Republican Farmers Whine, Trump Took Our “Wetbacks”, Waa, Waa, Waa

The Republican rank-and-file are funny. They consistently vote against their own interests and then complain about the results. They never blame those they elected, but put the fault on liberals, the poor, and all the other scapegoats conservative pundits accuse.

The vast majority of farmers are conservatives and vote Republican religiously. Historically, Republican policies have hurt farmers far, far more than helped. Still, farmers refuse to consider the devastating past experiences caused them by the GOP’s exclusive service to the billionaires.

The 2016 election is no different. The Big Orange Idiot launched his campaign in June 2015, and for those fifteen months, he promised his fans he would deport as many undocumented Hispanic workers as possible. Calling them thieves, murderers, rapists, etc.

Didn’t the farmers pay attention? Were the too busy talking about rain and seeds? Did they think Big Orange was targeting “wetbacks” only to exploit the conservatives’ well known racism?

What ever the farmers believed, it hardly justifies their weeping and wailing about crops dying in the field because Big Orange deported their “wetbacks”. The farmers have no one to blame, but themselves, for too few farm laborers, dead crops, lost profits, or any of their other complaints that come from the deportations of the cheap workers they’ve depended on for decades.

The farmers asked for everything they’ve gotten, and it’s very funny to watch then cry about it now. Just like it’s funny to watch conservative b!tch about being unable to find jobs. Their intense hatred of education and refusal to update their skills makes them unemployable. What limited skills they do have are obsolete, and the many jobs opened up due to the deportations haven’t helped the unemployable find work.

However, for all the conservatives’ whining and placing blame everywhere except where it belongs, food prices are going up. And, as usual, conservatives will blame the wrong people for the increased costs.

Crops rot as border crackdown creates farmworker shortage


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Very much so.


Yes this is going on everywhere. In Alabama, they kicked out all undocumented workers and it wasn't long before they were begging them to come back.

You're right farmers (rural people) will always vote REPUBLICAN--but they NEVER consider the consequences.--(they're simply one way--County road voters.)
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences
Dairy Farmers Fear Loss Of Labor Under Trump Immigration Actions
Maine farmers worry about workers' future under Trump immigration policy - Portland Press Herald
Trump's Immigration Crackdown Triggers Anxiety Across U.S. Farms

The rest of the right wing won't notice it until they go to the grocery store--:badgrin:

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The only food that increases in price is a product that has strong demand but low supply.....Right now with the cheese glut you'd think the market would reduce cheese prices but they are not and farmers are pouring out milk....As far as the illegals doing agribusiness work, yeah those damn liberal republicans that run a business sure know how to get Trump elected..
The Republican rank-and-file are funny. They consistently vote against their own interests and then complain about the results. They never blame those they elected, but put the fault on liberals, the poor, and all the other scapegoats conservative pundits accuse.

The vast majority of farmers are conservatives and vote Republican religiously. Historically, Republican policies have hurt farmers far, far more than helped. Still, farmers refuse to consider the devastating past experiences caused them by the GOP’s exclusive service to the billionaires.

The 2016 election is no different. The Big Orange Idiot launched his campaign in June 2015, and for those fifteen months, he promised his fans he would deport as many undocumented Hispanic workers as possible. Calling them thieves, murderers, rapists, etc.

Didn’t the farmers pay attention? Were the too busy talking about rain and seeds? Did they think Big Orange was targeting “wetbacks” only to exploit the conservatives’ well known racism?

What ever the farmers believed, it hardly justifies their weeping and wailing about crops dying in the field because Big Orange deported their “wetbacks”. The farmers have no one to blame, but themselves, for too few farm laborers, dead crops, lost profits, or any of their other complaints that come from the deportations of the cheap workers they’ve depended on for decades.

The farmers asked for everything they’ve gotten, and it’s very funny to watch then cry about it now. Just like it’s funny to watch conservative b!tch about being unable to find jobs. Their intense hatred of education and refusal to update their skills makes them unemployable. What limited skills they do have are obsolete, and the many jobs opened up due to the deportations haven’t helped the unemployable find work.

However, for all the conservatives’ whining and placing blame everywhere except where it belongs, food prices are going up. And, as usual, conservatives will blame the wrong people for the increased costs.

Crops rot as border crackdown creates farmworker shortage


View attachment 143071

Very much so.


And this is starting to snowball. In CA the shortage of workers is getting acute, farmers are actually plowing under some crop because it can't be picked.

