Republican Greg Gianforte

  1. Do you believe Gianforte was in the right when he physically attacked the reporter
  2. Do you believe the attack, should be upgraded from simple assault by the Prosecutor
  3. Do you feel Gianforte is a proper role model
  4. Do you support a movement to invoke Art 1, sec 5 and clause 3
1. No
2. No
3. No
4. No

assault (also called attempted battery) is a threat or physical act that creates a reasonable apprehension of imminent harmful or offensive contact, whereas battery is a physical act that results in that harmful or offensive contact.

The Penal Code in Montana divides assault into simple and aggravated: The former is a misdemeanor and the latter a felony. From the interview of the Fox News Reporter, she described the event as the latter, which best describes the candidates behavior, to wit:

"A person commits the offense of aggravated assault if the person purposely or knowingly causes serious bodily injury to another or purposely or knowingly, with the use of physical force or contact, causes reasonable apprehension of serious bodily injury or death in another."
Montana Title 45. Crimes § 45-5-202 | FindLaw

Stop being an obnoxious and pedantic twit. You asked 4 questions and I answered.

Of course you did. As a practicing liberal I feel I have a duty to edify the ignorant, knowing even as I do the willful type of ignorance is chronic and irreversible. You answered correctly two of the four questions, which at 50% barely = a "D". That 's good, for most of the crazy right wing I would expect and "F", as most of them think sucker punching is a right and no matter what a republican says or does should never be used against him.

Little dick syndrome strikes again. You strike me as quite effeminate, are you gay? What kind of a "role model" are you?
Last edited:
1. No. The man is obviously unhinged and needs to seek help.
2. Depends on what the witnesses say and how much credibility they have.
3. Yes. He is a role model for the new violent face of the GOP. Ask them a non approved question and they will bodily attack you. Reporters beware. Question at your own risk!
4. Yes on the general principle that he is an asshole, but no. It will not change the makeup of the House. The next election will settle it.
Lol! Another snowflake that believes he is clever. Where are all your posts regarding Democrats blocking emergency services on roads and highways, and the multiple violent attacks on people with a different belief system?

Hahaha-ah ha. Another asshole that.......
You and your fucking black mask punks will never dare to terrorize my neighborhood, because you are all pussies.
We have almost unanimous RWnut support for Gianforte attacking a reporter. Such is the true face of conservatism in America.

lol, but what's funniest is these same people cried their eyes out for a week over what they claimed was the violation of Ann Coulter's free speech rights.

Ann was invited , this guy was not...

If Ann would of body slammed this fat ass liberal I would also approve..

1. No. The man is obviously unhinged and needs to seek help.
2. Depends on what the witnesses say and how much credibility they have.
3. Yes. He is a role model for the new violent face of the GOP. Ask them a non approved question and they will bodily attack you. Reporters beware. Question at your own risk!
4. Yes on the general principle that he is an asshole, but no. It will not change the makeup of the House. The next election will settle it.
Lol! Another snowflake that believes he is clever. Where are all your posts regarding Democrats blocking emergency services on roads and highways, and the multiple violent attacks on people with a different belief system?

Hahaha-ah ha. Another asshole that.......
You and your fucking black mask punks will never dare to terrorize my neighborhood, because you are all pussies.

Oh yeah!


Now, it's up to Ryan and the majority in the H. of Rep. to vote.

Art. 1, Sec 5, Clause 3, to wit:
Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its member for disorderly Behavior, and, with with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

  1. Do you believe Gianforte was in the right when he physically attacked the reporter
  2. Do you believe the attack, should be upgraded from simple assault by the Prosecutor
  3. Do you feel Gianforte is a proper role model
  4. Do you support a movement to invoke Art 1, sec 5 and clause 3

Fuck off, you lost. The people of Montana have spoken.

I didn't lose, and if the R's and crazy right wingers - like you - continue to support violence as a means of political discourse, it won't be long until the silent majority says ENOUGH, and tosses the Alt. Right and the Republican Party out.

Law and Order?

A women laughs at Jeff Sessions and ends up detained, and this arrest is applauded by crazy right wingers; a Republican candidate for the H. or Rep. commits a violent crime, and is cited, not detained, and the thug is defended by the crazy right wing.

Q. What can we draw from these two data points

A. Fascism has come to America, and is supported by the crazy right wing.

Now, it's up to Ryan and the majority in the H. of Rep. to vote.

