Republican Greg Gianforte


Now, it's up to Ryan and the majority in the H. of Rep. to vote.

Art. 1, Sec 5, Clause 3, to wit:
Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its member for disorderly Behavior, and, with with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

  1. Do you believe Gianforte was in the right when he physically attacked the reporter
  2. Do you believe the attack, should be upgraded from simple assault by the Prosecutor
  3. Do you feel Gianforte is a proper role model
  4. Do you support a movement to invoke Art 1, sec 5 and clause 3

Fuck off, you lost. The people of Montana have spoken.
Yes they did....and voted for a physical assaulter.

That's their choice, did you vote for Bill the Rapist Clinton? The answer to that is yes you did, twice.
Was what he did wrong yes should he have been charged with a crime and have his day in court yes as he has been and will have. Is he a proper role model I don't know enough about his past to say and it would be unfair to judge his whole life based on this one incident. Has the media blown this incident way out of proportion yes.

  • He was charged with simple assault
  • I suspect the prosecutor's office in most of America would upgrade the complaint to Battery
  • The attack was tantamount to a sucker punch, if we are to believe the Fox Reporter who was only a few feet away when the event transpired. Police and little league coaches are held to a higher standard, why shouldn't a member of Congress too?
He wasn't a member of congress. It was up to the voters to act accordingly and they did.
To be fair, 90% of the vote was early, pre-body slam. He would have won with an even greater margin if all the votes were cast yesterday.

Really? There are that many neo fascists in Montana?

Now, it's up to Ryan and the majority in the H. of Rep. to vote.

Art. 1, Sec 5, Clause 3, to wit:
Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its member for disorderly Behavior, and, with with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

  1. Do you believe Gianforte was in the right when he physically attacked the reporter
  2. Do you believe the attack, should be upgraded from simple assault by the Prosecutor
  3. Do you feel Gianforte is a proper role model
  4. Do you support a movement to invoke Art 1, sec 5 and clause 3
You can't treat people the way he did that reporter. Put on your big boy pants and don't assault reporters just because you don't like them. It's a horrible precedent.

I can't and wouldn't, sadly Trump has given permission to his biddable followers to attack the MSM. But to be fair, that began long ago when Spiro Agnew was VP, months before he was arrested and jailed for corruption. It is not ironic that the corrupt are always fearful of, and thus hate a flashlight being put upon their doings.

Now, it's up to Ryan and the majority in the H. of Rep. to vote.

Art. 1, Sec 5, Clause 3, to wit:
Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its member for disorderly Behavior, and, with with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

  1. Do you believe Gianforte was in the right when he physically attacked the reporter
  2. Do you believe the attack, should be upgraded from simple assault by the Prosecutor
  3. Do you feel Gianforte is a proper role model
  4. Do you support a movement to invoke Art 1, sec 5 and clause 3
Funny, Hillary was under multiple investifations for crimes, to include Espionage, turned out to have broken laws and jeopardized national security, and fought to keep her in the race.

Obama protected Democrats who broke laws - Hillary, Holder, Reid, Castro..

And after being unable to beat another Republican in another election, then and only then are Democrats concerned with holding someone accountable.


Why don't you want to hold Gianforte accountable?

The people he will be representing had the opportunity to hold him accountable last night. They chose otherwise. He is still facing misdemeanor charges, that will have to suffice for those of you wanting blood as I believe the rule Wry Catcher is siting is only applicable should the person in question commit the act in question after being sworn into office, not before.

Personally, he would have lost my vote for what he did. Though I do find it ironic and mildly amusing that it was Ben Jacobs. Ben was, after all, the person who back in 2014 Tweeted about his urge to want to punch a 16 year old Benji Backer...

Now, it's up to Ryan and the majority in the H. of Rep. to vote.

Art. 1, Sec 5, Clause 3, to wit:
Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its member for disorderly Behavior, and, with with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

  1. Do you believe Gianforte was in the right when he physically attacked the reporter
  2. Do you believe the attack, should be upgraded from simple assault by the Prosecutor
  3. Do you feel Gianforte is a proper role model
  4. Do you support a movement to invoke Art 1, sec 5 and clause 3

1. I will wait until the actual report comes out before making a judgement.
2. That would depend on the situation.
3. Yes.
4. No.

Now, it's up to Ryan and the majority in the H. of Rep. to vote.

