Republican Farmers Whine, Trump Took Our “Wetbacks”, Waa, Waa, Waa

What we should do is make the welfare queens do the work that the wetbacks did. You know, earn their freebies.

Fewer wetbacks means more jobs for Americans that are on the Democrat welfare rolls.

Great idea to have welfare queen pick produce but corporate fat cats wouldn't be able to do the work.

If you meant the nations poor, most of them already work, some at two jobs. Others, like our veterans, are two handicapped to do that work. Others are too old or too young.

We already do have American migrant workers and Trump's bringing in more educated foreigners will add more.

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There are a lot of fat ass third generation welfare queens that it wouldn't hurt a damn bit for them to have to earn the money the filthy ass governments gives them for free now. Those welfare queens are the core constituency of the filthy Democrat Party.

The "corporate Fat Cats" are the ones that contributed the most to Obama and Crooked Hillary so if I were you I would think before spouting the normal mindless Moon Bat hate.
Wow, you're just firing ignorance on all cylinders, aren't you?

Sad you can't post anything verifying your bizarre claims. Not even from Fox.

And you can backup you're bizarre claims about Republican farmers?

"your", btw

And you are right....those farmers in the heartland and central California are really all Democrats.....that's why America's farmland areas predominantly voted for H. Clinton.
What we should do is make the welfare queens do the work that the wetbacks did. You know, earn their freebies.

Fewer wetbacks means more jobs for Americans that are on the Democrat welfare rolls.

Yup, just round them up, put them on buses, drive them out to farm country and put 'em to work.

Yet another in a long list of stupid conservatard ideas.

Much better idea than the stupid ass Libtard plan of letting them sit on their fat ass every day while receiving a nice government check each month. A check that is funded by Americans that actually have to get up and go to work each day.
The Republican rank-and-file are funny. They consistently vote against their own interests and then complain about the results. They never blame those they elected, but put the fault on liberals, the poor, and all the other scapegoats conservative pundits accuse.

The vast majority of farmers are conservatives and vote Republican religiously. Historically, Republican policies have hurt farmers far, far more than helped. Still, farmers refuse to consider the devastating past experiences caused them by the GOP’s exclusive service to the billionaires.

The 2016 election is no different. The Big Orange Idiot launched his campaign in June 2015, and for those fifteen months, he promised his fans he would deport as many undocumented Hispanic workers as possible. Calling them thieves, murderers, rapists, etc.

Didn’t the farmers pay attention? Were the too busy talking about rain and seeds? Did they think Big Orange was targeting “wetbacks” only to exploit the conservatives’ well known racism?

What ever the farmers believed, it hardly justifies their weeping and wailing about crops dying in the field because Big Orange deported their “wetbacks”. The farmers have no one to blame, but themselves, for too few farm laborers, dead crops, lost profits, or any of their other complaints that come from the deportations of the cheap workers they’ve depended on for decades.

The farmers asked for everything they’ve gotten, and it’s very funny to watch then cry about it now. Just like it’s funny to watch conservative b!tch about being unable to find jobs. Their intense hatred of education and refusal to update their skills makes them unemployable. What limited skills they do have are obsolete, and the many jobs opened up due to the deportations haven’t helped the unemployable find work.

However, for all the conservatives’ whining and placing blame everywhere except where it belongs, food prices are going up. And, as usual, conservatives will blame the wrong people for the increased costs.

Crops rot as border crackdown creates farmworker shortage


View attachment 143071

Very much so.

I bet you nearly go into seizures at the prospect of buying Republican corn or beans.
What we should do is make the welfare queens do the work that the wetbacks did. You know, earn their freebies.

Fewer wetbacks means more jobs for Americans that are on the Democrat welfare rolls.

Yup, just round them up, put them on buses, drive them out to farm country and put 'em to work.

Yet another in a long list of stupid conservatard ideas.

Much better idea than the stupid ass Libtard plan of letting them sit on their fat ass every day while receiving a nice government check each month. A check that is funded by Americans that actually have to get up and go to work each day.
<<<<happy to be getting a job in the fields

<<<<<looking forward to picking your crops.
The Republican rank-and-file are funny. They consistently vote against their own interests and then complain about the results. They never blame those they elected, but put the fault on liberals, the poor, and all the other scapegoats conservative pundits accuse.

