Republican House Increased Debt $7.9 Trillion in 8 Years

Then perhaps you should keep our nose out of our business and worry about your own darn country. You do not know shit about this one

I know enough. Even better, I know what awaits you if socialism takes hold.

100 years from now when some nerd scrubs the internet and they see my posts, they will say "this shockcanadian warned us a century ago"
^ totally ignorant Canadian thinks 1 out of 435 reps in the House of Representatives is enough to pass a massive heathcare bill

Obviously not, but she is gaining alot of traction and airtime. There are many on their side who want Open Borders, Universal Healthcare and want to tax your cars and destroy your jobs. In fact, one proposal, again put forward by Cortez, is said to phase out all gas cars in a certain number of years, and fossil fuel jobs. Said to cost 5.8M jobs.

This stuff was tried in Ontario, take a look at our fiscal situation, poor economy and failed, massive green industry boondoggles paid for by taxpayers. We have dormant windmills and all these failed Green energy companies who went belly up, all paid for by the taxpayer.

We already bailed out our "capitalist" economic system with socialism And we well again, watch.

The next crash will be a monetary reset to a global blockchain currency.
It will be the usual extraction, concentration and redistribution of societal wealth to the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class, same as it ever was.

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