And now all the derps who don't understand economics or labor, get ready for food prices to sky rocket. Cause ---> Effect. A concept that is missing from all the fake economic models that cons worship.
That's bullshit. They come up with the same "the crops are rotting in the fields" stories every year.

Since it has become very difficult to find labor, yes.

And it will get worse and prices will go up.

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I raised my labor prices by 25%, plan on doing another first of next year..
The Republican rank-and-file are funny. They consistently vote against their own interests and then complain about the results. They never blame those they elected, but put the fault on liberals, the poor, and all the other scapegoats conservative pundits accuse.

The vast majority of farmers are conservatives and vote Republican religiously. Historically, Republican policies have hurt farmers far, far more than helped. Still, farmers refuse to consider the devastating past experiences caused them by the GOP’s exclusive service to the billionaires.

The 2016 election is no different. The Big Orange Idiot launched his campaign in June 2015, and for those fifteen months, he promised his fans he would deport as many undocumented Hispanic workers as possible. Calling them thieves, murderers, rapists, etc.

Didn’t the farmers pay attention? Were the too busy talking about rain and seeds? Did they think Big Orange was targeting “wetbacks” only to exploit the conservatives’ well known racism?

What ever the farmers believed, it hardly justifies their weeping and wailing about crops dying in the field because Big Orange deported their “wetbacks”. The farmers have no one to blame, but themselves, for too few farm laborers, dead crops, lost profits, or any of their other complaints that come from the deportations of the cheap workers they’ve depended on for decades.

The farmers asked for everything they’ve gotten, and it’s very funny to watch then cry about it now. Just like it’s funny to watch conservative b!tch about being unable to find jobs. Their intense hatred of education and refusal to update their skills makes them unemployable. What limited skills they do have are obsolete, and the many jobs opened up due to the deportations haven’t helped the unemployable find work.

However, for all the conservatives’ whining and placing blame everywhere except where it belongs, food prices are going up. And, as usual, conservatives will blame the wrong people for the increased costs.

Crops rot as border crackdown creates farmworker shortage


View attachment 143071

Very much so.


Things can only get worse, as the Orange idiot trashes their health-care, and provokes the Fat Fool to attack us....

Furthermore, I find it sad and curious that liberals aren't encouraging American citizens to do farm work either.

I'll have to think about that one...

Not at all. I absolutely encourage you to finally get a job. Farm work sounds perfect for you.

What we should do is make the welfare queens do the work that the wetbacks did. You know, earn their freebies.

Fewer wetbacks means more jobs for Americans that are on the Democrat welfare rolls.

The tomato harvest is coming up. You'd better get in line quick before all those jobs are gone.:laugh2:



Minnesota DFL

really a bunch of communists

American workers aspire for more worthwhile employment than picking crops for low wage and no benefits.....rightfully so. Perhaps they could pay kids to work a few hours here or a few hours there and that could be their bandaid.

What we should do is make the welfare queens do the work that the wetbacks did. You know, earn their freebies.

Fewer wetbacks means more jobs for Americans that are on the Democrat welfare rolls.

Farmers are the biggest welfare queens out there!

The Republican rank-and-file are funny. They consistently vote against their own interests and then complain about the results. They never blame those they elected, but put the fault on liberals, the poor, and all the other scapegoats conservative pundits accuse.

The vast majority of farmers are conservatives and vote Republican religiously. Historically, Republican policies have hurt farmers far, far more than helped. Still, farmers refuse to consider the devastating past experiences caused them by the GOP’s exclusive service to the billionaires.

The 2016 election is no different. The Big Orange Idiot launched his campaign in June 2015, and for those fifteen months, he promised his fans he would deport as many undocumented Hispanic workers as possible. Calling them thieves, murderers, rapists, etc.

Didn’t the farmers pay attention? Were the too busy talking about rain and seeds? Did they think Big Orange was targeting “wetbacks” only to exploit the conservatives’ well known racism?

What ever the farmers believed, it hardly justifies their weeping and wailing about crops dying in the field because Big Orange deported their “wetbacks”. The farmers have no one to blame, but themselves, for too few farm laborers, dead crops, lost profits, or any of their other complaints that come from the deportations of the cheap workers they’ve depended on for decades.

The farmers asked for everything they’ve gotten, and it’s very funny to watch then cry about it now. Just like it’s funny to watch conservative b!tch about being unable to find jobs. Their intense hatred of education and refusal to update their skills makes them unemployable. What limited skills they do have are obsolete, and the many jobs opened up due to the deportations haven’t helped the unemployable find work.

