues, book banning, anti-woke crap (whatever that is, and they can't even define it) all this 'agenda' stuff and it isn't about improving our lives or making it better, nothing about the economy or inflation, or infrastructure, we Democrats are the ones for those issues, Republicans are focused on just a few things, it seems, stuff they fear. They are driven by fear issues, it seems.

This is a transcript (It's not perfect, I pulled it off of YouTube transcript function) of about 4 minutes or so of the pertinent part of the video (below) I want to direct your attention to:

Now, I will admit I am sympathetic to the view about transfemales competing in women's sports, but I don't think it should be matter for Congress, it should be a matter for Sports Officials to work out for themselves, remember, the issue is authoritarianism.

And this is precisely the accusation Republican's levy at Democrats, yet they are the ones who are doing it via actual laws, and not just mandates.

I never said companies can't set terms of employment. I said companies shouldn't be permitted to fire employees who refuse to get a flu shot. Two different things.

And you never answered the question so I have to assume that you believe they cannot. So who should then?

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