Art. 1, Sec 5, Clause 3, to wit:
Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its member for disorderly Behavior, and, with with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

  1. Do you believe Gianforte was in the right when he physically attacked the reporter
  2. Do you believe the attack, should be upgraded from simple assault by the Prosecutor
  3. Do you feel Gianforte is a proper role model
  4. Do you support a movement to invoke Art 1, sec 5 and clause 3
Funny, Hillary was under multiple investifations for crimes, to include Espionage, turned out to have broken laws and jeopardized national security, and fought to keep her in the race.

Obama protected Democrats who broke laws - Hillary, Holder, Reid, Castro..

And after being unable to beat another Republican in another election, then and only then are Democrats concerned with holding someone accountable.


Why don't you want to hold Gianforte accountable?
What are you babbling about? He was given a citation and ordered to appear before a judge. Stop being a dumb ass.

I've only been called a "dumb ass" or a "libtard", "dumbocrat", "moron", "idiot", "commie", "socialist", "fascist" or "statist" by people like you. Posters who are not smart , educated or informed and are hypocrites unable to write an expository response to my opinions or arguments.

Take your time and look up the word expository, I know that will flummox you. A dictionary can provide information, and maybe a small amount of education. It cannot make you smart, but two out of three isn't bad.

Now, it's up to Ryan and the majority in the H. of Rep. to vote.

Art. 1, Sec 5, Clause 3, to wit:
Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its member for disorderly Behavior, and, with with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

  1. Do you believe Gianforte was in the right when he physically attacked the reporter
  2. Do you believe the attack, should be upgraded from simple assault by the Prosecutor
  3. Do you feel Gianforte is a proper role model
  4. Do you support a movement to invoke Art 1, sec 5 and clause 3

1. I will wait until the actual report comes out before making a judgement.
2. That would depend on the situation.
3. Yes.
4. No.

I'll await the judgment too. The prosecutor's discretion will determine the gravity of the crime, and if the facts of the matter are as the Fox Reporter described, I would expect Gianforte to be charged on a felony: Aggravated Assault as define in the Montana Penal Code.

Now, it's up to Ryan and the majority in the H. of Rep. to vote.

Art. 1, Sec 5, Clause 3, to wit:
Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its member for disorderly Behavior, and, with with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

  1. Do you believe Gianforte was in the right when he physically attacked the reporter
  2. Do you believe the attack, should be upgraded from simple assault by the Prosecutor
  3. Do you feel Gianforte is a proper role model
  4. Do you support a movement to invoke Art 1, sec 5 and clause 3
Funny, Hillary was under multiple investifations for crimes, to include Espionage, turned out to have broken laws and jeopardized national security, and fought to keep her in the race.

Obama protected Democrats who broke laws - Hillary, Holder, Reid, Castro..

And after being unable to beat another Republican in another election, then and only then are Democrats concerned with holding someone accountable.


Why don't you want to hold Gianforte accountable?

The people he will be representing had the opportunity to hold him accountable last night. They chose otherwise. He is still facing misdemeanor charges, that will have to suffice for those of you wanting blood as I believe the rule Wry Catcher is siting is only applicable should the person in question commit the act in question after being sworn into office, not before.

Personally, he would have lost my vote for what he did. Though I do find it ironic and mildly amusing that it was Ben Jacobs. Ben was, after all, the person who back in 2014 Tweeted about his urge to want to punch a 16 year old Benji Backer...

70% of the Montana votes had been cast in early voting BEFORE this guy went mental. He still managed to lose half of where the polls had him.

Now, it's up to Ryan and the majority in the H. of Rep. to vote.

Art. 1, Sec 5, Clause 3, to wit:
Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its member for disorderly Behavior, and, with with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

  1. Do you believe Gianforte was in the right when he physically attacked the reporter
  2. Do you believe the attack, should be upgraded from simple assault by the Prosecutor
  3. Do you feel Gianforte is a proper role model
  4. Do you support a movement to invoke Art 1, sec 5 and clause 3

1. I will wait until the actual report comes out before making a judgement.
2. That would depend on the situation.
3. Yes.
4. No.

I'll await the judgment too. The prosecutor's discretion will determine the gravity of the crime, and if the facts of the matter are as the Fox Reporter described, I would expect Gianforte to be charged on a felony: Aggravated Assault as define in the Montana Penal Code.
Little dick aside, Aggravated Assault?! Glasses falling off, good luck. Fucking beta-male stuff.
Historically speaking it seems that congressional democrats once gave congressman Gerry Studds (D) Mass. a standing ovation after raping an underage male congressional page. How does that compare with shoving a reporter?
Historically speaking it seems that congressional democrats once gave congressman Gerry Studds (D) Mass. a standing ovation after raping an underage male congressional page. How does that compare with shoving a reporter?
That's the kind of thing Democrats cherish. It's inclusive and diverse.
Democrats were never going to win in Montana...

