Republican Farmers Whine, Trump Took Our “Wetbacks”, Waa, Waa, Waa

The Republican rank-and-file are funny. They consistently vote against their own interests and then complain about the results. They never blame those they elected, but put the fault on liberals, the poor, and all the other scapegoats conservative pundits accuse.

The vast majority of farmers are conservatives and vote Republican religiously. Historically, Republican policies have hurt farmers far, far more than helped. Still, farmers refuse to consider the devastating past experiences caused them by the GOP’s exclusive service to the billionaires.

The 2016 election is no different. The Big Orange Idiot launched his campaign in June 2015, and for those fifteen months, he promised his fans he would deport as many undocumented Hispanic workers as possible. Calling them thieves, murderers, rapists, etc.

Didn’t the farmers pay attention? Were the too busy talking about rain and seeds? Did they think Big Orange was targeting “wetbacks” only to exploit the conservatives’ well known racism?

What ever the farmers believed, it hardly justifies their weeping and wailing about crops dying in the field because Big Orange deported their “wetbacks”. The farmers have no one to blame, but themselves, for too few farm laborers, dead crops, lost profits, or any of their other complaints that come from the deportations of the cheap workers they’ve depended on for decades.

The farmers asked for everything they’ve gotten, and it’s very funny to watch then cry about it now. Just like it’s funny to watch conservative b!tch about being unable to find jobs. Their intense hatred of education and refusal to update their skills makes them unemployable. What limited skills they do have are obsolete, and the many jobs opened up due to the deportations haven’t helped the unemployable find work.

However, for all the conservatives’ whining and placing blame everywhere except where it belongs, food prices are going up. And, as usual, conservatives will blame the wrong people for the increased costs.

Crops rot as border crackdown creates farmworker shortage


View attachment 143071

Very much so.


And this is starting to snowball. In CA the shortage of workers is getting acute, farmers are actually plowing under some crop because it can't be picked.

And now all the derps who don't understand economics or labor, get ready for food prices to sky rocket. Cause ---> Effect. A concept that is missing from all the fake economic models that cons worship.
So you're still unemployed. Perfect! Farmers need folks like you...and you might even get slightly above minimum wage to stand in a hot field all day picking produce. I'm rooting for you!

And why should I care what you think of my employment situation?

Do you have anything productive to say to me, troll?

I'm trying to help. You still don't have a job and farmers need labor. Seemed like a win win.

No you're not. You're trying to rile me. Those days are long passed. If you have something relevant to the OP to discuss with me, please do it, otherwise I will have nothing further to say to you.

Your facetiousness is getting you nowhere.
Weren't you the one who actually started a thread a while back asking for help getting a job? And now you attack a person who presents a perfectly viable solution for you? As I remember, you did the same thing to all who presented you options in that thread of yours too.

See, this is what I find funny. You can't actually debate me on the topic, you have to use ad hominem. You don't have an argument.

My life has changed since then and all you can do is to presume to know anything about it.

On a side note, did you not know who I was when I was Etherion?
Not an I right? Aren't you the one who was actually asking for employment help here on the forum a while back? Yes or no?
Furthermore, I find it sad and curious that liberals aren't encouraging American citizens to do farm work either.

I'll have to think about that one...

Sad and curious that the right favors less education for Americans (and the president!) and bringing in highly educated foreigners for well paid jobs.

I HAVE thought about that one.
The Republican rank-and-file are funny. They consistently vote against their own interests and then complain about the results. They never blame those they elected, but put the fault on liberals, the poor, and all the other scapegoats conservative pundits accuse.

The vast majority of farmers are conservatives and vote Republican religiously. Historically, Republican policies have hurt farmers far, far more than helped. Still, farmers refuse to consider the devastating past experiences caused them by the GOP’s exclusive service to the billionaires.

The 2016 election is no different. The Big Orange Idiot launched his campaign in June 2015, and for those fifteen months, he promised his fans he would deport as many undocumented Hispanic workers as possible. Calling them thieves, murderers, rapists, etc.