Art. 1, Sec 5, Clause 3, to wit:
Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its member for disorderly Behavior, and, with with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

  1. Do you believe Gianforte was in the right when he physically attacked the reporter
  2. Do you believe the attack, should be upgraded from simple assault by the Prosecutor
  3. Do you feel Gianforte is a proper role model
  4. Do you support a movement to invoke Art 1, sec 5 and clause 3

Fuck off, you lost. The people of Montana have spoken.

I didn't lose, and if the R's and crazy right wingers - like you - continue to support violence as a means of political discourse, it won't be long until the silent majority says ENOUGH, and tosses the Alt. Right and the Republican Party out.

Law and Order?

A women laughs at Jeff Sessions and ends up detained, and this arrest is applauded by crazy right wingers; a Republican candidate for the H. or Rep. commits a violent crime, and is cited, not detained, and the thug is defended by the crazy right wing.

Q. What can we draw from these two data points

A. Fascism has come to America, and is supported by the crazy right wing.
Missed your posts condemning the leftist violence around the country. Why are you avoiding the discussion about your violent black shirt fascists?

Now, it's up to Ryan and the majority in the H. of Rep. to vote.

Art. 1, Sec 5, Clause 3, to wit:
Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its member for disorderly Behavior, and, with with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

  1. Do you believe Gianforte was in the right when he physically attacked the reporter
  2. Do you believe the attack, should be upgraded from simple assault by the Prosecutor
  3. Do you feel Gianforte is a proper role model
  4. Do you support a movement to invoke Art 1, sec 5 and clause 3

Fuck off, you lost. The people of Montana have spoken.

I didn't lose, and if the R's and crazy right wingers - like you - continue to support violence as a means of political discourse, it won't be long until the silent majority says ENOUGH, and tosses the Alt. Right and the Republican Party out.

Law and Order?

A women laughs at Jeff Sessions and ends up detained, and this arrest is applauded by crazy right wingers; a Republican candidate for the H. or Rep. commits a violent crime, and is cited, not detained, and the thug is defended by the crazy right wing.

Q. What can we draw from these two data points

A. Fascism has come to America, and is supported by the crazy right wing.

I am the silent majority and there is nothing to fear from an ass like you. I am a Constitutional Originalist who doesn't believe on, or participate in the false Left/Right paradigm. I'm simply not playing the game anymore. You did lose, you are a Dem parrot and once more you seek to over turn a valid election. Fascism is already here and it wears a "progressive" hat. Feel free to point out where I defended him, I'm defending the election, nothing else.
So, it's OK for Congresspeople like Pelosi, Boxer and Reid use their political office to reap literally hundreds of millions of dollars, but body slam a reporter....

Even for you Frank this non sequitur is ridiculous. BTW, this post ^^^ is more than a phrase and not even a sentence - I may need to modify my definition of an idiot-gram to include fragments of a sentence. In truth, it is one more idiot-gram to add to your resume.

. Go somewhere else and teach, I'd bet you have a little dick and that you aren't the head of your household....hence you bully others.

You'd lose you bet. Your interest in the size of another man's dick is odd. Your other observation that I am not head of my household is also odd, though not as bizarre as your first. In fact my wife and I are partners, and have worked together to raise two sons and several dogs and cats for 43 years, come this August.
So, it's OK for Congresspeople like Pelosi, Boxer and Reid use their political office to reap literally hundreds of millions of dollars, but body slam a reporter....

Even for you Frank this non sequitur is ridiculous. BTW, this post ^^^ is more than a phrase and not even a sentence - I may need to modify my definition of an idiot-gram to include fragments of a sentence. In truth, it is one more idiot-gram to add to your resume.

. Go somewhere else and teach, I'd bet you have a little dick and that you aren't the head of your household....hence you bully others.

You'd lose you bet. Your interest in the size of another man's dick is odd. Your other observation that I am not head of my household is also odd, though not as bizarre as your first. In fact my wife and I are partners, and have worked together to raise two sons and several dogs and cats for 43 years, come this August.

Son, you over compensate and it betrays you. You have issues which force you to pretend to superior. Again, I'm betting your "partner" rules the roost.

Now, it's up to Ryan and the majority in the H. of Rep. to vote.

