Republican Debate 1/14/16

I don't give a damn unless the best candidate drops out. Hopefully the polls are wrong and people vote for the best person. God only knows.
Holy shit. Chris Matthews just made a really, really solid point:

How can Cruz be a natural born citizen of the United States when he is already a natural born citizen of Canada?

You can't be natural born in two countries.
Why isn't there a thread on this?

Cruz does well with the birfer issue.

Checked out of the debate to go give more money to Rand Paul and Carly Fiorina. Not a person on that stage who doesn't want to start WW3.. Also -- not a one of them understands the danger of siccing the NSA on the American people. Or even making rash statements that piss off our allies..

Jeb even said he wanted to end the measly token "sequester" so the military wouldn't starve. What an empty toolkit that Bush is..
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This was the best debate so far- by a mile. Substantive and entertaining.

The way I see it, there were 3 tiers in this debate (and in the race for the GOP nomination)

Tier 1
Trump won another debate. He's cool calm and energetic. Nobody can touch this guy! He has the best shot at winning the nomination. PERIOD.
Cruz was in second. He eviscerated the NYTimes and held up fairly well to Trump. He has a clear path to the nomination if he starts strong

Tier 2
Fat boy Christie was a distant third- he's too much of an authoritarian for me.....and he's way to fat.... But..... if he can win NH he has a path to the nomination
La Raza Rubio fourth- AFAIC his flip flop on immigration ended his Presidential ambitions...but people have short memories. He has a very slim chance.

Tier 3
Rino Kasich fifth - he is a nice man, but every time he talks I have to break out my drool cup....he has no possible way of winning.
Jebba the Bush sixth- what a wimp...he has no possible way of winning.
Doc Carson a distant seventh....why is he there? He has no path to the nomination, none!
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I think Trump is having a hard time keeping the hair together, day after day. He's not used to having to appear in public multiple times a day, practically every day.

Folks, this is a great example of a shill.
"Why isn't there a thread on this?"

Likely because it doesn't warrant one.

This isn't a 'debate' – it's a charade of personal attacks, partisan rightwing lies, and ridiculous conservative dogma devoid of substance and merit.

Republicans have nothing of consequence or value to offer the American people, and these 'debates' illustrate that.
This was the best debate so far- by a mile. Substantive and entertaining.

The way I see it, there were 3 tiers in this debate

Tier 1
Trump won another debate. He's cool calm and energetic. Nobody can touch this guy! He has the best shot at winning the nomination. PERIOD.
Cruz was in second. He eviscerated the NYTimes and held up fairly well to Trump. He has a clear path to the nomination if he starts strong

Tier 2
Fat boy Christie was a distant third- he's too much of an authoritarian for me.....and he's way to fat.... But..... if he can win NH he has a path to the nomination
La Raza Rubio fourth- AFAIC his flip flop on immigration ended his Presidential ambitions...but people have short memories. He has a very slim chance.

Tier 3
Rino Kasich fifth - he is a nice man, but every time he talks I have to break out my drool cup....he has no possible way of winning.
Jebba the Bush sixth- what a wimp...he has no possible way of winning.
Doc Carson a distant seventh....why is he there? He has no path to the nomination, none!

Rand Paul won again, and he wasn't even there... candidates showed they were scurd of him in both the kiddy table and the other kiddy table.
Damn, I'm not even voting for him in the primary, but he sure is causing the powers that be to be nervous.

Kiddie table:
I am absolutely opposed to psychology, it is not a science, it is whackadoodle bullshit...
Still, Carly is one crazy loser.

Why isn't Santorum on the main stage?

Other kiddie table:
Trump, of the people present, may have legitimately won his first debate. Don't know how to measure it, since the guy who wasn't even there caused so much fear.

Sleepy Ben at least acknowledges he is sleepy.
Nighty night Carson... don't let the malpractice suits bite.

Kasich? who the hell is that guy?

Yeb! should be on a suicide watch

Cruz/Rubio... who cares

Christie? Get a warrant you fat F*@%
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I think Trump is having a hard time keeping the hair together, day after day. He's not used to having to appear in public multiple times a day, practically every day.

Folks, this is a great example of a shill.
Why is that? It didn't look so good tonight. He has a team working on it to make it do that unnatural sweep. You don't think he just combs it in the morning and that's it, do you?
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I don't trust Rubio.
Why did Rubio miss so many votes the past 3 years?
Rubio will give amnesty to 12 million illegal aliens and make it easier for foreigners to apply for jobs in America.
And here's an example of the lies common to most on the right.

Immigration reform is not 'amnesty,' those undocumented are subject to punitive measures as a consequence of entering the country absent authorization, sustaining a penalty other than deportation.

If one wishes to be critical of Rubio, criticize him for being a coward and abandoning his correct position on immigration reform.
I think Trump is having a hard time keeping the hair together, day after day. He's not used to having to appear in public multiple times a day, practically every day.

Folks, this is a great example of a shill.
Why is that? It didn't look so good tonight. He has a team working on it to make it do that unnatural sweep. You don't think he just cobs it in the morning and that's it, do you?

Poor shill. Maybe McDonalds may be a better career choice for you? You are not doing good tonight.
I think Trump is having a hard time keeping the hair together, day after day. He's not used to having to appear in public multiple times a day, practically every day.

Folks, this is a great example of a shill.
Why is that? It didn't look so good tonight. He has a team working on it to make it do that unnatural sweep. You don't think he just cobs it in the morning and that's it, do you?

Poor shill. Maybe McDonalds may be a better career choice for you? You are not doing good tonight.

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