Republican Debate 1/14/16

I don't trust Rubio.
My wife says the same thing...calls him slimey.
Chris Matthews points out that everything from Rubio seems well-rehearsed and not spontaneous at all. He gave some examples. He's right. He's just not the exceptional person for the job by any stretch.

He does sound very scripted. But it could just be over-preparation. I say I'd be happy any of those three... Cruz, Trump, or Rubio. Then my wife says, Rubio is slimey. Hard not to trust her intuition.
I don't trust Rubio.
My wife says the same thing...calls him slimey.
Chris Matthews points out that everything from Rubio seems well-rehearsed and not spontaneous at all. He gave some examples. He's right. He's just not the exceptional person for the job by any stretch.

He does sound very scripted. But it could just be over-preparation. I say I'd be happy any of those three... Cruz, Trump, or Rubio. Then my wife says, Rubio is slimey. Hard not to trust her intuition.

Slimey?? Dont insult slime by comparing it to rubio.
Holy shit. Chris Matthews just made a really, really solid point:

How can Cruz be a natural born citizen of the United States when he is already a natural born citizen of Canada?

You can't be natural born in two countries.
I suppose it depends on the definition of natural born....duh.
My reaction to last night's GOP debate

(I did not watch the first one)

Gov Kasich – he may be an excellent governor with a good record but there is just something about the man that grates on me. I cannot see him sitting in the Oval Office and overcoming the bog of The District

Jeb – I just think that Americans are not ready for another Bush.

Gov Christie – I think he's been unfairly maligned and he did manage to get out some of his record the public generally doesn't know. I think he did well.

Dr. Carson – I personally really admire and like the guy. But, I just cannot see him in the Oval Office doing what we expect a president to do. Would be an awesome Surgeon General or Secretary of Health and Human Services

Senator Rubio – who said something about The Debating Society? That's my feeling – perfect in the Senate but I can see him as Pres or Veep.

Senator Cruz – I strongly supported him until last night. He had a strong presentation but, when it came to the “birther” thing, I saw a flash of pettiness that bothered me. Trump suggested he get a “declatory judgement” about his citizenship and he acted like a little child being adminished.

The Donald – it was like watching the chairman of the board of a giant corporation. He let the others do the bickering and whatever, answering questions directly in his usual manner, and saying exactly what his followers want of him. “Of course I'm mad!” was the cry of those who will actually get up, go out, and vote for him.

Who won? Cruz did pretty good. Christie impresses me. I really like Carson. Trump will be the nominee.

Summary – every single one of them is far better than our current POTUS and a thousand time better than either Shrillary or Bernie.
I don't trust Rubio.
My wife says the same thing...calls him slimey.
Chris Matthews points out that everything from Rubio seems well-rehearsed and not spontaneous at all. He gave some examples. He's right. He's just not the exceptional person for the job by any stretch.

He does sound very scripted. But it could just be over-preparation. I say I'd be happy any of those three... Cruz, Trump, or Rubio. Then my wife says, Rubio is slimey. Hard not to trust her intuition.
She's sizing him up from a completely different, just as valid, angle. She may pick up his extreme ambition, which translates in many telling ways that you feel more than you cognitively recognize.

^^^ how's that for some pointy-headed ivy tower bullshit?

Which begs another question: does Ted Cruz secretly look down at Rubio? After all, at Harvard and Princeton he was said to refuse to study with students from lesser Ivy League schools. His wife was a Goldman Sachs bigshot. He clerked for those "5 unelected lawyers", living in D.C. He argued before them, convincingly. He worked for Bush in D.C. In any way you measure it Ted Cruz is an elite member of the insider class. And then next thing you know he's in a duck blind with the Fake Cajuns and cooking bacon on the end of a gun. He's a totally contrived, calculated person playing people for suckers. He will try to be whatever he needs to be.
I don't trust Rubio.
My wife says the same thing...calls him slimey.
Chris Matthews points out that everything from Rubio seems well-rehearsed and not spontaneous at all. He gave some examples. He's right. He's just not the exceptional person for the job by any stretch.

He does sound very scripted. But it could just be over-preparation. I say I'd be happy any of those three... Cruz, Trump, or Rubio. Then my wife says, Rubio is slimey. Hard not to trust her intuition.
She's sizing him up from a completely different, just as valid, angle. She may pick up his extreme ambition, which translates in many telling ways that you feel more than you cognitively recognize.