Art. 1, Sec 5, Clause 3, to wit:
Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its member for disorderly Behavior, and, with with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

  1. Do you believe Gianforte was in the right when he physically attacked the reporter
  2. Do you believe the attack, should be upgraded from simple assault by the Prosecutor
  3. Do you feel Gianforte is a proper role model
  4. Do you support a movement to invoke Art 1, sec 5 and clause 3

Here Is Why We Shouldn't Care That Greg Gianforte Won The Special Election In Montana

Remember Congressman Etheridge? Probably not, because the Democrat Party protects its own.

Check the video below the fold for Etheridge's violent reaction to some students asking him questions.

But the Dems were cool with that behavior, because they allowed him to run for the governorship in the Democratic primary, and then after he lost gave him a job in government! He is the executive director of the North Carolina branch of the U.S. Farm Service Agency, whatever the hell that is.

So lets us not get too exercised by Gianforte's behavior. Holding Republicans to a different standard than Democrats is exactly the game plan of the Democrat Party, and it works very, very well.

Now, it's up to Ryan and the majority in the H. of Rep. to vote.

Art. 1, Sec 5, Clause 3, to wit:
Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its member for disorderly Behavior, and, with with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

  1. Do you believe Gianforte was in the right when he physically attacked the reporter
  2. Do you believe the attack, should be upgraded from simple assault by the Prosecutor
  3. Do you feel Gianforte is a proper role model
  4. Do you support a movement to invoke Art 1, sec 5 and clause 3

Here Is Why We Shouldn't Care That Greg Gianforte Won The Special Election In Montana

Remember Congressman Etheridge? Probably not, because the Democrat Party protects its own.

Check the video below the fold for Etheridge's violent reaction to some students asking him questions.

But the Dems were cool with that behavior, because they allowed him to run for the governorship in the Democratic primary, and then after he lost gave him a job in government! He is the executive director of the North Carolina branch of the U.S. Farm Service Agency, whatever the hell that is.

So lets us not get too exercised by Gianforte's behavior. Holding Republicans to a different standard than Democrats is exactly the game plan of the Democrat Party, and it works very, very well.

Wry, like all "Progressives" is nothing more than a hypocritical hack. Dems all good, everybody else bad.
  1. Do you believe Gianforte was in the right when he physically attacked the reporter
  2. Do you believe the attack, should be upgraded from simple assault by the Prosecutor
  3. Do you feel Gianforte is a proper role model
  4. Do you support a movement to invoke Art 1, sec 5 and clause 3
1. No
2. No
3. No
4. No

assault (also called attempted battery) is a threat or physical act that creates a reasonable apprehension of imminent harmful or offensive contact, whereas battery is a physical act that results in that harmful or offensive contact.

The Penal Code in Montana divides assault into simple and aggravated: The former is a misdemeanor and the latter a felony. From the interview of the Fox News Reporter, she described the event as the latter, which best describes the candidates behavior, to wit:

"A person commits the offense of aggravated assault if the person purposely or knowingly causes serious bodily injury to another or purposely or knowingly, with the use of physical force or contact, causes reasonable apprehension of serious bodily injury or death in another."
Montana Title 45. Crimes § 45-5-202 | FindLaw

Stop being an obnoxious and pedantic twit. You asked 4 questions and I answered.

Of course you did. As a practicing liberal I feel I have a duty to edify the ignorant, knowing even as I do the willful type of ignorance is chronic and irreversible. You answered correctly two of the four questions, which at 50% barely = a "D". That 's good, for most of the crazy right wing I would expect and "F", as most of them think sucker punching is a right and no matter what a republican says or does should never be used against him.

Little dick syndrome strikes again. You strike me as quite effeminate, are you gay? What kind of a "role model" are you?



An aversive reaction to photos of gay couples may stem from a person's authoritarian parents and their own inner conflict with sexual orientation, researchers have found.
Credit: Andrew Lever | Shutterstock

"Homophobes should consider a little self-reflection, suggests a new study finding those individuals who are most hostile toward gays and hold strong anti-gay views may themselves have same-sex desires, albeit undercover ones."

My guess, you were molested as a child, or as an adolescent or as an adult engaged in homosexual acts, and now feel great guilt because you enjoyed it - likely something you can't admit even to yourself.

Admit that the photo's above turn you on. Remember, the truth will make you free.

Study: Homophobes May Be Hidden Homosexuals

Now, it's up to Ryan and the majority in the H. of Rep. to vote.