Didn’t the farmers pay attention? Were the too busy talking about rain and seeds? Did they think Big Orange was targeting “wetbacks” only to exploit the conservatives’ well known racism?

What ever the farmers believed, it hardly justifies their weeping and wailing about crops dying in the field because Big Orange deported their “wetbacks”. The farmers have no one to blame, but themselves, for too few farm laborers, dead crops, lost profits, or any of their other complaints that come from the deportations of the cheap workers they’ve depended on for decades.

The farmers asked for everything they’ve gotten, and it’s very funny to watch then cry about it now. Just like it’s funny to watch conservative b!tch about being unable to find jobs. Their intense hatred of education and refusal to update their skills makes them unemployable. What limited skills they do have are obsolete, and the many jobs opened up due to the deportations haven’t helped the unemployable find work.

However, for all the conservatives’ whining and placing blame everywhere except where it belongs, food prices are going up. And, as usual, conservatives will blame the wrong people for the increased costs.

Crops rot as border crackdown creates farmworker shortage


View attachment 143071

Very much so.


And this is starting to snowball. In CA the shortage of workers is getting acute, farmers are actually plowing under some crop because it can't be picked.

And now all the derps who don't understand economics or labor, get ready for food prices to sky rocket. Cause ---> Effect. A concept that is missing from all the fake economic models that cons worship.
Last year, driving thru the Central Valley, seeing all the big posters for's too funny now!
The Republican rank-and-file are funny. They consistently vote against their own interests and then complain about the results. They never blame those they elected, but put the fault on liberals, the poor, and all the other scapegoats conservative pundits accuse.

The vast majority of farmers are conservatives and vote Republican religiously. Historically, Republican policies have hurt farmers far, far more than helped. Still, farmers refuse to consider the devastating past experiences caused them by the GOP’s exclusive service to the billionaires.

The 2016 election is no different. The Big Orange Idiot launched his campaign in June 2015, and for those fifteen months, he promised his fans he would deport as many undocumented Hispanic workers as possible. Calling them thieves, murderers, rapists, etc.

Didn’t the farmers pay attention? Were the too busy talking about rain and seeds? Did they think Big Orange was targeting “wetbacks” only to exploit the conservatives’ well known racism?

What ever the farmers believed, it hardly justifies their weeping and wailing about crops dying in the field because Big Orange deported their “wetbacks”. The farmers have no one to blame, but themselves, for too few farm laborers, dead crops, lost profits, or any of their other complaints that come from the deportations of the cheap workers they’ve depended on for decades.

The farmers asked for everything they’ve gotten, and it’s very funny to watch then cry about it now. Just like it’s funny to watch conservative b!tch about being unable to find jobs. Their intense hatred of education and refusal to update their skills makes them unemployable. What limited skills they do have are obsolete, and the many jobs opened up due to the deportations haven’t helped the unemployable find work.

However, for all the conservatives’ whining and placing blame everywhere except where it belongs, food prices are going up. And, as usual, conservatives will blame the wrong people for the increased costs.

Crops rot as border crackdown creates farmworker shortage


View attachment 143071

Very much so.


And this is starting to snowball. In CA the shortage of workers is getting acute, farmers are actually plowing under some crop because it can't be picked.

And now all the derps who don't understand economics or labor, get ready for food prices to sky rocket. Cause ---> Effect. A concept that is missing from all the fake economic models that cons worship.

I think you'll find that legit, REAL American's would much rather pay an inflated cost for food and goods to help American farmers versus paying for Guadalupe, Juan, their five silver tooth anchors and their anchors anchors and so....
The Republican rank-and-file are funny. They consistently vote against their own interests and then complain about the results. They never blame those they elected, but put the fault on liberals, the poor, and all the other scapegoats conservative pundits accuse.

The vast majority of farmers are conservatives and vote Republican religiously. Historically, Republican policies have hurt farmers far, far more than helped. Still, farmers refuse to consider the devastating past experiences caused them by the GOP’s exclusive service to the billionaires.