The vast majority of farmers are conservatives and vote Republican religiously. Historically, Republican policies have hurt farmers far, far more than helped. Still, farmers refuse to consider the devastating past experiences caused them by the GOP’s exclusive service to the billionaires.

The 2016 election is no different. The Big Orange Idiot launched his campaign in June 2015, and for those fifteen months, he promised his fans he would deport as many undocumented Hispanic workers as possible. Calling them thieves, murderers, rapists, etc.

Didn’t the farmers pay attention? Were the too busy talking about rain and seeds? Did they think Big Orange was targeting “wetbacks” only to exploit the conservatives’ well known racism?

What ever the farmers believed, it hardly justifies their weeping and wailing about crops dying in the field because Big Orange deported their “wetbacks”. The farmers have no one to blame, but themselves, for too few farm laborers, dead crops, lost profits, or any of their other complaints that come from the deportations of the cheap workers they’ve depended on for decades.

The farmers asked for everything they’ve gotten, and it’s very funny to watch then cry about it now. Just like it’s funny to watch conservative b!tch about being unable to find jobs. Their intense hatred of education and refusal to update their skills makes them unemployable. What limited skills they do have are obsolete, and the many jobs opened up due to the deportations haven’t helped the unemployable find work.

However, for all the conservatives’ whining and placing blame everywhere except where it belongs, food prices are going up. And, as usual, conservatives will blame the wrong people for the increased costs.

Crops rot as border crackdown creates farmworker shortage


View attachment 143071

Very much so.

I bet you nearly go into seizures at the prospect of buying Republican corn or beans.
We'll have to wash them carefully before hand......e coli and all.
What we should do is make the welfare queens do the work that the wetbacks did. You know, earn their freebies.

Fewer wetbacks means more jobs for Americans that are on the Democrat welfare rolls.

Yup, just round them up, put them on buses, drive them out to farm country and put 'em to work.

Yet another in a long list of stupid conservatard ideas.

Much better idea than the stupid ass Libtard plan of letting them sit on their fat ass every day while receiving a nice government check each month. A check that is funded by Americans that actually have to get up and go to work each day.

You can whine and cry all you want, but that idiotic wet dream of yours is never gonna happen.
What we should do is make the welfare queens do the work that the wetbacks did. You know, earn their freebies.

Fewer wetbacks means more jobs for Americans that are on the Democrat welfare rolls.

Yup, just round them up, put them on buses, drive them out to farm country and put 'em to work.

Yet another in a long list of stupid conservatard ideas.

Much better idea than the stupid ass Libtard plan of letting them sit on their fat ass every day while receiving a nice government check each month. A check that is funded by Americans that actually have to get up and go to work each day.

You can whine and cry all you want, but that idiotic wet dream of yours is never gonna happen.

...and you can spout your stupid Left Wing bullshit all day long to justify the government thievery.

The best way not to be poor so you have to get somebody else to pay your bills is to not vote for stupid Libtard politicians that initiate failed Left economic policies like giving everybody and their little brown dog money for doing nothing..
The Republican rank-and-file are funny. They consistently vote against their own interests and then complain about the results. They never blame those they elected, but put the fault on liberals, the poor, and all the other scapegoats conservative pundits accuse.

The vast majority of farmers are conservatives and vote Republican religiously. Historically, Republican policies have hurt farmers far, far more than helped. Still, farmers refuse to consider the devastating past experiences caused them by the GOP’s exclusive service to the billionaires.

The 2016 election is no different. The Big Orange Idiot launched his campaign in June 2015, and for those fifteen months, he promised his fans he would deport as many undocumented Hispanic workers as possible. Calling them thieves, murderers, rapists, etc.

Didn’t the farmers pay attention? Were the too busy talking about rain and seeds? Did they think Big Orange was targeting “wetbacks” only to exploit the conservatives’ well known racism?

What ever the farmers believed, it hardly justifies their weeping and wailing about crops dying in the field because Big Orange deported their “wetbacks”. The farmers have no one to blame, but themselves, for too few farm laborers, dead crops, lost profits, or any of their other complaints that come from the deportations of the cheap workers they’ve depended on for decades.

The farmers asked for everything they’ve gotten, and it’s very funny to watch then cry about it now. Just like it’s funny to watch conservative b!tch about being unable to find jobs. Their intense hatred of education and refusal to update their skills makes them unemployable. What limited skills they do have are obsolete, and the many jobs opened up due to the deportations haven’t helped the unemployable find work.