Art. 1, Sec 5, Clause 3, to wit:
Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its member for disorderly Behavior, and, with with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

  1. Do you believe Gianforte was in the right when he physically attacked the reporter
  2. Do you believe the attack, should be upgraded from simple assault by the Prosecutor
  3. Do you feel Gianforte is a proper role model
  4. Do you support a movement to invoke Art 1, sec 5 and clause 3
Funny, Hillary was under multiple investifations for crimes, to include Espionage, turned out to have broken laws and jeopardized national security, and fought to keep her in the race.

Obama protected Democrats who broke laws - Hillary, Holder, Reid, Castro..

And after being unable to beat another Republican in another election, then and only then are Democrats concerned with holding someone accountable.

If only someone in Congress would start an investigation on Hillary. If only ..... if only......
I didn't lose, and if the R's and crazy right wingers - like you - continue to support violence as a means of political discourse, it won't be long until the silent majority says ENOUGH, and tosses the Alt. Right and the Republican Party out.

Really? Which party has advocated for and backed the violence we have seen in Berkley and in the streets?

Never heard of him before but I like him. There's nothing "democratic" about some maggot being aggressive in your face. Only spineless libs hide behind the law like that. Like little girls throwing spitballs behind daddy. Glad the citizens saw through it.
"some maggot"....first they dehumanize.

Now, it's up to Ryan and the majority in the H. of Rep. to vote.

Art. 1, Sec 5, Clause 3, to wit:
Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its member for disorderly Behavior, and, with with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

  1. Do you believe Gianforte was in the right when he physically attacked the reporter
  2. Do you believe the attack, should be upgraded from simple assault by the Prosecutor
  3. Do you feel Gianforte is a proper role model
  4. Do you support a movement to invoke Art 1, sec 5 and clause 3

Fuck off, you lost. The people of Montana have spoken.
Yes they did....and voted for a physical assaulter.

Now, it's up to Ryan and the majority in the H. of Rep. to vote.

Art. 1, Sec 5, Clause 3, to wit:
Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its member for disorderly Behavior, and, with with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

  1. Do you believe Gianforte was in the right when he physically attacked the reporter
  2. Do you believe the attack, should be upgraded from simple assault by the Prosecutor
  3. Do you feel Gianforte is a proper role model
  4. Do you support a movement to invoke Art 1, sec 5 and clause 3
Funny, Hillary was under multiple investifations for crimes, to include Espionage, turned out to have broken laws and jeopardized national security, and fought to keep her in the race.

Obama protected Democrats who broke laws - Hillary, Holder, Reid, Castro..

And after being unable to beat another Republican in another election, then and only then are Democrats concerned with holding someone accountable.


Why don't you want to hold Gianforte accountable?
I'll tell you what. When you call for and have those who were mobbing innocent people around the country and on our public campuses, I'll think about condemning someone for self-defense.

Now, it's up to Ryan and the majority in the H. of Rep. to vote.

Art. 1, Sec 5, Clause 3, to wit:
Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its member for disorderly Behavior, and, with with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

  1. Do you believe Gianforte was in the right when he physically attacked the reporter
  2. Do you believe the attack, should be upgraded from simple assault by the Prosecutor
  3. Do you feel Gianforte is a proper role model
  4. Do you support a movement to invoke Art 1, sec 5 and clause 3
Funny, Hillary was under multiple investifations for crimes, to include Espionage, turned out to have broken laws and jeopardized national security, and fought to keep her in the race.

Obama protected Democrats who broke laws - Hillary, Holder, Reid, Castro..

And after being unable to beat another Republican in another election, then and only then are Democrats concerned with holding someone accountable.


Why don't you want to hold Gianforte accountable?
Apparently he was.

He was elected.

Now, it's up to Ryan and the majority in the H. of Rep. to vote.

Art. 1, Sec 5, Clause 3, to wit:
Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its member for disorderly Behavior, and, with with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

  1. Do you believe Gianforte was in the right when he physically attacked the reporter
  2. Do you believe the attack, should be upgraded from simple assault by the Prosecutor
  3. Do you feel Gianforte is a proper role model
  4. Do you support a movement to invoke Art 1, sec 5 and clause 3
Funny, Hillary was under multiple investifations for crimes, to include Espionage, turned out to have broken laws and jeopardized national security, and fought to keep her in the race.

Obama protected Democrats who broke laws - Hillary, Holder, Reid, Castro..

And after being unable to beat another Republican in another election, then and only then are Democrats concerned with holding someone accountable.

If only someone in Congress would start an investigation on Hillary. If only ..... if only......
I still can't believe that old skank hasn't spent a minute in jail.

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