The 2016 election is no different. The Big Orange Idiot launched his campaign in June 2015, and for those fifteen months, he promised his fans he would deport as many undocumented Hispanic workers as possible. Calling them thieves, murderers, rapists, etc.

Didn’t the farmers pay attention? Were the too busy talking about rain and seeds? Did they think Big Orange was targeting “wetbacks” only to exploit the conservatives’ well known racism?

What ever the farmers believed, it hardly justifies their weeping and wailing about crops dying in the field because Big Orange deported their “wetbacks”. The farmers have no one to blame, but themselves, for too few farm laborers, dead crops, lost profits, or any of their other complaints that come from the deportations of the cheap workers they’ve depended on for decades.

The farmers asked for everything they’ve gotten, and it’s very funny to watch then cry about it now. Just like it’s funny to watch conservative b!tch about being unable to find jobs. Their intense hatred of education and refusal to update their skills makes them unemployable. What limited skills they do have are obsolete, and the many jobs opened up due to the deportations haven’t helped the unemployable find work.

However, for all the conservatives’ whining and placing blame everywhere except where it belongs, food prices are going up. And, as usual, conservatives will blame the wrong people for the increased costs.

Crops rot as border crackdown creates farmworker shortage


View attachment 143071

Very much so.

Farmers have begun to raise wages in order to maintain a work force. And you think this is a bad thing?

When those workers can no longer afford the produce they pick? Yes.
You clearly have no idea how the economy works. The cost of produce represented by the labor to pick it out of the field is about 3%.
And why should I care what you think of my employment situation?

Do you have anything productive to say to me, troll?

I'm trying to help. You still don't have a job and farmers need labor. Seemed like a win win.

No you're not. You're trying to rile me. Those days are long passed. If you have something relevant to the OP to discuss with me, please do it, otherwise I will have nothing further to say to you.

Your facetiousness is getting you nowhere.
Weren't you the one who actually started a thread a while back asking for help getting a job? And now you attack a person who presents a perfectly viable solution for you? As I remember, you did the same thing to all who presented you options in that thread of yours too.

See, this is what I find funny. You can't actually debate me on the topic, you have to use ad hominem. You don't have an argument.

My life has changed since then and all you can do is to presume to know anything about it.

On a side note, did you not know who I was when I was Etherion?
Not an I right? Aren't you the one who was actually asking for employment help here on the forum a while back? Yes or no?

And why am I the subject of your argument? Do you even have one?
The Republican rank-and-file are funny. They consistently vote against their own interests and then complain about the results. They never blame those they elected, but put the fault on liberals, the poor, and all the other scapegoats conservative pundits accuse.

The vast majority of farmers are conservatives and vote Republican religiously. Historically, Republican policies have hurt farmers far, far more than helped. Still, farmers refuse to consider the devastating past experiences caused them by the GOP’s exclusive service to the billionaires.

The 2016 election is no different. The Big Orange Idiot launched his campaign in June 2015, and for those fifteen months, he promised his fans he would deport as many undocumented Hispanic workers as possible. Calling them thieves, murderers, rapists, etc.

Didn’t the farmers pay attention? Were the too busy talking about rain and seeds? Did they think Big Orange was targeting “wetbacks” only to exploit the conservatives’ well known racism?

What ever the farmers believed, it hardly justifies their weeping and wailing about crops dying in the field because Big Orange deported their “wetbacks”. The farmers have no one to blame, but themselves, for too few farm laborers, dead crops, lost profits, or any of their other complaints that come from the deportations of the cheap workers they’ve depended on for decades.

The farmers asked for everything they’ve gotten, and it’s very funny to watch then cry about it now. Just like it’s funny to watch conservative b!tch about being unable to find jobs. Their intense hatred of education and refusal to update their skills makes them unemployable. What limited skills they do have are obsolete, and the many jobs opened up due to the deportations haven’t helped the unemployable find work.

However, for all the conservatives’ whining and placing blame everywhere except where it belongs, food prices are going up. And, as usual, conservatives will blame the wrong people for the increased costs.

Crops rot as border crackdown creates farmworker shortage


View attachment 143071

Very much so.


