Republican Greg Gianforte

What happened to that 1st Amendment you people couldn't shut up about when you thought Ann Coulter's rights were being violated?

Some of us dont belueve in Rights. Others of us understand the difference between Journalism and Politicsl Advocacy. Very little of the first still exists in this nation, which makes us less likely to seek protection of the Press. .
Missed your posts condemning the leftist violence around the country. Why are you avoiding the discussion about your violent black shirt fascists?

I'm not! You are off topic, but, feel free to start a thread on "leftist violence around the country", and a "discussion about your violent black shirt fascists".

Notify me when you have started this thread, and we can begin by defining the terms you've claimed in your post. I suspect you can't do either, and are simply a Jr. Member of the echo chamber.

I was agreeing with your words, because the fascists are real, and they hate free speech and will commit violence to stop it. They dress in black and hide behind masks. The Democrats are cowards.

I see. I understand. And I wonder where you get your information.
I get it. You're just poorly informed. Typical internet troll. Reminds me of Clinton, "Like with a cloth or something?".

I looked a little closer, now I understand where you get your information. Kansas, lol, I spent a week there one night.

Driving back to San Francisco from parts east we stopped in Kansas City, Mo for a steak. We were advised to go to the Golden Calf, in the stock yards - it sucked. The potato wasn't hot, it was wrapped in tin foil and had been cooked hours before. The KC strip was tough, over cooked and was loaded with grizzle.

After leaving the place we saw a sign for the San Francisco Saloon, also in in stock yard area. After buying a couple of beers we shared with the barkeep/owner we were from SF, and from that point on we didn't need to pay for another drink.

The bad part being we had planned to leave and cross the river and drive across Kansas at night - being there wasn't anything worth seeing in Kansas. The beers decided that we better stay at the first rest stop, and when we found one we planned to spend the night. As I walked to the head to relieve myself, a man walked past me carrying a shotgun. When I got into the restroom, another man was at the sink washing his hands, and he had a side arm holstered on his hip.
Whoever recommended the Golden Ox in the East Bottoms didn't like you. The place was always below average, but they had some ok lunch specials. My warehouses are located across the bridge in the East Bottoms, so we would go occasionally until it blew up, literally blew up. Thought I heard something about insurance fraud. Near that area, I would have recommended The Majestic, home of the Valentines Day Massacre. Still has bullet holes in the walls.

Regarding weapons, yep, many of us carry them.
Lesson learned here? Don't fluck with Greg Gianforte. He might just body-slam a Democrat Fake Newster. :dance:
I would love it if anyone took me on......dem or repub....At 81 years old I take on all comers....
I would love it if anyone took me on......dem or repub....At 81 years old I take on all comers....

Hey if you're a Democrat Fake Newster, you better be prepared to brawl with Greg Gianforte. He ain't playin. I wish more Republicans had that kind of balls. You have to stand up to Democrat Fake News. So good on em. :thup:
I ain't a dem or more integrity than those loisers who are not my fellow Americans.
Lesson learned here? Don't fluck with Greg Gianforte. He might just body-slam a Democrat Fake Newster. :dance:
Lesson learned here, that all 'Conservatives' that condone this are real turds. Regular fascists.

Hey, the dude was fed up with Democrat Fake Newsters trying to sabotage him. He had to put the smackdown on one of em. It's too bad most Republicans don't have that kind of balls. You have to stand up to Fake News bullies. Otherwise, they'll steamroll you. Gianforte decided he wasn't havin their shit that day. Good on em. :thup:

Now, it's up to Ryan and the majority in the H. of Rep. to vote.

Art. 1, Sec 5, Clause 3, to wit:
Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its member for disorderly Behavior, and, with with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

  1. Do you believe Gianforte was in the right when he physically attacked the reporter
  2. Do you believe the attack, should be upgraded from simple assault by the Prosecutor
  3. Do you feel Gianforte is a proper role model
  4. Do you support a movement to invoke Art 1, sec 5 and clause 3

See, not only at the KKK Rallies but even your politicians are violent thugs.

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