However, for all the conservatives’ whining and placing blame everywhere except where it belongs, food prices are going up. And, as usual, conservatives will blame the wrong people for the increased costs.

Crops rot as border crackdown creates farmworker shortage


View attachment 143071

Very much so.

Farmers have begun to raise wages in order to maintain a work force. And you think this is a bad thing?

When those workers can no longer afford the produce they pick? Yes.
You clearly have no idea how the economy works. The cost of produce represented by the labor to pick it out of the field is about 3%.

You clearly have no idea how the economy works.

You're the one who praised the possibility of higher wages for farm workers. Obviously that would raise the cost of the product, dope.
The Republican rank-and-file are funny. They consistently vote against their own interests and then complain about the results. They never blame those they elected, but put the fault on liberals, the poor, and all the other scapegoats conservative pundits accuse.

The vast majority of farmers are conservatives and vote Republican religiously. Historically, Republican policies have hurt farmers far, far more than helped. Still, farmers refuse to consider the devastating past experiences caused them by the GOP’s exclusive service to the billionaires.

The 2016 election is no different. The Big Orange Idiot launched his campaign in June 2015, and for those fifteen months, he promised his fans he would deport as many undocumented Hispanic workers as possible. Calling them thieves, murderers, rapists, etc.

Didn’t the farmers pay attention? Were the too busy talking about rain and seeds? Did they think Big Orange was targeting “wetbacks” only to exploit the conservatives’ well known racism?

What ever the farmers believed, it hardly justifies their weeping and wailing about crops dying in the field because Big Orange deported their “wetbacks”. The farmers have no one to blame, but themselves, for too few farm laborers, dead crops, lost profits, or any of their other complaints that come from the deportations of the cheap workers they’ve depended on for decades.

The farmers asked for everything they’ve gotten, and it’s very funny to watch then cry about it now. Just like it’s funny to watch conservative b!tch about being unable to find jobs. Their intense hatred of education and refusal to update their skills makes them unemployable. What limited skills they do have are obsolete, and the many jobs opened up due to the deportations haven’t helped the unemployable find work.

However, for all the conservatives’ whining and placing blame everywhere except where it belongs, food prices are going up. And, as usual, conservatives will blame the wrong people for the increased costs.

Crops rot as border crackdown creates farmworker shortage


View attachment 143071

Very much so.


And this is starting to snowball. In CA the shortage of workers is getting acute, farmers are actually plowing under some crop because it can't be picked.

And now all the derps who don't understand economics or labor, get ready for food prices to sky rocket. Cause ---> Effect. A concept that is missing from all the fake economic models that cons worship.
Last year, driving thru the Central Valley, seeing all the big posters for's too funny now!

I agree, the pain is just starting to set in with the farmers in the San Joaquin Valley but it's going to get brutal. They thought the drought was tough. Get ready cons your self made catastrophe is coming.

These conservative derps will whine and gnash their teeth about 'illegals' and jobs but none of them are signing up to pick lettuce to replace the 'illegals' displaced. They're all on this boat in the middle of a lake without any water and they're all thirsty, "we demand someone help us get water". Enter Trump. "I will deliver so much water you will get tired of drinking water trust me!""Here, take this drill and drill a yuge hole in the bottom of the boat" "Ok Donald we're with you 100%" Drill, drill, drill. Water shoots up through the bottom of the boat! "Thank you Donald you've saved us...wait a minute".

Conservatives only know what FOX News tells them. They are suckers who believe themselves to be experts on everything. They cannot debate intelligently, their disdain for education allows them only the talking points they hear from FOX, Limbaugh, and other sources of conservative misinformation. They have nothing to offer to a rational conversation.

The Republican rank-and-file are funny. They consistently vote against their own interests and then complain about the results. They never blame those they elected, but put the fault on liberals, the poor, and all the other scapegoats conservative pundits accuse.

The vast majority of farmers are conservatives and vote Republican religiously. Historically, Republican policies have hurt farmers far, far more than helped. Still, farmers refuse to consider the devastating past experiences caused them by the GOP’s exclusive service to the billionaires.