And this is starting to snowball. In CA the shortage of workers is getting acute, farmers are actually plowing under some crop because it can't be picked.

And now all the derps who don't understand economics or labor, get ready for food prices to sky rocket. Cause ---> Effect. A concept that is missing from all the fake economic models that cons worship.
That's bullshit. They come up with the same "the crops are rotting in the fields" stories every year.
Not at all. I absolutely encourage you to finally get a job. Farm work sounds perfect for you.

You have little else but to attack me with insults like the child you clearly are. If you had any argument at all you wouldn't need to resort to that.

Moving on...

So you're not willing to do farm work? Did you finally get a job?

No, I'm due to cause an eclipse next week. I'll be in orbit.

Sorry to disappoint you, my little social justice warrior.

So you're still unemployed. Perfect! Farmers need folks like you...and you might even get slightly above minimum wage to stand in a hot field all day picking produce. I'm rooting for you!

And why should I care what you think of my employment situation?

Do you have anything productive to say to me, troll?


Wait. What?

You're unemployed and think OTHER Americans should work as migrant farm workers?

Read the first lines of the OP.

Sent from my iPad using
I'm trying to help. You still don't have a job and farmers need labor. Seemed like a win win.

No you're not. You're trying to rile me. Those days are long passed. If you have something relevant to the OP to discuss with me, please do it, otherwise I will have nothing further to say to you.

Your facetiousness is getting you nowhere.
Weren't you the one who actually started a thread a while back asking for help getting a job? And now you attack a person who presents a perfectly viable solution for you? As I remember, you did the same thing to all who presented you options in that thread of yours too.

See, this is what I find funny. You can't actually debate me on the topic, you have to use ad hominem. You don't have an argument.

My life has changed since then and all you can do is to presume to know anything about it.

On a side note, did you not know who I was when I was Etherion?
Not an I right? Aren't you the one who was actually asking for employment help here on the forum a while back? Yes or no?

And why am I the subject of your argument? Do you even have one?
You personally are's about employment opportunities.....but apparently you still aren't really interested in employment......ok then.
What we should do is make the welfare queens do the work that the wetbacks did. You know, earn their freebies.

Fewer wetbacks means more jobs for Americans that are on the Democrat welfare rolls.

From your mouth to Congress' ears. Make these lazy fucks earn their handouts.
The Republican rank-and-file are funny. They consistently vote against their own interests and then complain about the results. They never blame those they elected, but put the fault on liberals, the poor, and all the other scapegoats conservative pundits accuse.

The vast majority of farmers are conservatives and vote Republican religiously. Historically, Republican policies have hurt farmers far, far more than helped. Still, farmers refuse to consider the devastating past experiences caused them by the GOP’s exclusive service to the billionaires.

The 2016 election is no different. The Big Orange Idiot launched his campaign in June 2015, and for those fifteen months, he promised his fans he would deport as many undocumented Hispanic workers as possible. Calling them thieves, murderers, rapists, etc.

Didn’t the farmers pay attention? Were the too busy talking about rain and seeds? Did they think Big Orange was targeting “wetbacks” only to exploit the conservatives’ well known racism?

What ever the farmers believed, it hardly justifies their weeping and wailing about crops dying in the field because Big Orange deported their “wetbacks”. The farmers have no one to blame, but themselves, for too few farm laborers, dead crops, lost profits, or any of their other complaints that come from the deportations of the cheap workers they’ve depended on for decades.

The farmers asked for everything they’ve gotten, and it’s very funny to watch then cry about it now. Just like it’s funny to watch conservative b!tch about being unable to find jobs. Their intense hatred of education and refusal to update their skills makes them unemployable. What limited skills they do have are obsolete, and the many jobs opened up due to the deportations haven’t helped the unemployable find work.

However, for all the conservatives’ whining and placing blame everywhere except where it belongs, food prices are going up. And, as usual, conservatives will blame the wrong people for the increased costs.

Crops rot as border crackdown creates farmworker shortage


View attachment 143071

Very much so.


