Republican Farmers Whine, Trump Took Our “Wetbacks”, Waa, Waa, Waa

Narrative: Americans won't do the jobs illegals do.

Reality: Americans are in training to be lazy and supported by welfare.

These greedy welfare queens have a great gig going.

All they have to do is get off their fat welfare asses every election and go vote for the filthy Democrats and the checks and benefits keep coming in. Beats the hell out of having to pick lettuce, doesn't it?
Republicans have this fantasy that most poor people look like this.


When they actually look more like this:

The Republican rank-and-file are funny. They consistently vote against their own interests and then complain about the results

So they are exactly like Democrats. Nothing new to see here.
No, they aren't exactly the same. Democrats don't want Republicans to ruin their lives. Unlike the GOP base.

You want to control and ruin everybody lives, tard. Your idea of equality isn't to lift people up; it's to drag everyone else down to a lower standard.
Narrative: Americans won't do the jobs illegals do.

Reality: Americans are in training to be lazy and supported by welfare.

These greedy welfare queens have a great gig going.

All they have to do is get off their fat welfare asses every election and go vote for the filthy Democrats and the checks and benefits keep coming in. Beats the hell out of having to pick lettuce, doesn't it?
Republicans have this fantasy that most poor people look like this.


When they actually look more like this:


You can bet your bottom dollar that those Negroes in the top picture vote Democrat in order to keep the welfare checks coming.

Nobody in those pictures would need welfare if Liberals weren't elected that screw up the economy with failed Liberal economic policies.
Most farms using illegals are owned by big corporations. Republican farmers use migrant workers not illegals. There is a difference. One is legal and seasonal, the other is collecting welfare while working illegally to the benefit of big business and the illegal and the detriment of the small farmer.

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