Republican Dog and Pony show live on your TV

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
Listen actively, and put your biases aside. Just be careful and don't bend over for the biggest screwing We the People will have ever experienced, and how the corporate globalists and power elite will receive the largest fiscal benefit in our nation's history.

Remember, the R's promise this reform will put $1,100 dollars in your pocket - Wow - but neglect to explain you costs will go up when the Mortgage Deduction, the taxes you paid for state and local and special districts are eliminated forever. Listen carefully if what you think this is too good to be true, your are correct. Ryan is currently lying to you.

But worry not, Ryan is telling you what you want to hear, so believe him if you want, Just remember, don't bend over.
Listen actively, and put your biases aside. Just be careful and don't bend over for the biggest screwing We the People will have ever experienced, and how the corporate globalists and power elite will receive the largest fiscal benefit in our nation's history.

Remember, the R's promise this reform will put $1,100 dollars in your pocket - Wow - but neglect to explain you costs will go up when the Mortgage Deduction, the taxes you paid for state and local and special districts are eliminated forever. Listen carefully if what you think this is too good to be true, your are correct. Ryan is currently lying to you.

But worry not, Ryan is telling you what you want to hear, so believe him if you want, Just remember, don't bend over.

Judging by the title of the thread, you are asking people to do something you yourself are unable to do.

And the rest of your post goes down from there.
Listen actively, and put your biases aside. Just be careful and don't bend over for the biggest screwing We the People will have ever experienced, and how the corporate globalists and power elite will receive the largest fiscal benefit in our nation's history.

Remember, the R's promise this reform will put $1,100 dollars in your pocket - Wow - but neglect to explain you costs will go up when the Mortgage Deduction, the taxes you paid for state and local and special districts are eliminated forever. Listen carefully if what you think this is too good to be true, your are correct. Ryan is currently lying to you.

But worry not, Ryan is telling you what you want to hear, so believe him if you want, Just remember, don't bend over.

Conservatives sold their souls to Trump and Russia in order to get their budget-busting, deficit-financed, tax cutting schemes put into law. Conservatives do not care about this country.
Capped and trimmed, not "eliminated forever" improve the honesty of your posts. Yes tax and spend blue states will suffer, as they should.

So taxes for most middle class workers will go up because of the capping of these deductions. BTW - it's those blue states that make it possible for the red states to use welfare to pay for artificially low rates. Without the welfare block grant, provided by revenue from maker states, Conservatives would have to raise taxes in red states because the welfare they used to pay for the tax cuts goes away. Then there's absolutely no reason at all for anyone to live in those states.
Capped and trimmed, not "eliminated forever" improve the honesty of your posts. Yes tax and spend blue states will suffer, as they should.

That's basically it right there. These same states who have defied federal laws regarding Sanctuary Cities and who have heavily funded the anti-Trump, Anti-Americanism we have seen over the last year now have to fund it with a little less of a break from the feds on their mortgages.

I have a great respect for the innovations that have come out of California. It's unfortunate that the state has been pushing a progressive, high taxed mandate when so many citizens and businesses would thrive with a "citizens first" mentality.

I notice the same states who have such great push for Federal healthcare and other big government operations, are not even close to balancing their budgets or even propose their own state run healthcare as it would bankrupt them overnight. They are treating their taxpaying citizens like one big trough to exploit and its not fair. Any place on the planet would love to have the innovative brainpower that California and Silicon Valley has produced, but the state is doing a poor job of seeing the long term consequences of such high taxes and instrusive government.
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Capped and trimmed, not "eliminated forever" improve the honesty of your posts. Yes tax and spend blue states will suffer, as they should.

So taxes for most middle class workers will go up because of the capping of these deductions. BTW - it's those blue states that make it possible for the red states to use welfare to pay for artificially low rates. Without the welfare block grant, provided by revenue from maker states, Conservatives would have to raise taxes in red states because the welfare they used to pay for the tax cuts goes away. Then there's absolutely no reason at all for anyone to live in those states.