And this is starting to snowball. In CA the shortage of workers is getting acute, farmers are actually plowing under some crop because it can't be picked.

And now all the derps who don't understand economics or labor, get ready for food prices to sky rocket. Cause ---> Effect. A concept that is missing from all the fake economic models that cons worship.
That's bullshit. They come up with the same "the crops are rotting in the fields" stories every year.

Since it has become very difficult to find labor, yes.

And it will get worse and prices will go up.

Sent from my iPad using
No you're not. You're trying to rile me. Those days are long passed. If you have something relevant to the OP to discuss with me, please do it, otherwise I will have nothing further to say to you.

Your facetiousness is getting you nowhere.
Weren't you the one who actually started a thread a while back asking for help getting a job? And now you attack a person who presents a perfectly viable solution for you? As I remember, you did the same thing to all who presented you options in that thread of yours too.

See, this is what I find funny. You can't actually debate me on the topic, you have to use ad hominem. You don't have an argument.

My life has changed since then and all you can do is to presume to know anything about it.

On a side note, did you not know who I was when I was Etherion?
Not an I right? Aren't you the one who was actually asking for employment help here on the forum a while back? Yes or no?

And why am I the subject of your argument? Do you even have one?
You personally are's about employment opportunities.....but apparently you still aren't really interested in employment......ok then.
Not from you at least. Because your concern for me isn't genuine. You are using my lack of employment as a weapon, and you've been doing so for years now when I've confronted you with a superior argument.

But don't let that stop you. That's all you have, and who am I to take that away from you? Am I right?

Moving along...
And why should I care what you think of my employment situation?

Do you have anything productive to say to me, troll?

I'm trying to help. You still don't have a job and farmers need labor. Seemed like a win win.

No you're not. You're trying to rile me. Those days are long passed. If you have something relevant to the OP to discuss with me, please do it, otherwise I will have nothing further to say to you.

Your facetiousness is getting you nowhere.
Weren't you the one who actually started a thread a while back asking for help getting a job? And now you attack a person who presents a perfectly viable solution for you? As I remember, you did the same thing to all who presented you options in that thread of yours too.

See, this is what I find funny. You can't actually debate me on the topic, you have to use ad hominem. You don't have an argument.

My life has changed since then and all you can do is to presume to know anything about it.

On a side note, did you not know who I was when I was Etherion?
Not an I right? Aren't you the one who was actually asking for employment help here on the forum a while back? Yes or no?

You have little else but to attack me with insults like the child you clearly are. If you had any argument at all you wouldn't need to resort to that.

Moving on...

So you're not willing to do farm work? Did you finally get a job?

No, I'm due to cause an eclipse next week. I'll be in orbit.

Sorry to disappoint you, my little social justice warrior.

So you're still unemployed. Perfect! Farmers need folks like you...and you might even get slightly above minimum wage to stand in a hot field all day picking produce. I'm rooting for you!

And why should I care what you think of my employment situation?

Do you have anything productive to say to me, troll?


Wait. What?

You're unemployed and think OTHER Americans should work as migrant farm workers?

Read the first lines of the OP.

Sent from my iPad using

AWESOME how Liberals will always finds ways to stray off topic and attack from a "different" angle...haha
It's as if they realize at some point in every debate that they've disconnected from simple logic and instead of realizing they're fucked in the head they use the old diversion tactic....haha
Weren't you the one who actually started a thread a while back asking for help getting a job? And now you attack a person who presents a perfectly viable solution for you? As I remember, you did the same thing to all who presented you options in that thread of yours too.

See, this is what I find funny. You can't actually debate me on the topic, you have to use ad hominem. You don't have an argument.

My life has changed since then and all you can do is to presume to know anything about it.

On a side note, did you not know who I was when I was Etherion?
Not an I right? Aren't you the one who was actually asking for employment help here on the forum a while back? Yes or no?

And why am I the subject of your argument? Do you even have one?
You personally are's about employment opportunities.....but apparently you still aren't really interested in employment......ok then.
Not from you at least. Because your concern for me isn't genuine. You are using my lack of employment as a weapon, and you've been doing so for years now when I've confronted you with a superior argument.