However, for all the conservatives’ whining and placing blame everywhere except where it belongs, food prices are going up. And, as usual, conservatives will blame the wrong people for the increased costs.

Crops rot as border crackdown creates farmworker shortage


View attachment 143071

Very much so.


And this is starting to snowball. In CA the shortage of workers is getting acute, farmers are actually plowing under some crop because it can't be picked.

And now all the derps who don't understand economics or labor, get ready for food prices to sky rocket. Cause ---> Effect. A concept that is missing from all the fake economic models that cons worship.

Furthermore, I find it sad and curious that liberals aren't encouraging American citizens to do farm work either.

I'll have to think about that one...

Sad and curious that the right favors less education for Americans (and the president!) and bringing in highly educated foreigners for well paid jobs.

I HAVE thought about that one.

I think I accidentally posted this and clicked the "make invisible" button.
(or "people" have pretended not to see it.)
That's what I do when I read something to sensible. Well, sorry if it's a repost.
"Just want to make sure I understand your post clearly.
1). You're SURE farmers voted for Trump? Link?
2). You think it's CRAZY that American voters may have cast a "better for all" vote vs. a "self serving" vote?
3). You are all for American businesses importing illegal labor and leveraging againts their status to pay less?
How discretionary and arbitrary is this policy you love so much?
Can any American business having trouble with employee retention just simply import a few slaves?
Why pay beaners a minimum wage equivalent....shit, if we're gonna stoop low let's just run over to Africa and pluck us some Zulu's from the jungle...I'd bet we can get them to work brainless labor for room and board.
Your thoughts?
Actually the link says that some California farmers are having trouble hiring and some crops are left to rot in the fields. California didn't vote for Trump and despite the phony hysteria there doesn't seem to be a crisis. How well educated are lefties when they try to make an argument for open borders because a couple of California farmers can't get enough help? Are the kids in Ca. too freaking stoned to get a summer job?
The Republican rank-and-file are funny. They consistently vote against their own interests and then complain about the results. They never blame those they elected, but put the fault on liberals, the poor, and all the other scapegoats conservative pundits accuse.

The vast majority of farmers are conservatives and vote Republican religiously. Historically, Republican policies have hurt farmers far, far more than helped. Still, farmers refuse to consider the devastating past experiences caused them by the GOP’s exclusive service to the billionaires.

The 2016 election is no different. The Big Orange Idiot launched his campaign in June 2015, and for those fifteen months, he promised his fans he would deport as many undocumented Hispanic workers as possible. Calling them thieves, murderers, rapists, etc.

Didn’t the farmers pay attention? Were the too busy talking about rain and seeds? Did they think Big Orange was targeting “wetbacks” only to exploit the conservatives’ well known racism?

What ever the farmers believed, it hardly justifies their weeping and wailing about crops dying in the field because Big Orange deported their “wetbacks”. The farmers have no one to blame, but themselves, for too few farm laborers, dead crops, lost profits, or any of their other complaints that come from the deportations of the cheap workers they’ve depended on for decades.

The farmers asked for everything they’ve gotten, and it’s very funny to watch then cry about it now. Just like it’s funny to watch conservative b!tch about being unable to find jobs. Their intense hatred of education and refusal to update their skills makes them unemployable. What limited skills they do have are obsolete, and the many jobs opened up due to the deportations haven’t helped the unemployable find work.

However, for all the conservatives’ whining and placing blame everywhere except where it belongs, food prices are going up. And, as usual, conservatives will blame the wrong people for the increased costs.

Crops rot as border crackdown creates farmworker shortage


View attachment 143071

Very much so.


And this is starting to snowball. In CA the shortage of workers is getting acute, farmers are actually plowing under some crop because it can't be picked.

And now all the derps who don't understand economics or labor, get ready for food prices to sky rocket. Cause ---> Effect. A concept that is missing from all the fake economic models that cons worship.
That's bullshit. They come up with the same "the crops are rotting in the fields" stories every year.

Since it has become very difficult to find labor, yes.

And it will get worse and prices will go up.

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So are you saying we don't have enough Americans to run a country?
I'm trying to help. You still don't have a job and farmers need labor. Seemed like a win win.

No you're not. You're trying to rile me. Those days are long passed. If you have something relevant to the OP to discuss with me, please do it, otherwise I will have nothing further to say to you.