The 2016 election is no different. The Big Orange Idiot launched his campaign in June 2015, and for those fifteen months, he promised his fans he would deport as many undocumented Hispanic workers as possible. Calling them thieves, murderers, rapists, etc.

Didn’t the farmers pay attention? Were the too busy talking about rain and seeds? Did they think Big Orange was targeting “wetbacks” only to exploit the conservatives’ well known racism?

What ever the farmers believed, it hardly justifies their weeping and wailing about crops dying in the field because Big Orange deported their “wetbacks”. The farmers have no one to blame, but themselves, for too few farm laborers, dead crops, lost profits, or any of their other complaints that come from the deportations of the cheap workers they’ve depended on for decades.

The farmers asked for everything they’ve gotten, and it’s very funny to watch then cry about it now. Just like it’s funny to watch conservative b!tch about being unable to find jobs. Their intense hatred of education and refusal to update their skills makes them unemployable. What limited skills they do have are obsolete, and the many jobs opened up due to the deportations haven’t helped the unemployable find work.

However, for all the conservatives’ whining and placing blame everywhere except where it belongs, food prices are going up. And, as usual, conservatives will blame the wrong people for the increased costs.

Crops rot as border crackdown creates farmworker shortage


View attachment 143071

Very much so.

Farmers have begun to raise wages in order to maintain a work force. And you think this is a bad thing?

When those workers can no longer afford the produce they pick? Yes.
You clearly have no idea how the economy works. The cost of produce represented by the labor to pick it out of the field is about 3%.

You clearly have no idea how the economy works.

You're the one who praised the possibility of higher wages for farm workers. Obviously that would raise the cost of the product, dope.
For a head of lettuce, about a nickel. Here, ignoramus, read and learn:

According to an analysis at Progressive Dairy, out of the 3.40 a consumer pays for a gallon of milk at the supermarket, 1.53 goes to the farmer. In terms of hundredweight, the numbers are 39.40 cwt and 17.85 cwt.

According to a survey of dairy farms in the Northeast, the labor costs of running a dairy farm in terms of cost/hundredweight were [also] about 3.40 (with variations by herd size, etc).

Various sources put the hourly wage for illegals on dairy farms between 10.00 and 14.00 dollars per hour. Let's assume a dairy farmer hires only illegals and he pays them 12.00 per hour. Then they are all deported. In order to attract quality legal workers to take their places, lets say he needs to pay 24.00 per hour and that the full amount of that cost is passed directly to the consumer.

Since 24.00 is twice 12.00, we can multiply the labor share of a dairy farm's expenses per hundredweight by 2 which equals 6.80 and then add the increase into the farmer's share of the consumer's dollar / hundredweight, or 17.85 + 3.40 = 21.25.

A gallon of milk weighs about 8.6 pounds which means there are about 11.63 gal of milk in a hundredweight. So we take the 3.40 new labor costs and divide between the 11.63, which is a .29 per gallon increase.

So, the next time you bought a gallon of milk it would be 3.69, up from 3.40--a very far cry from "nearly doubling".

The article was a press release from the "National Milk Producers Federation", which is located in the heart of dairy country, Arlington, VA. It is an example of what I was talking about in my much longer answer, where I attempted to flesh out the social and economic benefits that would accrue and to throw a light on how the politics of this plays out in the world.
The Republican rank-and-file are funny. They consistently vote against their own interests and then complain about the results. They never blame those they elected, but put the fault on liberals, the poor, and all the other scapegoats conservative pundits accuse.

The vast majority of farmers are conservatives and vote Republican religiously. Historically, Republican policies have hurt farmers far, far more than helped. Still, farmers refuse to consider the devastating past experiences caused them by the GOP’s exclusive service to the billionaires.

The 2016 election is no different. The Big Orange Idiot launched his campaign in June 2015, and for those fifteen months, he promised his fans he would deport as many undocumented Hispanic workers as possible. Calling them thieves, murderers, rapists, etc.

Didn’t the farmers pay attention? Were the too busy talking about rain and seeds? Did they think Big Orange was targeting “wetbacks” only to exploit the conservatives’ well known racism?

What ever the farmers believed, it hardly justifies their weeping and wailing about crops dying in the field because Big Orange deported their “wetbacks”. The farmers have no one to blame, but themselves, for too few farm laborers, dead crops, lost profits, or any of their other complaints that come from the deportations of the cheap workers they’ve depended on for decades.