But don't let that stop you. That's all you have, and who am I to take that away from you? Am I right?

Moving along...
As per your previous no longer interested in your employment situation. It's evident you don't want any help getting employment.
See, this is what I find funny. You can't actually debate me on the topic, you have to use ad hominem. You don't have an argument.

My life has changed since then and all you can do is to presume to know anything about it.

On a side note, did you not know who I was when I was Etherion?
Not an I right? Aren't you the one who was actually asking for employment help here on the forum a while back? Yes or no?

And why am I the subject of your argument? Do you even have one?
You personally are's about employment opportunities.....but apparently you still aren't really interested in employment......ok then.
Not from you at least. Because your concern for me isn't genuine. You are using my lack of employment as a weapon, and you've been doing so for years now when I've confronted you with a superior argument.

But don't let that stop you. That's all you have, and who am I to take that away from you? Am I right?

Moving along...
As per your previous post...I am no longer interested in your employment situation. It's evident you don't want any help getting employment.
Last edited:
The Republican rank-and-file are funny. They consistently vote against their own interests and then complain about the results. They never blame those they elected, but put the fault on liberals, the poor, and all the other scapegoats conservative pundits accuse.

The vast majority of farmers are conservatives and vote Republican religiously. Historically, Republican policies have hurt farmers far, far more than helped. Still, farmers refuse to consider the devastating past experiences caused them by the GOP’s exclusive service to the billionaires.

The 2016 election is no different. The Big Orange Idiot launched his campaign in June 2015, and for those fifteen months, he promised his fans he would deport as many undocumented Hispanic workers as possible. Calling them thieves, murderers, rapists, etc.

Didn’t the farmers pay attention? Were the too busy talking about rain and seeds? Did they think Big Orange was targeting “wetbacks” only to exploit the conservatives’ well known racism?

What ever the farmers believed, it hardly justifies their weeping and wailing about crops dying in the field because Big Orange deported their “wetbacks”. The farmers have no one to blame, but themselves, for too few farm laborers, dead crops, lost profits, or any of their other complaints that come from the deportations of the cheap workers they’ve depended on for decades.

The farmers asked for everything they’ve gotten, and it’s very funny to watch then cry about it now. Just like it’s funny to watch conservative b!tch about being unable to find jobs. Their intense hatred of education and refusal to update their skills makes them unemployable. What limited skills they do have are obsolete, and the many jobs opened up due to the deportations haven’t helped the unemployable find work.

However, for all the conservatives’ whining and placing blame everywhere except where it belongs, food prices are going up. And, as usual, conservatives will blame the wrong people for the increased costs.

Crops rot as border crackdown creates farmworker shortage


View attachment 143071

Very much so.


And this is starting to snowball. In CA the shortage of workers is getting acute, farmers are actually plowing under some crop because it can't be picked.

And now all the derps who don't understand economics or labor, get ready for food prices to sky rocket. Cause ---> Effect. A concept that is missing from all the fake economic models that cons worship.
Last year, driving thru the Central Valley, seeing all the big posters for's too funny now!

I agree, the pain is just starting to set in with the farmers in the San Joaquin Valley but it's going to get brutal. They thought the drought was tough. Get ready cons your self made catastrophe is coming.

These conservative derps will whine and gnash their teeth about 'illegals' and jobs but none of them are signing up to pick lettuce to replace the 'illegals' displaced. They're all on this boat in the middle of a lake without any water and they're all thirsty, "we demand someone help us get water". Enter Trump. "I will deliver so much water you will get tired of drinking water trust me!""Here, take this drill and drill a yuge hole in the bottom of the boat" "Ok Donald we're with you 100%" Drill, drill, drill. Water shoots up through the bottom of the boat! "Thank you Donald you've saved us...wait a minute".
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What we should do is make the welfare queens do the work that the wetbacks did. You know, earn their freebies.

Fewer wetbacks means more jobs for Americans that are on the Democrat welfare rolls.
You really believe your own swill. Astounding. Proof propaganda works.

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