Your facetiousness is getting you nowhere.
Weren't you the one who actually started a thread a while back asking for help getting a job? And now you attack a person who presents a perfectly viable solution for you? As I remember, you did the same thing to all who presented you options in that thread of yours too.

See, this is what I find funny. You can't actually debate me on the topic, you have to use ad hominem. You don't have an argument.

My life has changed since then and all you can do is to presume to know anything about it.

On a side note, did you not know who I was when I was Etherion?
Not an I right? Aren't you the one who was actually asking for employment help here on the forum a while back? Yes or no?

And why am I the subject of your argument? Do you even have one?

Relax...she's simply encouraging an American citizen to take a farm job.
The Republican rank-and-file are funny. They consistently vote against their own interests and then complain about the results. They never blame those they elected, but put the fault on liberals, the poor, and all the other scapegoats conservative pundits accuse.

The vast majority of farmers are conservatives and vote Republican religiously. Historically, Republican policies have hurt farmers far, far more than helped. Still, farmers refuse to consider the devastating past experiences caused them by the GOP’s exclusive service to the billionaires.

The 2016 election is no different. The Big Orange Idiot launched his campaign in June 2015, and for those fifteen months, he promised his fans he would deport as many undocumented Hispanic workers as possible. Calling them thieves, murderers, rapists, etc.

Didn’t the farmers pay attention? Were the too busy talking about rain and seeds? Did they think Big Orange was targeting “wetbacks” only to exploit the conservatives’ well known racism?

What ever the farmers believed, it hardly justifies their weeping and wailing about crops dying in the field because Big Orange deported their “wetbacks”. The farmers have no one to blame, but themselves, for too few farm laborers, dead crops, lost profits, or any of their other complaints that come from the deportations of the cheap workers they’ve depended on for decades.

The farmers asked for everything they’ve gotten, and it’s very funny to watch then cry about it now. Just like it’s funny to watch conservative b!tch about being unable to find jobs. Their intense hatred of education and refusal to update their skills makes them unemployable. What limited skills they do have are obsolete, and the many jobs opened up due to the deportations haven’t helped the unemployable find work.

However, for all the conservatives’ whining and placing blame everywhere except where it belongs, food prices are going up. And, as usual, conservatives will blame the wrong people for the increased costs.

Crops rot as border crackdown creates farmworker shortage


View attachment 143071

Very much so.


And this is starting to snowball. In CA the shortage of workers is getting acute, farmers are actually plowing under some crop because it can't be picked.

And now all the derps who don't understand economics or labor, get ready for food prices to sky rocket. Cause ---> Effect. A concept that is missing from all the fake economic models that cons worship.
That's bullshit. They come up with the same "the crops are rotting in the fields" stories every year.

Since it has become very difficult to find labor, yes.

And it will get worse and prices will go up.

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So are you saying we don't have enough Americans to run a country?

I think what's being said here is:
"Myself and or my wife are here from Mexico...we've dropped six anchor babies in the laps of hard working Americans...we've been stealing from you suckers for years. I would hate to see this opportunity end for others like me."
It's amazing that the left complains about whining when they don't even realize they are still whining about the election. You almost gotta laugh that their latent bigotry surfaces when they use an insulting name for the people they allegedly want to protect. It seems that republican farmers are ten times smarter than elitist left wingers.They understand that open borders with it's potential for terrorism and drug running is bad for America and secure borders trump (pardon the pun) the plight of California farmers and their fat assed pot head kids who would rather play video games.
The only food that increases in price is a product that has strong demand but low supply.....Right now with the cheese glut you'd think the market would reduce cheese prices but they are not and farmers are pouring out milk....As far as the illegals doing agribusiness work, yeah those damn liberal republicans that run a business sure know how to get Trump elected..
Who even knows what you are talking about. Prices can only be decreased so far. Market forces, people not drinking as much milk to get the fat our of their diets and so one caused the glut.
And, when you look at today's dairy farms, what is it you don't see?


People, you don't see people. Because so much have been automated.


They even find the nipples and hook up. All by themselves. A single technician can handle a huge herd and the machines. All by himself.
The only food that increases in price is a product that has strong demand but low supply.....Right now with the cheese glut you'd think the market would reduce cheese prices but they are not and farmers are pouring out milk....As far as the illegals doing agribusiness work, yeah those damn liberal republicans that run a business sure know how to get Trump elected..
Who even knows what you are talking about. Prices can only be decreased so far. Market forces, people not drinking as much milk to get the fat our of their diets and so one caused the glut.
And, when you look at today's dairy farms, what is it you don't see?