The farmers asked for everything they’ve gotten, and it’s very funny to watch then cry about it now. Just like it’s funny to watch conservative b!tch about being unable to find jobs. Their intense hatred of education and refusal to update their skills makes them unemployable. What limited skills they do have are obsolete, and the many jobs opened up due to the deportations haven’t helped the unemployable find work.

However, for all the conservatives’ whining and placing blame everywhere except where it belongs, food prices are going up. And, as usual, conservatives will blame the wrong people for the increased costs.

Crops rot as border crackdown creates farmworker shortage


View attachment 143071

Very much so.

I miss my Mexican labor too. )-:
Narrative: Americans won't do the jobs illegals do.

Reality: Americans are in training to be lazy and supported by welfare.

These greedy welfare queens have a great gig going.

All they have to do is get off their fat welfare asses every election and go vote for the filthy Democrats and the checks and benefits keep coming in. Beats the hell out of having to pick lettuce, doesn't it?

Conservatives only know what FOX News tells them. They are suckers who believe themselves to be experts on everything. They cannot debate intelligently, their disdain for education allows them only the talking points they hear from FOX, Limbaugh, and other sources of conservative misinformation. They have nothing to offer to a rational conversation.


Moon Bats only know what Rachael Maddow and the Libtards at CNN and MSNBC tells them.

They think we have prosperity by taking money from the people that earn it and giving it to the welfare queens. How stupid is that?

They also think this country will become more prosperous with a bunch of illiterate Mexicans flooding across the border and signing up for food stamps, free medical and flooding the schools with little shitheads that hardly speak English.
The Republican rank-and-file are funny. They consistently vote against their own interests and then complain about the results. They never blame those they elected, but put the fault on liberals, the poor, and all the other scapegoats conservative pundits accuse.

The vast majority of farmers are conservatives and vote Republican religiously. Historically, Republican policies have hurt farmers far, far more than helped. Still, farmers refuse to consider the devastating past experiences caused them by the GOP’s exclusive service to the billionaires.

The 2016 election is no different. The Big Orange Idiot launched his campaign in June 2015, and for those fifteen months, he promised his fans he would deport as many undocumented Hispanic workers as possible. Calling them thieves, murderers, rapists, etc.

Didn’t the farmers pay attention? Were the too busy talking about rain and seeds? Did they think Big Orange was targeting “wetbacks” only to exploit the conservatives’ well known racism?

What ever the farmers believed, it hardly justifies their weeping and wailing about crops dying in the field because Big Orange deported their “wetbacks”. The farmers have no one to blame, but themselves, for too few farm laborers, dead crops, lost profits, or any of their other complaints that come from the deportations of the cheap workers they’ve depended on for decades.

The farmers asked for everything they’ve gotten, and it’s very funny to watch then cry about it now. Just like it’s funny to watch conservative b!tch about being unable to find jobs. Their intense hatred of education and refusal to update their skills makes them unemployable. What limited skills they do have are obsolete, and the many jobs opened up due to the deportations haven’t helped the unemployable find work.

However, for all the conservatives’ whining and placing blame everywhere except where it belongs, food prices are going up. And, as usual, conservatives will blame the wrong people for the increased costs.

Crops rot as border crackdown creates farmworker shortage


View attachment 143071

Very much so.

/---/ I'd love that. Low taxes, privitaze social security, no more obozocare, national right to carry, no more taxes to support low life's.... when can I sign up?

You called them wetbacks. We didn't.

Your hatred of these "wetbacks" is displayed in clear self projection. Is that all they are to you?

But just remember, you no longer get to criticize us about tolerance anymore. You should have chosen a different term to describe people of Hispanic origin.
/----/ Google Operation Wetback
What we should do is make the welfare queens do the work that the wetbacks did. You know, earn their freebies.

Fewer wetbacks means more jobs for Americans that are on the Democrat welfare rolls.

Yup, just round them up, put them on buses, drive them out to farm country and put 'em to work.

Yet another in a long list of stupid conservatard ideas.

Much better idea than the stupid ass Libtard plan of letting them sit on their fat ass every day while receiving a nice government check each month. A check that is funded by Americans that actually have to get up and go to work each day.
View attachment 143136 <<<<happy to be getting a job in the fields

View attachment 143137<<<<<looking forward to picking your crops.
Oh man, that's hilarious!

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