Pull the liberal talking points IV from your arm and join us in the real world. Blue states are corrupt, that's why taxes are sky high in those states. So clean up your mess in blue states or suffer its up to you.
Capped and trimmed, not "eliminated forever" improve the honesty of your posts. Yes tax and spend blue states will suffer, as they should.

That's basically it right there. These same states who have defied federal laws regarding Sanctuary Cities and who have heavily funded the anti-Trump, Anti-Americanism we have seen over the last year now have to fund it with a little less of a break from the feds on their mortgages.

I have a great respect for the innovations that have come out of California. It's unfortunate that the state has been pushing a progressive, high taxed mandate when so many citizens and businesses would thrive with a "citizens first" mentality.

I notice the same states who have such great push for Federal healthcare and other big government operations, are not even close to balancing their budgets, not treating their taxpaying citizens like one big trough to exploit.

That's right, blue states have been vamp sucking their citizens dry while piling up huge amounts of debt and pension obligations they can't pay. Naturally they would like stick other states with their bills by converting this stuff to federal programs. California tried to talk Obama into bailing out their $330 billion dollar state employee pension fund shortfall. When that didn't happen they just kept on spending, thinking sooner or later they will be too big to fail and the Federal government will have to bail them out, e.g. force all the other states to pay California's bills.
Don't follow my advice, bend over, but don't forget you've been warned. This tax bill remakes our nation into a Plutocracy, a goal of the GOP for decades. The American Dream is dead and the haters have won.

Yes Virginia, Denial can be a fatal disease.
Don't follow my advice, bend over, but don't forget you've been warned. This tax bill remakes our nation into a Plutocracy, a goal of the GOP for decades. The American Dream is dead and the haters have won.

Yes Virginia, Denial can be a fatal disease.

"In 1936 Senator Berzelius "Buzz" Windrip, a charismatic and power-hungry politician, wins the electionas President of the United States on a populist platform, promising to restore the country to prosperity and greatness, and promising each citizen $5,000 a year. Portraying himself as a champion of traditional American values, Windrip easily defeats his opponents, Senator Walt Trowbridge and President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Though having previously foreshadowed some authoritarian measures in order to reorganize the United States government, Windrip rapidly outlaws dissent, incarcerates political enemies in concentration camps, and trains and arms a paramilitary force called the Minute Men, who terrorize citizens and enforce the policies of Windrip and his "corporatist" regime."

From the plot summary in Wikipedia linked to here:

It Can't Happen Here - Wikipedia

For the curious and those who appreciate thought provoking literature, It can't happen here is worth reading. The full summary of the plot in the link above may even cause some of those above to take this thread seriously.
"In 1936 Senator Berzelius "Buzz" Windrip, a charismatic and power-hungry politician, wins the electionas President of the United States on a populist platform, promising to restore the country to prosperity and greatness, and promising each citizen $5,000 a year. Portraying himself as a champion of traditional American values, Windrip easily defeats his opponents, Senator Walt Trowbridge and President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Though having previously foreshadowed some authoritarian measures in order to reorganize the United States government, Windrip rapidly outlaws dissent, incarcerates political enemies in concentration camps, and trains and arms a paramilitary force called the Minute Men, who terrorize citizens and enforce the policies of Windrip and his "corporatist" regime."

From the plot summary in Wikipedia linked to here:

It Can't Happen Here - Wikipedia

For the curious and those who appreciate thought provoking literature, It can't happen here is worth reading. The full summary of the plot in the link above may even cause some of those above to take this thread seriously.

Capped and trimmed, not "eliminated forever" improve the honesty of your posts. Yes tax and spend blue states will suffer, as they should.

True, capped and trimmed - BFD: A distinction without a difference.

Why should a blue state suffer?


The Blue states already pay more in than they receive back even with the State tax deduction. The Republicans want the Blue states to be double taxed on the same money to help pay for tax cuts on the wealthy and corps.
Capped and trimmed, not "eliminated forever" improve the honesty of your posts. Yes tax and spend blue states will suffer, as they should.

True, capped and trimmed - BFD: A distinction without a difference.

Why should a blue state suffer?


The Blue states already pay more in than they receive back even with the State tax deduction. The Republicans want the Blue states to be double taxed on the same money to help pay for tax cuts on the wealthy and corps.