^^^ how's that for some pointy-headed ivy tower bullshit?

Which begs another question: does Ted Cruz secretly look down at Rubio? After all, at Harvard and Princeton he was said to refuse to study with students from lesser Ivy League schools. His wife was a Goldman Sachs bigshot. He clerked for those "5 unelected lawyers", living in D.C. He argued before them, convincingly. He worked for Bush in D.C. In any way you measure it Ted Cruz is an elite member of the insider class. And then next thing you know he's in a duck blind with the Fake Cajuns and cooking bacon on the end of a gun. He's a totally contrived, calculated person playing people for suckers. He will try to be whatever he needs to be.
He also has utter contempt for the Constitution and it's case law, the rule of law, and the fundamental tenets of our Constitutional Republic.

This ridiculous, wrongheaded tripe he advocates is but one of many examples:

Constitutional Remedies to a Lawless Supreme Court, by Ted Cruz, National Review
Holy shit. Chris Matthews just made a really, really solid point:

How can Cruz be a natural born citizen of the United States when he is already a natural born citizen of Canada?

You can't be natural born in two countries.
I suppose it depends on the definition of natural born....duh.
You can't be naturally born to two different mothers.
Before watching he debate, I never gave much serious consideration that the government might take away all guns. However, someone brought up that there are Supreme Court Justices currently that would vote to do just that and all Progs need to do is appoint a few more stooges and it will be a done deal.
I don't trust Rubio.
My wife says the same thing...calls him slimey.
Chris Matthews points out that everything from Rubio seems well-rehearsed and not spontaneous at all. He gave some examples. He's right. He's just not the exceptional person for the job by any stretch.

He does sound very scripted. But it could just be over-preparation. I say I'd be happy any of those three... Cruz, Trump, or Rubio. Then my wife says, Rubio is slimey. Hard not to trust her intuition.
She's sizing him up from a completely different, just as valid, angle. She may pick up his extreme ambition, which translates in many telling ways that you feel more than you cognitively recognize.

^^^ how's that for some pointy-headed ivy tower bullshit?

Which begs another question: does Ted Cruz secretly look down at Rubio? After all, at Harvard and Princeton he was said to refuse to study with students from lesser Ivy League schools. His wife was a Goldman Sachs bigshot. He clerked for those "5 unelected lawyers", living in D.C. He argued before them, convincingly. He worked for Bush in D.C. In any way you measure it Ted Cruz is an elite member of the insider class. And then next thing you know he's in a duck blind with the Fake Cajuns and cooking bacon on the end of a gun. He's a totally contrived, calculated person playing people for suckers. He will try to be whatever he needs to be.
He also has utter contempt for the Constitution and it's case law, the rule of law, and the fundamental tenets of our Constitutional Republic.

This ridiculous, wrongheaded tripe he advocates is but one of many examples:

Constitutional Remedies to a Lawless Supreme Court, by Ted Cruz, National Review

In other words, he is qualified for the job?
Gov Christie – I think he's been unfairly maligned and he did manage to get out some of his record the public generally doesn't know. I think he did well.
He doesn't have the temperament to lead a nation of 325 million.

And what kind of temperament do you need ?

Be able to lie and keep a straight face. (Obama)

Stand in front of the country, knowing you are an idiot, and try not to act like one (Bush)

I'd be curious.
Gov Christie – I think he's been unfairly maligned and he did manage to get out some of his record the public generally doesn't know. I think he did well.
He doesn't have the temperament to lead a nation of 325 million.

And what kind of temperament do you need ?

Be able to lie and keep a straight face. (Obama)

Stand in front of the country, knowing you are an idiot, and try not to act like one (Bush)

I'd be curious.
You need restraint. Flying off the handle when someone says something you don't like or agree with is a bad thing.
Gov Christie – I think he's been unfairly maligned and he did manage to get out some of his record the public generally doesn't know. I think he did well.
He doesn't have the temperament to lead a nation of 325 million.

And what kind of temperament do you need ?

Be able to lie and keep a straight face. (Obama)

Stand in front of the country, knowing you are an idiot, and try not to act like one (Bush)

I'd be curious.
You need restraint. Flying off the handle when someone says something you don't like or agree with is a bad thing.

I asked a question.

I'd really like to know what kind of temperament qualifies.

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