1,000 PLUS elections lost and counting...

Now, it's up to Ryan and the majority in the H. of Rep. to vote.

Art. 1, Sec 5, Clause 3, to wit:
Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its member for disorderly Behavior, and, with with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

  1. Do you believe Gianforte was in the right when he physically attacked the reporter
  2. Do you believe the attack, should be upgraded from simple assault by the Prosecutor
  3. Do you feel Gianforte is a proper role model
  4. Do you support a movement to invoke Art 1, sec 5 and clause 3

Fuck off, you lost. The people of Montana have spoken.

I didn't lose, and if the R's and crazy right wingers - like you - continue to support violence as a means of political discourse, it won't be long until the silent majority says ENOUGH, and tosses the Alt. Right and the Republican Party out.

Law and Order?

A women laughs at Jeff Sessions and ends up detained, and this arrest is applauded by crazy right wingers; a Republican candidate for the H. or Rep. commits a violent crime, and is cited, not detained, and the thug is defended by the crazy right wing.

Q. What can we draw from these two data points

A. Fascism has come to America, and is supported by the crazy right wing.

Missed your posts condemning the leftist violence around the country. Why are you avoiding the discussion about your violent black shirt fascists?

I'm not! You are off topic, but, feel free to start a thread on "leftist violence around the country", and a "discussion about your violent black shirt fascists".

Notify me when you have started this thread, and we can begin by defining the terms you've claimed in your post. I suspect you can't do either, and are simply a Jr. Member of the echo chamber.
After the violent, terror-istic, Freedom-of-speech-silencing, burning, destructive and criminal 2016 election the liberal snowflakes ran, they can never honestly, non-hypocritically criticize another candidate in an election again...especially after learning from the Director of the FBI's testimony of how Hillary's face should have been on a MUG SHOT instead of on voting ballots / screens.


Now, it's up to Ryan and the majority in the H. of Rep. to vote.

Art. 1, Sec 5, Clause 3, to wit:
Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its member for disorderly Behavior, and, with with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

  1. Do you believe Gianforte was in the right when he physically attacked the reporter
  2. Do you believe the attack, should be upgraded from simple assault by the Prosecutor
  3. Do you feel Gianforte is a proper role model
  4. Do you support a movement to invoke Art 1, sec 5 and clause 3
Funny, Hillary was under multiple investifations for crimes, to include Espionage, turned out to have broken laws and jeopardized national security, and fought to keep her in the race.

Obama protected Democrats who broke laws - Hillary, Holder, Reid, Castro..

And after being unable to beat another Republican in another election, then and only then are Democrats concerned with holding someone accountable.


Why don't you want to hold Gianforte accountable?

The people he will be representing had the opportunity to hold him accountable last night. They chose otherwise. He is still facing misdemeanor charges, that will have to suffice for those of you wanting blood as I believe the rule Wry Catcher is siting is only applicable should the person in question commit the act in question after being sworn into office, not before.

Personally, he would have lost my vote for what he did. Though I do find it ironic and mildly amusing that it was Ben Jacobs. Ben was, after all, the person who back in 2014 Tweeted about his urge to want to punch a 16 year old Benji Backer...

70% of the Montana votes had been cast in early voting BEFORE this guy went mental. He still managed to lose half of where the polls had him.

I'd be curious to know how those early votes break down. In recent elections, more often than not, the early vote has leaned more Democratic than it has on election day, though there have been exceptions...
I didn't lose, and if the R's and crazy right wingers - like you - continue to support violence as a means of political discourse, it won't be long until the silent majority says ENOUGH, and tosses the Alt. Right and the Republican Party out.

Really? Which party has advocated for and backed the violence we have seen in Berkley and in the streets?


Which Party? Violence is not part of the platform of any organized political party. Violence before the election and during the run up to the convention was only expressed by Donald Trump; no other candidate - Democrat, Republican, Libertarian or Green candidate ever used the violent rhetoric of Donald Trump.

If you choose to lie about that, I'll expose your lies by videos of Trump doing exactly that.
It was the Russians.
It was Comey.
It was 'early voting'.



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