What is the exact breakdown? How much of that spending is due to so much federal land in those "Red" States?

What about military spending, or ACE spending?

Or maybe the blue states can learn to live within their means without the bloated government structures they have to feed.

I come from a "blue state". and what I hope is my rates go down, and combined with the larger standard deduction I come out ahead.

The only people really impacted at really rich blue Staters, and aren't they the ones who always say they are willing to pay more?
Listen actively, and put your biases aside. Just be careful and don't bend over for the biggest screwing We the People will have ever experienced, and how the corporate globalists and power elite will receive the largest fiscal benefit in our nation's history.

Remember, the R's promise this reform will put $1,100 dollars in your pocket - Wow - but neglect to explain you costs will go up when the Mortgage Deduction, the taxes you paid for state and local and special districts are eliminated forever. Listen carefully if what you think this is too good to be true, your are correct. Ryan is currently lying to you.

But worry not, Ryan is telling you what you want to hear, so believe him if you want, Just remember, don't bend over.
I was thinking the same think with these clowns and their manipulating circus.

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app
Capped and trimmed, not "eliminated forever" improve the honesty of your posts. Yes tax and spend blue states will suffer, as they should.

That's basically it right there. These same states who have defied federal laws regarding Sanctuary Cities and who have heavily funded the anti-Trump, Anti-Americanism we have seen over the last year now have to fund it with a little less of a break from the feds on their mortgages.

I have a great respect for the innovations that have come out of California. It's unfortunate that the state has been pushing a progressive, high taxed mandate when so many citizens and businesses would thrive with a "citizens first" mentality.

I notice the same states who have such great push for Federal healthcare and other big government operations, are not even close to balancing their budgets or even propose their own state run healthcare as it would bankrupt them overnight. They are treating their taxpaying citizens like one big trough to exploit and its not fair. Any place on the planet would love to have the innovative brainpower that California and Silicon Valley has produced, but the state is doing a poor job of seeing the long term consequences of such high taxes and instrusive government.
That's basically it right there. These same states who have defied federal laws regarding Sanctuary Cities and who have heavily funded the anti-Trump, Anti-Americanism we have seen over the last year now have to fund it with a little less of a break from the feds on their mortgages.

So now you believe that the IRS should be weaponized against political opponents?

Capped and trimmed, not "eliminated forever" improve the honesty of your posts. Yes tax and spend blue states will suffer, as they should.

So taxes for most middle class workers will go up because of the capping of these deductions. BTW - it's those blue states that make it possible for the red states to use welfare to pay for artificially low rates. Without the welfare block grant, provided by revenue from maker states, Conservatives would have to raise taxes in red states because the welfare they used to pay for the tax cuts goes away. Then there's absolutely no reason at all for anyone to live in those states.

Pull the liberal talking points IV from your arm and join us in the real world. Blue states are corrupt, that's why taxes are sky high in those states. So clean up your mess in blue states or suffer its up to you.

fuck em i say

they have it coming
Capped and trimmed, not "eliminated forever" improve the honesty of your posts. Yes tax and spend blue states will suffer, as they should.

True, capped and trimmed - BFD: A distinction without a difference.

Why should a blue state suffer?


The Blue states already pay more in than they receive back even with the State tax deduction. The Republicans want the Blue states to be double taxed on the same money to help pay for tax cuts on the wealthy and corps.

What is the exact breakdown? How much of that spending is due to so much federal land in those "Red" States?

What about military spending, or ACE spending?

Or maybe the blue states can learn to live within their means without the bloated government structures they have to feed.

I come from a "blue state". and what I hope is my rates go down, and combined with the larger standard deduction I come out ahead.

The only people really impacted at really rich blue Staters, and aren't they the ones who always say they are willing to pay more?
What is the exact breakdown? How much of that spending is due to so much federal land in those "Red" States?

Please note where NY and CA rank.


Or maybe the blue states can learn to live within their means without the bloated government structures they have to feed

You mean to say the responsible states who tax accordingly to support their own programs rather than relying on federal aid.

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