People, you don't see people. Because so much have been automated.


They even find the nipples and hook up. All by themselves. A single technician can handle a huge herd and the machines. All by himself.
Yet not all diaries are that fully automated or as clean..
What we should do is make the welfare queens do the work that the wetbacks did. You know, earn their freebies.

Fewer wetbacks means more jobs for Americans that are on the Democrat welfare rolls.

Great idea to have welfare queen pick produce but corporate fat cats wouldn't be able to do the work.

If you meant the nations poor, most of them already work, some at two jobs. Others, like our veterans, are two handicapped to do that work. Others are too old or too young.

We already do have American migrant workers and Trump's bringing in more educated foreigners will add more.

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There are a lot of fat ass third generation welfare queens that it wouldn't hurt a damn bit for them to have to earn the money the filthy ass governments gives them for free now. Those welfare queens are the core constituency of the filthy Democrat Party.

The "corporate Fat Cats" are the ones that contributed the most to Obama and Crooked Hillary so if I were you I would think before spouting the normal mindless Moon Bat hate.
What we should do is make the welfare queens do the work that the wetbacks did. You know, earn their freebies.

Fewer wetbacks means more jobs for Americans that are on the Democrat welfare rolls.
You really believe your own swill. Astounding. Proof propaganda works.

It is pathetic that you are one of these "stupid Americans" that Jonathan Gruber told us about that will believe any lie the Democrats tell you.
The only food that increases in price is a product that has strong demand but low supply.....Right now with the cheese glut you'd think the market would reduce cheese prices but they are not and farmers are pouring out milk....As far as the illegals doing agribusiness work, yeah those damn liberal republicans that run a business sure know how to get Trump elected..
Who even knows what you are talking about. Prices can only be decreased so far. Market forces, people not drinking as much milk to get the fat our of their diets and so one caused the glut.
And, when you look at today's dairy farms, what is it you don't see?


People, you don't see people. Because so much have been automated.


They even find the nipples and hook up. All by themselves. A single technician can handle a huge herd and the machines. All by himself.
Yet not all diaries are that fully automated or as clean..
Don't worry. Those will go out of business. Because Republicans took away their cheap labor.
What we should do is make the welfare queens do the work that the wetbacks did. You know, earn their freebies.

Fewer wetbacks means more jobs for Americans that are on the Democrat welfare rolls.

Great idea to have welfare queen pick produce but corporate fat cats wouldn't be able to do the work.

If you meant the nations poor, most of them already work, some at two jobs. Others, like our veterans, are two handicapped to do that work. Others are too old or too young.

We already do have American migrant workers and Trump's bringing in more educated foreigners will add more.

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There are a lot of fat ass third generation welfare queens that it wouldn't hurt a damn bit for them to have to earn the money the filthy ass governments gives them for free now. Those welfare queens are the core constituency of the filthy Democrat Party.

The "corporate Fat Cats" are the ones that contributed the most to Obama and Crooked Hillary so if I were you I would think before spouting the normal mindless Moon Bat hate.
Wow, you're just firing ignorance on all cylinders, aren't you?

Sad you can't post anything verifying your bizarre claims. Not even from Fox.
What we should do is make the welfare queens do the work that the wetbacks did. You know, earn their freebies.

Fewer wetbacks means more jobs for Americans that are on the Democrat welfare rolls.

Yup, just round them up, put them on buses, drive them out to farm country and put 'em to work.

Yet another in a long list of stupid conservatard ideas.
What we should do is make the welfare queens do the work that the wetbacks did. You know, earn their freebies.

Fewer wetbacks means more jobs for Americans that are on the Democrat welfare rolls.

Great idea to have welfare queen pick produce but corporate fat cats wouldn't be able to do the work.

If you meant the nations poor, most of them already work, some at two jobs. Others, like our veterans, are two handicapped to do that work. Others are too old or too young.

We already do have American migrant workers and Trump's bringing in more educated foreigners will add more.

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There are a lot of fat ass third generation welfare queens that it wouldn't hurt a damn bit for them to have to earn the money the filthy ass governments gives them for free now. Those welfare queens are the core constituency of the filthy Democrat Party.

The "corporate Fat Cats" are the ones that contributed the most to Obama and Crooked Hillary so if I were you I would think before spouting the normal mindless Moon Bat hate.
Wow, you're just firing ignorance on all cylinders, aren't you?

Sad you can't post anything verifying your bizarre claims. Not even from Fox.

And you can backup you're bizarre claims about Republican farmers?


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